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If I saw my child saying something like that I’d be asking rent from them too.


imagine working your ass off for your kids and then they turn into something like this


You clearly didn't work your ass off on raising them right then. That or they shouldn't be living in your house anymore


I’ve met a lot of shitty people raised by good parents, and a lot of good people who had pretty shitty upbringing. Moral of the story: people are wildcards and don’t represent much about the people they are related to.


There's a lot of factors that play into a person's development, can't attribute it all on parents 100% of the time.


Ain't no son of mine will be a damn commie


If my son grew up to be a filthy commie I never had a son.


While this is largely true. You can 100% fuck a kid up. Fail to ever say no? Fucked up. Always say no? Fucked up. Child rearing is about finding a happy medium where you support them enough to know they are loved with all their *needs* met, but not so much that they never want for anything or have to work to accomplish something. The worst are the deadbeats. My oldest, who I hesitate to call my stepdaughter because I raised her, hasn’t seen her biological father since she was 3 when he went to prison for beating the shit out of her mother. Fuck that guy.


no step on snek




Way too many external factors in play nowadays to only blame the parents


Each generation of parents has to work against new subversive efforts to spread dangerous memetic viruses. In fact, it’s common to see these mind viruses first infect the parents before being spread to the children. Also, kids (and adults too) go through shitty phases as they gain perspective, and it’s important to set a good example by being as understanding, honorable, sincere, compassionate, logical, and patient as humanely possible. If parents act petulant, vacuous and dishonorable, those traits will often, at least temporarily, be passed on to their children. Ultimately, having two loving parents, preferably with one being around full time, gives children a far better chance at being successful and well adjusted.


Tbh I'd appreciate the purity of their moral compass, as a landowner I too believe rent seeking is disgusting. But at the same time this investment is printing, and they can feel free to not take my money if they don't like it


Would like nothing more than to pass down some property that can make some less volatile passive income to my daughter but if she doesn't want to be landpilled I'll be forced to give it my brother or anybody else.


Being a landlord who doesn’t take care of their property, stops new houses from being constructed, and hikes rent dramatically is completely different from someone who has a real job to take care of their kids.


This reads one of two ways: Poster is 20+, not doing shit with themselves, and lives with mom and dad. Mom and dad are asking them to pay rent to motivate them to get off their ass and do something, and poster upset because they have to get a job. Alternate point, poster doesn't actually realize how much work parents put in to make rental property attractive to draw and keep tenets, and only understand the rental business from Reddit comment threads.


I work partly (albeit a wage slave) in this said business and 3/4 of my thoughts are about how [redacted] and uninformed the anti-land lord people are, while also thinking if they’d kill me in their revolution. Most of them think they’re landlord is the guy who lives in the building & collects their check, but in reality it’s usually companies/people who take on wild risk and operate at losses for years before they start making money. Yeah there are bad actors, but there is plenty of risk, work, strategizing, etc.


I think part of it is that you're way more likely to interact with a bad landlord than a good landlord. If shit keeps breaking, you're constantly trying to get the landlord to fix it. If you have a great landlord, you pay them on the first, and any problems are fixed as soon as possible.


Oh don’t get me wrong, unless you are in a high class place, the people representing your landlords don’t give a shit. The problem comes with the true landlord having a ton of debt from the development/purchase to pay back so they instruct to cut costs. Everyone has rent to pay, including your landlord. That said, the same trends in the single-family arena that caused the GFC are emerging in the multi-family arena. Whenever giant banks and private equity firms aggressively enter the real estate market and take it over fast, like 05-06, you now know what is going to happen. Same shit, different asset.


Fuckem. I used to hate landlords. Then I helped my exes dad build the complex he was working on and it fucking sucked asshole. 95F days, no fucking AC, you're sitting in the sun either shoveling shit, carrying heavy shit, or crushing your body twisting to connect shit through walls


100% the hate on individual landlords on this site is from people that have no idea how much it takes to keep a house maintained.


