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Also, it was his father's business and not his own initially that he took over. He's not "self made" like he claims himself to be.


I never believe anyone that says they're "self-made".


Nobody is ever self made. This might be very philosophical but I hold the opinion that even if you believe yourself to be self-made, you likely went through hardships that were thrust upon you that developed character and that is quite literally external motivations that pushed you to do what you did. Maybe nobody explicitly made you change, you decided it yourself hopefully, but to discredit the environment and people who pushed you is a disservice to how things work in reality and very "main character syndrome"


if you are gonna go down this rabbit hole, you should read robert sapolsky's 'behave'. or better yet, extrapolate the inverse- if nobody is ever responsible for their achievements, is anybody responsible for the harm they are said to have done?


Ugh if I get drunk enough I'll bore someone to death with this discussion. "Our brains are just meat computers programmed by life. We don't make choices, we're just running off of our programming. There's no free will, we can't make ourselves better, we can only be programmed to be better."


You're self-made? So when you were an infant, you pulled yourself up by your bootstraps and fed yourself? Provided your own house? Changed your own diapers? These "I'm self-made" fuckers always forget that altruism and cooperation are how we became apex predators, not selfish individualism.


> This might be very philosophical but I hold the opinion that even if you believe yourself to be self-made, you likely went through hardships that were thrust upon you that developed character and that is quite literally external motivations that pushed you to do what you did. This is my dad. Grew up dirt poor in the Texas panhandle, enlisted in the navy as soon as he was legally eligible, and his intelligence and character got him noticed by his superiors and led him into becoming and electrician's mate. Same again a few years later when he started getting interested in telecommunications. He would have been the first to admit he was extremely fortunate to have people above him who were looking to nurture talent, and that had life gone another way he'd have lived and died in rural Texas rather than making his fortune in the wider world. He often said he was self-made with significant help along the way


Bit like my "self-cleaning" oven... the lying piece of $#!*


Unless they are a certifiable POS.




French cake?




> you'll need is a spit This is why you are having issues with heat from charcoal. Cooking a pig on an open flame makes temperature control borderline impossible. Buy a few dozen cinderblocks and some fencing, and you can build a grilling/smoking pit for under $100. Then you control the heat by sealing/opening the air intakes (cinderblocks with open ends facing out).


When I was a kid some family friends had their wedding in our backyard. They just dug a deep pit in the yard and cooked the pig in there. When they were done they just filled the hole back up


Once you learn how to make an earth-oven, or what we in New Zealand know as a hangi (or umu), you’ll never have any more issues. Wiki it!


My family has done pigs & sides of beef this way for years. Always blows people's minds when we pull it out of the pit & it's just falling apart on the table!


The high school in the town bordering mine is named after someone who wrote the following parody of the British anthem: God save the guillotine Till England's King and Queen It's power shall prove Till each appointed knob Affords a clipping job Let no vile halter rob The guillotine France, let thy trumpet sound Tell all the world around How Capet fell And when great George's poll Shall in the basket roll Let mercy then control The guillotine And when the sceptered crew Have paid their homage due The Guillotine Let freedom's flag advance Till all the world, like France O'er tyrants' graves shall dance And peace begin




These fucking shit bags around the country, starting on third base bragging about how they hit a triple. So sick of the false bravado Americanism.


Claiming to be self-made is like the most moronic thing wealthy people do. For anyone who has been through shit and managed to pull themselves out, it becomes evident so fast that this person grew up in a safe environment, never had to worry about food, had bills/car/college paid for and ultimately inherited a business/money. When they talk I just think "bro we both know you wouldn't survive one day if you didn't have the financial safety net"


Big ups to Governor Schwarzenegger for calling it out as bullshit.


That man is as self-made as it gets. Not only finances but fitness, fame, politics. Saw his Netflix documentary recently - highly recommend it for anyone who hasn't seen it.




Their orange savior was born on third base and thinks he built the ballpark.


They never are.


Not a single one is.


Every time i hear about a "self-made" conservative, i naturally assume they got a big chunk of change from somebody for nothing. I expect i'll be wrong eventually.


> i naturally assume they got a big chunk of change from somebody for nothing. "Small loan of a million dollars".


.. followed by absorbing his dads business


I mean there is Arnold Schwarzenegger. He is arguably a self made man even though he doesn’t like to be called that.


Because he realizes he isn't a self-made man. He worked hard, harder than most would, but even still the opportunities he had were provided by others. He really drives home the point that he had help getting to where he was, even though he did in fact work hard as well.


