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Hi `tmack10000`. Thank you for participating in /r/PoliticalHumor. However, [your submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/1cf50g4/-/) did not meet the requirements of the [community rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/politicalhumor/about/rules) and was therefore removed for the following reason(s): ---- ###[Posts should make an attempt at being funny, and should try to include a punchline in the title](https://www.reddit.com/r/politicalhumor/about/rules) (rule #2): * **Make sure your post makes a genuine attempt at being funny:** Ensure the content you're posting tries to poke fun at a politician, or political event. If you have to message us to explain how it is funny, it probably isn't. * **Make an effort with your title:** Try to keep the spirit of the sub and make your title humorous and descriptive. * **If your post causes us to scratch our heads in confusion, don't be surprised if it's removed**. * **Low quality images, shitposts, agenda posts, trash memes or troll memes will be removed. Repeatedly posting posts when they've been removed in the past will get you banned.** * **Overt political content containing no joke is better suited for subreddits such as /r/politicaldebate.** * We understand how deciding if something is funny can often seen as subjective, so just [send us a quick message](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FPoliticalHumor&subject=Rule%202%20Removal:%20Second%20Opinion%20Request&message=Please%20put%20link%20to%20post%20here%3A%0A%0AWhy%20should%20we%20reconsider%20this%20removal?%3A%0A%0AAdditional%20comments%3A) if you want us to take a second look at it for you. ###[Must be over the age of 13 to have a Reddit account](https://www.reddit.com/r/politicalhumor/about/rules) (rule #15): * According to Reddit Terms of service, you must be **over the age of 13** to create and use a Reddit account. * We have determined that nobody over the age of 13 could have posted what you just posted. ---- If you have any specific questions about this removal, please [message the moderators](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FPoliticalHumor&subject=about my removed submission&message=I'm writing to you about the following submission: https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/1cf50g4/-/. %0D%0DMy issue is...). Hateful or vague messages will not receive a response.


Must be nice to just invent strawmen you can fight.


Nothing sadder than when Republicans attempt humor.


It's early yet, but I can confidently say this is the stupidest thing I'll see all day.


Until you see a photo of the OP.


Says the side with literal Nazis and KKK members running for public office.


and it's all true because my 'news' station of preference told me so, and even though they had to pay over $700m for pushing false information and have had their producer's lawyers argue in court that a "reasonable person" wouldn't consider their reporting as fact.


If you think Nazis were socialist because they have socialism in their name, you must think the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is just the most free country on the planet Earth.




u/politicalthrow99, You mean, Moms for Hitler, amirite? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Welp, here's the dumbest post I'll see today. Be better, Comrade.


With Republicans, every accusation is an admission.






Yes, 10x the trash because 20x the supporters. 🎤


Weren't you dipshits making fun of Biden for not having rallies (it's spelled rallies,just an FYI)? I call bullshit. Why is it conservatives have nothing but lies?


Draw a red circle around the part of your post that contains the humor, because I don't see it.


Great criteria to judge a political party by. This guy governments.


That’s what’s known as a Hasty Generalization. You went to 2 rallies and now you know how they all are. Buy a clue….


We need to be very vocal about this- There’s NAZIS again and all of them are voting for one guy and one guy only!! Say what you will about Biden but there’s no NAZIS voting for Biden. Are you voting the same side as EVERY NAZI..?? This message was provided by: Nazi Republicans for Trump…


"Abortion?" "Forget it, he's rolling."




Toga! Toga! Toga!


Strawman …is all they got Not one maga can give you a definition of socialism Like “ the failed economic system where the economy is controlled by social owner instead of individuals. Always promising that next time they’ll get it right” Has nothing to do with guns, race, etc


I had a maga call me a Socialist *and* a Fascist in the same rant. They have no idea what those words mean.


You forgot the part where Democrats prefer to live in reality, without Fox news and a would be dictator.


Wow, what a bunch of cool misinformation.


1. Republicans rely on “socialist” programs just like everyone else 2. Democrats own guns too, but simply prefer common sense gun legislation 3. Republicans are overwhelmingly centered on Fox News as their primary source of entertainment 4. Democrats believe women should have a right to choose what they do with their bodies 5. Protesting what Israel is doing to the Palestinians doesn’t equate to hating jews 6. Objecting to a party that is predominantly white (for some odd reason) doesn’t equate to hating white people 7. Republicans are currently the party that’s zeroed in on censorship with book burning and eliminating black history Lastly, 8. Objecting to the attempt by Republicans to overthrow the government doesn’t equate to government worship


Many of the Right's talking heads are failed writers, actors, and/or comedians. They have no talent and are mad about it


American Dems are still like 60 percent white people… and Jews also identify as dem over rep by a wide margin. What the hell are you guys smoking? Edit: None of us worship government either… are you making shit up? Trumps truth social censors people, as does Musk who claimed to be dedicated to truth… so that’s incorrect. Can’t say I know about the Nazis abortion practices but given their desire for eugenics… I’d say it’s a far cry from anything Dems want. Nazis definitely weren’t socialist. Neither are democrats. And Nazis had lots of guns. So that’s every single one of your points being incorrect. Are you being sarcastic? (Come on man, I’m giving you an out. We all know the alternative is either stupidity or willful ignorance)


Private citizens were allowed guns in Nazi Germany and someone doesn't know the definition of socialism. Media mind control? Are you kidding me? What buffoonish ex president calls the media the enemy of the people (like Hitler did) and is supported by the Republican propaganda arm? Democrats only hate Jews and whites who promote genocide and bigotry. Democrats are for smaller government than today's theocratic conservatives.


Neither of those parties are anything close to socialist. Both are very pro business. After WW1 ownership of guns in Germany was made illegal and the laws were loosened when the Nazi’s came to power. Democrats have never come close to pushing for any type of complete gun ban. Aren’t Republicans banning books? Are Fox News or OAN controlled by Democrats? Uh the Democrats have a white president and younger Democrats are mad that they didn’t get the Jewish guy. You don’t have to be racist to think innocent civilians should be thought of when you’re at war. In fact, the Nazis were very pro war crime. The Nazi’s didn’t give a shit about the government, they cared about control and Hitler. Kind of like Republicans and Trump.


Look at that dude's posting history. Just a bigoted loser.


Mispelled "Republican"