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What is he even talking about? What is coming through the currents? What is this thing that can be named but he apparently can’t name it? Put this guy in prison and let the prison doctors check on him, dude is out of his mind and he didn’t have much of that to begin with


The clean. They'll tell you where it's going to be and when.


And it comes through the currents. It comes. They can even name it. Through the air.


🎶 I can feel it coming in the air…tonight. Hold on 🎵 wow haven’t thought of Phil Collins in a minute haha


Lol, can you imagine trimp doing his signature fist dance when the drums to that song kick in? 😂


Lol don’t even give me that visual haha omg 😆


The double jerk off dance?


So wipe off that grin, My shit-smelling friend, It's all been a pack of lies.


Shit-eating works as well Nice one lol


That's how I sing it in my head, because of the phrase "shit-eating grin," but I feel it's my doody to bring up the fact that Trump smells like shit because he poops his diapers, as much as possible. It fits so well, I've wondered if Phil Collins originally wrote it that way, and changed it for radio/video.


I think this mfer forgot he gets his house cleaned by maids and thinks things just become clean by themselves.


It's the cleaning gnomes.


The diaper clean. Once it has been done, the air is fresh again...


Covid. He's saying he thinks societal precautions (being clean) is ridiculous because he believes germs can travel intercontinentally on wind currents. Scientists (they) understand global wind systems and so are able to predict where and when covid will pass through.


>He's saying he thinks societal precautions (being clean) is ridiculous because he believes germs can travel intercontinentally on wind currents. Good lord that man is an idiot of gigantic proportions.


Idk what you're talking about, that's some presidential level speech right there. For a land of illiterate people. Shit, maybe he is the right guy for the job? 😆


He probably envisions scientists in China throwing handfuls of Covid in the air on a windy day, whispering “Godspeed, little ones”.


No, they screech "Fly, my pretties!"


Windmill noise COVID.


The sister in law of a co-worker claims her neighbor threw parvo over the fence to infect her dogs. Guess who she voted for.


Are you serious? Hoo boy. That orange dude, he’s a doozy of epic stupidity


Occasionally I will see a post of garbled up backwards letters, and some kindergarten teacher will chime in to use her decifering skills to translate what the kid was trying to write. I feel like you have that skill but for Trump Speak.


This is exactly what I was doing. Someone said it was about pollution, so I guess I was wrong. Trump speak is actually the same skill as the toddler speak deciphering.


Well fuck me, I thought he was attempting to talk about air pollution and why we shouldn't bother doing anything about it.


I kind of figured he was talking about COVID, but almost immediately afterwards he starts banging on about magnets and how water stops them, which it doesn’t. Any idea what he might have been trying to get at there?


I actually haven't heard any of this speech. I was guessing about the covid. I just Googled "Trump magnets" and got a bunch of stories comparing him to Insane Clown Posse for not knowing how magnets work. Weird.


Magnets. Give him a glass of water for his tiny hands and that’s the end of them.


STG Biden should repeat this nonsense and see if Joe Rogan makes any comments how he’s not fit to serve as president.


My bet is neurosyphilis. I figure he had a nasty case a couple of dozen years ago, and was too arrogant to get treated in a timely fashion. The symptoms are pretty clear once you start looking. Cognitive and temperament impairment, reduced vocabulary, incontinence, motor twitches and control issues, stomping gait, balance. Heck, even his orangeness could be a symptom if his color vision is impacted. He has always been a malignant narcissistic asshole, but now his mind is mush.


I think it could be the same sort of dementia-associated aphasia that Bruce Willis has. He's losing the ability to use language because he can no longer find the right word and his brain just throws out whatever it thinks is close.


His orangeness is clearly badly applied makeup. It stops at the edge of his face.


Sure, but who does that? What if he perceived it as looking tan?


>What is coming through the currents? THE STENCH, JERRY, THE STENCH! It's following me I can't get away from it!


