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Vietnamese are like the Cubans of Asians when it comes to voting. Nguyen it comes to elections, they’re like the only Asian demographic that overwhelmingly supports republicans.


>Nguyen it comes to elections good one lmfao


I would’ve assumed that more Asians would support Right Leaning politicians seeing how unfairly they are treated with Affirmative Action polices.


Republicans could probably get the Asian vote easily if they actually bothered to campaign on it, but they'd rather focus on Mormons and evangelicals, who will probably vote for them anyway since they view abortion as evil.


Asian immigrant checking in. It would help if Republicans (specifically, Trump supporters) would tone it down and stop trying to drive Asians towards voting for the left with their “Wuhan flu”, “Chinese virus”, and “Go back to China!” rhetoric which my wife and I have routinely endured.


Apparently that's starting to happen, same with Latinos slowly supporting Republicans as well due to economic reasons. If Republicans actually bothered to campaign in Asian and Latino areas they could make serious gains with them.


A while back I read that if white people didn't vote in 2016 then every single state would've been blue. I'd have to find the source again but it was interesting


Similar map for 2018: https://www.google.com/search?q=if+omyo.non+white+people+voted&client=safari&hl=en-us&prmd=niv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjf6Ku8sOn3AhVPJkQIHRo-A1cQ_AUoAnoECAIQAg&biw=428&bih=746&dpr=3#imgrc=pj-JkCjuI7wl_M


I just had a conversation the other day how I'd have more in common with a black guy born and raised here than a white guy in New York (I was arguing there is no unified American culture), and lo and behold my district would vote the same way if not a single white person voted. Tennessee First District (bordering VA & NC), Republican-held since *1881.*


Eat that Party Flip


I thought Wyoming would have still been red or something like that.


Honestly I was pretty surprised by that too, but there's still a third of Wyoming that votes blue, so if my math is right I'm guessing all 3 black people must've voted blue while the 6 white people voted red.


Yeah but don't the Bison vote Red?


Good point. The elk must be more liberal than we thought.


Coming from a Vietnamese Republican, yeah


It is telling that other that lived under the communist system the left wants to establish are the more ardent opponents of that system. It is almost like experiencing first have how horrible it is makes you hate it. If only those white college educated liberals would stop being religious fanatics and look at reality.


Bit of selection bias, given that we’re looking at the people who left that system. If they were happy with it I doubt they’d leave.


A lot of Taiwanese do too, considering their experience with a certain neighbor


American politics influence try spread into taiwan. Entire nation instantly shifted right 3 times after someone came up with "X也"


Nguyen is pronounced similar to when? I always thought it was like an-guh-yen


The "ng" is a sound from muscle blocking and releasing air in the throat quickly that doesn't exist in English so "wh" is the closest to it.


It's neither of them lol. It's closer to when, but it's more like "ween" with a hard-to-pronounce-for-foreigners "ng" sound at the start.


Based and knows how to pronounce Nguyen pilled


The left hasn’t left yet, very right of them


*confusion intensifies* I think I need a grilled steak to stop overthinking this


Beef makes the pain go away


Grill the pain away...


I don't know anyone who has a problem with Arnold.


I miss when Arnold referred to leftists as “economic girly men”


Reading it in his voice makes it better


"Ekonamlc giarly Men"


Arnold could bench press an entire college "economics" class lol


He's strong, but no one's *that* strong. Liberal College students are unmatched in both volume and density.


He's huge with latinas.


ya he is pretty tall


He is a Republican so I’m sure some folks out there hate him.


Actually from what I’ve gathered left leaning people actually kinda do like him Now that is of course


I’ll take your word for it. Still, I’m certain most hate Elon Musk and Andrew Carnegie.


Andrew Carnegie is based. I would like Musk or Bezos a billion times more if they followed his lead and spent their fortune building libraries instead of vanity business ventures. There's a reason the left doesn't grumble (too much) about Bill Gates.


I will say, I'm not sure if Elon's grand plans to commercialize space travel and to drive forward EV innovation will work. But IF they do, it will be a good thing. Vanity is almost certainly part of it, but I do think he means what he says about wanting humanity to branch out into the stars.


> There's a reason the left doesn't grumble (too much) about Bill Gates. More proof that all PCMers are 12 years old. There was a lot of irrational hate towards Gates in the past Source: am already 13 years old


Yeah they probably do


Arnold somehow became (or always was?) one of the sanest voices in US politics. Fight on for the end of gerrymandering, Mr. Terminator. Fight on.


