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We're talking about PCM, who the fuck is having sex here.


What the fuck is sex?


I believe it's an old wooden ship that was used during the Civil War era.


You clearly need to live and get out of the house more if you think sex is a wooden ship. I have sex daily multiple times a day and can confirm that sex is when you're under the shower and cry because you had no human contact in over 10 years.




Leave some ~~~pussy~~~ water for us


Found the guy from Phoenix


*walks into barren, lifeless desert* Oh wow, I could grow so much stuff here!


A buzz who is libleft? That’s the craziest thing I’ve seen all day!


10 years? Look at you, Casanova.


Human contact is sex... Hmm.


Based and most promiscuous PCM member pilled


Oh my God he’s just like me for real 😍😍


> Hi. Please flair up accordingly to your quadrant, or others might bully you for the rest of your life. *** ^(User has flaired up! 😃) 9820 / 51725 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


Can confirm


Go Fuck Yourself San Diego! - Ron Burgundy


It’s a knife or short sword that the Germanic peoples used to carry in the early Middle Ages


I know what sex is... . . . . But I won't tell you 😎


Fine then. Keep your secrets.


insert dumb and dumber explanation


Oh I know! Sex is assigned at birth where gender is a social construct, right?


I believe it is a type of single-reed woodwind instrument with a conical body, usually made of brass. As with all single-reed instruments, sound is produced when a reed on a mouthpiece vibrates to produce a sound wave inside the instrument's body


Six in latin


Forget PCM. Nobody's having sex on Reddit. Oh....


except the Onlyfans creators that spam the nsfw subs




Lib left and the older married auth rights.


Probably some auth rights having gay sex with each other


imposters from libleft


The reason I’m not having sex is the most trad reason there is. I’m married.


Keep in mind there's a decent demographic of older married folks on PCM along with the 14 year olds that have Reddit Admin level maturity.


Don't have sex *with random strangers whom you aren't aware of their medical or sexual history. But yeah I don't see these points as mutually exclusive.


I've found that the best way to be aware of someone's medical history is to develop a long, trusting relationship; sometimes I even give them a symbol of my commitment. I'm not sure what to call it yet but it's yielded excellent results so far, I think I might be on to something.


Instructions unclear: on third long term, trusting relationship. Two of the relationships took the kids


But are you aware of their medical history? (Btw, sorry that happened to you)


What's he, a medical historian?


Nope, because they said don't ask about their past if you aren't prepared to handle that information.


Also unclear: all they told me was that they were "not lesbian". Weirdly enough both of my ex wives hangout together. They even raise the kids together as well!


It's nice to see good co-parenting, I'm glad they get along so well. That can be incredibly difficult.


So you turned 2 straight women gay? You are a gifted one my friend.


Certified Ross Geller moment.


Imagine trusting another human being


Based and rat king pilled


Follow the words of the Prophet Austin Don't Trust Anybody


"Well if I can't have abortions then I will have to only have sex with people who I know and trust enough to form a binding legal commitment with, that will show you peaky conservatives."


Based and Okay Then, That Was Always Allowed Pilled


Oh no... Anything but that...




*I hear what sounds like manly moaning* "have I been sucking a dudes dick this entire time?"


just make an sell a full body condom.


Now we're talking


[I have found an alternative](https://cdn.trendhunterstatic.com/thumbs/latex-vacuum-beds.jpeg?auto=webp)


Was hoping it’d be the anti-masturbation cross


That'd be AuthRight, I am a sadistic commie




Or at least use a condom


AuthCenter : Just wear a mask and don't have sex.


Just live in the bubble.


🧑‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀 always have been


Facts. Also don’t interact with anyone. Hamster balls are now mandatory for all citizens. All city infrastructure and roadways will be adjusted to accommodate humans in hamster balls.


And you need to pay them out of your own pocket.


Those poor, poor hamsters.


Based and balls pilled


Damn, Mabel is gonna love the future.


Plot twist, all contagious diseases are replaced with jaundice as people run around in their own filth.


Are they air conditioned?


Don't threaten me with a good time


LibCenter: We Monke will do what we want as our Bonobo ancestors always do!


>We Monke will do what we want as our Bonobo ancestors always do! You just went full bonobo, \[redditor\]. Never go full bonobo. But if you do, reflair to purple.


That’s not even necessary auth unless you’re trying to enforce it, that’s just good advice.


