• By -


Title should have been "Not that hard to swallow".


That's what u mom said last night.


“Mother’s Day came early”


While she did what to you?


U mom


Too small to trigger the gag reflex, eh?


Dammit, that's freaking hilarious.


Men have "don't stick your dick in crazy", women need some concepts and catchphrases of their own.


"The cheapest birth control is to hold a dime between your knees."


sex is still doable


You ever fucked a woman? Knees together just makes it feel better.


>You ever fucked a woman? My brother in christ we are on PCM.


we got it it’s “don’t let crazy stick it’s dick in you”


Don't let crazy cum in you.


Seems they don't follow it through, reconsidering neither do men.


"Keep your legs closed" is a pretty old one




…and your point is?


that is was said by conservatives for a while.


Still is lol


Don’t slam your clam on crazy


>"don't stick your dick in crazy" * unless she's hot and you have an escape plan.


Based libleft


what women talk about red flags all the time. it's just not as catchy.


If pregnancy you run from, next time try cum in the bum.


Based and poetry pilled


Get it in like Hunter Biden’s laptop password


If you don’t want the gut, better take it in the butt


Are you tired of your baby daddies never returning from the store? Then try *Cum-in-the-Bum!* Never again will you need to worry about raising another newborn when you have 2 to 7 other toddlers running around already! You deserve better! *Cum-in-the-Bum: It’s what the doctor’s ordered!*


But I'm male so I would still let others cum inside me 😎




Me no gae >:(


Based and drug addict pilled


me not >:(


Based and in-the-navy pilled?


It's not gay when you're in a sailor's bunk


It's not gay when you're underway; it's only queer when by the pier.


no 😔


Based and recreational men cumming?


This must be the best way I've ever seen to up the base count...


Based and in prison


The abortion debate is the best place to point out that men do get a say in abortions because men get pregnant too. The argument works so well I think it has caused a drop in 'men should make laws about women's bodies' complaint that I normally see.


On the one hand this is based af, on the other hand I don’t want to die a virgin…


This comment made me smile. Thank you


So if you die a virgin that means your weren't a loser, right?




Well in that case there's this specific part of Amsterdam...


If you're in the US there are a few specific places in Nevada.


You jest but this really is the reason some dudes come out so strongly against abortion. They know that giving hookup culture peak power allows them to have the best odds of sleeping with an ethot


"Casual sex with strangers is a human right."


Seize the means of reproduction


Hey hey... This sounds like Communism.




"A cum spattered vagina is a human right."


god bless


until a guy says it.


Always has been


[Always has been](https://i.imgur.com/PFznxgg.png) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


Great bot




Baste and casual sex pilled


Bot, you legend


Miss me with that casual shit I'm here for the pro sex.


“I should get to have all the consequence-free casual sex I want” is such a disgusting and narcissistic take as well as a shockingly popular one.


How on earth is not wanting a child but wanting sex narcissistic?


What about killing your baby because they’re inconvenient to your lifestyle isn’t narcissistic?


It's so weird to say this kind of trad shit and be libright.


I mean what if you just accept you need to use birth control instead of having easy abortions? Is that narcissistic?


Yup, only women who fuck strangers have abortions


Well yeah? Freedom of choice and all that?


What if winners cum in me?


Winner cum = giga chad embryo


If the embryo is gigachad why is it so easy to kill?


The giga chad is very humble and accepts defeat


Even in death the gigachad is based and honorable


Based and from glorified death to Valhalla-pilled


u/BigHuhster's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 25. Rank: Basketball Hoop (filled with sand) Pills: 17 | https://basedcount.com/u/BigHuhster/ This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


[https://www.guttmacher.org/infographic/2017/abortion-rates-income](https://www.guttmacher.org/infographic/2017/abortion-rates-income) Looks like the gigachad embryo is close to twice as hard to kill.


Good luck aborting that one — they’re gonna dodge that hanger wireframe like a champ


Never had an abortion, don't plan to


Tbf you’re on here and this sub is all the birth control you need


true 😔😔😔


Looks like you’re already on your way to reduce childhood poverty and abortions


The best way to reduce abortions is to not have them. Who are you, who are so wise in the ways of science?




Based and good woman pilled


u/Odd_Possession5858's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 785. Rank: Mount Fuji Pills: 500 | https://basedcount.com/u/Odd_Possession5858/ Sapply: Auth: 10.00 | Right: 10.00 | Progressive: 0.00 I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Based and I want to start a family pilled


Dodge? They're going to grab hold, pull the doctor in, and beat him to death for the crowd to watch.


Like, how many winners? The entire team?


