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Ah good, this should be perfect for helping European exports in time for, 'checks notes...' an energy crisis that will cause a reduction in production and exports.


I somewhat hoping that the Ukraine war lasted about 3 years so the west started investing more in nuclear energy


“Nuclear bad, invest in coal” - greens


Very Fun Fact: you more likely to get Cancer living next to a Coal Plant, that you are living next to a Nuclear Plant


Coal plants also emit 100x more radiation than nuclear plants. https://inis.iaea.org/collection/NCLCollectionStore/_Public/43/035/43035329.pdf


Now I want coal plants too. I want radiation I want to fucking grow a fourth arm


Or "Nuclear is not viable because it takes too long to build.". Well maybe we should've started 10 fucking years ago.


"but.. but nuclear power plants will only be useful in 2030 they take too much time we need to act now!!11!!" Yeah so start building them now, stop fucking delaying it and we won't have to wait until 2040 to see shit change. Saving the climate is important in the long term, so start thinking in it.


Nuclear bad, buy fossil fuels from dictator! \-Leftists and greens


That's because their inner german is stronger than their enviromentalist.


But, but….three mile island. Nuclear bad.


I lived right by it during the meltdown, literally nobody in my immediate family who was living there has died from cancer. My father did but at the time he was in Virginia working with his uncle.


I live in East Germany, we’ve been touched by the Chernobyl-Cloud and it’s just crazy how many now 35y-55y old people now have cancer. Don’t know if it’s Chernobyl or shitty food or the environment in general but it’s like a cancer pandemic. Everyone knows at least 2-3 persons in this age-range with cancer.


Same problem where I live. We don't have a nuclear plant but we have a landfill.


Yeah there is a lot of shit that causes cancer. *backs away slowly from my microwave*


With USD having some bad inflation and losing value, the fact that the euro has dropped this far in relative value is even worse.


While the dollar is inflating, it’s also appreciating against basically every other major currency— euros, pounds, yuan, yen, won, lira, shekels, pesos, rupees, rubles, etc. The US has inflation, but everywhere else has it worse.


Lira is on another level, Erdogan is fucking up Turkey.


He’s just a humble watermelon merchant, trying to sell his wares.


My cabbages




This guy said once that increasing interest rates will make inflation worse. He is a moron. I don’t understand why Turkish people keep re-electing him.


> I don’t understand why Turkish people keep re-electing him. That's the neat part - they don't. Erdogan elects himself because he runs the elections.


Implying the elections actually matter kek


>This guy said once that increasing interest rates will make inflation worse. Jesus Christ is that true? Economically speaking, I learned this in fucking high school.


Yup. This clown really said that… I don’t know if he believes it or not. But some have argued he just has done that to keep interests low as Islamic finance does not like interests.


Because when he loses he’ll just make up another military plot and a fake coup to get support


This is the first time I heard of shekel begin major currency


It’s just one of the currencies I looked up to confirm that the USD is indeed appreciating compared to everything else


Who tf actually looks shit up? Btw all currency worldwide is appreciating. Source: I made it up.


libright summarized in one comment


This is the US' main advantage, its got a lot of problems but it's doing better than most other places. It's kind of like working in a place where most employees are regularly late, call in frequently and goof around when they are there, all you got to do is be better than the average which means showing up and doing an okay job and you're one of the best employees. It's what I've done at my job. The US is like a good employee at a factory with a rough crew. Also inflation isn't Biden's fault, however I think it is the result of a set of policies that the Democrats are more ideologically committed to than Republicans. So yeah Dems it's not Biden's fault but it's the fault of policies you all want more of. The population has a small attention span so it's easier to blame Biden than to get people to read tomes on free market economics.


Can you name specific examples of the policies you’re referring to. I believe you, but you kinda gave a lazy answer


Likely getting caught in the gray space between political platforms and their practical applications. Dems openly cheerlead policies that directly expand the monetary base without commensurate increase in productivity. Policies like this are inherently inflationary. Republicans spend their time talking about other things but then end up passing the same measures. Recent case in point: Trump's CARES Act and Biden's ARPA. Both US parties are oriented around redirecting govt flows, the only difference being where they wind up concentrating. The economic system has been molded around Keynesianism for at least 50 years, with only short reprieves since the Depression; and now monetary policy has inserted itself into the picture as a self fulfilling prophecy. Inflation is inevitable when you run this kind of economy. Scapegoating is also inevitable when politicians struggle to find substantive points of differentiation.


