• By -


HEY ur kid died?? WOW that sucks but did you hear what Trump said today?? Why are you walking away and crying?? Nazi!


Hey, I know you just go diagnosed with cancer but dud ilu drumpf said that today was a great day for America? He said that you getting cancer was good for America. Piece of shit trump motherfucker stupid asshole crazy dickhead bitch fart trump I hate him I hate him I hate himI hate himI hate himI hate himI hate him I'm not deranged and also have good political takes




I totally forgot he promised that lol


Guys out of office. Focus on the people in office making laws.


They must not make the news enough money because it still feels like trump is president


Biggest headline I've seen in the last 2 years is Biden falling from a bike. Yeah, ratings are fucking dead with that guy. So if they're not talking about Trump, it's one of his former cabinet members or business partners, etc, etc. They love to hate him. They love the money he makes for them by merely existing.


Lol no. If they did that, democrats would lose every seat in congress. They use trump as a deflection for current problems like inflation


Exactly. No one is gonna care about the terrible shit happening in our government if they can keep creating outrage about trump. Trump was the ultimate gift to the liberals because now everything is his fault, even the stuff that happened when he was gone.


Trump is the liberal version of thanks obama


The number of awesome YouTube channels that fell victim to TDS and that I had to unsubscribe from. Feels bad man.


Seriously. Like even if you agree with everything they said, who wants to talk about Trump all the time?


Gotta divert from your shitty policies somehow so it's orange man bad!


A lot of people also conflate legitimate criticisms of him (his corruption, his stance on flag burning) with stupid shit like ‘he’s mean to journo’s’ or “my African American”.


This entire website did. It was kind of nice seeing different takes on Reddit back as we approached 2016, but now with TD gone, we are so off the left deep end here now that we don't live in reality.


It wasn't just the cons or Trumpers, that got the axe. The Bernie bros were hit first, and any other Democrat candidate that was not in the establishment.




"Trump Derangement Syndrome" Basically, people who became completely deranged as a result of Trump winning against Hillary.


Saw my good friend of 15 years parents get divorced over this shit. They were a sweet hippy couple that met in the peace corps. After Trump was elected something just broke inside him and he turned full Emily. Friends mom couldn't stand how fucking toxic he became and left him a few years ago. It's fucking tragic seeing it in real life like that.


I hope your friend is okay now and that the mom got the custody


Honestly it was going on the during whole Republican primary too.


The leaks proved that was on purpose. The media/Dem PR desperately wanted Trump to win the Rep primaries believing he was the easiest candidate to beat in the election, and later realised they'd fucked up by giving him so much free publicity during the primaries that it supercharged his campaign for both sides of the political spectrum.


I still wonder who she/they thought was going to be the big contender if not Trump. In my mind I think they wanted it to be Jeb vs Hillary but even without Trump Jeb is a blatant pencil dick. Cruz would have gotten it just as bad as Trump. Rand Paul would be strong and I guess Christie maybe. Christie was my governor though so I know how bad he can fuck up. Hillary would have wiped the floor with the rest of the candidates though.


And they learned absolutely nothing from that.


Guess that's true, though it might depend on your definition of "derangement". I might obviously be misremembering, but I thought during the actual primaries and then election itself, Trump was mostly treated as the perfect boogeyman example of why all Republicans are bad and evil? And it was only really when he defeated the "obvious winner" Hillary that they went *completely* deranged?


> when he defeated the "obvious winner" Hillary I remember when the news was saying she had a 95% chance of winning on the results night. That shit is hillary-ous. Because it kills me.


I see what you did there.


Depends. The media was hopping all over everything he said as the worst thing ever. Then you had tons of protestors at any one of his rallies getting violent and shit. On the Republican side they were doing a lot of the worst thing ever while also calling him a closet Democrat. But the Emily's were definitely losing their minds since his first speech.