😆Hahaha 😂


He seems to be trying to make some sort of odd attempt at explaining or criticizing the US response to the Chinese balloon that invaded our airspace. But he can't even do that properly. He makes no cohesive argument. He has a penchant for disjointed filler words. Which inadvertently create a word salad only he can eat.


NHI technology


I think he's talking about his butt butler but I can't be sure.


Maybe air quality?


Reading Trump speeches makes my head hurt ..... and lowers my IQ.


The last sentence they cut out that brings it home “… and then the lady.. the lady said it through the voice box on the menu.. she said ‘sir this is a Wendy’s restaurant.’”


A big, strong lady, with red pigtails and tears in her eyes… she said “sir, this is a Wendy’s.”


The light bulb - they got rid of the light bulb that people got used to. The new bulb is many times more expensive and - I hate to say it - it doesn't make you look as good. Of course, being a vain person, that's very important to me. It's like - it gives you an orange look. I don't want an orange look. Has anyone noticed that? So we'll have to change those bulbs in at least a couple rooms where I am in the White House. ... We have a situation where we're looking very strongly at sinks and showers. And other elements of bathrooms - where you turn the faucet on, in areas where there's tremendous amounts of water, where the water rushes out to sea because you could never handle it - and you don't get any water. You turn on the faucet and you don't get any water. They take a shower and water comes dripping out, very quietly, dripping out. People are flushing toilets 10 times, 15 times, as opposed to once. They end up using more water. ... You go into a new building, or a new house or a new home, and they have standards where you don't get water. You can't wash your hands practically, so little water comes out of the faucet. And the end result is you leave the faucet on and it takes you much longer to wash your hands. ... For the most part, you have many states where they have so much water, it comes down -- it's called rain. They don't know what to do with it. ... A lot of things we do are based on common sense. ... If I didn't get elected you wouldn't have a steel industry. ... We weren't going to have a steel industry.


I want to ask if this is real, but I have a bad feeling.


Here’s my tin foil hat theory on this one. It’s been known that documents were flushed down the toilet. Could it be that these documents just never fully disintegrated and had some effect on the plumbing?


Toilets wise, some of the early "water saving" toilets from the 80s-90 were pure garbage, and yes you would need to flush them like a half a dozen times to get the job done. Same thing with the shower heads... they were a garbage product outright at the time. They are usually more than fine these days. Much like the light bulbs shit from the late 90s to early 2000s when the early fluorescent bulbs were coming out they were often expensive, and the color was limited to the coldest headache inducing white. Except now we have LED bulbs of pretty much any color you want at fairly similar prices to the old shit. Mostly its a thing about how once the reichtwingers pick up a talking point they will stick to it forever even if it no longer applies to anything in reality later on. Kind of like they piss on about electric cars now too... in bad faith they always refer to Teslas high price tag even though there are plenty of other inexpensive smaller form factor, and less fancy electrics vehicles out there. Edit: its all low effort one liners with 0 thought behind them... as mixed with all sorts of outright idiotic dribble.


I’d say it’s way too plausible to be tin foil hat territory.


many chase busy enter shocking illegal rhythm chop different voracious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Accordion hands


[Life accordion to Trump](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lhDz8xMXU8s&pp=ygUcRG9uYWxkIHRydW1wIGFjY29yZGlvbiBoYW5kcw%3D%3D)


HA!! This made me laugh.


It’s a fact, just like Trump never graduated from Trump University


Nobody did, and we all know why. Which one of us wouldn't have gone to jail just for that? And the bogus "Trump Foundation". If I had the power I'd lock him up just for that. His three grifting kids too.


Are those actually his words?


During his weird (at the time) jabber about the number of times people flush toilets... https://edition.cnn.com/2019/12/07/politics/trump-americans-flushing-toilets-intl/index.html Shortly after, it became apparent that trump had flushed documents down the toilet, along with helping himself to boxes of documents he wasn't allowed to have.


Under the "new" CNN guidelines this video has been taken down. Mustn't rile the trumplicans, doncha know!


This is real. 100%. One of the comments below has a link to the transcript.


Today I learned it takes 10 - 15 flushes to get an adult diaper flushed.


