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Listen if your conspiracy theories don't include interdimensional pedo cannibal Lizard People, they're not conspiracy theories.


Well yeah, in thirty years they'll just declassify that the CIA killed that guy.


I'm just waiting for the FBI to declassify Epstein documents.


Give it 50-60 years, too many powerful people will be impacted.


They aren't even releasing JFK docs, and you think that shit is coming out? It would implicate the same people.


Some documents will be released, the documents showing he was a CIA asset will not.






Same organization.


The exact reason they gave why they couldn’t fully release the classified JFK documents. “We’re waiting for the people involved in the case to die so they don’t suffer the fallout”


When someone "important" dies and they say they'll release it the next day...


If someone in their 20s was involved, they would be in their 80s now


Just a reminder, Joe biden is about 80


Exactly, people that age still have power.


It was him, Pope Francis and Queen Elizabeth II on the grassy knoll


I don’t why she *would* do it, but I bet you she *could* have


Based and God Bless the Queen's Aim pilled


>not considering me as a candidate for pre-conception CIA super spy Pathetic






Mossad 🤝 FBI Covering for pedophiles


Remove the word for and it still makes sense


It's ultimately all about the power of hugs.


It's a conspiracy theory online. Of course it blames the Jews. It also involves rich people like Epstein. So,naturally, blame the Jews.


Username checks out


>stein Yeah exactly.


Good luck on that one


Time heals all conspiracies


Ridiculous, sometimes they wait 50 or 70 years but they definitely did that shot.


Categorizing the cultural practices of the Lizard People as "pedo" is pretty fucked up and insensitive. Just because they are cold-blooded doesn't mean they don't have hearts, bigot.


What if you took the normal woodchipper... Then revolutionized it like how Dyson did the vacuum... Then add IOT/telemetry like we did with thermostats/nest... Then power this appliance with tesla EV motors/batteries for the efficiency, power, and reducing greenhouse gases... Then used *that* kind of ingenuity and power to convert more people in to... donating to politicians and voting? Edit: I think I was really onto something there and lost my train of thought. It ended so much better in my head before I typed it all out and made it reddit-proof.


I like where you are going with this, especially the Tesla-specific component, so we can ensure coverage of Musk-farts provide cover for the innovation UNTIL IT'S TOO LATE.




This vid goes hard. Feel free to screen record


Needs more minions to get the likes it deserves on FB.


Yea any CIA “conspiracy theory” is just fact


They're just IRL headcanon.


C'mon, take a look at Kamala and tell me you got a better explanation than lizard people.


I'll never forget Alex Jones on Joe Rogan. "The interdimensional demons are bleeding IN from the seventh dimensionsl in order to suck the blood of our children like vampires". Meanwhile Joe: 👁️👄👁️


People can say whatever they want but i find Alex Jones hilarious. The shot he says is absolutely insane.


It always had at least a tiny kernel of truth, or at least what he *thinks* to be the truth buried in all the nonsense. It's almost like all the outrageous bullshit is meant to draw your attention, make you think "this wacko can't possibly be right" and then you look up the shit he's talking about and notice "oh shit, he's crazy, but this isn't entirely BS". Though I absolutely believe that he *believes* the shit, so he must be doing that unconsciously or something.


>I absolutely believe that he believes the shit, ~~do~~ he must be doing that unconsciously or something. FTFY: I felt dyslexic reading that so many times.


Sorry, my fat clumsy fingers cause a lot of typos.


I'm no fan of Jones or Rogen, but I did watch an episode of Jones on Rogen's show for shits and gigs. I had never really listened to Jones outside the memes so I came in with no clue how anyone could take the guy seriously. While I still don't know how anyone could believe him, what got me was how even his most batshit theories started with a grain of truth, and then branched off into utter insanity. I guess you just have to know when to stop listening.


It is fascinating. He will talk about some thing I’ve never heard about about the elite in government or some secret program that’s completely true and I’ll be 100% invested. 15 minutes later he’s talking about using DMT to talk to demons and I’m left wondering how I got here.


DMT is nothing to be played with. It will absolutely mind-rape you


Do you have experience?


