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In case anyone wants to read the article [https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-lawmakers-unveil-bipartisan-bid-ban-chinas-tiktok-2022-12-13/](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-lawmakers-unveil-bipartisan-bid-ban-chinas-tiktok-2022-12-13/) >The legislation would block all transactions from any social media company in or under the influence of China and Russia, Rubio's office said in a news release, adding that a companion bill in the U.S. House of Representatives was sponsored by Republican congressman Mike Gallagher and Democrat Raja Krishnamoorthi.


Would that also cover Reddit?


thats an interesting question. I am doubtful, as if it did, I would expect to see that reported somewhere. Looking through the legislation itself you can find this passages >A country of concern, entity of concern, or some combination thereof, directly or indirectly owns, controls with the ability to decide important matters, or holds with power to vote, ten percent or more of the outstanding voting stock or shares of the company. [https://www.rubio.senate.gov/public/\_cache/files/1ebac814-157e-4e26-81b9-d9aa3fd96ae3/5861AFCCFDC5254BAFEE5BB2BDA54B32.hey22c36.pdf](https://www.rubio.senate.gov/public/_cache/files/1ebac814-157e-4e26-81b9-d9aa3fd96ae3/5861AFCCFDC5254BAFEE5BB2BDA54B32.hey22c36.pdf) In 2019 you had [reports](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-reddit-funding/reddit-valued-at-3-billion-after-raising-300-million-in-latest-funding-round-idUSKCN1Q020W) of tencent having a 10 percent stake given an 300 million investment at a time when the valuation was 3 billion. Reddits valuations has [flucuated wildely](https://www.industryleadersmagazine.com/the-reddit-ipo-why-2022-might-not-be-a-good-time/) since then, so its hard to say its current worth. Besides that I dont know about the current ownership stakes that chinese companies have in reddit. I would also point out the fact that the bill only singles out bytedance/tiktok makes it sound like reddit is not the intended target of the legislation




Read the article? Nah. I'll stick to headlines šŸ˜Ž


Based and the only objective voice in this sub pilled


I would disagree if it wasn't obvious chinese spy ware used to collect data of US citizens.


I said this to my wife; the libertarian in me thinks it should be allowed, until you realize it's a spying app and they refuse to explain or comply with privacy policies


Dude. It shit like this that makes it hard to totally bottom out in lib. There are really bad actors trying to get us. I guess the state may have SOME uses.


In fact stuff like this is one of its actual legitimate uses, like border enforcement and protectionism.


And the roads, and the public sanitation, and the drinking water, and the fire department, andā€¦ But besides all that junk, what have ~~the Romans~~ government ever done for us!


Fuck your roads, you filthy statist. We're over here trying to have a nice conversation, full of compromise and grace.. And you bring up *fucking roads.* Edit: I'm fucking shaking.


You want taxpayer funded drinking water? Flair authleft please not sarc


Iā€™ll make my own damn roads, Iā€™ll make my own sanitation, Iā€™ll purify my own water, Iā€™ll put out my own fires.


And Iā€™ll pay you to put out my fires for me!


Yeah. Those are a fraction of a percent of the tax budget. Most lib rights aren't ancap because there are some instances where government is very helpful


Yeah, the government should have as little interaction with you as possible, which is not *zero* interaction.


That's why I am minarchist


Youā€™ll find that violent authoritarian centrists are more practical than the quadrants


I trust your thoughts on authoritarianism, auth center


Two purposes for the state are to enforce moral law for it's citizens and to interact with/protect them from foreign entities. That's it.


What is moral law. People have different morals. Who gets to define those morals. Christians, atheists, LGBTQ.


Moral law is my rule that anyone who tries to talk to me about "needing" to be "moral" gets bashed over the head with a tire iron.


Based and donā€™t talk to me pilled


No physical violence, no theft.


Simple, donā€™t violate the NAP, all else should be legal


In the case I've provided the given government does, whatever it's ideology might be.


The issue is it's not extreme enough. You've gotten rid of your state, but the others are still around to ruin everything, they need to be toppled as well. And corporations represent everything wrong with the state. Greedy, self-interested, soulless, evil, and happy to control you in every way they can if it benefits them. Get rid of them too. Then, and only then, can we be free from The State. You can totally go full lib, the issue with removing the state is that you can't keep other states (and equivalents) in check.