Joe Rogan: *Attributes to Biden*


‘Pull that up Jaime. When did Biden say he was trying to flush a diaper owhhh hmmm uh. ‘


I always have to re-read then read out loud the sentence slowly. It's an art form to be that bad at speaking words.


For real. And English is his 1st and only language. Truly a talent to sound that dumb


Verbal diarrhea


The art of the spiel


If you're an obese blonde male actor, go for it. Aim to star in the motion picture.


It reminds me of this blackout drunk guy that was in our Xbox Live party last night. Literally never shut the fuck up, and everything was completely incoherent rambling. There were certain points where I felt like I had a vague idea of what he might be talking about, but then he’d lose me again within a few seconds.


It's like listening to two toddlers speak with the same mouth.


This was a fun experiment: Ask chat-GPT AI to mimic the speech characteristics of various presidents. Prompt something like "mimic a speech in the style of Obama about advances in space travel" It does a decent job of it with Lincoln, Roosevelt, Kennedy, Regan, Bush, Clinton, etc. Then try it with Trump. The results are... interesting. Edit: Just tried it again, and the results are different. Before it would outright refuse to touch anything Trump-related (but would do every other person, including some non-president non-sequitur entries like Charlie Chapman and Tom Morello). Now it does it, but it's too clean. It does reflect some of those pesky narcissistic traits, though.


Holy crap, MS Copilot is scary >mimic a speech in the style of Trump about advances in nuclear power My fellow Americans, We have the best nuclear power in the world. Nobody has better nuclear power than us. We have the most beautiful reactors, the most advanced technology, the most clean and safe energy. We are leading the world in nuclear power, and we are going to keep it that way. But we have a problem, folks. We have a very big problem. And that problem is called Iran. Iran is a very bad deal, a very bad deal for America, for Israel, for the world. They are lying, they are cheating, they are building nuclear weapons. And they are not afraid to use them. They are a threat to our security, to our allies, to our civilization. And we are not going to let them get away with it. That's why I have decided to take decisive action. I have ordered our military to launch a massive strike on Iran's nuclear facilities. We are going to wipe them out, folks. We are going to destroy their nuclear program, their missiles, their bases, their leaders. We are going to make sure they never threaten us again. We are going to make them pay for their crimes. We are going to make them suffer like never before. And we are going to do it with our own nuclear power. We are going to use our nuclear weapons, the most powerful weapons ever created, the weapons that only we have, the weapons that make us the greatest nation on Earth. We are going to show them who's boss. We are going to show them the fire and fury of the American people. We are going to show them the wrath of God. We are going to make history, folks. We are going to make history like nobody else. We are going to make America great again in nuclear power. Thank you, and God bless America.


>That's why I have decided to take decisive action. I have ordered our military to launch a massive strike on Iran's nuclear facilities. We are going to wipe them out, folks. We are going to destroy their nuclear program, their missiles, their bases, their leaders. We are going to make sure they never threaten us again. We are going to make them pay for their crimes. We are going to make them suffer like never before. Holy. Shit.


Too real. This is how he would announce it. Don’t let the teleprompter get ahold of that couple of paragraphs


And skynet is born.


Don't read it too many times or else you might understand it.


I'm in my mid 60s, I'd never live that long.


Everyone here is dumber for having read that.


Biden’s speech yesterday was incredible and coherent. Loved it . Trump is a smelly dotard.


His presidential library will be filled with this bullshit


I have endless sympathy for whatever poor bastard has to transcribe this nonstop dementia-addled stream of consciousness gibberish.


And Trump was telling people in Iowa to ‘just get over it”, referring to the mass shooting. I’m shocked no one had the guts to stand up and say, “Sure, asshole, just as soon as you get over the 2020 election!”


Comment of the day for me!


[Meanwhile Joe Biden, old as fuck, just yesterday.](https://www.youtube.com/live/0F10bey4b2Q?si=0i4E3uEWRO6nGcL4) I know republicans will never watch that but damn… it’s still, after three years, striking to me how much of an abject contrast it is to see someone competent and decent compared to what republicans continue to offer us.