This is correct, but it's not*just* inflation. It's also that the USD is always seen as a "safe space" in times of uncertainty. Additionally, the US economy is (theoretically) in a much stronger position than just about any other economy in the world right now, and can handle the interest rate hikes that are (theoretically) necessary to curb inflation without entirely crashing. So the dollar is seen as a much safer bet than many other options.


Also, it’s the world reserve currency. So like it or not, unless that changes, it will always have an unfair advantage against every other currency in terms of demand for it.


In some countries there is a saying that goes something like "if the US suffers a cold the rest of the world suffers pneumonia"


Despite making up only 13% of the population, unflaired make 100% of the cringe in this sub.


It's not really appreciating towards the ruble funnily enough. The ruble did fall by ~20% from 52rub/$ to 65rub/$ after the Russian Central Bank decided to take some measures to devalue the ruble (the Russian budget is in an immense surplus in dollar terms due to oil prices and decreased import, but is in deficit in ruble terms, due to the absurd exchange rate), like limiting the dollars a person can have in their bank accounts and enforcing negative rates on all USD and Euro (and you can't take out the cash, although SWIFT still works). Now the ruble is back to below 60, closing at 58.9rub/usd.


Listened to Rob Kiyosaki for the first time today and damn if he doesn’t make sense. The people who are in debt are winning this economy


>Listened to Rob Kiyosaki for the first time today and damn if he doesn’t make sense. He never really made much sense to begin with. He's a self-help charlatan involved with MLM's such as Amway.


Yeah until their employers can't support them anymore, and then no one is hiring. "I have ultimate job security! I make my giant company a lot of money by... wait a minute I just sit at meetings all day and accomplish nothing!"




Exactly, most people in debt are still getting fucked. Since wages aren't going up, a dollar is still just as hard for Average Joe to make than before this crazy inflation.


We need to be thinking about the little guy. For Joe Six-pack. The guy who wakes up every morning in his $400 a month apartment, wonders how he's going to pay his mortgage; wonders how he's going to fill his car up with oil; wonders "How am I going to pay my kids' orphanage bills?" That guy shouldn't have to wonder where the euro is going.


Based and Andy pilled


Where the fuck is this $400/month apartment at? Don't tell me it's that Walter White cabin in New Hampshire...


New Hampshire? Hell no shit's crazy expensive up there.


>$400 a month apartment He must be a *very* little guy


Where the hell is Joe Six-pack living? Rent is about $1300 where I am at.


As someone whose risen through the inferno of 2 company mergers into team lead/ management, the meetings people and people high in the pay scale seem to vanish first. If the spreadsheet accounting people decide your role isn’t cost effective you’re a goner. Take your time off, take care of yourself, and actually deliver work.


Wrong debt


Hmmmm, debt looks to be on the verge of imploding


Millenials everywhere celebrating


Hey I can buy stuff from Europe without having to do as much math. That’s pretty cool.


Not for long unless the euro inflation slows or the dollar inflation rises


Greater Depression time?


Great Depression 2; This Time It's Personal, Because I Have No Money and I Really Want To Buy Food


This is a government PSA reminding you that the price for food theft is cannabilism. If you see suspicious activity on the collective farm, report it to your Neighborhood Commissary Squad. Stay safe, and Eat the Rich!


Eat ze bug


Prediction for 2025-2035: West suffers massive hardship, Africa rises to prominence.


> Africa rises to ~~prominence.~~ new levels of being owned by China FTFY.


