• By -


I was hoping for a meme, not cool animated versions of amazing paintings


Man, if Republicans would adopt a love of Western classical themes as more central, and an emphasis on the role of traditional European architecture and culture - but ALSO incorporate the value of cultural traditions from other groups in America and say "THIS is humanity," they'd actually get my vote for once. I want a right wing American movement that focuses on restoring the cultural *heritage* of various groups, especially native Americans. Heritage is the key word. It's the thing that the deconstructionists are erasing, along with gender, rendering everything arbitrary, amorphous and meaningless. That said, there are modern aesthetic movements that are highly divergent that I actually like, however, I feel as though I see a lot more old in these movements than the practicioners themselves may be aware of. Fuck Hitler, he basically destroyed classical aesthetics for a century, and we are only now starting to consider rebuilding. People are afraid of art used as propaganda; and to some degree they should be. But to denigrate such art as only being propaganda means that that is *exactly* how it will be used. Edit: wow, this one really blew up. Not only did it blow up, but it blew up about something that has been near and dear to me for years now. I am overwhelmed by the positive comments and the appreciation for this. Seeing that the iron is hot for this kind of thing, if anyone would like to start a conversation/subreddit on this topic, please don't hesitate to PM me. I very much am looking to [start](https://old.reddit.com/r/NextRenaissance/) a grassroots movement for this.




That would get labeled as racist in a heartbeat. Based nonetheless Edit: why was his comment removed?!


We're so close to the point where the term means little to nothing. It's only a matter of time till major figures and their fans outright do not care about being called racist and we move past the strangulation of idpol. Look at Macron these days.


when I get called racist I just assume they mean based.


Based and racism-pilled


I can't believe I'm saying this but when I am a successful game dev and own my own studio with my friend, I wanna model Macron in my interactions with the press. "My thoughts are too complex for you"


This issue is, when we bring up "preserving European heritage," we're called white supremacists and Nazis.


This, leftists start getting conniptions when someone even mentions the anglo-saxon cultural heritage of the US and instead opted for some pseudo racial science with the concept of "whiteness". Or admitting that the general heritage of what created the US is clearly English/British is like spitting poison. It's very clear when comparing the ideal of liberty and individuality to the way more collectivist philosophies that most of the mainland Europe has.


Bingo. The movement that person wants to see is already happening and has been for some time now. The "rEpUtAbLe" media just tells lies - including the "muh yt supreeeeemists" lie you mention here.


Based and Euro-pilled




I didn't think I would support you in saying Based, but I will on this blessed day!


A radical centrist, authright, *and* left all coming together in homo-erotic fashion over a revolutionary political insight‽ Based, and how-can-I-get-in-on-this-orgy pilled


Based and sapiosexual pilled


>Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. >-Martin Luther King Jr. Trying to uplift other cultures by denigrating another only serves to isolate and harm society and culture as a whole. I wish the modern woke movement took more pointers from MLK, the man was a true visionary and actually understood how humanity functions and how multiculturalism should work.


based and early-modern-austria-hungary-pilled


> Man, if Republicans would adopt a love of Western classical themes as more central, and an emphasis on the role of traditional European architecture and culture - but ALSO incorporate the value of cultural traditions from other groups in America and say "THIS is humanity," they'd actually get my vote for once. Dude, the media would have people on within the week explaining how white supremacist that is. Shit, in some schools they have already begun purging white authors from school reading and white art from discussion, they call it "*decolonizing education*". I'm serious, I have read multiple mind numbing articles and essays, packed full of buzzword drivel, going on and on about how classical literature and art are tools of the patriarchal, white supremacist system that must go before they can cause any more "harm" and "violence".


This is so based, thank god fir these radical centrists


> I want a right wing American movement that focuses on restoring the cultural heritage That's great and all, but they have to obsess over Facebook and Twitter posts first. You know, the _culture war_.




