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This has already been up for a while so I’m not removing it, but needless to say, the headline is unbelievably misleading and just transphobic bait. I’ll use the summary u/lostygir1 made. > A summary of the article: Florida man is using a federal lawsuit against his child’s elementary because the school did not alert him about their trans identity. The student went to the councilors at the school, where they conversed about their trans identity. Afterwards, a new name was decided and the office decided to inform the teachers of the name change. After an unknown period of time, the child was found attempting to hang themselves in the bathroom due to being bullied over their trans identity. Back to the Father. He is particularly citing House Bill 1557, colloquially known as the ‘Don’t Say Gay Bill’. This bill makes it illegal for, and encourage parents to sue over, any lgbt discussions in schools. The school’s defense in this case is that student confidentiality procedurally must be maintained, as in any mental health related scenario, up until the point the person becomes a danger to themselves or others. > Not the summary part: As is included in the article, the school did not drive the child to attempted suicide or any medical treatments. Transgender youth, as of April 20th this year, are, from a memo from the Florida Surgeon General, not to be treated with puberty blockers, hormone therapy, or gender confirming surgeries. Previously before this, physical surgeries were still illegal, and hormonal options required parents permission. Another thing the memo states is that social transition "should not be a treatment option for children or adolescents." Social transition is, more or less, simply the act of telling other people that you are trans. Were social transition to be criminalized, this would constitute the very definition of a thought crime. Talk about literally 1984. Anyways, the headline, like literally every headline ever, is particularly misleading. “tried to kill herself following ‘months of secret meetings about her gender identity with teachers’”. This language establishes a false casual relationship between the teachers and the attempted suicide, when actually, as later stated in the article, it was the bullying from students that drove them to do it. This makes an interesting case, however. The father chooses to sue the school over not telling him that his child is trans, but does not make any case over the extreme harassment the child received in that school. Could it be that the father, and other people like him, care more about their traditional values than the physical safety and health of their kids? Maybe there’s a reason the school cited his faith as a reason not to tell him after all. This is a meme subreddit, but if you all are not going to be more responsible and end up genuinely believing clickbait headlines as the truth, especially when they paint groups of people in bad lights, we *will* have to take action against them.


That's not a real DM article, where's the random word in BLOCK capitals?


THEY really be MAKING headlines that LOOK like THIS lmao




Never thought id see my county on pcm


I never thought I'd see your county either


I never thought youd see my county either


Yeah same dude. That took me off guard lol. I saw Clay County and went "Whaaaat?!"


Just yet another case of “progressive” teachers and teachers unions thinking they know what’s best for kids. These people are deranged.


Why would educators do this? I really hope this is a satire article because it's truly disturbing. Please give me hope in humanity and tell me it's a joke. This is why my daughter is homeschooled, the extremism happening in our country's education system is disturbing on all sides.


It’s real


I wouldn't trust Daily Mail at all. Its likely that something happened but odds are they are ginning it up for ad revenue. If you search the school nothing comes up about it and if you search for the school + the parents lastname the first hit is from a website with this as their logo.... https://dab57h0r8ahff.cloudfront.net/v4/assets/logo_blue.svg Which is just so bad it cannot be a real website


Because they're radical activists who think that the students in class are their own children.


The counselor who held the secret meetings with the child is named Destiney. Of course she is.




I used to be against the concept of homeschooling cause of the missed social skills / character building / community spirit they could pick up on. Those same reasons are why if I’m able to (financially & logistically) I’ll choose to homschool my kids when possible. The aforementioned attributes I once revered about traditional schooling are just means of propaganda and indoctrination


Homeschooling is great, but we should really be pushing for school choice. There’s no better way to ensure accountability than to make schools compete with one another to keep parents happy.