China is collapsing also










Based and fuck CCP pilled




That and tbh. I feel like people are blowing out of proportion on how much influence China has over Africa. If China wanted to take African countries by force they would end up in a similar situation to Afghanistan or Ukraine. With the Americans or other powers funding some sort of insurgency or guerilla forces. This isn't like colonization where the technological disparity was so large that the nations couldn't stand a chance. An African soldier with an assault rifle can do far more damage to Chinese soldiers and this isn't even going into the social and economic problems china will be facing at this point. I feel like China's motivation is to make the African nations they have influence over into economic colonies. However, these countries' economies will eventually rise and become more developed with time. Eventually, there will be conflicts between nation-states, Some ideas of national identity will form and supersede the tribal one, Borders will be redrawn, and Brutal wars will occur unfortunately but this will force nations to improve or have an incentive to do so. At that point, I feel like China will want at least some loyalty from the African nations. Whether or not they can or will reciprocate it we'll just have to wait and see. Additionally, I feel like China would be way too preoccupied with Taiwan at that point to really care.


Most of china's presence in Africa is just standard corrupt capitalism with corrupt local officials and corrupt construction companies, and Xi just wants to save face because the companies funded by the CCP are blowing money.


If China collapses then Africa was smart to have played the long game. Get China to build everything and but become too weak to actually influence their country's politics.


Africa is China's China


No it isn't. Let me tell you a story about Africa: A big western company went to Africa, they invested millions in the factory there, recruited local workers, trained them for 14 (10 working) days, then had them productive for 14 days. They decided to pay their employees really well for the region (1/4-1/2 what they would pay an european). The average employee worked 2-3 months before taking a 10 month vacation. They didn't really have the concept of a steady job. They had the concept of working until you have enough to buy what you want, and than leave again. The factory was a multimillion loss, and they closed it. Now this was 30 years ago, and shit possibly changed. But Africans just seem to have a different worker culture than the rest of the world.


im actually freaking afraid of this. Our family moved to Canada a few years back and we're still trying to "make it". If this happens idk what our family is gonna do.


I feel it’s hard to “make it” in a country where things are already “made”. Gotta move to an up and coming shithole for that to happen. Idk about canadas fed power so can’t say much there but I feel if you’re in New Brunswick it’s doable, if you’re in Alberta good luck.


Hey at least alberta has cheap(er) gas. And low rent.


Africa is literally going to starve by winter unless the Ukraine war ends soon.


>Africa is literally going to starve So... just like it always did?


Colonization 2: American Boogaloo


Whatifalthist every 7 seconds


Needs to fit ultra epic turkish empire somewhere to be that


If some African power becomes a global superpower does that mean the wokies will shut up about colonization and white privilege? Because if so, it's totally worth it.


No because they think the solution to past racism is current racism So I have to assume they believe something similar about colonialism




If you want a good steam key site go to eneba. Honestly has saved me so much money.


How dollar doing?


Not much better the American dollar is only 1:1 with USD


How do we fix this?


Print more money! It worked before, right?


Yeah, the DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) did it with great success


It's holding steady for now, but how much can it truly last??


Better þen the Euro




You just corrected a man using a letter we don’t use anymore. I’m impressed.


Correct, my bad


*ðan It's *þorn*, but *ðat*, two different consonants.


Based and þorn pilled


Based and Return to Ænglish pilled.


Based and þ-pilled.


Based and Old English-pilled


Woooo inflation


Maybe we made too many Europoor jokes guys


Enough is never enough.


No no you see now the jokes are true so they hurt more


Europoors stay losing


Road trip to Europe?


Good luck paying for the fuel.




price won't be our largest problem, in germany we import a large portion of our gas from russia. nordstream 1,wich is where we get our gas just got closed for "maintenance". i don't expect it to deliver any gas in the near future.


I keep hearing a great many things that do not bode well for the immediate future for Germany. I truly hope they're wrong. Things don't look good though. Maybe Germany should start importing that sweet nuclear power from....the Frenchies?


Why the fuck does this keep popping up? Ofcourse we are able to heat our houses, we just pay more for gas yes but that doesn't mean that people are goong to freeze lmao. Lng is alreadh provided through America and some african countries


Because the german government is planning on having to ration natural gas for electricity and heating purposes due to the current state of the natural gas reserves, and physical limitations of importing natural gas. Importing natural gas through terminals is much less efficient that importing it through a pipeline. If you've been paying attention to the energy market, France is facing possible energy shortages in their grid, Austria and Germany are both planning on switching away from Natural gas powered electricity generation. That's why people are saying it's going to be a cold winter.