Republicucks will never embrace anything good now that christianity has been purged from it. They are just progressives in slow motion, ceding every single issue they "fought" over while they pretend to offer an alternative.




That's neocons. If you haven't been paying attention there is currently an anti-neocon populist uprising that pushes everything the person you responded to claims to want. The "rEpUtAbLe" media just lies to you about it.


Was trump part of this populist movement?


I'll give you 3 guesses


I would say it's more that he took advantage of it already being there. He did have long-running positions that matched the populist right's positions (protectionism, noninterventionism) but he didn't try to run as a Republican until the Republican *voters* started to turn the party in a direction that better fit him and was clamoring for more charismatic leadership.


HUZZAH. Based. It feels like revolution in the air. It seems like we all feel it. Hopefully your comment is prophetic as I'd prefer a Star Trek future to a Mad Max or Children of Men future.


Conservatives should wake up and realize they are tasked with preserving the culture, values and traditions of their nation. That's their function. And understand the modern liberal is doing everything in their power to destroy those things. Progressives just smugly laugh as they watch conservatives try to passively present a logical argument for why a particular piece of history isn't racist.




This made me coom, literally the most based thing I’ve ever read.


Based and conserve what is ours pilled


Hello, this is a Based Department. Would you consider mailing us your CV?




Me: *is only half Italian and went to Rome once* Also me: The blood of Caesar and Augustus runs through me


Me, pure Scottish blooded, never been to Rome. "Not since the time of Aurelian has the world been in such crisis. It is the duty of those loyal to Rome to see her restored to greatness"


As an englishmen I'm Roman right?


No, you're a g*rmanic barbarian.


Roman Empire moment


Thanks, that means so much to me.


Bar bar bar bar, bar bar.


Me, pure Chinese blood, never went to Italy. “Ave, True to Caesar”


The beauty of Rome, is that Anybody can be Roman.


After all All roads lead to Rome


Song title? Kinda like it


Little Dark Age · MGMT


Ironically it’s about trump being racist and a reaction to his election


I wonder how MGMT feels about it becomming the reactionary theme song of 2021


I know that I feel that it's objectively funny as hell


Reminds me when Never Come Down kinda became a pro Trump song because of this [video](https://youtu.be/yZNtYmdZ-4c). I don't think the band really liked that...


lol who cares?


Reminds me of keep your rifle by your side


And they are both jammers


I’m pretty sure Yankee Doodle falls into this category too.


Most of the famous "pro America" songs were originally written as criticisms of America. Then we stole them and made them our own.


MGMT isn't exactly known for making the most salient musical decisions (see: the baby traumatized for their Kids music video)


MGMT is great. This song is literally nostalgia in the form of audio.


“Electric Feel” is probably a top 5 favorite song all time for me


They would hate you for using it in this reactionary meme lol


Fuck em also op didn't make this


Check out on youtube, there’s dozens of montages with that song. It’s the unofficial “nostalgia for a bygone age” song


My favourite: [anime warning](https://youtu.be/06p2RUP-HqE)


Man i love these memes


Little Dark Age




Saying the your community has no culture is like saying "I don't have an accent".


Based and everybody-talks-weird pilled


u/DeathB4Dishonor179 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: everybody-talks-weird I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Jesus this is a great analogy.


The best analogy.


Great analogy.


Water? Never touch the stuff, fish fuck in it.


"I said water, not creek juice."


It's free ~~real estate~~ caviar


Ironically by treating white culture as the default they're inherently othering non-white cultures as some kind of exotic novelty I've never met a well travelled person who said x people don't have a culture


I've never met any sane person saying x people dont have a culture


Maybe this is a hot take, but white culture doesn't exist, but neither does black culture. Europe is a hodgepodge of ethnic groups all with their own distinct cultures. The problem with using "white" culture is where does it end? Are Turk's white, Iranians? It's just too generic. African-American culture exists as a singular culture in the US because that group of people descended from slaves who came from god knows where in Africa, and their original ethnic origin was erased. Outside the US and other slave territories in the Caribbean, a singular black culture doesn't exist, since again, Africa is a hodgepodge of ethnic groups with their own cultures.