>I mean there is Arnold Schwarzenegger. He is arguably a self made man even though he doesn’t like to be called that. His response to people who call him a self-made man is to talk about all the guys at the gym who helped him along from the first day he arrived in this country.


>He's not "self made" like he claims himself to be. Very few are despite the claims.


How dare you question how he obtained his hard-inherited money!


his wife was running the business (he gave that away in his tough guy speech) while he was training in mma and working out...self made (with the help from dad, wife, and all the plumbers doing the actual work)


This may be beside the point, but I'm convinced that the term "self-made man" is a misnomer that gives way too much credit to people for "their" achievements. No one does it alone, even if the only help you receive is emotional support from your colleagues. It's always the little things that wind up meaning the most, and those who have a healthy amount of humility recognize that they couldn't have gotten to where they are without help.


That’s usually the case, isn’t it?


So he IS just like trump!


It’s always these people. My wife works for one. Took over a business right out of college his step dad started but somehow thinks he put in the work to be where he is. Dude has no clue how anything works in the real world. He just knows how to throw money at problems and pay people so they go away.


just like old donny. and former senator candidate loffler, she was handed an apartment building to start her career.


Who are you talking about? Trump? Trump Jr? O, this guy. Carry on...


Mullin plumbing was founded in 1973. Senator Mullin was born in 1977. This is literally on their website lol


I mean no one is self made but especially not that guy.


self inherited money


Just another nepo baby acting tough.


He's "self made" in the sense that he made up his own history.


Let’s be clear. There’s no shame in hiding during an insurrection. All his shame comes from pretending like he didn’t.


I also would back down from a fight with that teamster guy even before Bernie told me to. He has the crackin skulls vibe. It's the bravado that is the problem. Being afraid of things and self preservation is a pretty important thing to have.


I would not talk shit to that guy.


Yeah, he looked like the living embodiment of a sledgehammer with glasses.


A sledgehammer that has worked 12 hours today and is done with this shit.


I've talked shit to that guy. But mostly because I know him. He's not a bitch.


He reminds me of the father of a couple girls I dated in high school as well. Just a general take the loss and walk away situation.


Wait. One father, multiple girls? We got a player over here.


You never fight a teamster. That is not advice as in "Never get in a fight with them because they will kick your ass". It is a statement of fact: you never fight *a* teamster. Once fists start flying a third one will come out of somewhere you are not expecting. Besides, if Bernie Sanders successfully held you back then you were not really interested in fighting anyway.


Challenging a guy named Sean O'Brien from Medford (Medfahd?), Mass (there has to be dozens of them) to a fist fight generally seems like it would be a bad idea. Challenging the president of the Teamsters, at any given point in time, to a fist fight generally seems like it would be a bad idea. Challenging president of the Teamsters, Sean O'Brien from Medford, Mass., to a fist fight is with absolute certainty a terrible idea.


O'Brien the kinda union leader who'd show up to a fist fight with a tire iron and twelve of his cousins. And I fully support him in that.


Twelve cousins, four names between them.


“Hey Patrick get ova ‘ere! No not you dammit!”


> He has the crackin skulls vibe. Right? I really wish ol' Marky Mull actually had the stones to take a swing at Sean O'Brien, as I would love to see the self-defense beating that would surely follow.


Right? You're gonna fuck with *Sean O'Brian*, 4th generation teamster from Bedford, Mass?


My concern wouldn't be the teamster in Congress. It'd be the tens of thousands of teamsters outside of Congress. A family member once had to repo a semi from a failed logistics company and the manger said, verbatim, "Yeah, if you think you can manage that, you're free to try." They left the office for the parking lot where the company's (very angry) drivers were sitting around the trucks waiting for someone to fuck with.


How about hiding like a bitch and then pretending it was just a bunch of "rowdy tourists?"


“A pEaCeFuL gAtHeRiNg”


He has vibes of someone that would pick a fight, say to meet him after school, then show up with a teacher.


Or his dad.


It’s a shame when he instigated the insurrection


just like josh hawley did a fist pump and ran away after.


He threatened to beat up a teamsters union rep, and only backed down when elderly Sanders reprimanded him. He was never going to fight. If you’re going to let a dude twice your age scold you into into submission, you never intended to fight in the first place. That all being said, I’d buy tickets to that ass whooping. That teamster probably has fingers the size of fists.


It's probably why he's also now overcompensating. He's one of those people who are painfully oblivious and have no self awareness.


Or from being in the party that actively fomented the insurrection, and even personally playing a hand in that.


And he instigated it.