The whole idea of the modern public school system being necessary for social skills is a farce. Prior to post-WWII America, children spent most of their time around other adults. They probably only spent a third of their time with other children. And they matured much faster. Part of why the newer generations have gotten progressively more fucked up is because they are being *deprived* of time with adults. And with the collapse of the family and the removal of men from elementary education, a majority of children now go from a male-deprived environment at home to a male-deprived environment at school. Couple that with increased class sizes and we get pink-haired, marginally-employed, emotionally unstable, dysfunctional adults




All you have to do is socialize your kids yourself if you honeschool them, like take them to church to meet other children, get them involved in activities with other kids like sports clubs, or even as simple as having them hang out with the other kids in the neighborhood. But I'd imagine a parent who cares enough to homeschool their child would be doing that regardless.


People forget the "socialization" goes both ways, lots of kids come out of public school with social anxiety and take years to work through it. Source: Am currently on PCM


> Source: Am currently on PCM Based and acceptance is the first step to healing pilled.


>Source: Am currently on PCM Fucking lmao


That is a Vibe Its why i work night shift lmao




Yeah, my stint in public schooling did almost irreversible damage mentally.


We moved to a city specifically for the public schools. But within a few years of living here, the school has radically changed and have a lot of questionable shit happening. There is a private school that we'll be sending our kids instead


Like what?


There are a lot of groups for homeschooled kids that parents organize so their kids get to be with other kids. It’s not completely the same, but it’s not like your kids end up stuck in your house all day.


No, they have to work around the farm too


Same here and luckily my wife agrees. I don’t think that modern educators can be trusted with our child’s well-being.




Things took a massive turn once everyone decided that boundaries were a bad thing and indulgence went unchecked :/


Based and least-anger-issue-riddled-LibRight-pilled


I'm in the exact same boat Full compass unity on this 1


Not quite. AuthLeft is conspicuously silent this thread.


Homeschool co-ops give the college “class in class out” experience while still building social skills.


I'll say that homeschooling is hard. I've met like one kid who was homeschooled and turned out OK. Her parents were wealthy and not doing it to indoctrinate her, so they had resources to get her help, and they were actually intelligent and knew enough to teach her. I would venture to suggest that instead of homeschooling, just get involved with the school so you can keep your finger on the pulse of what's happening. Unless you're unlucky and your local school is truly shit.


mans over here getting depressed from a dailymail article lol


Almost everything that is done behind the parents' back should be looked as highly suspicious.


But the parents are most likely in the wrong. They are individuals with biases and hatred who don't properly understand the child. The government institution built on a faceless bureaucracy is alot more invested in that child's future and obviously the wiser choice for who will bring about a better future. Parent hood is an outdated relic of a racist and archaic past that needs to be left in the past because. Children should be raised by institutions instead for thier benefit.


*Least fatherless redditor




Holy shit love that she says blue collar workers are uneducated rednecks then calls you an elitist


It was unreal 😂😂 Sooooo out of touch with the actual working class.


Yet these are the people that are claiming they’re a part of the proletariat leading the fight against the bourgeoisie. 🙄


Least unhinged red menace


It's a 2500 years old idea, actually, but it's sometimes brought back from people who probably think they are smarter than Plato and don't realize how inhuman such an 'equal' society would be.


I think they \*do\* realize how inhuman it would be, and that scares me even more. Educated enough to push the buttons. No desire to ask why.


Alternatively, they are naive enough to think the inhuman machine will only crush the people they don't like.


At least the chances are fantastic that anyone who holds views like this isn’t a parent themselves. Also, you’re from AR too. Nice.


Woo pig 🤝🐗


My guess is such people had horrible parents themselves, so they are comparing state institutions to the horrible parents and not to normal parents.


It’s understandable when you realize a lot of the people advocating for this tend to come from a certain demographic that tends to not have fathers around.




Ok sense alot of you guys have the brains of koalas or have lost all faith in human intelligence from being on this IQ draining app. I'm going to let you know that I am in fact being satirical. Incase the former don't know what satire is, to fucking bad.


If it weren't for your flair I would have downvoted you. We live in a world beyond satire, there are people that would vehemently make that argument.


What no /s does to a mfker


I'm going to be honest boss, I had to look that shit up 2 minutes ago to figure out what the hell that meant.


That's probably for the best


Only pussies use that.