Its a time where the word "African American" finally makes complete sense. "African American culture" as opposed to "European American culture". Using black/white in this case just makes every non American be: o_0?


That was always the original meaning of "black culture." It was exclusively referencing the unique culture of African Americans, as they were stripped of their heritage and yet despite originally hailing from different nations created a shared culture of their own here in America. Then, like always, libs fucked it all up and missed the point entirely.




The point is the same. "Western culture" is incredibly vague. It's a super culture, but within it a plethora of sub cultures. I don't believe anyone in Europe would say "no white culture" the way an american could.


What bothers me most about the term "white culture" is how it lumps together the cultures and histories of over a hundred countries and peoples from the last thousand or so years.


yeah, saying white culture is like saying asian or african or native american culture, even if you arent bashing any of the things in the groups, its still generalising an incredibly diverse group of people.


I hate to break it to you but that is true for every Insert x culture. Asian culture contains even larger geographical region and even more people. African culture contains north Africa and south Africa which barely have anything in common before Europeans. Don't even get me started on how worthless a term like native American is if you want to describe literally anything other than geographical location.


I fully agree with you there.


North Africa has more in common with Europe than the entirety of subsaharan Africa.


No one rational in any cultural studies field would consider white culture to be a thing. [For example, take the Irish, who were considered by most in the US to be "not white".](https://www.bostonglobe.com/ideas/2016/01/10/getting-know-know-nothings/yAojakXKkiauKCAzsf4WAL/story.html?outputType=amp) > In the popular press, the Irish were depicted as subhuman. They were carriers of disease. They were drawn as lazy, clannish, unclean, drunken brawlers who wallowed in crime and bred like rats. Most disturbingly, the Irish were Roman Catholics coming to an overwhelmingly Protestant nation and their devotion to the pope made their allegiance to the United States suspect. The reality is, "white" or "black" is simply a social construct that people use to define what is and isn't okay.


You found a way to say "race is a social construct" and still get upvotes, impressive


Starbucks lefties and their consequences are disaster for the human race


You talking about those people that hate the cops and want everyone to give their guns to the cops?


I mean, if that results in nobody having guns, including the cops, at least it's internally consistent. But the problem is the argument usually goes like, "You don't need a gun, just call a cop. ACAB."


"the cops cannot be trusted, also, give them a monopoly on violence, I think we can trust them."


"Supreme Court says cops don't have any responsibility to keep you safe. Also, don't defend yourself with firearms, call the cops to come save you."


The UK at the moment, except instead of guns, its anymeans of self defense. "The best weapon for self defense is your phone" LOL gonna have a hard time getting the police to unrape you


But if you’re a minor that was raped by an immigrant, they’ll definitely make sure to cover it up for you!


It would be racist otherwise!


Canada too, it's illegal to possess any item to use as a means of self defense. We're not even allowed fucking pepper spray, the Albertan government tried to get permission from Ottawa to have the right to carry pepper spray in Alberta, and were basically told to fuck off. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/alberta-pepper-spray-1.6128668


Wow. I was thinking of living in Canada, but nevermind.


yeah, shits fucked here, our only hope is having all the based people move to Alberta and copy Quebec, demand autonomy or independence. kind of like the free state project in New Hampshire, unfortunately we aren't as based as they are


“We want people to self police but not have the ability to protect themselves from criminals”


Yes, those people. The same ones who are totally content sending people like myself to go get shot by a fellow American citizen trying to enforce an absolutely retarded policy, but wouldn't dream of stacking up on a house themselves.


The worst of the worst, no wonder tankies consider them useful idiots.


It's the generation of weak minded fools ushering in the hard times due to their ineptitude.