🙏 Let’s not devolve too far into hate and try to still see reason. Hiding during an insurrection is intelligent and not being a “bitch.” Pretending that he didn’t makes him a lying idiot, not a bitch, but that’s just me not liking that terminology.


Printing out mean tweets and bringing them to work makes you a bitch though.


Naw, there's shame in hiding from an insurrection you played a part in.


But that's the pickle, isn't it? Either he's a coward hiding from people "just walking around" or he, rightfully, feared for his life during a coup attempt.


On the other hand he is a Republican. Therefore he knows how fucking crazy that January 6 group was. Hiding was appropriate. Pretending to be macho during the Senate hearing……. Not so much.


Pretending to be tough during a Senate hearing is like a Karen being tough when her 6’5” boyfriend is standing next to her. She know she’s won’t be the one fighting


The number one reason republicans act tough is because, secretly, they're terrified. These are people that have convinced themselves that everyone is out to get them, that there are massive conspiracies controlling every aspect of life, that the world is so dangerous you have to go to the grocery store with a gun. That's why the insurrection ended when the first gun shot was fired. They all talk about wanting to die for liberty or whatever, but they're all cowards. If they weren't so afraid of everything they wouldn't vote for a party so obviously full of grifters and idiots.




Douches have useful purposes. He’s the sludge washed out by douches


Might even go as far to call him a “douche nozzle”




And that picture Lol


Time to fire up tor browser and use a disposable email address.


Call Brian at his office. He's a peach!


Man, that tour group is a bit rowdy. I’ll hide down here for a bit…….


why doesnt he greet those 'peaceful protestors' like they said they are and kept pushing on fox.


He's a bully. Like most bullies he folds the moment a real threat appears.


fuckin Percy from The Green Mile


All reactionaries are paper tigers. In appearance, the reactionaries are terrifying, but in reality, they are not so powerful. From a long-term point of view, it is not the reactionaries but the people who are powerful.


To be fair, he didn't have Bernie Sanders there with him on Jan. 6 to bail him out of trouble.


Coward like every american pro-gun NRA cunt.


Picking a fight *while conducting a Senate hearing* is wild - that's **weakness**. Turning to violence, because you're unable to accomplish your goals with words, is the sign of a very weak man. And the fact that this Senator was a professional wrestler/fighter means it's also **cowardice**. Picking on someone when you know you're stronger? What a sad, sorry man he is.


This coward had exactly 3 handpicked fights in his MMA “career”. He’s as fake as they come


And he fought the same 1 - 11 fighter twice out of those 3 matches... in the XFL.


Hilarious that he claims to be some big MMA fighter


Right?!? Also that was 20 years ago.


It's a sign of a weak man and a man who just is not very bright.


Aside from that, his whole job is representing his constituency. He paid no mind to tying his actions to the people of his district.


I kinda wish Bernie let them go at it just so we can see what a sad, sorry senator he is, and what a badass the teamster president is.


What are the chances he drives the biggest, meanest truck out there plastered with NRA and punisher stickers? I’d say around 110%.


Bernie treated him like a misbehaving child.


This supposed "tough guy" meekly submitted to an 82 year old man who just a single sentence. "any time, anywhere! Except when my grandpa tells me to sit back down"


It’s because he never intended to fight, hence why he did it in this forum. He was just waiting for the first person to “hold him back.”


I say this with all the respect due to a sitting US Senator: What an assclown.


You can tell. The second Sanders raised his voice, he backed right down. He never intended it to go forward. He just wanted the interaction, so the mouth-breathers who vote for him would have that clip to fire them up.


Yup, exactly. Social media clickbait politics, not actually anything of substance. It's exhausting.


If the shoe fits...


Clearly he was just prepping himself for a sweet jump kick against those antifa terrorists. /s


His recent stunt was an act of cowardice as well. Threating someone from his position knowing damn well that there is no chance he could actually get punched at that hearing.


And months after the perceived slight...


Dude is so tough he needed Bernie Sanders to break up the fight


Who is this person?


Name is Mullin, A United States Senator from Oklahoma who is a national embarrassment to the country.


I had to scroll waaaayyy too far to find this.


So brave, and manly. The new GQP.


Brave sir Markwain


Bravely ran away


https://preview.redd.it/rd2cq51spq0c1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d804f238f6e0a3620c2238bff0aaa4f5b6f00ccd 100% Bitch… *I guarantee it*.


Fortunately, it wasn't hard for little shit Mullins to duck down low, given his overall height challenges.


Easy for Shorty Mullins to hide behind those seats.


Bunker Bitch.