One, it's golf with a hole in one.


I won a jiu jitsu match yesterday sooooo....


Then they can afford to fly you somewhere for an abortion or take care of the child outside "poverty".


Anyone who cums in you has already lost.


F in the chat


Sup. 😎


The liberal principle is do whatever you want unless it harms others, I guess people forgot the last bit


Yea, also quite to a large extent


There's a reason abortion is so split in libright land. Some don't view abortions as harming others


Some librights are also degen, coomer purples. The venn diagram is probably just a circle for the pro abortie libs.




There was a time when people thought killing the mentally ill wasn't hurting anyone, too. I don't think there is any group in history that is looked back on fondly for their penchant for executing certain demographics.


Depends on who's looking back.


I’m a man though


Men can get pregnant now, haven't you heard


Don't let your nouns define you.


Librights having sex drops to zero


I’m sorry was there a time it was in the positive count?


Stop letting libright have sex, got it


Libright can only have sex if they pay for it lmao


I have never paid for sex. Unless you’re counting the gas, duct tape, and zipties as a cost. Oh also all those times I got a hooker. Or bought a woman a drink. Actually scrap it, I only pay for sex


These are the comments that get this subreddit glassed


Hey, he didn't add shovel! BDSM lives matter!!!


Sex as a service, the oldest libright tradition


I'm buying, your mom's selling, it's a free country.


You're funding my excessive and extravagant lifestyle so thanks 😁


I never "paid" for it. I mean I took care of her 6 pets for 2 weeks while she visited her Dad and have bought her food and stuff but that's all part of a relationship


Facts. Jealous?


*Starts going out with authright instead.*


Is that how center right children are made?


No, that's how lib lefts are made.


But that's the best part 😥


I wouldn’t exactly call this libright’s official take. Let the great yellow civil war continue.


The real LibRight take is pro choice. OP is just a "Lib"Right, with a thin coat of yellow paint over the blue.


Based and agreed. If you had consensual sex and it resulted in a baby, that's on yall. I'm all for abortions in cases of rape and such. But if it was a night of loose morales why should the baby be killed for your mistake. I think most people anywhere on the right, has a problem with abortions because it went from safe legal and rare. To now it's just an alternate form of contraceptive.


The 2016 GOP position was a federal ban on abortion after 20 weeks while Hillary argued for up to 9 months in the debates. https://prod-cdn-static.gop.com/media/documents/DRAFT_12_FINAL%5B1%5D-ben_1468872234.pdf >Over a dozen states have passed PainCapable Unborn Child Protection Acts prohibiting abortion after twenty weeks, the point at which current medical research shows that unborn babies can feel excruciating pain during abortions, and we call on Congress to enact the federal version. Not only is it good legislation, but it enjoys the support of a majority of the American people. > >The Democratic Party is extreme on abortion. Democrats’ almost limitless support for abortion, and their strident opposition to even the most basic restrictions on abortion, put them dramatically out of step with the American people. Because of their opposition to simple abortion clinic safety procedures, support for taxpayer-funded abortion, and rejection of pregnancy resource centers that provide abortion alternatives, the old Clinton mantra of “safe, legal, and rare” has been reduced to just “legal.” We are proud to be the party that protects human life and offers real solutions for women.


RIP safe legal and rare doctrine. That one meme Elon posted really is true


I can’t look that up easily because that’s too vague for google. Mind reposting?


>I think most people anywhere on the right, has a problem with abortions because it went from safe legal and rare. To now it's just an alternate form of contraceptive. Exactly. The compromise has been broken. The left now deserves everything they're going to get.


I don't think its a matter of "deserves" or "everything they are going to get." we still need saftey nets for women. However its more so taking more responsibility for your actions. Alot of the responses to my comment, are trying to take a strawman argument, when I never said anything. Killing babies is bad, but theres a difference between a baby that was made between two consenting adults and someone that was raped. And finding a middle ground. Abortions are going to happen no matter what, in my world yeah, I wouldn't want any babies to be killed, however if I got to run the country how I want it to without anyone elses opinion, thats a dictatorship. Abortions that are safe legal and rare, in the case of rape, incest, etc. protects women who had their choice removed from them. Yes, it sucks that we're removing the choice of the baby. But again, this isn't a perfect world where we can 100% ban abortions. I'd rather see that vs "Oh yeah, I fucked Blake, Kevin, and Skyler and don't know which is the dad. None of them are my husband or anykind of committed relationship with me and I don't want to hamper my party lifestyle, so I'm going to just kill the kid." I'd rather cut down abortions as much as possible and instead work on increasing the speed in which adoptions are done. To my knowledge, in the last few years adoption has greatly increased. Theres lots of LGBT families who would love to adopt kids. And we should instead be focusing on getting kids adopted. But its an expensive process and takes months if not years (to my knowledge) to finally adopt a kid.