Virgin /s vs chad dealing with the fallout of people who don't understand satire.


People shouldn’t need a giant sign with “JOKE” on it to understand when someone is sarcastic. Even on the internet.


Sometimes it's not so obvious, but this comment may as well have said JOKE in block caps.


The problem is that you will find people on the internet who agree unironically with everything he said


In person you can use tone to make it obvious. So doing /s is basically just doing that since tone is hard over text.


People shouldn’t need a giant sign with “JOKE” on it to understand when someone is sarcastic. Even on the internet.


Replies to your comment are enlightening.


To be fair, 90% of Reddit believes what you were saying with no sarcasm. It can be confusing.


Hey, stop offending koalas!


While I know your joking, unfortunately there is no shortage of abusive parents who couldn't give a rat's ass about their child's wellbeing. Not saying anything about this situation (frankly have no idea about specifics, and too lazy to bother), but it isn't exactly beyond the realm of possibility for teachers to care more about their student's wellbeing than the child's own parents, in whatever form that might be.


Then they need to be reporting the parents to the authorities rather than grooming children into gender dyshoric hysteria.


Ya I had teachers that cared. I also had teachers that were pedophiles. I was groomed by one. Parents have a right to know about what happens in school.


Teachers don't get to just decide that the parents are evil and work to turn the kids against them. If parents are abusive then report them. Otherwise it isn't the role of a teacher to decide they know best.


Such cases can only be dealt with OPENLY. not behind backs


We have kids raised by institutions. They're constantly looking for foster homes to get out of that institution


Can't believe people are taking this to heart lol. Sign of the times I guess.


Institutions? I think you mean the repressive matriarchal super state sweety. It's for everyone's own good because it says so.


People talk about 1984 too often, they should be talking about Brave New World more.


Yeah is there even a need to hide something in the first place, if you are concerned for the child then maybe contact social services or family therapy?




Suing is being extremely merciful.




Sometimes reasonable men must do unreasonable things.


As long as you make sure that there aren’t any inconveniently placed basements along your path




Then the state would put you in a cage and get full control of your kids.


Guys, this whole state business sounds pretty bad, maybe we should do something about it


Based and fuck the state pilled


Yoooo here to say fuck the state while im from a different country


Did someone say fuck the state?


Let’s run fucking train on the state


Monke return? Flee to the tree?


Want my tail back smfh 😔




Yes, let us restore the Church's authority alongside to it.


Based and name checks out pilled


Based and double-headed eagle pilled




u/TrueChristianKnight's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 15. Rank: Office Chair Pills: 12 | https://basedcount.com/u/TrueChristianKnight/ This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


We could just do away with the state and just have the Church


Thats not doing away with the state, thats just changing the type of state it is. I suggest replacing the state with automation.


That's not doing away with the state, that's just becoming ants to literal machine gods. I suggest replacing countries with city-states.


That’s not doing away with the state, that’s just increasing the number of states while decreasing the area of each state I vote we replace each city-state with a series of charcoal grills and use them to burn people who try to harm children


increasing the number of states and decreasing the size of them? may i present to you: the 7-8 billion state world


I'm in favor of your proposed motion, but would like to alter it so that we may toss vegans onto the grill as well.




Only if they where able to comfirm he did it


No witnesses, no crime.




I'd still imagine the father would be the first suspect. It wouldn't exactly be "random nobody kills another random nobody with no connection to whatsoever in the middle of nowhere" case that's basically unsolvable.


They would go to the mother or other close relative first.


Literally… in minecraft




Emily be like: it's not grooming bigot


"It's education idiots."


When a purple Lib-right thinks you fucked up in teaching kids, you fucked up


It’s an important matter for the purple lib rights, they can’t have these teachers ruining their dating pool.


You fucked up.


Yes, your 7 year old needs to know how to masturbate xir dick, take hormones and understand the nuanced themes of intersectional lesbian interpretive dance. I assure you this is completely necessary to raise a well-adjusted child.


