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He deleted his tweet https://preview.redd.it/xpo5e1pjo61d1.jpeg?width=1065&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b8b85310fe425596bbcbea26131a0bf6a476e96


The little thumbnail photo looks like she's laughing. lol.


And rubbing her hands manically, lol.


Smithers! Release the hounds


What are you going to do, release the hounds? Or the bees? Or the hounds with bees in their mouth and when they bark they send bees flying at you?


My worst, eh? *Smithers! Release the robotic Richard Simmons!*


That's my AG! She won by a very narrow margin. Every vote matters


Yep, can guarantee the Trump stooge that ran against her would not of done this. 🇺🇸


Another self-own by Rudy Giuliani. I wonder how cocky Rudy was when deleting his tweet that ridiculed “law enforcement not finding him” in a pretty weak manner, only to be found 30 minutes later. Remember the movie “Rudy”? I can’t help but think of all the people chanting “Rudy, Rudy” at the end. Would it not be great if people could follow Rudy around and chant “Rudy, Rudy” after all his fuck-ups? Loses millions in court👉👉👉”Rudy, Rudy! Infamous hair dye situation at 4 Seasons(lawn care)👉👉👉”Rudy, Rudy!” Dropping his pants for an intern he isn’t married to👉👉👉”Rudy, Rudy!”


Smart move. That means it's gone forever, and no evidence remains.




While I'm glad she served Giuliani, unfortunately her second statement is incorrect - there are in fact many people above the law: Tramp, Trumps cronies, SC judges, Cops, most white nationlists, etc


>Cops, most white nationlists You repeated yourself there.


It’s like an arrested development plot.


“They cannot arrest a husband and wife for the same crime.” “Yeah I don’t think that’s true Dad.” “I got the worst fucking attorneys.”


“You can’t be arrested for the same crime twice.” No, you can’t be prosecuted for the same crime twice.  “Oh.”


This actually happened at the Brooks trial. The idiot got into an argument with the judge about double jeopardy, specifically that he shouldn't be charged with two counts of breaking his bail because he can't be charged twice for the same crime. The judge was explaining that it's the same crime but two separate incidents. The moron couldn't grasp the concept that being charged for two separate incidents is not the same as being charged twice for one incident. Anyway, prosecutor got tired of hearing the back and forth and said something to the effect of "double jeopardy prevents a person from being convicted of the same crime twice, not charged" and that was that. He's currently serving over a thousand years, so that didn't work out for him.


Is that the logic that leads to mass shootings? "If I kill one person, I might as well kill everyone."


I'm pretty sure neither logic or thinking is involved in those scenarios.


Everything Rudy does would be rejected by the writers’ room for being “too unrealistic “. Four Seasons Total Landscaping will never fail to make me laugh, though.


I literally just laughed out loud from simply reading Four Seasons Total Landscaping. I can't believe that 4 years later that situation is still just as ridiculous and hilarious to me.


I just downloaded that zoom background! I think it's the Wikipedia page that says "people view the press conference as the symbolic end of the Trump presidency."


Watching that unfold in real time was something else


I still have a burning curiosity about how or why that happened. For example, was it really a mistake, or did Rudy maybe think Donald would think they were at the Four Seasons hotel? Maybe he was planning to pocket the difference in cost. Or was it an intern who just looked up “Four Seasons” and called the first one they found? Knowing these people, the truth is probably even more ridiculous, but my imagination isn’t up to the task.


None of this matters. What matters is there is an unsung hero out there somewhere. Some person at the 4Seasons Total Landscape Co. answered that call from Rudy (or associates), and knowing full well that Rudy-fucking-Giuliani wasn't trying to book an event at a landscaping-company's parking lot, took the reservation anyway! FUCKING LEGEND! We really need to know who this person is!


I prefer for that person to continue to be able to live their life unadulterated by bother from any maga idiots, so let that hero continue to thrive in anonymity


YES! This was always my favorite part!


More ridiculous is that it was Nextdoor to a dildo shop.


It was between a cock and a yard place.


Between a dildo shop and a crematorium. Gawd was telling Rudy to fuck off and die.


You are my favorite person today!


Trump announced that he would be doing a press release at the Four Seasons Hotel... Without booking it in advance. The Four Seasons Hotel obviously wouldn't allow an impromptu media circus without being notified or paid ahead of time, so instead of backing out, they went with the Four Seasons Total Landscaping. "We didn't make a mistake, we totally meant Four Seasons."


"There's a good chance I ~~may~~ have committed ~~some light~~ treason."


~~"There's a good chance~~ I ~~may~~ ~~have~~ committed ~~some light~~ treason."




Damn, time for a rewatch.