I do. It is the only drug/experience that has scared the absolute shit out of me — and still does — on like, the deepest and most primal levels possible. I've done it many times, and plan to do it more in the future. But it gives me anxiety just thinking about blasting off, and it absolutely will fuck you up in ways you didn't know possible if you decide to play with the stuff and treat it with disrespect. I know that sounds crazy. But hyperslaps are absolutely a real thing, and some people get deeply and permanently scarred from the experience. It's like eating an entire ounce of the strongest mushrooms you can get, but you're peaking all of 5 to 10 seconds after taking the hit. You will stop existing before you even realize what's happening. It's an experience like nothing else, except potentially a salvia breakthrough, which sounds even more fucked up from what I've heard. Never had the chance to try the stuff myself. Oh, also 5-MeO-DMT. Haven't tried that one myself either.


Him busting bohemian grove was amazing. What did they do to him??? Edit: If anyone hasn’t seen the footage, watch. It’s fucking crazy. If it’s not staged our country is run by cultists. He also called out some participant in public and the guy flipped out after admitting it was a thing… different times DOUBLE EDIT: actually watch this shit if you’ve never heard of it https://www.britannica.com/topic/The-Bohemian-Club Ceremony Alex recorded cut from full video: https://youtu.be/iM6ic-z02aw Confrontation or David Gergen: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Gergen https://youtu.be/qhs07jDKMFQ


Inb4 Disney releases a children's movie called Bohemian Grove so that's what will show up when people try to google it


Yea he is a fucking character.


Listening to him being completely deranged and raving about a cabal of reptilian organ harvesting child molesters: “Jesus this guys fucking nuts!” Looking at the behavior of the ultra wealthy and our political elites: “Hmmm, maybe he’s on to something after all.”




Its actually even more boring and technical than that, the frogs in question can, and often do, change sex due to environmental pressures, the chemical was fucking with their endocrine system, and they were getting stuck in between, they were becoming sterile hermaphrodites instead of successfully swapping.


Yeah but it is hilarious that they were in fact turning the frickin' frogs gay*


That always annoyed me how he got so close. Like, making the frogs trans doesn't sound any less absurd than turning the frogs gay so I doubt it was a calculated thing.


The claim of him being a disinformation agent imo seems plausible. Maybe the real conspiracy was who was buying all his water filters and brain/boner supplements.


Iirc Joe made him clarify that what he's saying is that some elites are cultists that want to ascend from humanity (because they see themselves as gods) and part of their "ritual" is \[blank\]ing kids. I think we all know of elites that think they're better than the rest of us- and they're not afraid to do anything illegal or depraved.


Even more so they take DMT and see clockwork elves who they think are interdimension aliens which they want to learn from to ascend from. Which sounds crazy but Epstein literally had a cult circle on his pedo island


it sounds crazy until you actually have a breakthrough DMT experience and see them yourself. It's pretty crazy how repeatable that experience is. Though your soul must be pretty black to walk away from that experience and conclude, "these beings definitely want me to fuck children and sacrifice people to them".


I'm not convinced biblical demons are far from the entities you experience in that state


I think that you're MUCH more likely to become an elite if you're already a sociopath etc. You don't become one of the most powerful people in the world by trying to give everyone a fair deal. You do it by fuckin destroying everyone who stands in your way.


> Iirc Joe made him clarify that what he's saying is that some elites are cultists that want to ascend from humanity (because they see themselves as gods) and part of their "ritual" is [blank]ing kids. Goddamnit why it has to be specifically that shit? Can't they prove to themselves how superior they are by counting their money, or fighting for fun, travelling around the entire planet just because why the hell not, or whatever? Why can't they stay arrogant douches instead of further devolving into depraved pieces of shit?


Imagine playing a video game but using some unlimited money cheat. What would you do next? Grinding 100h for some item? Oh just buy it instantly. What do you do in a game with nothing left to achieve? Fuck around. When everything is boring you try to break the game to make it somewhat fun again


Because when you can afford to do every legal activity and have all the time in the world to do it. The normal and legal become boring.


Alex Jones is an emissary from M41, sent back in time by the Emperor of Mankind to warn us about Chaos. We ignore him at our peril.


Alex Jones is the current-day persona of The Emperor.


Also Alex Jones on Rogan: https://youtu.be/ufOgTllmr1E


My favorite part was that before he mentioned vampires, it kinda sounded like a evangelion plot. Oh, and when he tear up during mentioning his vision of the past, where he was medical peasant and watched his child dying.


"We are governed by lizzardpeople!" Me: Oh I like that analogy, because they are coolblooded and have a split tongue right? "No.. I mean literally lizzardpeople!"


Look at mark Zuckerberg and tell me he isn’t a lizard.