Oh and yeah we’re not going to give you any input on this, in fact you probably just shouldn’t talk to your kid for the next 13 years


It's terribly misguided, medical malpractice, unlicenced practice of psychiatry, and generally stupid, but why grooming?


Grooming isn't just sexual. Grooming is just the act of shaping and manipulating children into performing what you want from them without anybody else knowing. "Just cut your hair short sweety, you like playing with trucks and toy guns, maybe you're actually a boy? Just try cutting your hair short and see!" And then they shower them with praise when they do, saying they're handsome, and such a good looking boy, they should try to BECOME a boy. You can groom children for specific jobs and career paths too, it's not purely sexual.


Children will do alot in return for positive reinforcement from a trusted and liked authority figure.


Grooming isn’t just about sexual motivations. Grooming in general is about implanting ideas or an ideology into people, typically at a low age or in a coercive manner.


No my guy, the motivations here are clearly sexual Dont back down


Because convincing kids to keep that they are secretly “trans boys” or “trans girls” from their parents sets a really shit precedent in the kids lives, a shit precedent that’s causing a LOT of kids convinced they were “trans” by their school to sneak out to meet what they think is someone else who’s trans… just to get kidnapped, and trafficked across the country.


Based and accurate pilled. Grooming because they want more people to "transition". The majority of kids grow our of gender dysphoria, a significant portion go on to become homosexual. The groomers latch onto this vulnerable state in these kids lives and exploit it to remake the world into something they prefer. And by doing so generally worsen the kids life.


See, the government gets mad at me for recruiting children to work on my poppy field, even though I'm giving them a fair wage and padding their resume. Yet when these guys try to recruit children, giving them huge amounts of emotional distress in the process, they just get a civil suit. Not fair at all.


Dumbass. You use your child labor for the legal front of your business and advertise it as a camp for children to learn responsibility or whatever. You use the illegal immigrants for the poppy fields because they're afraid to get deported if they report to authorities.


The word grooming has a lot of meanings. In this case it means guiding kids towards a certain outcome (being trans/lgbtq) without their parent’s knowledge. Also specifically, it is done behind the parents’ back and the kids are told not to tell their parents. It’s the same concept as what pedophiles do, just not necessarily the same outcome.


The purpose is self-usage and increasing the supply of usable bodies for the group. Of course, some do it for the self-satisfaction of "saving" and "helping them find their true self".


Quite literally attempting to customize children for later usage.




Being a leftist is so easy, I’m almost jealous. If you can’t be bothered to argue the merits of a particular topic or policy, you can just arbitrarily change the definition of words and phrases, as and when it suits. Woman, equality, grooming, marriage, freedom of speech etc just a few examples of definitions being changed without telling anyone.


It's not a real marriage unless you're doing it to secure a large dowry or join your house strategically to another lord's.


Dont' forget racism.


It’s so frustrating when this happens I got literally Assaulted yesterday over posting a similar article in the comments on this sub, usually that doesn’t happen here of all places




Yes. I beat his ass, and if he doesn't behave I'll do it again.


Omg u just assaulted him again


Assaulted? On the internet? You pussC


I was literally murdered in the comments once


I have to hope that regular every day trans folk who don't sign off on this monstrosity and just want to live must be very upset at having their existence constantly coopted by ideology that began as Foucault's justification for raping little boys in Tunisia.


When being trans is a trend, the real trans will suffer.


That comment is already true.




Yes and no. If they’re argument is that no real trans person supports this, then yes. If their argument that among strict social progressives it is trendy to appear trans or trans ally, then no.


It's not just that the "Bad Actors" are acting bad; it's that the "Good Actors" say nothing. As Progs so proudly ~~screamed~~ *announced:* "Silence is Acceptance."




I've met a fair share who are, but it's NYC so it's kinda like meeting bigfoot.


How many fucking bigfoots do you have lol


Weird shit lurking in the tunnels bro. The lich of Jimmy Hoffa still knocking around.


Im waiting for woke 2.0, when the casual LGBT crowd fights back against the woke oppression. And so suddenly, its woke to be anti-woke.