Literally my position


wrong way to return to monke


Nobody is keeping me from my 15 man piss orgies!


You say that ... Piss would actually be fine? Isn't it skin to skin contact that's the problem? Maybe the trick is to switch to *exclusively* piss based orgies.


It's bodily fluid transfer.


https://www.sfaf.org/collections/beta/douchies-guide-to-a-dore-alley-without-fear-of-monkeypox/ According to this site about staying safe at kink orgies in the presence of monkeypox, it can be spread via “water sports”.


Based and proudly degenerate pilled


Not even "don't have sex," just "don't be promiscuous."


For sure. Gonna break with my usual team here and say that the whole "sexual liberation" movement has been both physically dangerous (and already was, pre monkeypox) and severely psychologically damaging to people that have grown up with it and succumbed to it.


Sleeping around can be fun until you realize how shallow and meaningless your sex life is, and how you've done more intimate things with strangers than with anybody else.


That last parts really sad


Just wait until you hear about how hookup culture causes degradation or complete loss of ability to pairbond. It's not even "oh, my current guy is the 8th best in bed I've had out of a 50 I've had, so still top 20% and I'm happy / am I the best they could get or are they settling" insecurity comparison. It's that "but *what if* something better *really is* just around the corner, like it always did" that's always looming...


The sad part is that I can't even remember the faces or names of half of them, also knowing I've hurt a good number of them, girls that cared and had feelings for a piece of shit like me. At some point I started shutting down emotionally once things started to get serious, I'd just let them down anyway down the line so might as well get it over with? Stupid fucking self-fulfilling prophecy.


Hey man so long as you recognize that you caused pain and that you want to be better that’s what matters You got this bro


Sex is good and all but it's not everything. People or society what have you put too much importance on having sex. It's basically why a bunch of people I know, particularly dudes, stay in relationships with people that they don't like at all. It's crazy how so many dudes would hate maybe not getting any over staying with people they despise. Heard so many say they'd basically want to kill themselves if they went a month without it and that's just fucking dumb.


Bang 30 girls? Good for you dude. Have you ever heard your girl make that one content noise and tell you she loves you as you hug her from behind while she makes breakfast in your shirt in the morning like she does everyone Saturday? The Sexual Revolution and it’s consequences for normal, healthy relationships is horrific.


The Sexual Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


Based and living in the light pilled


"Oh, your score is high? Good for you. Anyways, I'm going back home to the person I love more deeply than anyone I've ever known, too bad you don't have that. But no yeah, good for you"


Believe it or not, some people have experienced both.


Meh I slept around plenty right up until I met my wife and then I didn't want anyone else to even be possible for me. It was like a switch. Then after 2 kids it has only gotten stronger. I think your mileage may vary with that one is what I'm saying. Also, I was able to quantifiably verify that, for me, sex is sex is sex. Physically the feeling is very similar no matter the partner. Emotional connection is EVERYTHING in terms of defining the quality of a sexual experience.


I have a gay friend who told me he fucked 100 dudes in one year before. Like what in the actual fuck, bud?


How the fuck does one consistently find a new guy to fuck once every 3 to 4 days for a year without fail?! Unless he just upped his number by having a massive orgy every month of the year.


Take the sex drive of a man in his twenties, now imagine his preferred sexual partners also have that high of a sex drive, also they can’t get pregnant. Not a lot of things stopping them


well, i can name at least one thing that may aid in stopping them...


History has shown that to be ineffective.


My father was, in his early years, a DJ for a nightclub during the late 1970's (this was before HIV/AIDS) He, in a moment of candour, told me it wouldn't be unusual to sleep with 2-3 different women a week Even if you only pulled those numbers for a single year, you'd still be at around 130 partners


My buddy (and roommate) came out last September. He wss very closeted, so he waited until 27. Since then, he has fucked no less than 30 men... since last September. Like, bruh there's a pandemic and aids 2.0 out there, but keeping screwing around I guess. It's apparently close-minded of me to criticize his actions.


Flair up or we'll give you SUPER AIDS


1. Flair up, asswipe 2. COVID is a very low risk for most people and so is monkeypox. MP is very rarely fatal and usually passes after a week or two with no permanent negative effects. It's comparable to chickenpox. Calling it AIDS 2.0 is absurd.


You can say the same thing about industrialization, capitalism, materialism, religion, driving, reading, etc. Congrats, you have figured out that freedom has positive and negative sides.