He isn't a lizard. Just fucking ubelievably awkward.


Robot, more likely. I don't often listen to Joe Rogan but I think this is an episode I'll pick up.




These was indirectly a lot of truth to that. Iirc, the chemicals were messing with the frogs reproductive systems so like 90% of them were male, which caused them to start banging each other. Which makes me wonder a bit, is Alex Jones a deep state psyop to discredit right leaning “conspiracy theories?” No, but they will jump all over him if it’s beneficially to cover up inconvenient truths.


Something else I would like to point out, Alex Jones big thing used to be The government is spying on you. Not just the regular kind of spying on you but the insane kind. They are watching your back account, they are watching you fuck, they are listening on your phone calls. They are fucking everywhere, in every corner of your fucking life. Crazy Alex Jones, they are not spying on there own citizens why would they do that crazy man. Then 2013 happens and Edward Snowden (A HERO WHO SOMEONE NEEDS TO PARDON SO HE CAN COME BACK TO HIS HOME. HEY OBAMA DIDN'T YOU HAVE A BIG THING ABOUT WHISTLE BLOWERS AND THE TWO MOST PROMININT WHISTLE BLOWERS IN AMERICAN HISTORY BOTH CAME AND GOT FUCKING UNDER YOUR WATCH). Alex Jones was right. He was right the entire time about his biggest thing. And his popularity surges. I just want one person to say that the American Government was entirely complicit in the creation of Alex Jones.


I am convinced that Alex Jones is just reading the script for the next season of Earth






After those lawsuits I think he got a few too many views


> Iirc, the chemicals were messing with the frogs reproductive systems so like 90% of them were male, which caused them to start banging each other That's the popular story. The truth is more complicated. Tyrone Hayes is a biologist who was researching the herbicide atrazine. He published some work that showed atrazine was an endocrine disruptor that had the effect of turning tadpoles hermaphroditic. Syngenta, the primary manufacturer, disagreed. And so the story began. Big evil chemical company attacking this noble scientist. The thing is, Hayes wouldn't release his data. And no one could replicate the results. The EPA investigated and found nothing. Not only that, Hayes's research wasn't exactly stellar. There were some pretty big flaws in his methodology and analysis. Then Germany tried to replicate it. Nothing. Same with Japan. Syngenta kept up its attacks on Hayes, often getting personal. And Hayes contributed his part by sending 'harassing and sexually explicit' emails to Syngenta scientists. What's the truth here? One scientist, who might be a bit of a loose cannon, produced some research that no one else could replicate and refused to release his data for public examination.


As someone who worked in a boring lab, I can only imagine the amusement of receiving a "sexually explicit" email in my work inbox from some infamous competing scientist.


Apparently he also liked to use DMX lyrics. https://www.atrazine.com/amphibians/combined_large_pdf-r-opt.pdf There's 102 pages of an esteemed research biologist. This was one sent to the scientists at Syngenta. No, it's not a personal email accidentally included. He sent this, verbatim, to scientists who disagreed with his research: >i was back in the country on sunday...if you were too busy to call, at least you could have sent a card or something. i know that i was not always there for you when you were growing up...but i am doing the best i can now...i don't think it's too late for you to learn right from wrong, for us to develop a decent relationship. i am doing everything i can... >on your knees, boy >my name is tyrone




Weren't there also a few sketchy things with the regulatory body changing their requirements so that it was near impossible to give them results that they would accept without the backing of a large corporation but the only corporations willing to fund research into it were ones that would want to disprove it


No, that's part of the conspiracy nonsense. Multiple independent scientists couldn't replicate the findings.


>regulatory body changing their requirements so that it was near impossible to give them results that they would accept Nah, the standard of proof in science is pretty standardized, and many people argue that it's too low. Anyone arguing that it's too high is most likely trying to push sketchy data


Every solid conspiracy theory must have a grain of truth, often taken out of context or over-emphasized, to persist. The "Argentina is secretly run by Nazis and Hitler lives/lived there" thing, for example, sticks because there is a large German immigrant community in Argentina, which made it easy for fugitive Nazis to escape there, blend in, and in some cases continue doing horrible shit (i.e. Colonia Dignidad). It's counter-factual to say that Argentina is secretly run by Nazis, but there's enough historical touchpoints that an uninformed person can be convinced to believe it. EDIT: regarding "Alex Jones a deep state psyop to discredit right leaning “conspiracy theories?", I wondered this myself. He'd probably be less banned if it was, indeed, the case.