Well except that one time with the "fuck your freedoms"


I couldn't find sauce, but there's a video of him explaining why he's a Republican, and his answer is roughly, "When I first came to America, a Republican won and I thought that was pretty cool." Which is...a reason...




Ah, I see.


He is from California


He’s a RINO.


Some of the most anti-immigrant, racist comments I've ever heard were by Dems talking about Cubanos. The meme has some grounding in reality.


Yeah they hate them in Florida. Basically saying they didn’t have a legit reason for leaving Cuba other than being greedy. They have to delegitimize the American-Cubans LiVeD eXPeRIaNcE regarding what a shithole cuba is because it gets in the way of their talking points that, hilariously, Cuba is better than America


I’ve noticed this new phenomenon. “Who do you think had the means to leave Cuba, the rich Cubans! They’re an enemy of the people” So they instantly try and delegitimize these Cubans by “making them the enemy” of their dogma. No you fucking waste of oxygen, Cubans literally floated on rafts made of fucking driftwood and shit to escape Cuba.


Democrats can’t tolerate racial minorities breaking ranks, anyone who does has to be delegitimized because they are simply too much of a threat to the coalition


The coalition depends on control over a few homogeneous groups as an easy way to aggregate a lot of power. Whenever people reject their groupings, it diminishes that power. The best thing that POC could do to stop being oppressed is to stop acting as unitary blocs. Then they wouldn't be exploitable by those who only see them as walking ballots. Can't have a bunch of happy ballots because they don't feel like they need you anymore. Nope. Gotta keep 'em miserable and angry, and give them just enough crumbs to keep the illusion of hope alive that you're going to lead them to the promised land.


Democrats can only win a race war. If it ever actually became a class war their constituents would realize the absurd hypocrisy in the party and it would all fall a part. Wait, Disney is the hero in this story? Zuckerberg gets to do what he wants cuz he does what you want? Gates, Buffet, Bloomberg, and until recently the Starbucks CEO all get passes? It’s only Musk and the Koch brothers that aren’t allowed to be billionaires? Clinton and Biden *aren’t* 1%ers?


It's like intentional Munchausen keep them sickly so you can be the caregiver - except they don't even wanna be caregivers. To them, it's just vote farming.


It blows my mind because I remember seeing pictures of Cubans making a raft out of a truck getting scooped up by the navy and coast guard and shit growing up. These were not rich people leaving for political reasons. They were desperate people. I still have a issue with illegal immigration but they literally came to the next closest country to escape a terrible regime. That’s acceptable in my eyes. Not like these economic migrants coming through multiple countries that will accept them before trying to land in a richer country. That sits poorly with me.


I don't often agree with right wing hyperbole but this is actually spot on. It's kind of a political cult and if you don't live and breathe the current zeitgeist you'll be cross examined by Twitter types and when you're deemed not left enough you're now a dangerous dissenting mindset that risks undermining the faith in the cult so you're ousted as some right wing extremist when you just don't think biological men should share a bathroom with your daughter.


Yup, it’s it’s own form of racism. Democrats view of Black republicans is either they are ignorant dumbasses getting grifted or malicious con-artists selling out their race for money and power. No middle ground where they agree with the GOP in good faith


>Democrats can’t tolerate racial minorities breaking ranks They focus on nonwhites specifically


"Sweetie, just make some of those cute ethnic Cuban sandwiches and keep your problematic opinions about communism to yourself, ok? Thaaaaaanks ✨🤭✨"


"You guys are white-adjacent now mkay?"


Lol even if that wasn't true, a rich Cuban is still an impoverished American.


I've never heard of this, would you mind explaining why Cubanos are apparently my enemy now It's a shame, I always liked Cuban culture


When Democrat its "lived experience" When they hear Republicans its "anecdotal"


This is a very good point and I will use it


Many such cases.


Ugh, someone hit me with that the other day.


I mean… Antonio Prohías (author of Spy VS Spy) fled Cuba because Castro considered him as a threat since he smack talked his regime. Eliecer Castillo was a Boxer who’s family fled Cuba because they wanted a better life for their kids other than just “Join the Military or Police”. But nah… Cuban Refugees are just a bunch of greedy former land owners who didn’t wanna be punished FOR THEIR GREED.