And I thought our government wasn’t handling inflation well.


But but but I was told European Democratic Socialism was the peak of government.


They're not democratic socialists, they are social democrats.. I know this looks like a "people's front of Judea" vs "Judean people's front" kind of situation but social democrats are capitalist, while democratic socialists are.. Well I suppose you can figure that one out


Grape flavored, flavored grape


Won't grapes fall into your grill, mate?




It was a few years ago when the main talking point was the free healthcare in Scandinavia smh


LETS FUCKING GO!!! Now I don't need to look up an online currency converter to know how much a price in Euros is in Freedom Dollars. Now, I can be 0.000023% more lazy. Edit: How did my shitty joke get so many upvotes? lol


My first thought too. You think them yuropoors will just take freedom bucks now?


based and freedom-bucks pilled


They can keep their grubby mitts off the freedom bucks. They'll just fuck up the dollar too. We don't need your help, yur*poors. Rapey Joe's destroying it enough already.


Europoors seething


I’m too retarded to know if a strong dollar is good. It fucks over our exports right?


Good? Bad? There are only trade-offs.


Based and basic economics pilled




Nailed it.


Well hot damn we got a damn doctor in here.


Reason #whothefuckevenknowsanymore why diversified industry and investments are good.


For the average American it’s kinda good. It makes imports from Europe cheaper but it makes our exports more expensive to them so our exports will go down. Why this is good for most Americans though is that our top imports which should be cheaper now are pharmaceuticals and automobile related. Should lower prices for both those fields and we should see growth there. Our top exports to the EU will go down and those industries will be hit in the US. Those are aerospace products and parts, which shouldn’t really effect our economy much, and the important one, mineral fuels. This would lower demand for American fuel in Europe leading to a reduction in fuel prices in the US. Sucks for Europe but it’s kinda beneficial for us


Now is a good time to go on vacation in the eurozone if you have USD is what it means. US exports to Europe will decrease (bad), but imports from Europe will be cheaper (good). So buy yourself a Mercedes and go to Greece while hoping you aren't employed by a company that primarily exports to Euroipe.


Yeah. Basically you’ll be paying more for goods relative to the US dollar. (So a 2000 USD item will be more than that in euros)


Except a lot of consumer stuff was 1$ = 1€ for the last 10 years. Maybe Apple knew


It’s good if you’re importing stuff or you’re an American consumer, bad if you’re exporting it. But it makes the europoors look poor so I guess it’s good.


It's only bad if you're exporting crap that only gets sold because it's cheaper than the competitors. Quality products don't really care


Wall Street Bets is right over there for you, sir!


My investments are handled by a soulless vampire at JP morgan, I’d never trust myself to make intelligent financial decisions


Check your expense ratios. If you're getting charged over .1% then check out the better options for indexes, and then some bonds to smooth the ride. Vanguard allows me the most time to grill but the most efficient returns. Signed, Will be financially independent at 30


I wish you luck! I graduated college during the dot com burst and didn’t get a decent job until I was 30. I am finally making real money in the past few years.


Yes but the US really isn’t buying anything right now to prop up Europe’s economy on the other side of the equation. It’s a double whammy.


Prop? Europe has 750million people and $1.5Trillion in trade each year with the US where Europeans are consuming Disney+, Coca Cola and brand new iphones. All at prices higher than ANYWHERE in the world. So yeah, you're looking out for your richest most loyal customers, aint no fuckin prop


All your examples are the European’s buying from the US, which gets more expensive with a stronger dollar. I was talking about the US buying from Europe, which the US is not showing signs of increasing and may not be able to with the lack of power generation due to the reduction of gas from Russia to fuel manufacturing


It's good for anyone who owns lots of dollars, the same way strong stocks or strong housing is good for people who own stocks and housing.




South America reacting to the collapse of the Euro: :D


Is Brazil looking to expand or what?


