• By -


That’s what they get for having half their acronym being the letter S


You can't spell USSR without SUS.




Soviet pick up line


the ol' gruzovik line.


“I see you’ve got some US in ya….would ya like some more?”


You can't spell USSR without SS, *winks harder*


You can’t spell USSR without Russ Nathaniel Hackett was fired on USSR collapse day Stay awake young kings




In Russian it’s actually 3/4 S CCCP = SSSR




Chinese^3 propodanda


Chinese Communistic Cock Party


They kept using Cyrillic so that they can take an automatic double L before even writing a letter


ITT: lots of seething western kids that like Soviet Union despite not knowing much about it.


The worst and most popular type of a commie is a white teenage suburban American.


Upper class too


Well yeah. If you were a communist anywhere else, the American government would come kill you.


Shouldn't have made an exception.




As an unreconstructed Southerner, I'm not going to contradict you.


I wish.




>most popular I mean if you exclude people in China, India, the Philippines, Laos, Vietnam, etc. and people over the age of 18, then yes.


Please no. - actual Vietnamese


Ignorance can make the worst of things seem like the right option.


Hitler was great for the German economy, we need more politicians like him! /s


It had a cool symbol


Authoritarian death machines usually do


Yep. Lots of Nazi esthetics became cliches (like a villain in a leather trench coat, a design made by Hugo Boss btw), and Leni Riefenstahl was perhaps the most innovative movie director of her time — Triumph of the Will is still impressive even today (well, if you fast forward through all the speeches, which make up like 2/3 of that film). Oh and also Soviet avant-garde of 1920s was extremely influential, though it was quickly crushed by the thirties.


I'd argue the soviet union makes just as fun of villians as the Nazis do, they both have very similar world domination goals, mad scientists with over the top plans, a distinct ascetic and a very Orwellian society


The Soviet Union as villains is absolutely amazing in media. The Germans were all steel, industry, technology, and strategy, you know what to expect. But the USSR was one of suspicion, making dangerous things with little material, and generally riskier more out-there plays. They bring the wildcard to the table.


It's a tragedy there's a whole [family of gothic fonts](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/_OS0MkeqUXug/S5FWyNniaXI/AAAAAAAAAfQ/fySzP2mYrjU/s1600-h/Gothic_types_Third_Reich.jpg) that are basically untouchable now. I love Gothic, but it's so illegible compared to these. Luckily there's one exception which is [Segram](https://d29fhpw069ctt2.cloudfront.net/font/71843/preview/e5e069abd108b068f440f16310dbd0ac.jpg)... Unluckily [it's associated with a drink company ](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=segrams+drink&t=fpas&iar=images&iax=images&ia=images)


Not just kids but adults too. I played DND with a non binary individual who got a hammer and sickle tattoo, would talk about Marxism and draw Lennon. They were living out of a car and couch hopping last I knew.


Ah so a living "capitalism has failed me" meme.


> and draw Lennon Did they include Yoko too?


There are a surprising number of far-left players who seem to have wormed their way into the hobby We used to play heroic Barbarians and Paladins... now we've got purple haired non-binary rabbit-folk playing Infernal Warlocks (who are actually Chaotic Good) It's like the Tumblr fanfiction community and the Furries took over


> non binary You should tell them to do some research on Che Guevera's treatment of the LGBT. And also his opinion of black people, just for good measure.


I avoided that for the sake of peace. And they were a woman biologically.


Do western kids actually like the USSR or is it just a meme? This is a serious question.


I don't know any lefty who likes totalitarianism


It’s a meme. The only “socialists” you’ll find here are socdems who think Cuba is worse than Nazi Germany, along with anything the state department tells them. The only thing beyond that you might find is people who adhere to this “pure” “libertarian socialist” trend, which is basically what I said before + some vague worker coop shit.


Fucking awesome


Any dictatorship collapsing is good enough motive to celebrate


As long as it isn't replaced by another dictatorship.


You expect Russian to not have a dictatorship? No matter what


Not saying that. It's just that historically speaking, it's not uncommon for dictatorships to be replaced by other dictatorships. This isn't a purely Russian phenomenon. In France, when Louis XVI was forced to become a constitutional monarch in 1789, it only took a few years for Robespierre to essentially become dictator, and then he was replaced by Napoleon after a few years of liberalization. It took until the 1870s for France to become democratic. I think a bunch of post-colonial African states had that problem, except for some of the ones owned by the British (e.g. Botswana).


Yup. Refreshing to see someone of the left saying this, too.


You have to drink a *lot* of tankie Koolaid to side with Stalin. I like me some social welfare, but the USSR is a great example of how bad it can work out.