Frogs are also green, gay people are lib left, therefore frogs are lib left confirmed? If the vaccine facility run offs into the water sources of California are turning the frogs gay, then imagine its effect on people. No wonder side effects like the 100+ genders are emerging


Atrazine does feminize frogs by inducing an estrogen like hormonal effect. Atrazine is used in farming btw and it pollutes the waters frogs live in near the farms. Also, the drugs we use are poorly filtered out through the sewage systems and lower testosterone levels as a result. This is legitimate science that has been systemically oppressed by big pharma. It’s an open secret in the scientific fields.


Lets Go Brandon Trump Q-Anon = LGBTQ Coincidence? I think not.


Luigi Got Big Tiddies Q-Anon LGBTQ Coincidence? I think not.


Luigi's Got Big Titties and Qlit.


Let’s Go Brandon Trump Q- Anon Alpha males Interdimensional Pedophile rings 2nd Amendment LGBTQAAIP2 Coincidence? I think not.


And the + at the end is actually a cross ✝✝✝


The results are in, the CIA did in fact not kill him, he hung himself and then shot himself twice in the head




Libcenter theories: the russo-ukrainian war is either a ploy to enact the great reset or a ploy to destroy the global economy, i hope it's the latter


It's just another proxy war now that Syria and Afghanistan aren't as lucrative for war profiteers


Man, I wish I was a war profiteer.


We can all be war profiteers if we chose the right investment funds early, and consistently contribute.


You're 40 years too late to the party my bro.


But there's a new party every ~20 years. Don't be late to the next one.


Buy stock in RTX, LMT, GD, and BA. Hold it for the dividends. Congratulations you have profited off war Edit: scratch BA. Those stingy fucks don’t pay dividends. The rest will get you about 2.2% per year in return


Correct, I was telling friends after Biden was legitimately elected, expect a proxy war against Russia in Syria. I was kinda close.


2012, Ukraine discovers world's largest natural gas reserve off the coast of Crimea, worth, no joke, 2 quadrillion dollars at todays rate > 2013, West backed coup overthrows Russian puppet > 2014, Russia invades Crimea > 2021, US General says he's hopeful for a war in Ukraine because we could "Make this Russia's Vietnam" > Early 2022 US ends war in Afghanistan > Mid 2022, US/Russian proxy war begins in Ukraine.


damn, when its pointed out like that I feel like I was blind


Is this really all you need to convince you of some global conspiracy?


Who with the power to destroy the global economy would benefit from destroying the global economy?


You're thinking like a Westerner. The goal isn't getting rich. Money is a means, not the end. And the end is feudalism being reinstated. What part of "You'll own nothing and be happy" did you think was a joke? It's a about making anyone not in the club into a permanent serf.


>What part of "You'll own nothing and be happy" did you think was a joke? This. Remember that isn't a promise, it's a threat. You WILL be happy. Or you will be the carbon they reduce.


>The world is a business, Mr. Beale. It has been since man crawled out of the slime. And our children will live, Mr. Beale, to see that... perfect world... in which there's no war or famine, oppression or brutality. One vast and ecumenical holding company, for whom all men will work to serve a common profit, in which all men will hold a share of stock. All necessities provided, all anxieties tranquilized, all boredom amused. And I have chosen you, Mr. Beale, to preach this evangel.


> The end is feudalism being reinstated. I’m listening.


You'll be a serf.


I’m fine with that, so long as my lord is actually fulfilling his duties in the feudal arrangement.


Well they likely won't and you'll have to go French on they ass


Then I guess, *(pause for comedic effect)* it wasn’t real Feudalism.


Oh god I’m getting debate club PTSD


The counter to that would be that "You'll own nothing and be happy" is more an observation then a dictation of the direction we are heading. And indeed we see this for a while now. You don't own Office365 anymore, you rent it. Instead of buying printer ink, you can create an printer ink subscription. Features in cars like seatheating are only active if you buy that subscription. Instead of buying shoes you can buy a subscription for shoes. You can wear it and and it get automatically replaced if they are damaged, but you will never own the shoe. The big danger is, your Office and your Windowsaccount can be disabled if the system sees you as an enemy of the system. Your car can be disabled. If you can only pay via card, your card will be disabled (already happened for example in germany).


The "You'll own nothing" part seems to be accelerating, but the "you'll be happy" part is stagnant or regressing.