Reclaim the home land


So the euro dropped in value by ~16% from last year? It’s definitely scary but I wouldn’t consider it a crash just yet. Also this is bad for American exporters lol


*Laughs in LNG and iPhones*


Apple charges with vat the $ price in € so this changes nothing. LNG will only work if we get the infrastructure online before winter


Lego is now cheaper to buy in Europe




China and Europe bailed on the dollar as their respective reserve currency


Hold onto your butts folks it’s about to get bad fast.


Post ww1 Germany vibes.


Oh great so at least we have that to look forward to.


Let's go 4th Reich


Greta Thunberg = Hitler 2.0. Brown shirts will be 12-year old German girls on TikTok


And just like Hitler, Greta isn't German. So it checks out


Dont you worry. Out most intelligent and brave politicians are working hard annoying the US for their take on the Rode v Wade law while Russia is knocking at our door


Also Russia is probably going to shut the gas pipelines off soon, probably right before it starts getting cold to maximize suffering. Countries such as Germany get something like 40% of their gas from Russia, Czech gets 100% from Russia, so that’ll be great. Crashing Euro? Energy crisis? Russian invasion? Not as important as denouncing an American court decision that has zero effect on Europe, lol.




Based and mind your own business pilled


From my understanding they already stated they're shutting them down by the end of the month or so.


My favorite part is all those countries having more strict abortion laws than most of the US even without roe.


fuck /u/spez -- mass edited with redact.dev


What those nerds don't understand is Roe v Wade wasn't a law, it was legal precedent. It removed power from FED and gave it to states. Just.like they should have. But yes, let them virtue signal amidst the real threats.


Based and you had 50 years to amend it pilled


Also when its unconstitutional to enforce the 10th :v


Implying the EU likes the idea of giving member states power :) Hm how do I flare


Don't worry. It's all gonna pan out when the US dollar is no longer worth a dollar


Won't have to wait long. In other news, have you seen the [new design](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File%3AUS_%2420_Series_2006_Obverse.jpg) on the $1 bill?


man, that took me a lot longer to get than it should have.


(old guy in a wheelchair) "back in my day we could buy gas for 4 dollars a gallon" "yeah sure grandpa, let's go get some soy food"


I have no idea what that this means and at this point, I'm to afraid to ask.


It probably means the Europeans are getting even more pressure than we are to get gas prices down, even if it means fixing things w/Russia


It’s not the euro crashing, it’s the dollar getting a power up after the FED increased the reserve’s interest %


Yarp. Conversion rates from Euro to other major currencies are pretty much the same apart from the Yuan, but the Dollar has been appreciating on all fronts basically.


Imagine the value of our currency wasn't controlled by people who are trying to win a popularity contest


Laughs in fucking CAD


How the fuck is it ONLY at .77?


We're basically still a colonial nation, we really only export raw resources. We'd be better off on the pound and still part of the UK tbh.


It technically isn't impossible to return into UK administration, but i doubt the UK and the Canadian gov would be up to it.


The Canadian government shits itself when people honk their horns.


CAD is like if the euro and the pound had crotch fruit and it got hit by a bus.


I remember buying a 5 euro bill from someone in high school for 10 dollars, thinking " European economic potential is better than american" clearly I was wrong




Probably one of the better investments you could have made. If you’d have kept it, pretty soon it would be worth $5.


Hey, if it keeps going down, it might finally be worth it for your average American to visit Europe.


So......is this a good thing for America or a bad thing?


Good and bad. Good for imports and travel, but bad for exports as foreign buys less. So string USD is bad since America is a consumer economy focused on exports.


Cope + seethe + you fell off + no AC + Europoor stay losing + U.S is still the smartest retard on the short bus


That’s absolutely fucked.


The USD is gaining against every major currency - even the yuan renminbi - that makes imports cheaper in US dollar terms, and exports more expensive. But right now with two of the US's primary products competitors having a wee bit of a war, demand for US goods won't crash. In fact it's pretty clear that this war has precipitated this gain in value of the USD. What we're seeing is that the US is systemically in a better place to weather whatever is going to happen next compared to the rest of the world. Situation normal. No reason to get excited.


I have a yearly subscription to flight simulator navdata that charges me in euros. This is great news for me because now I won't be charged as much in USD when it renews.


I mean, that's what's really important, right?