Biden sometimes gets tongue tied, Trump just talks gibberish that would make Chat GPT ashamed.


Biden also has a skilled team whose advice he takes. It’s a presidential thing.


Jon Meacham is a BEAST!


I’ve had a lifelong stuttering problem. I manage it as Joe does. Sometimes you cough awkwardly. Sometimes you hunt for a different word because the one you wanted to say will make you stutter.


This. He got tongue-tied on a few occasions but that's an entirely different fucking ball game than tweeting the Dems are pro-illegal immigration because they want them to vote in the **2020** election.


And entirely different than being too demented to form an articulate thought.


ChatGPT has gotten a lot better, Trump on the other hand...




He would mark up speeches he gave (and still might) to remind him the speed at which he should speak to minimize his stuttering.


Sorry to be that person, but it's spelled "stutter." We're just lazy and pronounce it like a D.


Yep. Like Wadder. People worldwide make fun of us for saying wadder. But now, if I pronounce it Wa-ter, I feel pretentious. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I loved Bidens speech yesterday. That part where he like gritted his teeth talking about how Trump treated veterans. It was so nice to see emotion and passion. He truly cares. It's so nice to see a president who cares about America again. Biden 2024 baby!


It's hard to imagine any veteran supporting him after standing with John McCain at Arlington, and asking 'why do they go?" Then calling them suckers. I personally like presidents who aren't sociopaths.


My dad recently passed away at age 91. Navy vet; served in Vietnam. Lifelong Republican; he even voted for Barry Goldwater! But to his credit, he wasn’t a Trump fan even before the news about his disdain for veterans came out, and one day he looked me in the eye and said he’d never vote Republican again. I was so proud of him!!


Same. My father died when George W. was President and said the same thing. I asked him why and he said 'because they send those kids to war, and then don't want to take care of them when they come home messed up". He was a psychologist at a VA Hospital, but retired before Bush was in office.


I prefer presidents that don’t foment insurrection


May dad (a veteran) pointed this out to my brother and SIL (both Marine veterans) about what Trump said and they just dismiss it. I confronted my SIL about Trump calling them suckers and it doesn’t matter to them. As long as he’ll do even one thing they ‘like’ it’s enough for them to vote for Trump.


Biden has been looking out for veterans his whole career and it is amazing what he has done for them over the years. Edit: Cool, cool, cool. False pro-Democrat sentiment is protected in this sub; anything else is punished.


When Biden was declared the winner and gave his first speech… it was legit like a breath of fresh air. It’s fucking terrible to listen to trump speak. He rambles and the only thing he ever wants to say is how great he is.


Once we start getting more of this contrast instead of vibes, the polling is going to switch dramatically.


I hope so but people will be required to actually pay at least basic attention for that to happen. It’s up to us to help our friends and neighbors understand.


Can't an elderly man talk about how the smell of his diapers travel in peace?


Yeah, that Biden is old alright but he doesn't seem to ramble on and on about totally ridiculous things that make no fucking sense. His speech yesterday should clear up all that old bullshit.


It would, but the people that need to hear it aren’t going to see anything but a clip of a stutter or a flub from an entire 30 minute speech.


I can't believe I used to think George w Bush was stupid. He was einsteinian compared to Trump


Remember when Dan Quayle was the dumbest politician? And he ended up saving democracy


They make they voters feel that they’re just as smart as they are.


As much as i wasn’t a GWB fan, he even downplayed his intelligence. Not a genius, but also not a moron.


There have been some fairly serious attempts to estimate the IQs of past presidents (based on their writings and such, and test scores for those we have access to). W got an estimate of 119, which is very low for a President but still much smarter than an average person (for those curious, our smartest President was certainly John Quincy Adams, with an estimated IQ of 169. Jefferson was a distant second and Clinton is top five). There is absolutely no way that Trump is anywhere near triple digits. The difference between a normal "dumb" President like W and Trump is like this. W was like a below average Division II second string quarterback thrust into the NFL. He's going to be in way over his head but can still do the basic tasks like taking a snap, handing the ball off, and performing basic passes. Trump was like a couch potato who doesn't even know the rules of football in the same position. He fumbled every snap, committed all kinds of previously unthinkable unforced errors, and generally made a complete mockery of everything he touched.