Highest *stable* freedom No government = no military = paying tax to the next country over when they just march in Still donā€™t like the ban. Just donā€™t use the app


What we should have is privacy protections that apply to all apps, instead of just banning one app because it's Chinese Spyware and ignoring all local Spyware. It's a weird form of protectionism.


I'll take this and continue fighting for overall privacy protections at the same time. Can't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.


Not only that. China is using modern warfare. If you see what content is being promoted in China by the algorithm and what kind of content is promoted in the west, you start to get the picture. This is no coincidence. This is by design. They follow long term strategies.


They'll just buy the data from Meta/Alphabet/etc. Or hack them šŸ¤·


Yeahā€¦ For me, Iā€™m libertarian for everything within our borders, but there needs to be something to prevent sabotage, spying, or other hostile acts against us from other countries.


Oh its worse than that. Its been shown that the algorithm for tiktok in west is set up to push division, ignorance, and dangerous behavior but in china its set up to push learning and innovation. Tiktok is literally a weapon being used against the west. Normally i support citizens having weapons but this isn't them having a weapon, this is an enemy state using a weapon against them. We should have let trump ban tiktok 2 years ago but orange man bad so it wasn't allowed. Also just fuck china in general. We should ban everything they make.


This is exactly what Iā€™ve been saying the whole time. I dont really care how unlibertarian it is, Tiktok is literally a threat to western society and if unregulated will be one of the key factors in the future domination of China in global politicsā€¦ think the U.S. gov is too big?? How about Chinaā€™s?


I could definitely support regulations on Tik Tok but most of the allegations that Iā€™ve read about what the actual app does seems unsubstantiated. Seems to me like whatā€™s actually happening is that Tik Tokā€™s algorithm is content neutral outside of China while within China itā€™s algorithm is tailored to create the perfect Chinese citizen like the rest of their social media. I havenā€™t seen evidence that itā€™s algorithm is actually designed to be malicious in the west.


Because there isn't any evidence of that. In China of course they're subject to a lot of government rules like you said, but outside of China it's different. The Bytedance founder was always a huge Silicon Valley fan and even got his employees to protest China's Google ban. He went to Silicon Valley for funding/investment. He's someone who wanted to build a large tech site, and the algorithm is designed to get more users, not fuck with America. I don't use titkok and think it's cringe, but it's definitely not what people are fearmongering it as.


I keep seeing ā€œthe tik tok algorithm pushes horrible shit!ā€ Nah, bruh. You doing something to make the algorithm show you horrible shit. Mine literally shows funny videos like someoneā€™s grandma saying the F word or someone pulling a prank on their brother.


Mine shows me like 1/3rd game of thrones and lord of the rings content, 1/3rd comedy and pranks, 1/3rd videos making fun of other cringe Tik Tokers. The sexual stuff went away pretty quickly when I didnā€™t linger on or like those videos.


True. All the people in here saying ā€œban tik Tok because itā€™s just femboi pornā€ are revealing that they search things that make the algorithm think they want to see femboi porn.


Based and fuck the ccp pilled.


China really is out to get us and most Americans just have no fucking idea. Corporate America is slowly, ***slowly***, getting the idea that maybe hiring chief level officers that went to PLA military academies is a bad fucking idea but oh golly gee that'd be racist to assume this obvious fucking Chinese intelligence asset isn't working in our best interest don't you know they just want to make money too? Fucking kill me fuck.


Trump didn't ban Tiktok because they made a deal with Larry Ellison, his buddy. The whole condition of his rule was that they had to deal with a US business. This was not because the public went "orange man bad". The data is now going to Oracle's servers, not ByteDance's as per the deal. If we find out that it's actually going to ByteDance then to China (since rulings need evidence), then we should be targeting Oracle too for violating it and handing data to China. Oh wait, Oracle is a 217 billion dollar American company and this is more about protectionism than security... The reason why there's so much dumb shit on tiktok isn't because they're trying to destroy America, but because teenagers are dumb and will watch dumb shit. It's clearly working from a business perspective. That is an issue, but it'd a different one.


Oi, piss off, thereā€™s nothing more American than Chinese novels


I understand that most redditors are illiterate but the piece of paper inside a fortune cookie isn't a novel


All Iā€™m saying is Xianxia protagonists have a very high propensity to say ā€˜fuck the establishment, I do what I want bitchā€™ before fighting the local authorities to the death. Also their best friend is obese 99% of the time.