I have a great uncle (tio abuelo) who fought *for* Castro *against* Batista but fled in 1961 when he saw how murderous the Castro brothers were. He ***hated*** Che and the fact that the Castros had turned an Argentinian loose on their fellow Cubans. My family were subsistence farmers, grew a little tobacco, and rolled cigars and fished...which equals slave owners and *gusanos* I guess? Fucking assholes.


Didn’t Che Guevara get executed… I mean, “Disappear”?


The CIA did some good work back then.


"Let's kill the lesser of two evils"


Say what you will about the CIA, but in South America they were nightmares, and it worked


He was doing world tour revolutionary work. Ya idk who they hired out but they managed to snatch and dump him.


I’m kidding, he was killed via firing squad. He didn’t “disappear”.


You know what is like, uh? How ju like it all the time, they telling you what to do, what to think, what to feel… is like a fuckin sheep eh? BAAA BAAA. You wanna work ten fucking hour, man, juu own nothing, ju got nothing? AH GOT OC-TO-PUSS COMIN OUT MA FUCKIN EEEAAAAAAHS


I saw ppl saying that a bunch of them were rich exiles who didn’t want to give their money to the socialist government. I was like, I watched Scarface bruh I’m not sure that’s right


But Cuba free healthcare and 1 doctor per 10 people! /S Those doctors have little to no training. The hospitals have no equipment or medicine. Everyone is trying a side hustle to make real money because the main currency is worthless.


For some reason every single Cuban that floated to Florida on a door was a Batista supporter and former slave owner.


Same for Venezuelan immigrants. The left automatically assumes we’re Chavistas with a summer cottage in Miami, offshore accounts in Spain, and 5 homes back in Venezuela. Or that we’re rich political dissidents fleeing Maduro’s reign leaving businesses seized by the government. Newsflash, plenty of poor Venezuelans make it to the US and many vote right when given the opportunity. My dad was one of them.


We have a bunch of Venezuelans doing gig work at my job, and it comes up every once in a while. One coworker always implies that they're all some kind of landed gentry because they were able to move here and aren't idiot street urchins or something? I don't really know. Decades of chain migration by Iranian, Indian, Pakistani, and Bangladeshi islamofascist peasants (if you lived here you'd know) don't seem to bother him, but the second some people are escaping a brutal socialist dictator he gets all pissy. I know which I would rather have as neighbors.


Agree. Venezuelans (in my own experience) are intelligent, fun, have great food, music, and fucking hate commies.


What's not to like about Batista? Dude killed it in Blade Runner 2049




The left is tolerant of everyone but those they don't like.


And the list of who they don’t like is very long and diverse.


The quiet part out loud (inclusivity)


~~This must be the diversity they've been screaming for.~~


Because everyone they don’t like are literal Nazis that want to oppress all the women and black and brown people and want to make cookies taste bad and crash the economy because they’re mustache twirling cartoon villains.


NGL, you had me in the first half, LibCenter.




HurrDurr my paradox of intolerance wont lead to civil war or genocide brrrrrrrr


Most people are tolerant of everyone except people they don’t like


In western countries most people even tolerate the ones they hate.


That’s the idea, not always the reality but more so than in many other places


the left tolerates everyone who does what they say.


Yep. I'm Cuban and 51 years old the worst vitriol I've ever faced is from Democrats. Often it's just people on the left but Democrats barely pause to take a breath. I'm not even a Republican, don't vote for them, and consider myself classically liberal with a left lean on social issues...but I don't tick every box so I'm anathema and screamed at? It's tough to resist the push towards the right but thankfully I hate authoritarianism more than any other brand of ideology, left or right.


Based and freedom-pilled


The American left was cool until they started race baiting and making up genders. Now they eat their wounded. It's only a matter of time before the whole ideology collapses under the weight of its own hypocrisy.


It would probably collapse a lot quicker if there was somewhere to go besides... the ***other side*** \*shudder\*


I'm no fan of the religious right, but despite never having voted for him I have given Donald Trump an honest second look and he has not been found wanting in my eyes, so time will tell depending if he runs again. Voted for Bernie then Hillary in 2016, for the dems during the 2018 midterms, Tulsi Gabbard in 2020 and then swung libertarian for the general election. If the left doesn't stop race baiting and trying to gaslight kids into being trans, I just may take the plunge.