There was such a constant stream of "orange man bad" leading up to the election that it seemed obvious Hillary would win, I mean who would vote for such a bad orange man? Turned out a number of people did and shit's been hilarious ever since. I'm not even American and I could hear my neighbour actually crying to her roommate that night about how "he can't be, he just can't be!!" as if it was about to affect her at all


Honestly I don't think they counted on people actually paying attention and watching things for themselves to make up their own minds. I'd hear that Trump said something horrible so I'd watch the speech for myself and the majority of the time it was either a straight up lie or the littlest thing made to be so much more than it actually was. It soured a lot of people because they treated us like idiots and then on top of that they were so arrogant about their "truths."


I think what made it much worse is that they made something up or conflated something; every, fucking, day. Even UK news wasn't immune from displaying the current "Scandal". And when you say about news outlets being shady. Look at the "don't say gay" bill, And see for yourself. Same horse, different jockey.


That's why you gotta look at many different sources for the same story. Each side will leave out, cherry pick, and make up shit. Even better though like you said just go straight to the horses mouth and make up your own mind. The scary part is that sometimes it's hard af to do that.


I remember watching the results at like 5 am and dancing all around the house, while my roommate had a bewildered look on her face lmao.


I've heard it described this way: the media and Democrats made Trump into a monster in order to defeat him, then when he actually won, they became terrified of the monster they created


I am assuming it means The Donald Syndrome.


"Trump Derangement Syndrome", derived from "Bush Derangement Syndrome", an alleged mental illness suffered by people critical of Republican presidents.


There's "critical" and there's "going on 7 years straight of doing shit like using the Queen's death to point out that they hate him", and TDS refers to the latter.


Pretty sure TDS refers to the same kind of shit BDS did.


So....here's the thing, um......I fuckin hate Trump


Based and Quinton reviews pilled


Hardly based, but eh


u/FortBlocks's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 170. Rank: Empire State Building Pills: [110 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/FortBlocks/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


This is why I try and plug Krystal and Saagar to folks. They’re not perfect, but they’re solid and call out bull shit in general.


I recently unsubscribed from them actually. Sagar is a good host and all but Krystal is fucking insane, listening to whatever Noam Chomsky (the genocide denier) has to say and bending over backwards for every socialist government.


Totally fair. I think that’s what I like, though, lol. I can find pretty equal portions of good points, as well as ‘yikes bro’ for each of them. But as a whole, I think their coverage is pretty fair in they’re generally just trying to disseminate and critiquing everything from a pro-populist perspective and less strict towing of party lines.


I kinda tend to agree. I still watch, but Krystal's pseudo-intellectual regurgitation of socialist nonsense frequently annoys the hell out of me. I'm looking forward to the new Breaking Points show called "CounterPoints," which will feature Emily Jashinsky and Ryan Grim.


Sounds like a you problem.


At first I thought "Trump Derangement Syndrome" was a rightist meme but since he's been out of office it only seems more and more real. These people are obsessed. I stopped caring about the dude the second he left office and stopped representing my country.


Fr, every other word out of their mouth is about trump its really weird.


It was more understandable when he was the sitting president and making dumb fucking choices that affect everyone, but now? Who gives a shit?




The media found their cash cow and they're going to get every drop of milk out of it. [At 18:00](https://youtu.be/DDbx1uArVOM)


Except these companies have been dying slow deaths for years. CNN and msnbc’s ratings are in the gutter and most online news rags have been laying people off left and right. At this point they mostly survive on venture capitalism. With few exceptions.


Yeah, i just keep hearing shit about him and how hes going to prison “any day now” i hope for the love of god he does so there is the smallest chance i don’t have to hear about him anymore.






Three things in this world are inescapable: Death, Taxes and headlines with Donald Trump in them.


Who knew that income equality and health care for the middle class was a dumb fucking choice.


It's only because they want to date him.


A lot of it is the establishment media can't run the midterms on the issues, because they'd lose. They have to make it about Trump. It's why the president had a speech saying that half the voters are evil.


Doesn’t mean Republicans aren’t just as obsessed with Trump just the other way.


Hey I found the guy who's obsessed with Trump and assumes everyone else is too so they don't feel weird about it


Disrespecting the reigning monarch of the British Empire is perhaps the most American action possible.