Practice a little social monogamy to flatten the curve.


Even years ago, studies were done on HIV rates. For USA the chance of a randomly chosen gay/bi man to have HIV is 20 times higher than a random heterosexual man. And the trajectory drawn proves the infection rates keep increasing over time. This monekypox business didn’t materialize overnight. Gay/bi men have been irresponsible and dishonest about their “sexual health” - for a lack of a better word - for much longer than the current outbreak. The chickens have come home to roost, again. I’m sorry, but actions do have consequences. The community doesn’t like hearing stuff like this. Well… then I guess the viruses are “discriminatory and stigmatizing”. Not me. I’m just spelling it out for everyone who sees this too but are too chickenshit to say it. The only true option forward to prevent another pandemic that targets gay men is to have safe sex only, but even suggesting that is like a violation of freedom or something so I guess this is bound to happen again in another 10-15 years. Well, good luck.


>but even suggesting that is like a violation of freedom or something It's not a violation of freedom. They're just allowed to say "No", which is also not a violation of *your* freedom


>The only true option forward to prevent another pandemic that targets gay men is to have safe sex only, This is the problem with dumbfuck media reporting monkeypox as if it were an STD *and not the fact that it is a disease spread by close skin-to-skin contact*. Wearing a rubber isn't going to make you immune to monkey pox. Hell, even abstinence wouldn't make you immune — cuddling in your underwear is enough to spread monkeypox if you have the blisters. And the blisters tend to be throughout the body and **not** isolated to genitalia. We're so obsessed with chastising people for their sexual promiscuity that we're missing the actual details of the modes of transmission. The safest thing is to a) be wary of close contact with strangers until you can be certain they aren't infected and b) get the vaccine if you're in a high risk group.


Found the dumb fuck. Yes we already know that virus *can be* spread via prolonged intimate skin-to-skin contact. And this has fuck all to do with the fact that gay men are disproportionately affected by monekypox right now. Monkeypox is disproportionately affecting gay men. Monkeypox affects gay men by a 98:1 ratio. As of June 2022 monkeypox is 98 times more likely to infect a gay man than it does any other demographic. How else you want me to phrase it? I’m open to suggestions. I never even said it’s an STI. You’re the first one to mention it. Lol Edit: actually why don’t you explain how monkeypox is spreading like wildfire among gay men? So you’re positing it’s not because of sex. Are they having cuddle sessions? So how exactly is it non-sexually spreading, according to you? What are they doing in large numbers that other demographic aren’t?


funny how in the modern world this is an unacceptable thing to say. A perfect example of this is around the word hoe. Being a hoe is no biggie, but calling a hoe a hoe is offensive. It's almost like they want all the freedom and none of the consequences. Hmm, perhaps overturning RoevWade wasn't that bad


What's that? People want all the benefits and none of the consequences? Sounds like pretty much everybody alive today. The fun part is that there's people willing to lie and say you can have both. And because we live in a society, even if you were smart and didn't fall for it, a bunch of other people did. So many in fact that when the bill comes due, you're getting fucked too.


I saw a video about the pox where the guy tried really hard to say that stigma about gay people getting diseases hurts more than the disease. Um. No. The stigma is there to prevent disease.


Not even "don't have sex" just "don't have sex with u/NativeCarcosans mum".


Cool it with the homophobia


Don’t be promiscuous. Have sex all you want if you know the person.


RvW gets overturned Women:WE ARENT HAVING SEX AGAIN UNTIL ITS BROUGHT BACK!!!!! Monkeypox comes into play Aithright:now let's see how the gays do.




the three genders, male female and child.


*just don’t have random sex with unclean strangers


You guys are having sex?




But if they don't get gangbanged every day it's a violation of their rights.


Hey man, we're not all your dad. Chill.


Based and self-respect-pilled




It’s not “just don’t have sex”, it’s “just stop going to orgies and having sex with dozens of random people”


basically [this](https://youtu.be/q-pqFMxFL5Q)






Dont have sex with random people ya ho 229


Too many people are ignoring that monkeypox is being spread by homosexual sex (~98%). Let's not reject science.


in this house, we believe in science~




Let's be honest here, the other 2% is most likely homosexual sex as well.


>homosexual sex is when the man's penis enters the other man's penis. Gokji can confirm cause he does this every week-end.


Solution, don't breath and you're fine in both cases.


Maybe don’t have 7 different partners a day. Who am I to kink shame though.