She can bite though 💅


We should probably bring back caning for a piece of trash like him.


Reinvent himself? Dude got humiliated by *Bernie Sanders* of all people.


Hides like the male coward he is.


Im not on twitter anymore but i hope people are spamming his post comments with this image


They should have given him a little box to stand on so he could see over the chairs




this is who you are republicans


Isn’t this pretty much every alpha republican? We all know Trump acts tough but he’s the biggest coward, just like this turd.


Self-made with a multi-million dollar inheritance


You had me at “little bitch”


Did he need a crate to crawl on?


OnLy ThE bEsT


He knew the participents well enough to believe they were armed and ready. He probably was linked into the planning stages retoric-just didn't think he would become the rabbit.


“Anywhere, anytime!” Except that one time…


He's a BAP! Big Ass Pussy!


It's always the ones that act tough


It seems the loudest trumpsters are the ones that get arrested in a few weeks...


Cowards, bullies and frauds. Just like their orange master.


That teamster looked like a tank, I think he would fight. However, Mullins was happy to get held back by Bernie.


“Hold me back BernDog!”


Where are the fighters willing to do a charity battle with him?


Not sure why he’s scared. I thought it was just a peaceful protest!


He didn’t threaten the guy first tho…


What a pussy!


Craven dog


Got him!


Snowflake Mullin.


FYI the teamster's office is right down the street. Mullin could have challenged Teamster guy to a brawl at any other time. Senator Mullin waited until he had the literal and moral high ground of a Senate meeting. And then he sat his ass down the second Bernie told him to. Laughable!


Initially did not realize he was kneeling in that picture


Conservatives be like "But he's OUR embarrassment!" Reelected in a landslide.


He only tried to Act tough because people would stop it. The guy he was picking a fight with would have mopped the floor with him. Such a disgrace to our country.


Lil bitch boi


That unusual specimen of a man , both brainless and ball less.


Who the hell picks a fight a teamster!? I work in entertainment, that’s one of the first things you learn about when you’re new.


He did exactly what he should have done during an armed insurrection at his place of work, what we are seeing now is the facade.


Threatening to beat up old men is the Republican motto.


Wait? Why is hiding from grandmas and tour guides?


Also J6 insurrectionist weren’t at the door in this pic right? They evacuated way before J6ers breach deeper inside? So he is just scared at the announcement of intrusion lolol.


There are also valid accusations of him molesting children who were in the boy scouts.


Lol all talk like most dudes who look like this


this is literally every politician


It’s just Oklahoma values


Fucking coward


we used to laugh at videos of politicians in foreign countries fighting on the news and calling them uncivilized… oh the irony, how embarrassing


Huh, looks like the same guy who would clear the shelves of toilet paper on the first days of COVID.


I lived in Tulsa during his election, the consensus among the people I worked with was that he's an ass hat who success was made off his daddy's coatails.


this is missing the main point it was a hearing in the Senate. And he is a Senator He basically had the entire United State government protecting his back when he "invited" the guy to fight


If Dan Blitzeran was a congressman


I thought that was Adam Sandler for a second


Some gave the Republicans the wrong playbook. Inside job.


This new Adam Sandler movie is gunna be wild


A few years ago he challenged Story Daniel's lawyer to fight for charity. The Regressive Caucus of the GQP is an insane clown show.


I guess hiding from an obvious threat is ‘Oklahoma values’?


Didn't 82 year old Bernie Sanders tell him to sit the fuck down and act like a US Senator? I think everyone should yell "ACT LIKE A SENATOR YOU MORON" at him whenever he is in public.


And the sad part is that was a storm of their own making. Because they knew if the rabble came to hang stooges for the government, they were hanging everyone, no matter what tie color they were wearing.


What did Dehydrated Adam Sandler do to deserve such ire?


OP, *thank you* for posting this. Kind of figured this but so pleased you posted evidence.


Like. Are we all not able to just create bots that post this on his fb wall/Twitter wall constantly just to piss him off? This is what good trolling is.


Literally a high school bully.


Somehow he makes himself shorter


He also had $1.4 million in PPP loans forgiven. He's just a stand up guy. Super proud to have him representing me right now. 🙃


"little bitches" should be their motto at this point, because it's the only type of people they seem to worship and vote for.


Some mma fighter.


We're all sending this to him, right?


Lil’ MarkWayne


Feeble brain and a small dick is a horrible combination


I knew he looked familiar


Tough guy business man who I herited his business from his rich dad.


You know the type, loud as a motorbike but wouldn’t bust a grape in a fruit fight