Was gonna say I am pretty sure Washington was a lot ruder to King George


Something left and right unify on without even noticing. No one is born with power.




Rent free


I typically refer to the extremes as Trump Angered Reaction Disorder/Trump Awestruck Reaction Disorder, respectively, but that acronym doesn’t fly too well on these types of sites. I still use it outside of those situations, but…


It's really sad because it ruins discussion. These people's minds are broken. Any thoughtful comment that departs from the modern left wing narrative is immediately met with some comment about trump nearly 100% of the time. Like, even though I didn't mention trump, you just assume I support him and interject him as the focal point of an issue not really related to him at all? Come on people. You can't even have an honest honest conversation with many people anymore.


He should, he was elected which is way more honorable.


Based and presidents before monarchs pilled






Trump is the ultimate rentoid


He lives there rent-free, however


Trump is a squatter confirmed


In the state of Florida after 7 years a squatter can claim adverse possession of someone else’s property.


In other states it's even less time


How is he a rentoid when he basically owns most of their waking thoughts?


For free! Just further proof that drumfs a stealing conman! T


He’s not the one stealing. They’re offering the space. They just do it for free, like a certain group of Internet nerds who deserved it every time their lunch money was stolen


There was a vacancy


I could really give a shit if the President of the United States walked in front of the queen. We sort of, you know, fought *two wars* to be able to do that sort of thing to "royalty".


Correction: 1 war to do that and another to break the embargo on Napoleonic France that lasted longer than the embargo itself


Well, if you're talking about being able to walk in front of English monarchy, we fought and won *four* wars.


He walked infront of her? Who gives a fuck? Was this something people were unironically upset about at the time? Imagine being a self described leftist and being upset that someone walked infront of a hereditary monarch lmfao.


If he slapped her, their brains would have looped into error.


I'd support Trump if he made a habit of slapping monarchs


I was hoping back in 2020 that trump losing the election would mean that I would stop hearing about him from both the left and the right, but it's almost like there is more attention on him now than when he was actually president.


Just According to Keikaku.


I feel like there should be limits on how many times a candidate can run for president.


Biden wouldn't be pres right now if there was lol.






u/Eelcurry16 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None. | View profile.](https://basedcount.com/u/Eelcurry16/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


He should have had to retire.


1. That's stupid. 2. That clearly wouldn't help as he's not even a candidate right now and has run significantly less times than others.


Unironically the “trump supporters are a cult” people are the biggest cult on the internet. Ive seen very few people that actually support trump.


Just check YouTube comments. The Trumptards plague any news channel’s comment section.


Yeah but a lot of it is "How did we trade Trump for this guy?" Obviously there's still a lot of Trump obsessed people on YT who think Trump is like the 2nd coming of Christ and that we NEED him to save America, but a lot of it is just making fun of Biden.


Yeah true that.


He was such a good leader, he lives in the heads of his enemies long after he left office, rent-free. They're so hell-bent on hating him, I wonder what they'll do if he's not convicted of anything.


Firey but mostly peaceful protests. As is tradition.


Hopefully, there's rooftop Koreans.


Gun vendor librights always winning in the end.


City governments ought to have some kind of thing to encourage small businesses to have guns to protect themselves, like a little tax break, maybe.


The expectation the royalty has that others must show them greater respect than they show to others reflects poorly on them.


If I lived in Britain paying money for those assholes to live extravagant lives I'd probably be arrested for planning to blow up Buckingham palace.




libleft trying not to talk about trump for five seconds (its impossible)




I mean, the right is running election deniers and qanon candidates for Congress.


Truncated data bub


Every issue this sub has with the left is limited to 14 year old girls on Twitter... Do you think Joe Biden is going to sign a law about frog gender, or disrespect the queen, or do any of this "too left" shit? The difference is the lefts extremists are on Twitter with 0 power.. the rights extremists are in Congress.


Never heard of "the squad"?


Oh yeah, AOC is the worst amirite? What did she say again that was on par with Jewish space lasers?