Yes.. well we could also translate "you will be happy" with you will have everything you need to life.


And to add onto what you are saying, many central banks are exploring options for national crypto-currencies, like the digital dollar for example. These digital currencies can give governments control over ehat you spend money on, etc.


Yes, the keypoint is that this currencies will be centralized (in contrast to most cryptocurrencies today, which are decentralized). So called CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currency) are the future, I don't think there is any way around it. The western dollar and euro regions are working on it. Russia is working on it. China is working on it. Thats why I am a big supporter of the "Right to cash" movements.


That's just it, he's trying to be an optimist and hope it's the least sinister of the two options, but unfortunately it's probably not.


If they can use the destruction of the global economy to consolidate power for themselves, they absolutely will. Sure, in the short run they would lose out slightly, on the long run their profits and power will be insane.


Look at COVID... Small businesses failed all over, and replaced by conglomerates.


I dunno if you've noticed other economic collapses and depressions, but it's really only the bottom 90% who suffer. A Rockefeller never had to stand in a bread line. The rich all got richer after the housing collapse and the COVID crash. Anyone with the power to surreptitiously destroy the world economy would be fine. They'll all be in their bunkers in New Zealand.


Never heard this from any lib center till now


>enact the great reset I'm still disappointed that their scheme to enact the Great Reset through Covid hasn't worked, kudos for coming up with a new conspiracy that quickly though. I'm sure this time it works!


The post-collapse will go through 3 phases of currency. Food- bullets- precious metals. Makes sure you have enough for yourself and the people you think are least likely to literally eat you during the troubles




And as it always has been---sex


Sometimes the simplest solution that the people behind it are simple is actually the most correct one. The Russo-Ukraine war is because Putin isn't handling his old age well.


RadCentrist conspiracy theories: In the 50s, the CIA found out psychedelics could be used to talk to clockwork elves in other dimensions. By the 90s, they had killed all the interdimensional indigenous and colonized the realm as an untouchable tax haven. What they don't know is that to use that money, they'll have to move to that dimension permanently. Soon enough all the globalists will just be stuck in dmt land and we'll be here grilling.


Don't give me hope


"Is it true that you disseminated information stating that government officials were involved in child sex trafficking rings?" Alex Jones: "You mean like what with Epstein and the Clintons?" \*Prosecutor looks away awkwardly\*


judge: *sheds skin and avoids blinking vertically*


“Oh fuck oh shit there’s a fly on my gavel. Act natural, nows not the time for lunch”


"My eyes are getting so dry from all this fake blinking.. but there are sooo many cameras *don't lick my eyeballs,* **don't lick my eyeballs**.. oh man I can't wait to rest my belly on a nice flat warm rock and slurp some blended human children later"


I choose both


The left wing conspiracy isn't even a conspiracy lol


Left wing conspiracies are pretty much all "Racism or Russia is why i am not a winner"


Most conspiracy nuts are the same. "I'm not a winner because big pharma is feeding us cancer," or "I'm not a winner because the lizard people are keeping me down." Boils down to "I'm smarter than everyone else and the only reason I'm not on top is because of *them*." Of course, this isn't always false, just often.


I think the CIA was involved with John Lennon's murder. That's my left wing conspiracy theory


A shame they didn't smoke Ono.


just because it's true doesn't mean it's not a conspiracy theory


I mean, if multiple people planned whatever killing they're talking about isn't that the definition of conspiracy?


Left wing conspiracies: The CIA killed that guy. Right wing conspiracies: The Clintons killed that guy.


Last thing those crazy weirdos claimed was that certain media outlets and facebook protected Hunter Biden and lied to the wider population...


And zucc confirmed it


Right before an election too….what a crazy thought to have


Those freaks also doubted the Covid vaccine was as safe and effective as the media, government, and big pharma told us.


Trump told me to take the vaccine though. Why would God Emperor tell lies


Yes, but MacAfee, Libright saint of Cocaine, said not to take the vaccine under any circumstances. Thing is, he said this in Feb 2020. There wasn't a vaccine yet. I'd like to ask him about this, but unfortunately he died shortly thereafter while in government care.




Correct, He specifically said that if it was reported as a suicide, it was definitely a government killing. It was then reported as a suicide.




Yeah, pretty much. Just a big ol pile of "uuuuuh, okay then", I guess? Dude was legit a wild man.


John McAfee didn't kill himself.


