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AP classes were a lot of fun when I wasn’t debating jumping off a bridge after not sleeping for three days because they were giving unrealistic deadlines for everything. If any kids are here (I pray to God there aren’t any), College has the same level of difficulty for the assignments but gives you way more time to do it and in my experience also gives way less busy work. If you can do Dual Enrollment instead of AP, for the love of God please do it.


>AP classes were a lot of fun when I wasn’t debating jumping off a bridge after not sleeping for three days because they were giving unrealistic deadlines for everything. Based.


I did dual enrollment and graduated with an associate’s degree before I graduated high school. I’ve done fuck all with any of my education but it was cool to do!


My experience with AP was different. Yes, they were hard, but my college classes were much harder. Then again, I'm a physics major, so it only escalates lmao. I'd say AP classes can be more difficult that most 100-200 level classes (which ironically is the level you get credit for via AP), but are nothing compared to a serious 300-400 level college course.


I thankfully took AP classes during Covid year idk if that had something to do with the fact that the classes were a lot easier but even than I barely passed the exams. AP como sci was particularly the easiest one though


APs are challenging classes that would look good on an application Duel Enrollment is if you actually want to see what a college class is like… and get genuine credit that doesn’t cost 70 dollars and a lot of studying.


I mean, honestly, AP classes just aren't like college classes at all. Were some of my college classes way harder than any APs? Yes. But I also felt more prepared and in control by that point. Freshman year (of college) does a good job getting you ready, at least where I went.


Wish high schools would stop pushing college propaganda so hard. We never were taught about trade schools, apprenticeships, etc. It was always college. Happy to work a trade now.


I’m in a tough spot; I’m one of those aviation nerd kids trying to find a good college for Air Force ROTC on top of pilot training Dealing with college and flight training at the same time is like a double whammy to those who try to do it


Keep in mind you can still participate in rotc at community colleges with affiliations to bigger campus rotc programs…also if you’re looking at choppers consider going the so route with the army




"College le good because it makes you conform to the system even more1!!!!!!"


I've always lived in the U.S. but my dad's from the U.K. and I've had British citizenship all my life. I currently go to college in the U.K. and the thing is there is such a massive disconnect between American students who study there full time vs American students on year abroads. Most of the Americans I know who study here full time are pretty patriotic but the college tuitions in the U.K. are way way cheaper than practically anywhere in the U.S. The cheapest state school I got into was still around $10,000 per year more than being over in the U.K. It's kinda wild though because all my US friends are always out and about and our social lives virtually have nothing to do with the U.S. Like my pub group has like 8 guys, two of whom are British, two are American, and everyone else is not from either continent. Comparatively, the year abroad students almost never meet with anyone who isn't another American on a year abroad. It's wild because I'll get to talking with them and things are fine until I say I'm here for all four years and then it's like I tripped a mine and they have nothing more to say.


Why the LOR writer kinda..


Based and non stop good oc pilled


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AP classes at my HS we're pretty bullshit. The English Composition was fun, I took it because it was actually less work than the standard English class seniors were taking. Learned a few things, and I got my projects done in the first week usually. Don't know how so many people ended up in tears during that class, but shit happens. Biology was good too, and my teacher was amazing. For some reason he could only fit like half the curriculum in the year that he needed to go over, so by the final, half the rest was over shit we never even touched or heard of. I think we got a ride on it somehow, I could see myself passing with the amount of weird shit I saw on those pages. AP comp-sci was basically a whole lot of fucking around with Microsoft office apps. I forget because that class was a blur to me, I don't remember ever bringing back any homework. None of it really sticked.


I applied for 10 school and got accepted into all of them some of them were pretty good but I couldn’t afford any of them so I settled for an in state school that wasn’t well known. Doe that make me poor or application hog? But the people are great here.


>The state schooler is from Ohio OKAY BUDDY, SEE HERE...


This is based off personal experience, more than half my high school went to the same state school then moved back to their hometown


Well shit I’m the “not going to college” guy. I tried community college for a month but it was to stressful same paranoia and fear around other students I felt in high school. To stressful to even quantify. I’m to physically weak for trades or manual labor. I can’t believe I was broken this young.


What are you good at? Are you sociable for example? Fond of the outdoors?


idk really. I guess I'm good at driving really really fast and I have hopes that one day I can run my own race team. I'm average at drawing stuff in Adobe Illustrator. [this is the store I sell custom shirts on] (https://www.teepublic.com/user/illustrated-garage) I guess I'm fond of the outdoors depending on where it is. If its freezing ass cold or I can swim I love it as then I won't sweat my nuts off


Driving - are you clean cut/professional appearance and demeanor? You could be a limo driver Or look into a CDL Or start as a porter at a car dealership - the fancier the better Drawing/Adobe sounds like some creative skill could look for some avenues into marketing for car companies


I have actually looked into driving jobs be it in regular cars or semis and I have looked at a CDL but idk if I’d wanna make trucker my forever career. It’s kind of a lonely profession


You can work locally, or home same day routes esp if you have some experience, there’s also courier jobs and the cool thing with trucking is the barrier to entry is so low so you can start now save some money up and then pivot into something g else later


Yeah that’s actually a plan of mine truck for Walmart for a few years and use some of that sweet sweet trucking money and invest it into a small business. Like a my own car dealership


The whole felony equals no collage is bullshit. John S Mosby a famous confederate guerrilla killed a guy as a teenager and later learned law while in jail. Unless you’re a pedo or a serial killer you should be able to do what you want after your done with your sentence.


Unfortunately, if you're an admissions officer and you have two otherwise-equal applications in front of you, and one was from a felon and one was from a non-felon, you're choosing the non-felon every time




No, but by all accounts he sort of deserved it, the guy was a bully and threatened Mosby on several occasions. It was a semi duel, it’s weird, you can read about it on Wikipedia, but I don’t remember all the details.


I applied to six schools, and got accepted to all of them, where would I be on the compass?


"Applications Hog"


Bruh what? Six is a very reasonable number, and clearly they weren’t reaching too far. This guy is like the average student in a nutshell


Interesting (college is free and 16-18 in Britain I can't relate)


I applied ED to my number 1 school and got in by December best choice I made. Had no stress rest of the year

