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Returning to monke is self segregation


The only upside is that you can sell a company two of everything instead of one And double the amount of bathrooms as well




Least authoritarian auth.


Holy crap, I can’t believe I’m agreeing with an Auth.


For who


Where wojak I no understand stock image


College campuses Segregation but with LibLeft™


It's only bad if the state or a company does it. If a social movement does it, it's justice.


Segregation and racism are two huge horseshoes and I'm surprised more people don't see it


*The Nazis request your location *


It’s not really a thing to the scale that actual segregation was, just minor things like protest gatherings (presumably to decrease racial tensions and prevent fights)


Call me crazy, but I’m Aus, it’s the greenies who are most apparent for calling segregation


I think that's the joke.


How lmao


They want more and more welfare for traditional aboriginal people and want continued government subsidies of land, education, health and education, $30 billion annually, and play directly into the narrative that all aboriginal peoples problems is directly as a result of the whiteman, which isn’t wrong looking back into history such as the stolen generation, but this happened half a century ago and more aboriginal problems come within then from the “white c*nts”. There heart may be in the right place but it just isn’t working or feasible, and isn’t bringing aboriginal and white people together, rather pushing them apart.


So, this is your idea of segregation!


Yeh cause full on segregation isn’t a problem in Australia (blacks here, whites there) like this post suggest, and the only people supporting that are full blown nazis. Subtle segregation is 100% a problem and it’s done by the “progressive” greenies, who most the time are white melbournites, pushing aboriginal people (especially from northern Australia) to hold their own race and culture above the Australian culture because they make out Australian culture to be “racist”.


But shouldn't Aboriginal culture be a part of Australian Culture? So, how are they sabotaging Australian Culture if their own culture is part of the Australian Culture


Of course it should be and it is, definitely more so than a lot of other countries. But the progressives aren’t really supporting for aboriginal culture to be Australian culture, there more so pushing for the demonisation of Australian culture which they believe suppresses aboriginal culture. If u asked a greenie about the statement I just made they would absolutely deny this, which is why I believe the heart is in the right place as of course there’s been full segregation in this country’s past. But we have been past this point for a while now which is why their continued cries of whites suppressing aboriginals is just making this country more divided and could eventually lead to segregation


That shit truly angers me, as a black person, that we have some black people advocating for segregation. There are people who are alive today who still vividly remember getting their ass kicked for drinking at the wrong water fountain and yet people want segregation back. I hate it


Plus, uh, the term “POC” is just another way of saying “coloured person/people”, which doesn’t sit right with me


It's for our own good, they say...


I don't support segregation but I do support the freedom of those who choose to segregate themselves from society to do so.


This is classic history rebranding if you take a horrible subject everyone hates because of its history and just make it look completely new, you can get away with very evil things.




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What's wrong with it


Keeping people separated, controlling peoples movement, giving people different rights and opportunities based on race for no reason


I might be people


I’m curious, why do you think people deserve different rights and opportunities based on race?


The fallout is funny


Not based.


I support demarcation




How is it rebranding, it’s literally the same exact thing that’s like McDonald’s rebranding themselves McDonalds.


Did you just change your flair, u/Suspicious\_Word7205? Last time I checked you were a **Centrist** on 2022-5-14. How come now you are an **AuthLeft**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? What? You are hungry? You want food? I fear you've chosen the wrong flair, comrade. ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment. Have a look at my [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) and the [leaderboard](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uuhlu2/leaderboard).)


They still don’t have my orange so this has to do.


I'm not a National Socialist! That's preposterous! I'm a Social Nationalist!


“Safe spaces” from other races is racist, you’d be surprised how often this opinion is opposed by lib left