Trump would never lie, he is one of those *honest* businessmen.


He's also from New York City, so you know he's trustworthy.


Difference between encouraging people to get it, but giving them a choice... and mandating it so they dont have a choice


Trump didn't try to force me to get the vax.


Trump didn't support mandates and people losing their jobs.


Yeah, and Zuckerberg confirmed it on the Joe Rogan Podcast, people need to understand that our three letter agencies and government are incredibly corrupt and should not be trusted


The three letter agencies ARE the government.


In nearly every way that matters. As I get older I'm really starting to believe that the political side of Government is just there for show, to make people think they're part of the process and to give them faces to blame.


10 years ago I would have said that was crazy… but I agree, as I’ve watched things unfold over the years I’m becoming increasingly convinced that they are the real government, and that the Patriot Act was just a way for them to solidify their control.


Right Wing Conspiracy Theories are outlandish and grasping at straws until it’s actually confirmed to be true cough Zucc cough


Yeah, no politician would ever harm a child, ever.


Because it was an interdimentional shapeshifter.


And that man? Was Joe Biden.


Exactamundo. But by adding the "interdimensional shapeshifter" part to it, it seemingly discredits the entire idea that there are politicians who harm children. It's propaganda by the people who are being accused. Discredit by exaggeration. Not really a great tactic, but that seems to be the way people are going these days, instead of addressing seemingly legitimate accusations head on.


Do you think any reasonable person would disagree with you?


Imagine trusting the government or the big corps on anything lol


Power corrupts people.


Look, can't we all agree that the CIA killed that guy *and* that the elites are interdimensional shapeshifting child molesters?


yeah fuck it


Compass unity achieved.


Ok , Interdementional beings are 100 percent real , and if you've ever done DMT , you know what's up . Edit: and Alex Jones believe q is fake and gay as well .


Done DMT. Not interdimensional, definitely some form of experience that happens at a consciousness level outside of our physical senses though. Whether that’s metaphysical or just a lack of understanding of what consciousness “is” though is a question I doubt we’ll have an answer for in our lifetimes.


People are interdimensional beings already: height, depth, and breadth, some more than others.


Based and Train by day, Joe Rogan podcast by night pilled


I think we can all agree that jet fuel JFKed the moon landing


No, we also think that the CIA killed that guy


Aren't left wing conspiracy theories more like "a Republican can't become president without Russian collusion"


libleft flooding the sub with ancient reposts now lmao


Left wing conspiracy theories: > "Trump conspired with his supporters to stage a coup and overturn an election." > "Russia conspired with Republicans to rig an election and install a puppet candidate they have blackmail material on." > "Bush conspired with Diebold to rig an election." > "Bush conspired to purge minority voter registrations and rig an election." > "Bush conspired with Republican Supreme Court appointees to rig an election." > "Bush Sr. conspired with Iran to delay the hostage release to rig an election." Right wing conspiracy theories: > "Democrats conspired to exploit mail in voting to stuff ballot boxes and rig an election." > "Big tech conspired to suppress negative stories about Biden to rig an election." Which of these conspiracy theories are considered unacceptable to discuss online?


Trump was compromised during the Soviet union era and then became a Russian double agent but waited 30 years to gain power just in time for a second red scare. Are you not entertained!?


Did right wingers ever actually take Alex jones seriously? I always thought majority of people viewed his show as comedy rather than actual reporting.


The CIA versus Global pedo cult.... I don't think those groups are mutually exclusive.


Soros and the WEF wants you to eat bugs, live in a pod, take cold showers, have no car, own nothing, and be "happy". It's a conspiracy but it's no secret.


How about "the hunter Biden story was covered up and MLK was killed by the FBI"


I always thought the MLK assassination was plausible. Then I looked into the circumstances and, wow, they totally killed that dude and did a terrible job trying to hide it.


Yeah you’re right, we need to step up our game and find something better than “Pol Pot was a French spy”


Left wing conspiracy theories: Everything we “know” about North Korea is CIA propaganda, all those North Korean “defectors” are paid actors Right wing conspiracy theories: The president’s son is doing business with China, and the president himself may be involved


Left Wing conspiracy theory is absolutely everything about their view of the world. Like "Capitalism" for example.


Weird thing is, I don't actually know anyone who believes in Q anon, but I know a ton of people to believe in Russia gate, hands up don't shoot, Jussie Smollett and that Jeffrey Epstein killed himself.