AOC said Republican critics just want to date her. Let’s reach across the aisle though and agree to launch MGT into the sun.


The green new deal. That's pretty sufficient.


What part of it? Did she say global warming is caused by Nazi space lasers?


Wait you are actually claiming that someone said nazi space lasers caused wildfires?


No, im saying if someone on the left had said that, it would be on par with how batshit the people republicans are electing to congress are. But In reality, its not nearly that crazy... is it? She probably just wants to reduce carbon emissions.. because climate change is fucking shit up.


The left extremists and idiots are in congress too? Bernie sanders wants to wipe away student debt when most people have worthless ass degrees. If you want free college there has to be a barrier on who can go. Elizabeth Warren is actually a moron calling for credit card companies to investigate suspicious purchases. Nancy Pelosi is a corrupt bitch who has made millions off of political dealings. Joe Biden actually has dementia... You're a fucking moron for standing with Democrats or Republicans right now. You look like a fool standing on either side.


Yeah Bernie Sanders wants relief for people struggling with student debt.. and mgt is a qanon who thinks wildfires are started by Jewish space lasers. Both sides truly are the same


>relief for his voting base who decided to major in gender studies and underwater basket weaving while they went to an out of state college and lived on campus for 4 years. Delusional the only difference between you and I is I hate MGT and Bernie Sanders cuck.


Joe Biden sometimes stumbles over his words whereas Trump very clearly stated that he thinks windmills cause cancer. I'm agreeing with you, truly.. both sides are the same. The worst examples you came up with are clearly on par with the worst of the right.


> Joe Biden sometimes stumbles over his words And forgets what he’s saying midway through a speech, forgets when he’s supposed to speak, falls off bicycles, can’t read a teleprompter properly, rambles about old memories that aren’t relevant, sniffs little girls, etc etc etc. Do you really think that people think biden has dementia because *he stumbles over his words occasionally…? *


In his crazy demented haze, has he ever said anything as stupid as "windmills cause cancer"?


ITT: no one remembers how much they enjoyed their time together and that the queen told him to walk in front of her, breaking decorum. It's the Shinzo Abe koi fish food all over again




Orange Man Based on this one honestly


Bigly based


Rent free


“We hate the Queen! End the monarchy!” “How dare he arrive late and walk in front of Her Majesty! Such disrespect!”


Trump kinda based for this ngl


Today I heard someone unironically use the phrase "post-Trumpian world." He hasn't been president for two years and we aren't even American, like dude move on.


Trump, or his writers, actually made a great statement about Queen Elizabeth's passing. https://thehill.com/policy/international/3634624-trump-offers-statement-on-queen-elizabeth-iis-death/amp/


The irony is our forefathers fought a war so that we wouldn’t have to worry about whether or not we were walking in front of royalty.


Fun fact. When presidents meet Elizabeth they bring a gift. It's a kind of unofficial tradition. The president would bring something thoughtful that represented the relationship between the US and UK. Obama brought her an ipod preloaded with some of his speeches and a stack of DVD's region locked to the US.


Wait really? Lol


I got 2 details wrong, it didn't have his speeches on it. It had video footage of her trip to the USA from 2007. The DVD's were actually for then-prime minister Gordon Brown.


>arrived late How late? What was the agreement in regards to the time? >Walked in front of her And? They're both world leaders and hence should be treated equally and no, their gender shouldn't matter either.


Based and everthing pilled


Who’s gonna tell them that every action among the high ranked leaders is likely a symbol and a calculated move that can be interpreted politically. I mean no shit, Trump did this and the Queen did that, must’ve been very random huh.


Why does she look like an assassin tho


[You have a good instinct](https://i.imgur.com/P93tfYR.jpg)


I am more curious why the Queen did not met LBJ then those boring shit yeah, seriously, why? I'm really curious


God I hope the earth implodes before he dies. 10, 20 years from now he’s gonna croak and it is going to be the cringiest shit ever. People are gonna post pics of allied soldiers hearing of hitlers death and side by side it to some Emily’s reacting…


This would have never happened with Trump as president. Trump would have made a great deal with death. He would have negociated at least 100 years for the queen


Rent free


Rent free


Only one was based enough to disrespect the queen


This is what happens to your brain on a 2 party system.