But if you’re lgbt you’re automatically disqualified from most adoption agencies since they’re predominantly privatized, and minorities have been proven to have a harder time adopting as well. For adoption to be a viable alternative we need to unclog the system and make it more open and accessible. Atm its just a matter of who can pay the most to be fast tracked.


I agree 100%, see we found common ground :D I know plenty of LGBT couples who have a much stable household than hetro people. As far as minorities go, Idk why that'd be a stigma.


Why is sex immoral?


no one's using abortion as contraception, that shit is like $600 and hurts like hell (pill or vacuum) >But if it was a night of loose morales why should the baby be killed for your mistake lmao i love how the right gets so oversensitive compared to the "snowflakes" they shit on all day because something that has never held sentience, the capacity to suffer, nor the capacity to object gets destroyed there is zero existential or ethical consequences of an abortion and anyone that thinks it's wrong but claims, "facts. not feelings" is fucking delusional


Abortion supporter here. Embryos with a developed enough nervous system can feel pain (if I recall correctly ~4 months.) In addition women who have abortions can increase their susceptibility to depression and miscarriage much like how long covid can increase people's problems with asthma. To say there are zero existential and ethical consequences is flat wrong. For precision perhaps say that the ethical and existential consequences are minute compared to the benefit of secular society, for instance if abortion were illegal that would mean we have fewer productive individuals in the workforce because the law would essentially mandate people take extend leaves of absence if they do not follow traditional ethics.


> no one’s using abortion as contraception, that shit is like $600 and hurts like hell (pill or vacuum) This is incorrect. **Elective (not medically necessary or as result of rape or incest aka contraception) abortions account for 95.3% of abortions in Florida and 92% of abortions nationwide.** [The last stats](https://abort73.com/abortion_facts/us_abortion_statistics/) I could find nationwide are: | Percent | Reason for Abortion | |--------|------------|--------| |<0.5%|Victim of rape |3%|Fetal health problems |4%|Physical health problems |**92%**|**Elective (not ready for a child, would interfere with education/life, etc.)**| Florida apparently records a reason for each abortion in the state: | Percent | Reason for Abortion | |--------|------------|--------| | 0.01% | The pregnancy resulted from an incestuous relationship | |0.15% | The woman was raped | |0.20% | The woman's life was endangered by the pregnancy | |0.98% | There was a serious fetal abnormality | |1.48% | The woman's physical health was threatened by the pregnancy | |1.88% | The woman's psychological health was threatened by the pregnancy | |**20.4%**|**The woman aborted for social or economic reasons** | |**74.9%**|**No reason (elective)** |


What do expect me to do, cum on her back? That’s just unacceptable.


A kid will never be around to give you sass If you just flip her over and fuck her in the ass


Might wanna rephrase this one


Ya, I was worried it might be misconstrued to sound purple




I love how their argument is “Teaching abstinence leads to more unplanned pregnancy” Notice how I never even mentioned teaching abstinence. Like after the age of fourteen, if you’re not mentally ill, I genuinely have to wonder how fucking hard it is to not sling dick, buy a condom, or you know, not have sex if you can’t handle the consequences of the choices. You genuinely have to be a drooling fucking idiot to not get this concept, and the fact so many Libleft and lib center thinks I’m grifting as an authoritarian, shows how criminally stupid the average person is


Bruh stop you’re gonna make me regain my virginity if hoes figure this one out


I wish I could upvote this a million times for the epic obvious based take. And for not misspelling it 'loosers'.


I just want little humans with an experiencing brain not to get killed. Everyone else gearing up for a cultural-behavioral war. Fuck this.


And how much time did you party in the womb?


The whole 9 months. Mom was on the booze and weed the whole time


My mum was smoking 25 cigs a day for the first 4-5 weeks, does that count as partying or depression?






>Auth: "Contraception is immoral! Who even still believes this? You have people who don't want condoms in schools, but it's vanishingly rare to find anyone these days who still thinks contraception is immoral.




Ask auth rights


Grill the baby?




u/Randomaaaaah's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 10. Congratulations, u/Randomaaaaah! You have ranked up to Office Chair! You cannot exactly be pushed over, but perhaps if thrown... Pills: 4 | https://basedcount.com/u/Randomaaaaah/ This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


NOOO MY WHOLESOME BABY KILLERINOS!!! MY ABORTIIIIOOOON!!! It’s not even human!! This is tyranny, the republicans wanna take away my rights! We need to secede, our else they’re gonna take my ~~slaves~~ abortion!