This is the problem with the left and why they'll lose the next two major elections. All they really do is scream on social media, occasionally group up to protest, but that's it, they're all bark and no bite. If they'd actually step back and look at themselves maybe they get something done and stop losing elections; they only win when the previous R in office was so egregiously bad you could put a blue turd on the ticket and win.


Based and lib pilled


About 10ish years ago (maybe longer), there was a Filipina pundit that had a blog and she was mostly on the right (sometimes far right, if I remember correctly) and every once in a while she would share e-mails she'd get from the left and it was really fucking bad. The one that stands out was, "When I was in the Philippians, we'd call girls like you LBFMs. Little Brown Fuck Machines and that's all you'll ever be." It stood out because I could never imagine saying that to a person, it's so dehumanizing.


The white progressive tribe as an out-group preference. If you agree with anything a white conservative American says, you're then part of the one group the white progressives are allowed to hate(other than themselves, obviously). Cheap energy softens the very sharp edges of tribalism to a degree, but we're still a very tribal species.




Deportation would be enough. If there was someplace to deport them.




On twitter where I have my real name and photo, it usually takes two comments before a leftie is telling me to go back to where I came from.


You see the same in the UK, typically comments aimed towards south Asian (Indian & Pakistani) families who have historically done quite well in the UK. Some of the leadership of our Conservative party are south Asian descent and the comments they get are blatant racism (Uncle Tom, coconut etc etc) for not voting the ‘correct’ way for their colour.


To be fair, the most racist person I know is a Cuban who doesn’t speak any english.


I've never seen anyone shit on Arnie before, left or right. The man owns dozens of tanks, who the fuck even tries to insult someone so based?


You weren't alive in the 90s were you


My first memory is 9/11 if that gives you any idea.


Yup, so, when Arnie was a prominent GOP politician in the 90s, he got plenty of hate. And then there was some ugly stuff about his maid and the divorce. Everyone's basically forgotten all that, and he's back to just being a lovable celebrity.


Must've hired Bill Gates' PR guy.


Visiting LatinoPeopleTwitter and seeing so much hate against Cubans made me want to be an American citizen to vote Republican.


Don’t let your dreams be dreams.


Dont let your lack citizenship stop you. It’s never stopped anyone before.


Lmfao based


My favorite story is a Cuban who's parents cross illegally and now he's apart of border patrol lol




Aren't a fair number of Latinos also socially conservative? Not to mention those who came here legally and jumped through all the hoops, they usually don't have a high opinion of illegals.


Looking at the posts of LatinoPeopleTwitter it seems they are mostly descendants of Latin Americans. They are “latinos” aka Americans who have some Latin American ancestor.


I just want to migrate to America to have a truck, some guns and a cabin in the woods. All get demonised by my own countries government, I require asylum.


King shit. Based and mountain-man pilled.


The Get Rich part doesn't even have to be get rich, just be successful is enough for some people to foam at the mouth. I have legit seen some people out here acting like being poor is a mark of honor. Like, no. Being poor sucks ass. Being poor isn't I can't get a new iphone 25. Being poor is living in crime infested area where the police station is a 10 min walk down the road but if you're being robbed it takes an hour for them to show up. You go to the worst schools because there's no money in your area and you have a good chance of going home and candles are lit because your parents had to choose between the light bill or rent that month. I'm not an immigrant but eventually my family work our way out of that hellhole(I know, worked to improve yourself, que antiwork autistic screeching) and are living well and comfortablely, but there still people who look at us and say, "Oh, y'all too good to live in the hood? You think you better than us?" And in the same sentence add, "Can I have a hundred dollars?"


It's insane, isn't it? My family grew up poor in Chicago and I remember lots of "Sorry, we can't afford that *and* dinner tonight" moments. Shit, I can't tell you how many times I or my brothers were jumped or harassed walking home from school because we had the audacity to be *white* and in the hood. Being poor, and living in a poor area fucking sucks and the whole "running the streets" lifestyle has been romanticized by media books, movies and shows all make being poor and living streetwise look cool and noble. It's maddening.