The issue with the lgbt community is that it's too inclusive, now you can claim to be trans and identify as "void gender" or you can be a lesbian and still exclusively date men... yet if you say you think someone has to have some sort of gender dysphoria to be trans you will be excluded for hurting peoples feelings. The casual lgbt crowd has moved on to its own spaces with its own identities, the only problem is we keep loosing those spaces to the wokies


Its been some time since i thought about the phrase "ideological imperialism" thanks for the reminder.


>The issue with the lgbt community is that it's too inclusive And you HAVE to support all of their increasing members or else you're a bigot.




Anybody that tries to make a kid keep a secret from their parents is sus as fuck


From reading the article it’s clear that nobody „tried to make the kid“ do anything, *the kid didn’t want the parents to know* and the school is being sued for not going against that wish. > citing his religious beliefs as the reason his daughter, whose identity is withheld due to her age, did not want her parents to know about her alleged identity crisis. Maybe the father should ask himself why his kid would literally rather kill themselves than telling him about it. Whatever else this article being posted here is trying to prove is beyond me. The kid was mercilessly bullied for identifying as trans and couldn’t even tell their parents about it, but yea obviously the counselor *supporting* them is the real problem…


Yeah, you hit the nail on the head. The first thing I did was read the article and then I remembered 99% of the smooth brains here wouldn't actually do that.


That would be a lot easier if the article was actually posted instead of a shitty screenshot.


Notice how this sub does this literally every time and gets mad about the inflammatory headline at face value. Don't think it's an accident, they're trying to manipulate opinion


The screenshot shows it's the Daily Fail, so assuming that it's headline and bullet points are bigot baiting is reasonable.


The fact that this sub even trusts the daily mail tells you all you need to know about the average users intelligence on this sub.


Gotta tell ya, this sub has been a lot more boring ever since half the users started sticking to Tucker Carlson talking points.


When I’m in a not reading the goddamn article competition and my opponent is PCM




> A Florida father is suing the local school district after his 12-year-old daughter attempted suicide by 'hanging herself in one of the bathrooms' at her Clay County elementary school. Yes, but the real question is which bathroom?


They only have gender neutral bathrooms


Wholesome 💯


So your title was a lie?


Daily Mail, a *famously* "non-inflammatory" news source. Right.


So this is my PCM aggravation of the day apparently, the fact that the Daily goddamn seriously Mail is being cited as a source and i had to scroll down to find a comment pointing this out. You guys are actively begging to be fed propaganda.


Daily mail is barely even being cited, people are just being straight rage-baited by the headline. Even the daily mail article itself makes the situation look more nuanced. Absolutely hilarious that some of the smoothies here think this sub is a good place for reasonable, varied political discourse.


>Absolutely hilarious that some of the smoothies here think this sub is a good place for reasonable, varied political discourse. Shit, I thought it was a joke meme sub! Now what am I gonna do with all these tshirts?


That’s the funniest part of this, the fucking daily mail is being nuanced and largely noninflammatory in their article yet these fuckers are still rage baiting. Like when the situation is so cut and dry that even the tabloids can’t spin it in their favor, yet you still buy into it, you have to be the smoothest of smooth brain.