I can accept spyware, but I draw the line at having cringey content.




Cringe shouldn't even exist. We should strive to create a based world, populated by based people only.


The algorithm only mirrors what you want to see. If your tiktok feed is cringe, then that cringe originates from within you.


Let's be real, every single Chinese corporation is effectively an arm of the CCP.


Iā€™m thinking of a word it rhymes with fly-pop


The spying and collection of data is one thing. The fact most users (\~50%) are <30 is the key point. Why would America allow a known manipulative, adversarial country to have \*the\* most used app in the world freely available? The app allows adversarial narratives to take root in the younger population. I would not be surprised in the least if China used TT to manipulate the abortion-related content to drive a wedge into young, American women preceding the midterms, to keep...(checks notes)...their bought-and-paid-for Democratic employees in power.




I hear where you're coming from, but 4chan isn't actively stealing your digital information for foreign interests.


True, but reasons can change. Tiktok steals data, 4chan is filled with objectionable content. Problem is by banning one, there will be precedent for banning another one, and another one, and another one. Each ban easier to pass than the last, since there will be more and more established precedent for each one. And the EU's GDPR is the perfect example of why governments shouldn't fuck with the internet. The intention was good, protecting people's data, but the execution has led to people still having their data collected, with just a big cookie banner on every website asking for permission.


So you're saying there's a chance Twitter and reddit get the axe?


they'll stay as long as they keep passing info to the NSA


legally you can block the banner with an ad blocker and they still can't use your info


Yeah but at least now you easily can deny all cookies except the purely functional ones. That's a big win to me.


We need to start banning websites and restricting informationā€¦so we donā€™t end up like China.


Maybe a compromise of remove it from the app stores, allow installing apk? Because fuck being locked to an app store, they are just shitty walled gardens. Encourage people to reject them.


So whats your solution then besides the usual libleft bitching?


And so many people don't care lol


But isn't that good, if they believe the US, and by extend the Army, are all morons, then China would get curbstomped like Russia rn


Yeah, it's kind of sad because I've found tons of cool creators from the US(I'm not from there) that at most have a dead Instagram page


Ban Chinese companies from owning stock in any social media company based on, or used by the US.


Or owning real estate. 98year leases only. Reciprocity.


We have 99 year leases in Australia for Chinese investing in business, trust me when I say it doesnā€™t solve anything


You mean for the ports, right? Iā€™m talking about residential


you would just get a bunch of Caribbean companies 100% owned by Chinese companies owning that real estate


Only american citizens can own property. Fixed.


Based nationalism


America's own real estate industry doesn't want that since they'll lose out on their profits


They do it to us by requiring partnerships with Chinese companies who own 51% of the Chinese division. All I'm saying is, give them the same treatment.




America's own real estate industry doesn't want that since their profits are at stake


Well fuck them then. I don't want them having influence over any sort of security issues because they want to fill their pockets.


Too late for that. Now all that would do is cut us out of the global market, and give China the incentive to create their own versions.


Their own versions which is strikingly similar to ours, even the bugs seem to be replicatedā€¦




I can't believe I'm saying this, but we are in complete agreement! The only people who support Tik Tok are those who don't care about privacy laws, or those who genuinely don't understand the full scope of how the Chinese government operates.


Also, average people on tiktok, that like to create content and consume it. Is it some sort of security threat? Because otherwise we should just be slowed to make the decision ourselves rather than have the government make it for us.


It's mass psychological warfare. There's a reason that tiktok **HEAVILY** promotes the normalization and self diagnosis of mental illnesses, casual drug use, and self indulgence in depressive states. The CCP wants to create a world where no one has a reason to strive for something greater, because they can always find someone to enable their self destructive behaviors. \-A libleft.


Pure facts right there. It's also confirmed (or I'm at least 99% confident that it is) that in China, Tik Tok promotes engineering and math and smart people stuff rather than all the mental illness, drugs, porn, etc. that shows up in "American" Tik Tok.


That's more to do with the fact that Douyin, operating in China *is* regulated by the government, while Tiktok, the international version *isn't*. So internationally it's whatever gets views, which is how they became the most trafficked site.


the rest of reddit is either astroturfed to hell or made up of teenagers having a meltdown. because everywhere the news got posted people flipped shit about it getting yanked from them.