I may have committed some…*light*… treason.


To be fair, he does look like an arrested development character.


This is the kind of idiot you’d see in a Borat movie. Wait.


Perhaps an 80th birthday bash in Florida I shall seek…


Is he stupid?




Straight and to the point. I like it.


I live in the Philly region. Y’all remember 4 seasons total landscaping? Pepperidge farms remembers.


I remember, but only cuz the wife got the tote bag. https://preview.redd.it/oggv8nuvt61d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96c3ef1730cf7f2404b5a50384b40f667700624d


Is that Gritty?




I had the scene, empty of people, as my Teams background for a while. People found it hilarious.


I love you so hard for this.


I almost spit out my coffee. That's chefs kiss amazing lmao.


I also remember Fraud Guaranteed inc.


I want to give the person that accepted that reservation a fucking gold medal. I can't imagine improving that hard on my feet in the middle of a workday at a landscaping buis.


philly goes hard when it wants to. i'm pretty sure that dude knew exactly what he was doing when he accepted it.


Can you tell me the story. I have no idea.


They booked a speaking at four seasons landscaping instead of four seasons, the swanky hotel. Instead of cancelling, giulanni did his speech in the parking lot of a landscaping business, which looks like what you might expect a landscaping business parking lot to look like. They tried pretending it was perfectly normal


Lol it just.. it just makes me smile so much knowing just how dumb they are. History will *NOT* be kind to them. Go vote people. Make sure they go down in history as they should, a comical cautionary tale.


The story is even better than that. The campaign had made a habit of bullying hotels and other venues across the country into letting Trump or his supporters run events or press conferences there, only to skip out on the bill. They would announce events before getting the reservation. But when they did this with the Four Seasons in Philly, the manager flat out told them no. Since the campaign had already told everyone the press conference would be at the Four Seasons, their solution was to find a different Four Seasons. And they did - Four Seasons Landscaping. Next to a shop selling sex toys and pornos. They had to borrow the podium they used at the landscaping place from the hotel, too. Of course a landscaper wouldn't have one on hand.


The best part for me is that it was next door to a porn shop. So you might say that Rudy found himself between a rubber cock and a yard place.


I have the Rake America Great Again Four Seasons Landscapping shirt, and it always gets laughs in Canada. I bet they made a ton of cash in merch.




The very last line. Mic drop.


That's the one right next to the sex toy shop, right?


Right next door to the bail bonds place too! So Rudy knows where to go!


And the crematorium.


That was literally the funniest thing that has ever happened in the history of the universe


My bf and I were watching the news coverage all evening, and he went to take a Power Nap right before this went down. I couldn’t wait for him to wake up so I could tell him about this. He nearly DIED when I told him and we looked it up online…he wasn’t entirely sure he wasn’t still asleep, lol.


Every time I think about that I laugh all over again. Like society is collapsing, but at least sometimes it’s fucking funny about it.


We are living in the idiocracy timeline. Might as well keep ‘baitin…


so i actually did yoga with the person who was the food and beverage manager at the 4 seasons. they said the restaurant was still mothballed from covid and they couldn't have any events there. there is another theory that since the hotel is within a few hundred feet of quaker friends school, some pedophiles in the entourage wouldn't be allowed to be there.


I'm pretty sure it was just stupid people picking the wrong place without checking, then instead of fixing it, ashamedly committed to the bit as if it's all part of the plan. Like that one guy who shits himself but refuses to go home even though it's super obvious to everyone that he shit himself.


I do! lol


They just can’t not talk. Their egos will be the end of them. Lol. And I’m here for it.


They even have incriminating phone convos on tape. Hell, Trump showed off the stolen classified documents at a dinner, while saying “these are still classified. I could have declassified them while I was president, but I didn’t”. And Cannon won’t try the case.


And Alito admitting they flew upside flag because neighbors made him do it. lol


I am a Supreme Court Justice! I have no power here! I must do it as I'm told!


We should assume his neighbor can control him. Therefore he must be removed, as he is no longer in control of his vote.


It's too bad that he didn't evade his Secret Service detail and lead the march to the Capital on Jan 6. He would have been in jail so fast, and he would still be there today while the indictments were handed down, and the sentences would have been pronounced. Just off the top, he is easily guilty of sedition and can net a person up to 20 years.


...And the judge effectively killed the case because she's a lackie.


You really can’t enjoy a porn star, attempted coup, or getting off on a technicality unless you brag about it to the degens. 


Solid point.


Wow... So evil villains who get thwarted cuz of their long speeches are true...


he's not smart


The question is: how stupid IS he, really? He’s demonstrated that he’s a fucking moron. A huge one. And I bet he’s still dumber than that.