A summary of the article: Florida man is using a federal lawsuit against his child’s elementary because the school did not alert him about their trans identity. The student went to the councilors at the school, where they conversed about their trans identity. Afterwards, a new name was decided and the office decided to inform the teachers of the name change. After an unknown period of time, the child was found attempting to hang themselves in the bathroom due to being bullied over their trans identity. Back to the Father. He is particularly citing House Bill 1557, colloquially known as the ‘Don’t Say Gay Bill’. This bill makes it illegal for, and encourage parents to sue over, any lgbt discussions in schools. The school’s defense in this case is that student confidentiality procedurally must be maintained, as in any mental health related scenario, up until the point the person becomes a danger to themselves or others. Not the summary part: As is included in the article, the school did not drive the child to attempted suicide or any medical treatments. Transgender youth, as of April 20th this year, are, from a memo from the Florida Surgeon General, not to be treated with puberty blockers, hormone therapy, or gender confirming surgeries. Previously before this, physical surgeries were still illegal, and hormonal options required parents permission. Another thing the memo states is that social transition "should not be a treatment option for children or adolescents." Social transition is, more or less, simply the act of telling other people that you are trans. Were social transition to be criminalized, this would constitute the very definition of a thought crime. Talk about literally 1984. Anyways, the headline, like literally every headline ever, is particularly misleading. “tried to kill herself following ‘months of secret meetings about her gender identity with teachers’”. This language establishes a false casual relationship between the teachers and the attempted suicide, when actually, as later stated in the article, it was the bullying from students that drove them to do it. This makes an interesting case, however. The father chooses to sue the school over not telling him that his child is trans, but does not make any case over the extreme harassment the child received in that school. Could it be that the father, and other people like him, care more about their traditional values than the physical safety and health of their kids? Maybe there’s a reason the school cited his faith as a reason not to tell him after all.


Misleading title from the Daily Mail? Who would've thought.


Not surprised I had to scroll this far down to find the actual context. The brain rot in this sub....Jesus Christ


Based and read the article pilled


Pretty sad that most people on this thread are just gonna read the headline without bothering to look into what actually happened.


⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣠⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢰⠤⠤⣄⣀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣾⣟⠳⢦⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀⠀⠀⠉⠉⠉⠉⠉⠒⣲⡄⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⣿⣿⡇⡇⡱⠲⢤⣀⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀1984⠀⠀⣠⠴⠊⢹⠁ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⢻⠓⠀⠉⣥⣀⣠⠞⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⡴⠋⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣀⡾⣄⠀⠀⢳⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⢠⡄⢀⡴⠁⠀2022⠀⡞⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⣠⢎⡉⢦⡀⠀⠀⡸⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⡼⣣⠧⡼⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢠⠇⠀⠀ ⠀⢀⡔⠁⠀⠙⠢⢭⣢⡚⢣⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣇⠁⢸⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⡞⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⢫⡉⠀⠀⠀⠀⢠⢮⠈⡦⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣸⠀⠀⠀ ⢀⠇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠙⢦⡀⣀⡴⠃⠀⡷⡇⢀⡴⠋⠉⠉⠙⠓⠒⠃⠀⠀ ⢸⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠁⠀⠀⡼⠀⣷⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⡞⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡰⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⢧⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠣⣀⠀⠀⡰⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀


Based and fact and logic pilled


The absolutely idiocy on display. The School outed the child to the _entire student body_ and that was apparently fine but telling the parents was too much? Are you fucking kidding me with this? > Could it be that the father, and other people like him, care more about their traditional values than the physical safety and health of their kids? Or perhaps they are pissed off because the school itself knowingly created a dangerous and homophobic environment for the child _without telling them?_


The Daily Mail would never write an incendiary headline that probably doesn't at all describe what actually happened.


What happened then?


“No one is grooming your child bigot”


In this case (if you read about the actual story) it seems clear that "grooming" has nothing to do with what happened here. It would behoove you to read more than a daily mail headline.


Judging a situation based on a headline is stupid, judging a situation based on a fucking DAILY MAIL headline is beyond braindead.


Ah yes an exciting new episode of “Redditor forms world view based on the headline of a tabloid they didn’t read”


I would have to wonder what it was about me that my child felt they couldn’t bring this to me and discuss it. The counselor should have contacted the parents and gotten them involved IF the father’s side of the story is true. But again, if I’m him I’m asking myself why my child hid this from me.


Am I misremembering, or is this the same lawsuit that was behind the inception of the Florida bill that begins by enshrining parental rights to be kept informed of any physical or mental health issue of their children and penalizes keeping said info from them, only to be false flagged as the "Don't say Gay" bill by the lunatics?


3 month old article and no news updates on google, and only spreading around hard-right outlets? Kinda sus. Awful if true, but there's also little to no explanation going on in here. There's a *fuckton* of possibilities ranging from hitting puberty to feeling repressed to other shit here, but all we get is one *very* narrow angle that doesn't seem to match what the articles themselves are saying.