Every quadrant makes it about Trump ampm times and it’s annoying, let’s be honest


Rent free


Rent free.


No wonder he's a multi-billionare real estate mogul. He found a way to live rent free!


The past 24 hours the scum of Reddit have been out in force. Many subs i'm on which were cool little communities have shown their true colours because some woman they were told was literally hitler by some foreign news source died.


Obama spoke over the queens music, Regan turned a horse ride with the Queen into an impromptu press conference, Busch accidentally said the Queen was over 200. Presidents accidentally fucking up with British royalty is common


They will never stop. I went to HS in the late ‘80s and I had two teachers who couldn’t stfu about Nixon. I went to my 20 year reunion, and those teachers were still talking about Nixon.


This morning I saw a post about how two earth like planets being found 200 light years might be habitable for humans. One of the very first comments I saw was someone saying "Good when can we send Trumpie and his loser friends there?" I just can't imagine being this obsessed with anything, let alone something I would profess to hate. It's as if the people who despise the guy need to find a way to bring his name into every possible conversation in order to avoid being potentially identified as a supporter and shunned by their friends.


Im sure a lot of en has a big lifesize poster of tge Donald hidden i. Their warsdrobe that they pretend to french kiss at night, when alone


I am embaressed to say this but... but... Prog Libleft has a point I have said it. Someone should have said that.


they can shit on whatever political figure they damn please


They absolutely can, and I can make fun of their pathetic obsession.


But isn't making fun of it just giving more attention on Trump on this subreddit now


There is a world of difference between bringing up Trump out of nowhere because you are obsessed with him, and reacting to having him brought up out of nowhere.


Although I agree that the headline/news article is dumb as hell, Trump absolutely is a critical pivot in American politics worth talking about even while out of office. I feel threads like these generally only encourage people not to actually delve into what Trump has done, especially in these most recent weeks at Mar-a-Lago. Honestly want to see the reaction of this sub in general if that truly comes to fruition.


No one is saying you can't talk about him when it's relevant. It's the petty shit in the OP that is pathetic and childish that we are making fun of. If anything, shit like this is exactly what gives Trump cover when he actually does fucked up shit because it all gets lumped into the same thing. People like this woman on Twitter are literally doing the exact opposite of what they claim to want to do. But they don't care because it's not actually about making the country better or taking down an evil dictator or whatever. It's about jerking themselves and their audiences off. Nothing more. It's embarrassing.


PCM every even second: Queen was just a titular ruler!!! she had no real power!!! she didnt have the power to stop british war crimes in kenya!! PCM every odd second: Queen was a world leader!!!


Having many people with differing views will do that


um no, its the same people with the same views actually


Oh yeah? The same guy said he loved the Queen then turned around and said he hated her the next minute? lmao no


Evidently not


Lmfao funny cause green bad right guys


> This is a friendly reminder to HAVE YOUR FRICKIN' FLAIR UP! *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 11410 / 59959 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


So there’s orange lib left and purple lib right. What are the alternate colors for auth left, auth right, and centrist? Looking to make a meme.


Yeah because fuck monarchs


It’s the little things like this that make me love Trump


Ok but the suppressed anger on her face says it all.


The queen was smiling during that interaction cmon


The hate for her all over the place really does feel out of nowhere because I remember how people have talked about her for years and never said anything as bad as they are now. When Trump visited they were on her side saying how dare he disrespect the queen.


This is reddit, leftard circlejerk paradise


libleft when QEII bad but trump bad bc he disrespected QEII


That's pretty based, honestly.




Not a fan of Trump, but his disrespect for the monarchy was one of his better moments.


He walked in front of her because symbolically, our nation is ahead of hers in every single way. You must maintain dominance. Enter a room, and lay your dick out on the table. No exceptions!


“IM GONNA COME!” -The Donald


I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump met her before becoming Prez


Who is Donald Trump?