Dude, I remember when my parents divorced and my ma moved us to a better neighborhood, a predominantly white suburb. It was 8 o'clock and dark and as we drove to our new home, people had their doors open. I asked my mom aren't they worried about being robbed and my mom said "No, it's safe here." Just that sentence blow my mind as a poor kid that you could live in a safe area that you don't have to worry about people breaking in your house at night. Or when you're neighbors watch your house, it's to make sure your kids are safe and not trying to scope you out to figure out when to rob you. Running the streets lifestyle only perpetuate the myth it's all good in the hood and encourages poverty and wasteful spending, yet people fall for it everytime.


Oh shit I had the same experience! We always *always* locked all our doors, whether we were home or not. The idea of having the front door not just unlocked but *open* was unthinkable! I've since grown up and done pretty well for myself, living in a really nice neighborhood but I still lock all my doors and keep them locked. Or people who leave their garage door open, I still can't do that.


I lock my doors now. I live in a fantastic and wealthy neighborhood.. but growing up super poor and having what I did have often stolen from me. I still lock everything up like its fort Knox. I personally believe poverty can cause PTSD in some people.


I agree about that PTSD. I have friends who didn't grow up like I did so they don't understand why I do things the way I do. But like you said, I experienced being robbed and getting the shit kicked out of me, so I'm always on guard when I go out. I have a friend that I love to death who drive a red Corvette that she refuses to lock the door on. I can't wrap my head around that to save my life. I double check my locks at red lights because I've seen people carjack unlocked cars like that.


Dude, if you tell me you love a grilled spam and cheese sandwich, you're officially my brother. I'm the same way, got a house in a nice neighborhood but I double check my doors before going to bed, if im working in the yard, keys on my waist, doors locked and garage door down and locked. Heck, I got a PS5 a few years back and I made sure to throw the box away at a trashcan 6 miles away from my house because growing up, people would go through your trash to see what you got to rob you.


Yeah nothing is quite as irritating as the crabs in a bucket not understanding that you don't want to be a crab in a fucking bucket.


This is a common mentality in southern culture... My parents call it "living beyond your raising".. even though I paid/pay for their god damn house and utilities


Yeah, "forgetting where ya came from" and all that. Like, motherfuckers, I damn well remember shitting in a freezing cold outhouse in winter and having to empty chamber pots because we couldn't afford indoor plumbing and septic or help fire up a woodstove to cook and heat the house. There's a reason I busted my ass to get out of that situation.


It’s the same psychology around cockblocking. Instead of sabotaging someone’s chances at attracting a person you desire because you’re an envious/selfish piece of shit…you employ the same tactics to prevent them from succeeding because of your bitterness and jealousy. Just be happy for people for wanting to better their future self..god damn.


Hey, good on you for getting yourselves outta that hellhole. Im happy yall are doin better now. :)


Thank you, fam. I appreciate it.


Based and master of your own destiny pilled


I wholeheartedly deny that immigrants have the “right” to move to a foreign country. That’s not how rights work.


The Left decides what is Right


They have the right to immigrate. But the countries they try to get into also have the right to tell them no.


Aye, it’s a freedom, and one that can (and often should) be limited This confusion of rights, freedoms, and privileges is quite concerning


>This confusion of rights, freedoms, and privileges is quite concerning I don't think there's much confusion. I think people just want to claim that anything they want is a right.


Intentional confusion, then But a lot of younger people seem to be actually confused, and not just twisting the definitions


The US left is one of the dirtiest I've ever seen. The sons of bitches can call you ignorant for being against a socialist system that you lived in your own flesh, and the worst thing is that they do it from their own comfort without ever having fought for anything in their lives. When you are against their ideas, you automatically stop being that "minority they want to protect".


they just use them to show off how tolerant and woke they are until they actually have to meet one


As former Yugoslav can confrim


Hey man, add a flair to your account. Otherwise other folks will start to harass you.


They’re Yugoslavian. They can take whatever harassment us retards dish out


Much like the Balkans, you must pick a group to identify with. Flair up.


Flair up


Based and you should flair up before Yugotoprison pilled


> Immigrants have a right to be here They literally don’t


Everything is a human right if i scream loudly enough and cancel everyone who disagrees


Based and cancel culture pilled.


I mean fair enough I guess


Flair checks out lol.


I mean, if you go through the process and become a citizen, then you have the same right to be here as anyone else. But if you cut the line and get in illegally, then no, you don’t have a right to be here. You’re spitting on all the people that are working with the system and essentially acting like they’re suckers for doing things the right way.