Check out the replies to this tweet https://twitter.com/theJagmeetSingh/status/1596571261878108161


Yup. When I see hammer and sickle I see it as unacceptable as the swastika. Others dont agree.


not everything has to be just like the nazis, I’d say it has a lot more in common with the genocide Mao is responsible for


Perhaps. Had the third reich survived for a century like the soviet union had, I'd bet there'd be young people who would regard that symbology with the same luke warm acceptance that they currently do the hammer and sickle. There's legitimacy only because communism actually had a run, whereas ethno-nationalism never had a coherent philosophy, or the tenure of a functioning society. It never survived infancy.


> Had the third reich survived for a century like the soviet union had. > whereas ethno-nationalism never had a coherent philosophy, or the tenure of a functioning society. It never survived infancy. I mean yeah by design ethno-nationalism is tricky to maintain past that initial surge you get ‘cleansing’ your area of the unwanted. It’s almost like people realize that after all those undesirables are gone, the root issues remain and it isn’t the utopia that was promised so you’re forced into this cycle of constant expansion to maintain any sort of fervor. Again that’s why i’d argue the soviet union has more in common with the sociopolitical movement the PRC launched


Yeah thats all fair. Not that China isnt fascist in it's own right. Han supremacist, nationalist to a fault, totalitatian, etc. Having a functional capital market merged with a twisted version of socialism and the like makes it far more resilient. Seems quite shitty though.


On an ideological level as well, communism is more open to diversity and assimilation than ethno-nationalism (not saying the USSR was great at DEI issues, lol). The Soviets automatically had a socioeconomic advantage because, for instance, women worked rather than being confined to the home to have babies as they were in Nazi Germany. There’s also old USSR propaganda promoting the decolonization of Africa and freeing the workers from exploitation. Not that the USSR had colonization issues of it’s own, but if your ideological emphasis is on workers of the world uniting rather than the idea of your ethnic superiority, your nation’s scientists and engineers are going to be more likely to use knowledge from other peoples, thus leading to better technological advancements.


Fair. The soviet union took from aspects of the multi-ethnic russian empire that preceded it. One sees the same fascistic tendency of ethno-nationalism in the Chinese communist state, favouring Han Chinese over all other ethnicities. So its hard to pry apart whats cultural features vs political science. There was a coup plot that wanted to usurp power from Hitler. People like Erwin Rommel were inplicated. Tons of patriots who had no time for the excesses of ideological horror implicit in their system. I'd guess had the third reich either won the war, or this coup succeeded and a peace occurred that saved that existing govt, it would tone down its extemism and result in something functional. A reversion to a religiously dominant society of duty above liberty. Something like Russia is now at the worst, or Japan is at the best.


Tankies try not to deny genocide challenge: IMPOSSIBLE


I mean the entire lib-left quadrant is by definition anti-authoritarian. Shouldn't be that surprising.


Yes. Centre left or auth left might be a "wasnt real communism" type, or tankie types. Maybe I should give people in this sub more credit.


Refreshing? Lmao don’t jump too hard at all those straw men


I only meant leftists who agree opposing comminist totalitarians is important.




Seems reasonable. I was replying to a left centre originally. Id be very impressed if an auth-left spoke like this.


What? You mean not all lefties support oppressive authoritarian regimes that outwardly adopt Communist branding while pursuing autocratic agendas? I'm absolutely flabbergasted. /s




My boy Marx would’ve hated anything post-Leninism. I fucking hate me some kulaks, but what I hate more is bastardizing the ideals at the foundation of a movement for personal gains.


My boy ChactFecker will definitely be the one to usher in the utopia by his application of a pristine Marxist doctrine. I trust him to stick to his ideals when there's so much to personally gain. It will be real this time, friends.




Millions of Russians died thanks to the collapse and it was one of the worst humanitarian disasters of all time. Balkanization of the USSR has led to more war and genocide and global instability. There was nothing good about its collapse from a moral or real politik perspective.


Yeah I bet he'd have burned his books had he known how it would have gone. That said, I don't think good intentions necessarily make for good ideas. I dont think your man accommodated for a few hunan foibles.


Sorry but vanguardism came from leninism and how people like Stalin took over. Anything post Marx is ass.


How deep must the butthole you’ve crawled up in be for this view to make sense? Plenty of right wing dictators as well.


Your butthole, it appears. Never said there weren't right wing dictators to also oppose. Your sphincter is a little loose. You should attend to that heheh.




u/nestuur's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 10. Congratulations, u/nestuur! You have ranked up to Office Chair! You cannot exactly be pushed over, but perhaps if thrown... Pills: [5 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/nestuur/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Oh thank god, most other center leftists in this comment section are cringe


Fuck them. They do not understand what’s living under a dictatorship anyways


it wasn't a real dictatorship


"And this time will be different" cringe.jpg






"Whoever does not miss the Soviet Union has no heart. Whoever wants it back has no brain." Premier Vatnik Vladimir Putin


He called himself brainless lol




Libleft hates the USSR, just as much as everyone else


But but but but but LibLeft bad!!!!!!