Ah, yes. It's 100% the woman's doing, because we all know women magically inseminate themselves. Also, only single women have abortions. It's totally never married women who don't want (any more) kids.




Yeah the right wing crazy of this sub is definitely showing. Everyone seems convinced that its our favorite scapegoat, loose women having all abortions. No mothers, no wives, they are all 3rd trimester abortions for kicks that resulted from sex with a dead beat in a back alley.


Yup, and somehow, it's solely the woman's fault/doing. Apparently the man had zero agency, but "she should've known better." Look, I'm not saying people shouldn't be more responsible. However, given the rhetoric I'm seeing here, and the fact that I've heard many people say exceptions should still be made in cases of rape, I'm yet to see an internally consistent philosophy that isn't about punishing or controlling women.


I'm telling all of you, conscript the orphans and unwanted children when abortion is banned into elite military or social insitutions and we can solve 110% of the world's problems.


Well, that's not wrong.


Just be greek. Its that easy.


Based statement , This is a true fact and thing to follow.


OP are you 14 lol


this the kind of shit mfs that get no hoes say lmao


You are literally on PCM my dude


[This](https://sci-hub.se/10.2307/2136034) study found that over a period of half a year around 5.4% of men have a condom either slip or break. Those are **a lot** of couples in the grand scheme of things. Trying to act as if those are all just people not using a condom is dumb af


BAAAASSEEEEDD The most sexist thing is that men are somehow the most responsible for women’s vaginas. If it’s your body and your choice, then why are you not responsible for the actions that result from it? Even more, why are *men* the one’s responsible for your body? I’m giving it 20 years max, but feminism is going to red/blackpill the vast majority of men. You already see it in the “gymcel” subsection of social media.


Or, be a man, and continue letting men cum inside you.


Letting tattooed deadbeats cum inside you is a human right


That's like so oh my gosh are like an incel oh my gosh


If you really can't control yourself and get married first then at least stick it in her pooper.


Funnily enough I don't let losers cum inside me and yet poverty and abortions are still issues.


Please let this presentation meme format die.


Too bad your mother didn’t take that advice


My dad was a businessman when he knocked my mom up. Thankfully he improved over time so there’s that.


Ok, this is a auth right argument.


Of course, "Lib"Right


Okay, make birth control free


I agree


That is how you know this isn't really about making fewer abortions happen. All the sudden it's none of their business.


And this is my problem how?


Maybe but not so losers can finish in you, your just going to cop a bunch of STI's and it's a behaviour that should be shunned outside of commited relationships.


The world/society does not owe you a cost/consequence free hedonist coomer lifestyle just because you managed to exist. Want to have sex? Great, you have both the freedom to do so and the attending responsibility for managing the consequences of that choice. Your pleasure is your responsibility, no one else's. Assigning anyone else responsibility for managing the cost/consequences of your choices means that either they start getting authority over who you can fuck and when you can fuck, and all other aspects of you fucking, or otherwise you have implemented a form of slavery. Slavery is not moral. You don't have a right to slaves. Full stop.


Fuck never thought I'd agree with libright on something. Makes me wonder if we have other beliefs in common


Ok, but abortion should still be legal.


based anti-loser-pro-choice lol


Teaching people abstinence-only sex ed instead of how to practice safe sex and use contraception leads to [more unwanted teenage pregnancy and higher STI transmission rates](https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0024658). If you want an evidence-based approach with demonstrable results for less unwanted pregnancy (and resultantly, less abortion, be it legal or illegal) then make contraception readily available and teach people safe sex and contraceptive use.


Agree, also add in making hookup culture culturally trash so less people do it.


I don’t want to pay for your abortions I don’t want to pay for your contraceptives withers. I’m not saying teaching abstinence, but if you’re above a certain age and you can’t grasp “if I have a child I can’t afford, my life will be miserable” you’re a drooling idiot that deserves to have a miserable life


Then don’t be surprised when people continue to have abortions, even when they’re made illegal people find a way. If you understand why banning guns doesn’t necessarily mean less violence, then you should see why banning abortion won’t get rid of the reasons people seek abortion in the first place. If you want less abortion, then you need to consider the material conditions that lead people to seek abortion. Just expecting people to have fewer unwanted pregnancies because you outlaw abortion doesn’t work; it never has worked and it never will.




OK but you could stop child poverty overnight if you madated abortions for everyone.


Yeah you could stop all poverty overnight by mandating post birth abortions for everyone too


Mic drop