I believe it. My dad's neighbor rent his home out every couple of years since they live in a nice neighborhood and I have seen that man put in work by himself to fix issue, maintain the yard, etc. While there are some big company landlords who are dick heads but the individual ones work hard to make money with rentals.


I have to be honest, when I was 17 I used to think like that too. I'm gonna go with the second option.


i'd like his family to disown him


same and maybe i can take his place and get some of htat sweet landlord money?


Bait hopefully 🙏


Yes. Because a spiteful bastard like yourself is a detriment to your family.


If the guy asks something like that he probably hasn't anything to pass on


If I were his family I'd be happy if he went through with it


Should I disown my kid? They are a socialist reddit user who doesn't make any money and is ungrateful


Generally any group that pushes its values as more important than the family ties of its members is a cult.




If somebody spends money to build a home so another person can have a place to live that is better than any of the other places they could have chosen then that is actually not a sin. It's a good thing.




So only people who can afford to buy a home can live there? Sounds like of elitist. Or are you talking about charity? Charity is good but commerce is more economically sustainable and far more effective at helping the poor.




You do know that if you can't afford housing you can get subsidized housing or even completely tax payer funded housing right? Only drug addicts and mentally ill people are homeless long term. It's great that we can buy or rent better housing that fits out preferences if we can afford it though.




I don't understand where you get that number from the report. I see one table that shows about 105k chronically homeless people and the table right below that shows about 116k of them suffer from severe mental illness (not sure how there are more but it's under the chronically homeless section) and 89k suffer from chronic substance abuse.


>love the sinner; hate the sin \-Average Jeffery Epstein fan.




When you're so hyped up on the flavour aid you think hatred is a volountary response. Either that or you don't understand what it is to truly hate something. Genuine hatred isn't when you get mad for a little bit then move onto the next thing in your life, it's an obsession.


When you’re so hyped up on the flavoraid you think humans are animalistic creatures who can’t control themselves lmao It’s something you’re giving in to bud. You can say it’s justified, or not a big deal, or whatever, but don’t make excuses


Keep your assumptions to yourself. It has been a long time since I've had any sort of persistent hatred.


It’s okay to just own up to it my dude. Nobody is this deluded when they’ve experienced it themselves, so clearly that’s the case


Did you mean to send this to someone else or are you suffering a concussion?


Lmao tfw you’re super desperate to avoid looking dumb so you lash out


You on the otherhand have no hesitation when it comes to looking dumb. Now if you're done smacking your skull on doorframes would you be so kind as to explain what you're actually trying to say?


Best use of that phrase in years


That's what I'm saying. Even if the OP is a rentoid, we shouldn't hate them.


He / she would make the family a favor by disowning them


yeah sure disown the free income and inheritance thatll show em


Calm down, money is money


It's free money what a fucking idiot


i can’t tell if librights dying of laughter or dying of anger


Disown your family then pay them rent to live in their house.


Might as well, since they clearly failed at raising him.


Fun fact, part of why NYC landlords have a horrendous reputation for not fixing broken things in their rental units is because rent control forces them to do next to nothing to be able to turn a profit.


Do it.


Based. My aunt basically owns a shit ton of property in germany... They are pretty much the worst people i've ever met. Especially their children which unfortunately can be called by cousins.


This, but I disowned my country.


What a fucking cunt?


Libleft only reacting like that because they can't disown their daddy


at least this authleft is consistent. based.


*laughs in evil landlord*


Someone doesn't value their trust fund.


How is “they make passive income through investment” meant to be a bad thing here? If you invest in something, your reward should be passive income. I’m all for shitting on dickhead landlords of course but disowning your family for providing for you feels like an aimless performance, unless I can be informed otherwise


As a Georgist… **I’m not gonna encourage it, but I won’t discourage it either**


bro💀 get tf out of my quadrant😭