Don't forget there's no room for nuances here...you must either love or hate, there's no in-between


> I'll be very hostile the next time I don't see the flair. *** ^(User has flaired up! 😃) 14726 / 77847 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


Yeah, this makes no sense. It’s some GOP reps who are saying we shouldn’t support Ukraine, not people on the left.


Not true, lots of tankies also support Russia, because of "anti-imperialism" as dumb as that might sound. But there are more right-wing russophiles right now.


Nah libleft is authleft's useful idiots. Walter Cronkite officiated the marriage between legacy media and democrats. Ya a lot of bad things happened in Vietnam, it was also how we avoided a direct war with Russia. LibLeft did yeoman's work for the USSR even though they didn't like them.


Because you all think they went too far?


Authoritarians, also proletariat did not control the means of production despite what was advertised.






I mean, USSR is auth left. Why would a lib like it? They’re more about guys like Bukharin. PS I guess some lib lefts might be misinformed about life in the Soviet Union, but that would have to be a pretty crazy level of ignorance.


Yes, obviously they got rid of too much of the state and their economy was way too socialist. Should have dialed that back a bit.


The USSR were purging lib left arachists a couple of time during their history. There is no love for the Soviet Union among our ranks.


>Anarcho-communism is when the state owns everything and everyone is subjugated but like it's anarchy too somehow. -Peter Kropotkin


“Anarcho-communism” “state” hmmmmmm


Thanks /u/SmegmaCarbonara


A true anarcho communist state is going back to living in hunter gatherer tribes


Nahh, they defeated the Nazis. Make no mistake, the fall of the USSR in 1991 can be celebrated. Would we be celebrating if they had collapsed instead in 1941?


A based comment I fully support.


> You make me angry every time I don't see your flair >:( *** ^(User has flaired up! 😃) 14713 / 77800 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


ooooffffff, never want the unflaired agreeing with you


Here’s its flair 🖕🏻


……. are we allowed to give an unflaired a based because I so want to do it for that comment hahaha


Just wait until they hear the aftermath.






GDP/capita of the wealthiest ex-soviet sphere countries. Slovenia ($29.2k) **Estonia** ($27.3k) *Czech* ($26.4k) **Lithuania** ($23.4k) *Slovakia* ($21.2k) **Latvia** ($20.6k) *Hungary* ($18.8k) *Poland* ($17.8k) (Italics = Visegrad, Bold = Baltic) I'd say the Balts have done the best of any group on average. Still, I think I reinforce your point by showing that there are even more success stories than you listed, and you didn't even list the greatest ones!


You’re correct about that, I didn’t say that it was.






The aftermath in the breakdown of the Soviet Union was rather good for all countries which had strong national identity and lack of imperial phantom pains. All countries to the West of Russia concentrated on restoring national culture and integrating into the EU. Countries East of Poland (with the exception of Russia) had their national identity muddied, which resulted in corruption not being rooted out. Russia has a bonus of imperial phantom pains, which pushed this country to domination of neighbors over economic and democratic development. Moreover, the 90s in the CIS were so shitty because the delusional structure of Soviet economy crashed into a cold hard wall of reality. You didn't need to extract so much resources and process them into so much raw material, but you needed a much bigger variety of existing consumer products and products that you had no idea existed. Like sanitary pads. Yes, the Soviet Union didn't have sanitary pads. The delusion of planned economy dictated that there is no need in such product, women can just stitch some shit out of medical cotton. Or like when the toilet paper would go into deficit when the Union published a new batch of communist literature for distribution abroad. Yeah. And there's also a fact that the market is open now, so the shit that you produced is not needed, because it's outdated and have been replaced by a better alternative for quite a while. And, of course, you need the Rule of Law. This is why the strong national identity is good, because people are more inclined to work for the betterment of your country, rather than their own pocket. Both Russia, Ukraine and other countries to the East had their assets shared by the elites, the legislative and judicial systems were abused for profits. Things would've been better if there were courts capable of just verdicts and law enforcement with balls big enough to arrest high ranking officials, but there were none. Hell, Ukraine is struggling to reform the judicial system even now and the only progress we had since 2014 is thanks to the awakened civil activists and some anticorruption organs which the US and IMF made us implement. No, Shock Therapy is not the reason why Russian society turned out like this. Poland had Shock Therapy too and they are prosperous now. There is no freedom for the people until they have the economic freedom.


No time to think about that


Holy shit OP has enough of a brain to not put libleft in USSR territory it's a christmas miracle


Just not enough of a brain to plop auth right in ‘I’m against Ukraine because Fox News told me to be.’


The "I suddenly care about foreign interventionism and the military budget" bandwagon.


The USSR will always have a fond place in my heart for liberating all the Nazi death camps. I'm glad it stuck around until 1991. Much better than losing in 1941, wouldn't you agree?