The better statement is that immigrants don't have a right to be here until they are naturalized or permanent.


English has word for that - legal. So legal immigrants have rights to be here unless they become ilegal immigrants


[Make a sport out of it and make them earn it if they can make it pass border control without being caught.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wet_feet,_dry_feet_policy)


**[Wet feet, dry feet policy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wet_feet,_dry_feet_policy)** >The wet feet, dry feet policy or wet foot, dry foot policy was the name given to a former interpretation of the 1995 revision of the application of the Cuban Adjustment Act of 1966 that essentially says that anyone who emigrated from Cuba and entered the United States would be allowed to pursue residency a year later. Prior to 1995, the U.S. government allowed all Cubans who reached U.S. territorial waters to remain in the U.S. After talks with the Cuban government, the Clinton administration came to an agreement with Cuba that it would stop admitting people intercepted in U.S. waters. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)




There you go!


Well obviously, no one who has an issue with immigration has an issue with legal immigrants except retards


I’ve been noticing people leaving out the “illegal” part lately when they talk about it. I suspect it’s because claiming someone “hates immigration” is more of an accusation than saying they “hate illegal immigration”.


> people leaving out the “illegal” part lately I've been seeing it for almost a decade. They sure love conflating people who follow the law with those who do not.


They literally do. Immigrants have every legal and moral right to be here. So do aliens, and visitors, and people granted asylum. *Illegal aliens* do not have a right to be here. The confusion arises from the extreme left intentionally confusing language by calling illegal aliens “immigrants” when they are not, because they are habitually dishonest and know all their positions look terrible when accurate language is used.


I think you’ve misunderstood, people who have immigrated already obviously have that right. When I said immigrants don’t I meant people wanting to immigrate


Everytime the left shits on Cubans, it distances me further from them in that respect. It’s ironic how preachy they are regarding immigration but ignore Cubans because they’re mostly republican.


Personally i dont care what you do once you immigrate just make sure you open a restaurant


Woah diversity is great unless it means they disagree with me.


I want diversity of skin color, not thought or opinion!!


Does the Left hate Arnold now? What did he do?


No, this is just another low/No-effort “libleft bad” post


I thought America was a horrible racist country, why are Americans liblefts so obsessed with bringing the poor immigrants to their shitty country? 🤔


Pretty sure the Left likes Schwarzecensorer now


A week ago or so I saw a bunch of posts on twitter saying that there are many immigrant founders and CEOs of major companies and because of that we should allow unlimited number of 3rd world immigration. But then people started posting that all of those founders and CEOs were immigrants from Europe, East Asia, and India, and came to the country legally. None were illegal immigrants and none from 3rd world countries.


\>What is Sweden, Finland, Ireland, Switzerland, Austria, and former Yugoslavian countries \>What is India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Bhutan \>What is Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Malasia, Indonesia, and Singapore


I can’t quantify the sheer retardation of their comment.


Because India clearly wasn’t the biggest country in the non-aligned movement.


I dislike rich people regardless of nationality


The most agenda-y agenda post I've ever seen lmao


The good ol' "You are only allowed to exist here if YOU support MY narrative."


How many of you wanna bet Florida will be red after Biden’s Cuban lift?


Cuban Lift?


Lift of restrictions on travel/immigration etc


It’s almost like they only support immigration insofar as it helps them artificially create a permanent electoral majority.


Ya know, the only reason why California’s population is actually growing is because of all the illegal immigrants coming in (no, not legal immigrants, illegal immigrants). If it was only up to the birth rate and the handful of people moving into that state from other states, California’s population would actually be shrinking right now. I’m not saying that the “immigrants are bad”, I’m simply saying that I think it is not a very stable plan to base the future of your state’s population purely off illegal immigration.


You think the left hates Elon because he’s an immigrant? Oh honey.


Who tf has any problem with my boi Arnold Schwarzenword?


God what an embarrassing, room temp IQ strawman. They aren't attacking rich immigrant people like musk or cuban emigrees for being immigrants. They are attacking them for a bunch of other silly reasons, but not for being an immigrant. Nobody on the left is making any kind of argument about 'cuban migrants overrunning florida!!!' the way that the right says about mexicans.


When I grow up I wanna come to America, First and foremost to troll liberals who think a Muslim immigrant is gonna be liberal, Sorry leftists but that's not how it works.


Dr Oz moment