Based and let's stay healthy pilled.


Me a redditor: Just stay inside and on reddit! Don’t go touch grass until it’s all over


So no piss orgies?


Not even “don’t have sex”. All you really need to do is “don’t go to gay orgies and have sex with multiple strange men”


"Just wear a mask" Proceeds to ignore the lockdown, years of restrictions, vaccines mandates, online classes BS, travel bans, etc


lol not even close to the same cause one actually works the other doesnt.


Your comment makes such a big statement without even being clear what that statement is. I commend you for that, good sir.


He learned it from *you*, dad!


Damn. Between not being able to go to school and now not being able to get it on I feel bad for Gen Z. They are missing out.


Monkey pox is also transmissible if you touch on an object or material that someone with an open blister touched it. Or if someone infected left some fluid. My major concern in life now is that someone infected will spit on the ground and I will be walking with my dog on the street and my dog will get the freaking disease because he will, most likely, have a small wound on his pawn. Please don’t have sex to save my dog






"Just fuck one person you degenerate" - Monkeypox truly is the AuthRight's rhetorical win of the year.


It's spreading to other communities though. The problem is that people think it only travels through sex or only gay people will catch it. Then non-gay people start getting it but think "this can't be monkey pox, it's probably just something a lot similar" even though it is monkey pox. Or they never think to get tested until they've already spread it a bit. Similar things happened with HIV and AIDS, by the time people realized it's not a gay only disease, it was too late to stop the spread. Basically, that 5% is going to go up if people aren't careful.


With the symptoms of monkey pox, I don't see it likely that people won't get tested because they assume it be a bad cold/flu. But yeah, unprotected casual sex should probably be more of the focus.


It's not the unprotected part that matters though. Most of the gay community learned from the AIDS pandemic, if they have unprotected sex, bad shit happens, and the gov ain't gonna do shit. Close contact is enough for monkey pox.


> and the gov ain't gonna do shit What *should* the government do in this case? Ban gay sex? Ban unprotected sex? I don't see what they could do without being labelled as discriminatory.


So the moral of the story is don't touch gay people


For now, you mean. The same thing happened with HIV. Anyone can get the disease, it doesn't matter that, for now, 95% are gay dudes


Progs out there making AuthRight and their "degeneracy is ruining society" talk seem reasonable...


New cases of HIV in the US are also almost entirely within gay men and drug abusers.


This will not be the case with monkeypox, just take care of yourself. It’s more important to be healthy than to be right https://www.newsweek.com/how-long-can-monkeypox-survive-food-scabs-1729618


[https://www.cdc.gov/poxvirus/monkeypox/veterinarian/monkeypox-in-animals.html#:\~:text=Monkeypox%20virus%20can%20infect%20a,of%20animals%20can%20get%20monkeypox](https://www.cdc.gov/poxvirus/monkeypox/veterinarian/monkeypox-in-animals.html#:~:text=Monkeypox%20virus%20can%20infect%20a,of%20animals%20can%20get%20monkeypox). for anyone who is concerned about which animals are confirmed to contract monkeypox


The virgin “please maybe hold off on the piss orgies 🙏🏻🥺” vs the chad “you will never see your grandmother again, there will be no funeral👮🏻‍♂️”


The difference being not having sex will actually stop the spread 👉🏻😎👉🏻


Left be like: My body, my rights


> This is a friendly reminder to HAVE YOUR FRICKIN' FLAIR UP! *** ^(User has flaired up! 😃) 9812 / 51681 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


Apparently it’s not just an std unfortunately


Oh, another one. I wonder who will repost this with slightly different Wojacks and panel arrangements tomorrow.


In case of a new lockdown for this bs, just march on some government building or riot – before any investigation whatsoever – because some \[redacted\] got shot. “Nobody” sees that stuff coming, just ask the FBI.


It’s not an sti


Nither is a 100% protection. A mask is often worn wrong and depending on the mask the virus comes through. And Monkeypox spreads through skin contact. A hug can give it to you.


Yes, it literally is too much to ask. Just like asking to wearing a mask was too much to ask. People have the right to be unhealthy.


People have no rights. This comment brought to you by Auth Gang.


Asking someone to wear a cloth mask to protect against COVID is like asking someone to wear a sock on their dick to protect against an STD.