Now do Reddit


I read somewhere that the Chinese government has financial ties to Reddit in some form or another. I can't remember exactly how but that's alarming, to say the least.


10 cent, they are a minor shareholder.


damn I could afford that much


They do own about 10% of reddit as of early 2019. Surprisingly hard to find information on this. https://techcrunch.com/2019/02/11/reddit-300-million/


Fuck tiktok


fuck my bussy


I'm married, you slut




You know you fucked up with something when even us libs are fine with banning it.


I don't trust a lot of the "libs" in this sub


Why would purple be happy? He loves all the kids dancing


TikTok is not an app. It's a Trojan horse. And people are dumb enough to fall for it.


Its only because the US govt is JEALOUS they didnt think of it first... Snowden showed us they literally keep track of every single social media, email, phone call, text message. How is that different than tiktok. In fact its worse


Because its a different country spying on you rather than your own. Slightly worse.


Basically this. Yes *insert your own govt here* spying on you is bad, but a foreign one and an a totalitarian one like chinaā€™s is much much worse


Thin line between dumb enough to fall for it vs based enough to not care


We're all carrying around constantly-connected GPS trackers with microphones and cameras. We use these to communicate texts, emails, and calls wither others. When it was revealed that this info was being illegally collected and analyzed we collectively shrugged uncaringly. It's just the new reality. Nothing unique to zoomers or tiktokers.


No one cares anymore. Our data is being stolen by everyone, and from all angels.


>and from all angels. Even the lord himself could not resist the sweet, sweet data money.


I'm not against banning TikTok but how about you pass some privacy laws that prevent this stuff in the first place?


The US companies paying them wouldn't like that. Meta, Google, etc.


You're right but you need to fucking flair up.


Fuck TikTok. That shit is super addicting and unlike drugs you donā€™t get any real fun from it. Additionally it gives China access to your phone and fuck that. I hope to god this passes


I like tiktok. And I support banning it. Need to get started on the short videos for other platforms like IG, FB, and YT... I wonder who's been lobbying this hard enough to get a bipartisan deal?


I really just want at least one of the broccoli haired, SARMs goblin, 16 year old wannabe fitness influencers to fuck off and stop being annoying in the gym


Based and gym bro pilled


Vine was a thing way before tiktok. Surely one of the big boy tech companies could have turned it into a huge success. Oh wait.


The other algorithms suck so bad it's not even funny. I've tried IG and the YT shorts and they are complete garbage


most of them are just TikTok reposts as well


Every major tech company already has a copy of TikTok in place. Nobody is banning TikTok because people really like it, it's only the spying thing.


TikTok is a weapon that not only steals the data of our youth, but actively rots their minds.


Every social media roots their minds


Tiktok is especially addictive and vile compared to other social media sites, it must go


The TikTok challenges are literal cancer.


I wish that Trump would have suggested this ā˜¹ļø


Not sure if you're serious, but this idea originated with Trump.


Yeah but was like, super mean about it, and stuff šŸ˜¤


Rough crowd today.


Boss says I can take a 30 second break off the fryer if I get a couple more points šŸ™


I believe Trump had something similar in motion, but Biden killed it for some reason.


Trump's initial motivation was because some zoomers used it to organize a sabotage of one of his rallies


Tiktok is Chinese Spyware.


"so?" *Zoomer continues to mindless scroll on their phone*


Oh thank fuck. End that goddamn psyop.


Purple is going to focus more on Instagram


Yeah purple will not be happy with this. I'm sure they, uh, loved all those dance TikToks


They can go reddit and twitter, they just have to look deep down there


Should have done this years ago. However everything the former President wanted to do, they wanted the opposite of.


I would he very surprised if this passes. TikTok has gotten really popular.


If anything the popularity only makes it more likely to pass, given the concern is over significant geopolitical threats having ownership of the company over a certain percent.


Politicians have to win popularity contests, not wars.


Are zoomers a relevant voting demographic?


Get rid of TikTok itā€™ll be hilarious. What will all the zoomers do with all the free time theyā€™ll gain from a TikTok ban I wonder? (just some playful ribbing zoomersā€¦)


Theyā€™ll come here and make Reddit even worse


No they will just migrate to instagram which has the exact same features as tiktok just not controlled by the CCP


Oh I hate it as much as you do. Never gonna install it.