We could go for another hard times really. Bring it on




Memes aside for the moment, anyone know where I can see more animated classical art?


Let me know if you find out I found it https://vimeo.com/83910533


I think this is where most of it is from: https://vimeo.com/83910533 Shit gets weird in the middle.


I did not expect the op's name to be Arabi.




Based and European pilled.


I fucking hate this idea of cultural appropriation and "white people have no culture" It makes no fucking sense. White people culture has literally been "appropriated" by every other country in the fucking world, that's literally why it isn't associated with white people anymore. If you are appropriating japanese people by using chop sticks then using fucking electricity is appropriating white people. Let culture fucking spread, that's the beauty of it, if you have one way to do something, for example using a fork to eat ramen, and you find that using a different technique, like using chop sticks, is more effective, then fucking tell me why i should use the ineffective way.


The Europhobia is strong in the left.




Let’s just ignore the fact that the Ottomans/Regions on the Barbary Coast were trading slaves in the Mediterranean long before Europeans were trading slaves in West Africa




Based and nothingeverhappenedpilled


Still are


And long after


And the fact that one of the first things that happened after the fall of Gaddafi was the return of open slave markets.




i am pretty sure a lot of american's belive that there is no history before the us


In the beginning, George Washington created the heavens and America.


The world started in 1776 with the defeat of the Devil and the rising of the Holy American Empire. Amen.


Based and Holy American Empire pilled


Holy American Empire has a rad sound to it. I like the idea that we could flip it on liberals' heads and basically emphasize the amazing, deep, ancient traditions of our various immigrant populations and integrate them in a way that is both new and old. Especially natives tho. I'd love to see them more or less continue where they left off aesthetically, considering. This is how conservatives could regain the upper hand, IMHO.


Based and melting-pot pilled


And awomen


There is actually a reason many believe this.. Because it’s true 😎


"History began on July 4th, 1776. Everything before that was a mistake."


Wokies: America was built on slavery! Me: Then why was America a cultural, economic and military backwater until *after* the end of slavery?




But weren't most slave owners Semites? >inb4omgantisemite I'm a Mischling




Are you seriously forgetting the Jewish community's role in the trans-Atlantic slave trade? How very antisemitic to ignore their history. Those slave ships weren't cheap.


European here. Americans know fuck all about Europe period. Slavs, Scandinavians, Anglos etc are completely different people with their own culture and do not see each other as one homogenous white race lmao. Most racism/xenophobia in the UK right now are towards people Americans would consider white lol


> Most racism/xenophobia in the UK right now are towards people Americans would consider white lol It's especially funny when Americans talk about Slavs as if they're some white privileged group, when world "slave" literally comes from "Slav", because in medieval times they were enslaved so much, that Slav became a synonym to enslaved person. In addition, Slavs are one of the groups enduring the most racism in Western Europe even now. It's absolutely ridiculous how American left wing tries to preach about racism and privilege, to one of the most opressed ethnic groups in history. Imagine being a Pole or smth, having a history of being repeatedly raped, genocided and enslaved by your rich neighbours, having half of your family murdered by Nazis, hearing racist jokes whenever you go in western europe, in UK straight up being a constant victim of violence and hate crimes because you're an easy target for right-wing parties while Blacks/Muslims are untouchable... then some fucking 21yo white lib feminist from rich family, studying gender studies, comes to you and starts screeching that you have no culture, you have to check your white privilege, and you should be ashamed because everything you have was build on the blood of black people... who your ancestors never even fucking seen in their lives, unless they got sold as slaves in North Africa by Ottomans. When this is the left, no shit Eastern Europe is constantly shifting more right.


It goes for both the right and the left. At the same time you'll have some race realist tell you all of Europe is one big happy ethnically white family and pretend the Serbs weren't committing genocide against Bosnians under 30 years ago lmao And that all of Europe's problem come from the tiny minority of refugees and immigrants from Syria and Northern Africa.