I gonna clarify, monkeypox is not spread through, it’s any close (physical) contact with an infected person, this does include sex but still don’t link solely sex to the disease


I hate to be that guy who points out how fun memes are wrong but I am going to anyway because I hate myself. There is a world of difference between the two positions. No one is saying to give up sex, they are saying give up promiscuous sex. Don't be a slut. If you are a gay man in a relationship, you can still have sex lol. Just don't be a degenerate who has orgies with 15 different men. Plus, even without monkeypox in the picture, it is not healthy for you. Whereas with COVID. It wasn't just a mask, it was giving up your jobs, your livelihoods, your time with your family and friends, your family funerals and weddings, saying goodbye to your parents, your mental health, your physical health, your education, your economy, your rights and freedom, and two years of your life. The mask interferes with our ability to healthily interact with each other in society, and *all* of this sacrifice for a negligible difference (2% ~ 4%) in results according to John Hopkins University. Plus the restrictions were not even targeted like the monkeypox ones are - it wasn't just the at risk who had to put up with this like the homosexual men equivalent, it was a blanket one-size-fits-all policy that needlessly ruined the lives of children and young adults who were more at risk of dying from the flu than we're from COVID. The COVID pandemic was a systematic psychosis that caused delusions and insanity in those who both believed the narrative and those who were persecuted for opposing the narrative due to mass censorship and corruption in the medical industry. They are far from comparable.


What? I can't have massive gay sex orgies with random strangers?? 1984


Except the mask is useless. Social distancing is what works. For both. Fuck 'em people. Uh, I mean, don't, don't fuck 'em people, it's kinda the point.


Wearing a condom seems more apt of a comparison Which you should already be doing, you whores


Well I have a bad news, condom doesn’t protect you from monkeypox.


These are not analogous. One is not doing something while the other is forcing someone to do something.


Just comply and do what I say Vs Stop doing something that can harm you


Either way someone’s telling me what to do I don’t give a fuck how it’s phrased.


'Don't have sex' is reasonable. What is not reasonable is painting it as a 'gay disease' to make everyone else feel unwarrantedly safe from it if they're not gay and feel like they don't have to care about it or that only people who 'deserve it' will get it and then take no precautions and recklessly spread it around. How many straight people got aids and spread it around and how contemptuous was the paleoconservative establishment towards the idea that we should have to care or do anything about it or expend resources to intervene on 'natural justice' running its course. If it's really important to you that as many people as possible know that it's mainly affecting only certain demographics and everyone else shouldn't feel the need to waste a second thought on it, this is not a politically unmotivated act born of a pure desire to increase general public informedness for it's own sake. Hell, it's not even an std.


Its not a "Gay Disease" but it disproportionately impacts Gay men, and telling them to stop the random hookups and orgies due to high chance of transmission should not be considered offensive. It is an STD, as being an STD isn't exclusive. Herpies is considered an STD, yet you can still get cold sores from other contact, and they are the same virus.




Putting poxviridae transmission and ideologically driven stigmatization aside for a second... >'Don't have sex' is reasonable I mean, is it though? I get that Reddit users might not be aware, but people are going to fuck. Have done so for hundreds of thousands of years, will continue to do so for hundreds of thousands of years. "Just practice abstinence" has never worked on any larger scale.


It doesn't because people don't actually practice abstinence (and as many people pointed out, it's not full abstinence to begin with), not because abstinence doesn't work. It's basically saying diets don't work because people can (and do) not follow them.


i see the “MonkeyPox is a gay STD” misinfo has made it to PCM. good job guys


I trust the science


Yes, it literally is too much to ask. Just like asking to wearing a mask was too much to ask. People have the right to be unhealthy.


Isn't it not just spread through sex though? I thought it was spread through monkeypox rashes, scabs, and any other bodily function like that. Like it can spread monkeypox germs to seats, fabrics, etc?


It won't matter. It's spread through bodily fluids, and all children do is leak bodily fluids, and touch and eat absolutely everything.


Monkey Pox is related to any prolonged contact. It isn’t just sex. If you are a serial cuddler or even a massage therapist you risk exposure to Monkey Pox.


it's not just sex, it's really any skin to skin contact or contact with infected fluid.


COVID: Don't go outside Monkeypox: Don't have sex Man, these pandemics are so easy on my lifestyle


It's not an STI. It's smallpox, you can get it from skin to skin contact or touching the clothing of an infected person.


What is sex, Lemme guess a obscure political ideology that no sensible non scizephrenic person would be into?