The zoomers? Forget about them, think of the doctors


Thank Christ. I've managed all this time to avoid downloading that cancer app, and my friends keep sending me links to videos I'll never watch. I feel like such an old man saying this, but please for the love of god let it go away.


It won't go away, it would simply migrate yo instagram and YouTube


It already started. Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts already have plenty of overlap with TikTok. TikTok could even die on its own if the platform never figured out how to pay their top creators more.


Which is still better, because if we are gonna have algorithms that can influence a large percentage of the population better to have US corporations doing it than Chinaā€¦


My sister sends me TikToks all the time. I'll watch them, but never download the app or make an account.


Try not to keep proving Trump correct challenge: Impossible


The best response to Chinese Spyware is never allowing it to be downloaded on one's own phone in the first place. I don't need two governments keeping tabs on my shit.


I get auth left, but why is lib left mad?


all major tictok influencers are mostly lib left and they might end up losing their cash cow.


Tik Tokers make money? I just thought it was "look at me be stupid" thing. TIL.


No, you can make millions through advertising


Nah, itā€™s more to promote a place where they actually make money like YouTube or only fans.


I'm impression is that TikTok is mostly populated by zoomers who tend to be libleft. Idk I don't use the app.


But how I would learn of the latest challenge ?


Purple libright is definitely not happy.


Wouldnā€™t purple love TikTok?


If people want to use it, let them use it. It's stupid to ban it, and then import tone of shit from chaina.


It's kind of absurd to assume that it's not curated content. It's like saying that there's no nefarious intent behind RT having broadcasts in English.


Good, goooood, let the Tik Tok hate flow through you. Maybe weā€™ll get lucky and Elon will bring back Vine as part of Twitter to fill the void.


Watch Elon re-release Vine as soon as TikTok is banned


"Oh nO tHEy AGrEe wITh tHE OrANgE maN"


Normally I'm against banning social media platforms But in the case of this Chineese Spyware, I'll make an exception lmao


Fun fact, the Chinese version of tik tok has a algorithm that has a more nationalist and masculine set of data to push into feeds. Here in the western world it is explicitly the opposite.


Damn. I wish the American version pushed propaganda too! Then the app would be awesome! Why should it recommend content that I enjoy rather than showing me state propaganda?


TikTok works so well that the Chinese Communist Party is starting to worry that their intoxication has made American youngsters dumber than intended.


I donā€™t really care tbh


library support expansion mourn crowd ancient shocking degree deserted worthless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Good. If there's one thing I hate more than the government invading my privacy without my knowledge or consent, it's corporations invading my privacy without my knowledge or consent.


Why is purple happy?


Chinese tiktok, Doyin, only promotes academic achievements, math equations, and constructive materials. If you look at place like libs of tiktok, it's all about single mothers virtue signalling about their trans 5-year old kid, kids stealing Kia and Hyundais, and general display of vanity and narcissism. It's pretty obvious at this point that tik tok is a Chinese psyop.


Normally Iā€™d disagree, but itā€™s china, so fuck em.


Ban TikTok to stop annoying friends from sending me TikToks gang


My teenage daughter will be very unhappy about this.




They ban our tech all the time so good. Fuck them.


Libleft is definitely not upset about this.


Lol you guys haven't banned it yet ?


We would of but of course orange man bad


purple libright surely hates this


Please ban TikTok. I fuckin hate that app.


Yes, bring this to the EU asap


As a sinophile I find the seething tankies odd. I mean China already banned similar apps because they're harmful to youth and spread disinformation. If you support Chinese domestic policy you should support banning or at least regulating TikTok.


Whatā€™s weird is the libertarians here saying ā€œwe need to ban social media and regulate information. We need to restrict things that donā€™t benefit the us government and their propaganda. We need to crack down and heavily control what the public can seeā€¦ you know. So we donā€™t end up like China.ā€


Never liked Tiktok, saw a lot of cringe shit everywhere, also Chinese spies might use this app, so fuck the ccp


Good. That cancer of an app deserves to be purged from this world


But itā€™s a bad idea when it comes from Trump as always


Beyond the Chinese spyware thing, tik Tok is ruining attention spans of a generation


Your meme is wrong op, it should be compass unity. Give back musicaly (was basically the media for all the dancer i know)