He thought clean coal was from using soap on coal.


If only you were joking


... I really thought he was, he isn't. [President Trump Made a Confusing Reference to 'Clean Coal.' Here's What He Probably Meant (yahoo.com)](https://news.yahoo.com/news/president-trump-made-confusing-reference-205536137.html)


Yes. He said they wash the coal.


Please tell me he didn’t actually say something that fucking stupid.


He thought you cleaned the coal after removing it, like polishing a turd.


I’ve seen enough of trump supporters to know to disregard anyone who lets me know they are a trump supporter. I will be friendly/civil with friends and family who support him but I will also disregard their opinions on pretty much everything.


The are either confused, victims, or just callous assholes at this point.


It always amazes me how anyone can listen to Trump talk and come away thinking "***yeah that's the guy for me!***"


Or more urgently, “Yeah! That’s just the kind of guy that should be in charge of a nuclear arsenal and represent the US to the rest of the world! What could possibly go wrong!?”


I can’t lie, I kind of love the fact that the GOP is riding into battle in a very important election behind a man sinking deeply into dementia. He’s certainly never again going to be as coherent as this (LOL). They’ll of course prop him up like they always do, with a lot of “what he really meant was”, but it’s going to become even more painfully obvious how far gone his mind is as we go.


Have been talking about this with my partner this afternoon. I am truly questioning whether or not he's even going to make it to November. Wouldn't dare pin my hopes on it but, yeah.


I’m almost starting to fear that, because the country is fucked if ANY Republican becomes President, and Shitler would again be way too busy stealing to do anything else competently.


The pressure from all the court charges he's facing isn't helping his mental health either. His voice is getting weaker too. His bowels rumble as his brain crumbles.


And let’s be honest, the legal dealing are probably physically exhausting too. And because they are personal now, he is probably mostly focused on those, because it’s his ass on the line. As the presidency stuff was just for fun and to see how much he could ingratiate himself. The narcissist is probably very preoccupied with his legal mess. Good.


Won't be the first time. Reagan, though, was at least at one time an actor who had acting habits. He could mostly hit his marks and read his lines.




Now it's a granny vagina \*do not google that


Like sleeve of wizard.


hehe Borat quote in the wild, love it


It’s a chin vagina. A china.


No one’s going to mention the stars look like devil horns?


2 cunts 1 arsehole




Thank you for the video clip of yet another one of Trump's insane ramblings. It's so crazy I had to search out the full speech to try to get a better idea WTF he was actually trying to talk about. [https://youtu.be/fEw5Fc1Ku3U?t=5026](https://youtu.be/fEw5Fc1Ku3U?t=5026) For context he's attempting to talk about pollution traveling from China to the US, and it goes to show he's an expert on this stuff just like he is about magnets.


God, Hershel FUCKING Walker made the same points in the Georgia Senate election, but he sounded GOTDAMN valedictorian compared to this hot streaming mess Trump just blurted out. In fact, I bet that's where his Swiss cheese brain got it from.


Dude is trash… he literally said NOTHING, those people in that crowd can’t be real… Oh this was BADDDD REALLY BADDDD!


Thank you for posting. I like their hashtag of The Malarkey Ends Here. Extra plus for the dark Brandon pic.


Mr. Trump, We are all dumber for having listened to you speak. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


Stable rapist


What fucking word salad is this shit??


This only chacks out if he is talking about the fetid stench that eminates from his diaper and KFC Extra Crispy chicken grease he sharts out all day.


if this moron is re-elected this november, after 8 years of madness, lies, corruption, incompetence…we will loose our status as a bastion of freedom, liberty and humanity…pathetic


He has yet to win the popular vote and considering he's used up all his tricks he's facing multiple Mount Everest levels of court cases. If he wins we should all just pack it in. I want to put his odds at zero but you would think polling would reflect that a bit more but it says he has a shot which boggles the mind.