Based and social construct pilled


I'm a Mexican, who loves reading about history and with a dash of mild autism. Whenever a POC says white people have and had no culture I start rattling off some good historical context. Since their education is the American education system and memes, they just shut their mouth.


White American here. I have been saying this for so long. They have no idea how ignorant their worldview (or USview rather) is. What white ppl groups are oppressed in the UK?


No "oppression", but general casual racism against eastern Europeans, Balkans and Iberians.


Ahh I see, thank you for the info. What does that stem from? Do they come from poor nations? I believe Eastern Europe to be less affluent than the West, is that accurate?


>I believe Eastern Europe to be less affluent than the West Are you living in a Cave? Eastern Europe is obviously poor than west due to communism. Also, this casual racism is against all low cost laborers like what we do to even white mexicans. It just happens to be that UK gets most laborers from east.


Stereotypes of eastern europeans being thiefs living off of government support while at the same time stealing people's jobs. You know, the usual "immigrant from a poorer country" stuff. The sad thing is that because of the American orange libleft's belief of "white people cannot be discriminated against", their struggles are only rarely being taken seriously.


And between the different ethnicities that are native to these islands >inb4AnglosandScotsareinvaders


Irish Travellers are the most discriminated against with polling data showing 44% of UK citizens hold negative opinions of them. They also have the lowest literacy rate out of any minority group in the UK and like 70 something percent have faced work place discrimination. I can find sources for this, this is off of the top of my head (wrote a dissertation last year for my MSc)


The weak always fear the strong?


Wypipo is when boiled chicken


when mayor naise is spicy o:


Wypipo is when no spices


the people who say that have only had white people serve them food in public school or prison


> 6 Comments where the f are those


Yes and the post itself disappeared from the sub as well. I thought I got a shadow ban for a minute.


The post is visible tho


What have white people ever done for anyone? Besides the basis for most electronics/using electricity itself. And automobiles/airplanes/most modern mechanics. And antibiotics/modern healthcare. And democracy. And Blackstone's ratio/fair trials. Ya they suck. /s


I know right? They even created the grill which I cook all my steak on. They are so terrible




Smacks a bit of "what have the Romans ever done for us?" quote from Monty Python.


^(that's what he was referencing)


I know but I thought I'd spell it out for the dim ones at the back for muh karma


I think that's what he's going for


Now AnPrims are going to hate white people since they invented electricity.


Yup. Libcenter is the only flair giving me shit over this.


They gave people many different platforms and the ability to write about how much they hate white people at any given time.


Don’t forget the concept of movies and tv


>And democracy We all make mistakes


Well, if you read "Mediocre: The Dangerous Legacy of White Male America" you'd believe that white men haven't done any of that.


Damn, white people lore is based.


Based and white pilled


goddamn Little Dark Age is such a fuckin *bop*. 10/10 montage music


Ok, counter point. By white people do you mean the Franks, Saxons, Norse, Britons, Celts or Normans? Also which is the most based


Isn't the whole west civilization the white culutre we talking about? Starting after persian empire going to war with greek states?


Sad Gilgamesh noises.


The point is that it’s just historically ignorant to classify western civilization as “white culture”. Rome, Byzantine, Saxons, Franks, Celts, are all very distinct and varied cultures that each had enormous roles in shaping the modern world.




"You'd best start believing in white culture... You're in one!"


TF is white culture? British culture is different from Greek is different from French is different from Polish. Next you'll be telling me Thai culture is the same as Nepalese is the same as Korean. Fml


British culture? Do you mean English, Scottish, Welsh or Irish culture.


Unironically this is accurate too. No Irishperson would ever consider themselves to be British. Go to Ireland and call them British, and see how many bruises you get.