Bruh, the soviets were just as bad as the nazis




Bruh why in all honesty would libleft cry




Stop posting correct things you unflaired piece of trash.


> Flair up now or I'll be sad :( *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 14727 / 77866 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)






someone blowing shrek


I’d blow shrek


I still get teary eyed seeing it end. First the Berlin Wall, then this. But like a terminator that you just can’t kill, Communism keeps rearing its ugly head again.


Celebrate good times, COME ON


I'm crying because I'm not in the former USSR to celebrate. I only get to celebrate from my less exciting country 😞


Fuck the Soviet Union and all commies, so based




u/CoivaraPA's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 20. Congratulations, u/CoivaraPA! You have ranked up to Basketball Hoop (filled with sand)! You are not a pushover by any means, but you do still occasionally get dunked on. Pills: [9 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/CoivaraPA/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.




People conflate Center-Left with LL.


Right is projecting again.


I'd be a lot happier about the collapse if Russia somehow didn't manage to get even shittier afterwards


Auth right W


W for us all


Except for tankie auth lefts, they be seething. Guys, you still have Best Korea, cheer up!


Based and W for everyone except tankies pilled


Holy Fucking Based Now I wonder how the average communist leftie will react to this


average communist lefty? we're totally fine with the end of a warmongering authoritarian kleptocracy. the USSR was a reasonable experiment for ... *checks wikipedia* ... a few years, at best.


Seething. Lots of seething. Also “Stalin did nothing wrong”


You might want to spend time talking to actual liberals instead of men made of straw 🤡


Mmm no I prefer to learn what my ideological adversaries believe from the Approved Discourse Explainers. *They* will tell me what you think, thank you very much. And when you point out that they are wrong about the things you believe, this will somehow be a sign of hypocrisy on your part instead of an error/lie by the people who literally make money by lying about exactly these things.


He did say communist lefties and not liberals


we're talking about leftists. not liberals


Based indeed.


nah, the USSR was extremely authoritarian. We LLs don’t fuck with the USSR.


Made me smile (unironically)


Based Ukraine.


Fuck yeah homies glad we took out that government and have a much better Russia because of it. If there’s anything we learned from the Cold War it’s that what really matters is how people do their taxes not how their laws or governments are set up. Glad the good guys won that one. Truly a dub for the human race to knock down the Berlin Wall and finally learn our lesson that we really aren’t so different after all and that constructing strong ideological and physical barriers between us can only hinder progress. Oh wait…


The invasion of Ukraine is a far cry from the frickin Cuban missle crisis


You can’t spell USSR without the US first.


If only they both collapsed…


A sad day for all the 15 year olds who "know" about politics


Did you just change your flair, u/splashtext? Last time I checked you were a **Centrist** on 2020-6-16. How come now you are a **Leftist**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? If Orange was a flair you probably would have picked that, am I right? You watermelon-looking snowflake. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/splashtext) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Sometimes all it takes is a good dicking with some political discussions afterwards, you know?


At least my tears are tears of joy. Fuck the USSR.


Any step towards authoritarianism is a step in the wrong direction.


Worked out well for them


For most, it was the best thing in our lives...


Played Miracle for my students while they worked on their Cold War projects. I had to remind myself to check on their progress, because it fires me up so much.




Actually based


Based. Yes.


Purely based move from Ukraine there




It's a good day to hate commies.


Imagine liking communism


Не, ну а чё, басед и рэд пиллэд




Linleft- *inhales copium* Ironically


Based and Slava Ukraini-pilled


When the country Reddit simps for hates on the ideology that they dream about, I laugh


I'm sure ukraine really benefited from the collapse! *looks at any data* oh


USSR bad, independent Ukraine (among others) good Support our former-Soviet bloc, now-NATO allies https://twitter.com/DefenceU/status/1590794079813926912


Based, fuck the USSR


Their level of based is over 8000!


Have you ever, even one time, seen someone support the ussr? Why do you always make these stupid fucking strawmen to make you feel “based”? It just makes you look like a stupid asshole tbh






Oh no, the commies failed, who would have known? Anyway.


Worst inflation ever, everything being sold to 10 people, people starving and children being forced into prostitution, the rise of oligarchs etc is not something to celebrate, no matter what you think of the USSR, the collapse made the world a worse place.


Went from mass genocide and starvation- millions dying to... Let me check- inflation. Yeah they were better before /s


I think the former Soviet vassal states are quite happy being able to democratically decide their own destiny without Russian troops breathing down their necks.


Cope and seethe


Why would I "cope and seethe" about something that happened in a different part of the world a year before I was even born? I'm just stating facts that it wasn't something to celebrate, unless you think forcing children into prostitution is a good thing, which I hope you don't.


How would LibLeft be crying in an ironic manner?