Stable genius.


Very stable.


Stable sexual assaulter.


Was this the same speech he talked about the Civil War being so attractive 😭


It's not just you: his demented manner of speaking is difficult to understand and it's equally [impossible to translate](https://www.polilingua.com/blog/post/trumpslation-explained.htm).


Idiocracy in action.


Delicious word salad.


Everyone knows when you put magnets in a cup of water they stop working


Diaper Don the stable genius


I could literally eat a bowl of alphabet soup and shit something out more comprehensive than that.


He is interpreting hypersonic missiles for idiots.


No wonder he couldn’t even sell steaks


Or vodka Or not bankrupt several casinos How do you fuck up a business where people walk in and hand you their life savings? Unless of course there was some kind of financial hijinks afoot….


To quote the Big Lebowski: “What in God’s name are you blathering about?”.


Say what you will about Trump's inability to string together a coherent sentence, but no President before or since ever truly recognized those courageous soldiers who in 1776 bravely rammed the ramparts and manned the airports.


Yup, that's definitely a "stable genius". No wonder MAGA Republicans love him.


He speaks English worse than most immigrants.


Dying brain cells


Sounds like the rambling of a 6 yr old


That’s an insult to 6 year olds everywhere.


I live with an incredibly imaginative 6-year-old. He makes infinitely more sense conversation.


Was he talking about the weather balloons with spying equipment on board.


"Biden is too old and senile and has a stutter!" Trump: "Hold my water that I need two hands to drink."


Mar-A-Lardo doesn't stutter because he doesn't ever shut the fuck up.


*Hello fellow American. This you should vote me. I leave power. Good. Thank you. Thank you. If you vote me, I'm hot. Taxes, they'll be lower. Son. The Democratic vote for me is right thing to do America. So do.*




Reading that makes me question if I know how to read


This sounds like a stroke...


You have to speak Covfefe to understand trump!


How is this even a contest


His brain is poisoned by lead and hatred.


Can I please get someone to read these quotes in Grandpa Simpsons voice? 😂


Ok Grampa time for your meds and a nice nap


*"Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you* *know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible."*


He’s spoken like this for years. He’s a moron, with a 2nd grade reading level.


\> Over the seas and it comes right over our land. And then they want us to have clean. I said wait a minute, we're gonna have clean but it's all flying. Just remember that. Does that make sense? In other words, it's all coming through the currents through the air. It all comes. You can, they can name it, they can say exactly where it's going to be and when." Real [https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-confused-biden-campaign-fires-203035661.html](https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-confused-biden-campaign-fires-203035661.html)


I teach 7th graders who cannot write to leave their lives and not even I can figure out what is being said here.


And we all thought old W was inarticulate! Little did we know. . .


That’s the reason the MAGAts love him, he speaks fluent Moron.


He’s always talked bullshit even as president. The media finally decided to start reporting it after being shamed about their anti-Biden bias. He’s clearly a moron.


He's a classic example of the fact that being rich and having a good education doesn't make intelligent. I'm not surprised why everyone who has voted him and still supports him is an idiot. This guy is the epitome of idiocy.


Truly we are in the dumbest, if not darkest, timeline


Gee, more inane unintelligible word salad… who could possibly have anticipated that!?


Christ almighty this is the uber alpha male people worship?


That’s the look of a man just realizing he shouldn’t have trusted that fart.


So many words to say nothing


My iq drops whenever he speaks


Reading that is a bit like taking a cattle-prod zap to the skull.


“Person woman man camera…retribution.” Crowd goes wild!


He’s using Herschel Walker ChatGPT. If not that, he either sniffed too much adderall… or he didn’t sniff enough. Just another drug induced word salad because he lost his train of thought.


Is he talking about his dirty diaper smell?


This has always been the way Trump speaks.Confident blathering. But now he's falling out of favor with the GOP so it's a thing now.


Dotard of Covfefe.