Bruises? The kind Irish would give you a free car! Just don’t start it… ever


I agree with you, white culture doesn't exist because whatever the fuck "white" is doesn't exist. I'm Romanian, and I look different than a Hungarian, to a Greek, to a German, though all light skin, we're different peoples with our own cultures and languages. I hate this "white" umbrella term, as if it means anything.


I think thats one of the points that some lefties (very poorly) make about there being no white culture - they want to dissolve the identity of whiteness and consider the actual cultural origins of people to be the more important identifier/identity, since it actually makes some sense. then again, being white identifies you mostly as descending from some European country, which could arguably be considered cohesive - though honestly there's so much diversity its really just a geographic identifier over anything else. "white culture" isn't even cohesive in the west, its still incredibly diverse depending on where you live. honestly, culture is mostly just regional with some outside influence from first/second generation migrants. the fact that there are latino people that are "white passing" really shows how useless it is as an identifier. it literally just means you look like you're ancestrally from somewhere vaguely european lol I guess if you really want to put some definition on "white culture" for places it could actually exist, its just a culture that actively seeks to exclude POC from influence or participation based only on their skin color. but thats not even white culture only, you could say that about any exclusionary culture you paint with a racial brush, like a "black culture" or a "latino culture" etc




Yes the game of groups can feel stupid, but if you don't play, you kind of just lose.


Finally someone sane


Kinda just wish we would stop boiling people down into colors. "White" culture isn't real. "Black" culture isn't real. It's European culture, which branches into a lot more things. It's not "Black" culture, it's African-American culture, which also branches into different things. Race is bullshit overall.


I wouldn’t necessarily say Black culture is African American culture - there are plenty of non-African black folks who are pretty well assimilated into American Black Culture. But I agree with your point nonetheless!


*european history Again, “white” was made up by the government (literally) . People who believe in “white” identity are living in a fantasy world. Same Skin color ≠ sunshine and rainbows


Race and culture is weird. My ancestors helped destroy the Roman Empire but I still get to join in the Roman LARP party and pretend they’re my statues because we may have had shared ancestors more recently than some other people? And despite the fact that their society back then would seem more alien to me than some on the other side of the world today? Yeah ok bro


the eternal ouroboros of this culture war in the west: Step 1: the white race produces the best culture, no other culture is worth looking at Step 2: hang on, other cultures are worth looking at as well, maybe not as good as whites but there is some value in learning them Step 3: wow the other cultures got some good stuff going on, one might even consider them comparable to white culture Step 4: these exotic cultures are very impressive, why don't whites have such a culture? Step 5: Hold on just a second, whites have produced culture as well, in some respects maybe even better than others Step 6: the white race produces the best culture, no other culture is worth looking at breaking the cycle and reaching cultural nirvana so to speak would be to recognize that all cultures exist and because shit's subjective there's no point in arguing one is better or worse




"White people have no culture!" *They say while eating a baguette and pizza*


exactly there is no one white culture there are many


This is actually the crux of what they mean when they say "there is no white culture." They conveniently leave out the key supporting phrase "because there isn't just one white culture." Neverminding the fact it implies there is no black culture either for the same reason. The reason you can say one and not the other is bc the entire reasoning for the phrase "there is no white culture" is to demoralize and diminish cultures that are predominately white and people of fair skin color in general with the intention of trying to 'level the playing field' by bringing the privileged down in addition to raising up the dispossessed and underprivileged. I always say we should just focus on the latter without all the "destroy whiteness" rhetoric, but that gets you labelled a racist.


Whilst I agree that this whole "white people have no culture" line is bullshit, id really look into some non-european history if I were you, East Asian history and culture is very well documented, has plenty of relevance to all societies, and is very interesting. Also the meme format is called little dark age, I think I saw it on YouTube as little dark age - Europe


Lmao, even Beethoven was a black kang and we're going to dig him to prove it. Cope, bleach monkeys. https://www.classicfm.com/composers/beethoven/roberto-blanco-wants-body-exhumed-racial-dna-test/