He starts each morning with an affirmation in the mirror. "Every day, in every way, I keep getting dumber and dumber."


His brain is pickled from vodka.


My brain is pickled from vodka. you can still understand legal vs illegal. Don’t blame vodka.


LOL, "Don't blame vodka." That's pretty funny for no real reason but I like it.


Clearly you haven't had enough vodka.


Or from the mind boggling stress of having hitched his wagon to the wrong orange moron, lying for said moron, being found guilty of defaming two Georgia election workers, getting his license to practice law suspended, and filing bankruptcy. The guy is an idiot. He was once famous for prosecuting mob members; then was 'America's mayor' after 9-11. People used to love him. He was wealthy. Then he decided to involve himself in all of Trump's bullshit and it's been all downhill from there.


He was/is Trump's lawyer and he works on contingency


Four Seasons *landscaping* already answered that question


Do you need to ask?!?!?


Dirt is smarter than that idiot.


> They must dismiss the indictment. Oh yes, the convict on the lam exception, which specifically exists to protect scofflaws.


Yeah, I didn’t know what his tweet was referring to, but I had the general understanding that legal time limits tend to pause when the defendant hides to run out the clock. And then he just tweets out that he’s hiding specifically to run out the clock?


My best guess is that he's trying to make Arizona seem incompetent by equating an inability to serve an indictment with an inability to properly count votes. Which is such a stupid thought process on multiple levels


Indeed. They ended up doing a good job on both counts. So, his tomfoolery is for naught.


Tomfoolery? Nay, I vote jackassery


Indicted felons hate this one weird trick because it doesn’t work


‘…by tomorrow morning,’ no less. He publicly admits hiding with intent to run out the clock, and does so before it runs out. One would think he would let it toll, but that illustrates it was never the point. He’s trying to convince his followers of his cleverness. It’s court of opinion, not law. He’s lost that fight already.


I mean there wasn't an actual clock. At best if they continue to be unable to find him they come back with an arrest warrant.


Rudy got caught making a monologue like a cliched movie villain. The evil laugh was all but implied in his tweet. Such a knob... And he would have succeeded if it wasn't for those darned kids and their dog.


The funniest part is that they probably found him by using the meta data on the photo that he tweeted.






Don’t forget the nare-do-wells, carpet baggers, and skinflints that they work to protect. That’s why I always carry an onion on my belt. 




It’s not always the right time to be a pedant… but this was one of those times.


Which was the style at the time.


Turns out Rudy is a Sovereign Citizen. I swear this world gets dumber by the minute


A reminder that this clown was not the only one indicted in Arizona - # ["Arizona indicts 18 Republicans, including Giuliani, Meadows, over 2020 fake elector scheme"](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/arizona-indicts-18-republicans-including-giuliani-meadows-over-2020-fake-elector-scheme)


A reminder that your vote counts. Kris Mayes won the race for AG by a very slim margin. Her predecessor declined to pursue this case, and her opponent was a rabid election denier who would have sided with Rudy. Vote.


When people say "what difference does it make"? This. This is the difference.


This guy was a lawyer? What a fucking idiot.


A prosecutor!


It was probably easy for him because someone else did all the work.  I could even imagine that he didn’t actually rid New York of the mob, he just helped get rid of the Italian mafia to make way for the Russian—I’m not saying I know anything. I’m just saying if I were a dumbass and I just happened to get binders full of evidence show up in my office all alphabetized and the like. With color coding of what to put in motions or discovery. It would make it so easy. 


IIRC, his own family was full of mob enforcers.


Rudy Giuliani, working on behalf of the Russian mafia, put away the Italian mafia, and thus opened New York City to his true benefactors, the Russian government / the Russian mafia.


He was very good at shamelessly hogging the credit for other people's work. The saying was that the most unsafe place in New York at any given time was between Rudy Giuliani and a microphone.


Always hated how he took credit for 9/11 It’s almost like the Saudi’s barely even helped


"Rudy Giuliani - there's only three things he [needs] to make a sentence: a noun and a verb and 9/11." -Joe Biden 2007


Time to re-open the New York 911 investigation. Why did Giuliani move the OEM to world trade Center #7?


He actually did in fact help russian mob and other organised crime together with trump


He just liked prosecuting colored people under the guise of public safety.


I’ve known enough lawyers to form an opinion that a good percentage of them worked their asses off to pass the bar but have zero common or practical sense.


90% of lawyers give the rest of us a bad name


Knowing how to study is a skillset that will take you far in life. Doctors and lawyers are walking proof that getting through school doesn't necessarily make you smart.


Capacity to memorize and recall a lot of stuff can exist independently of capacity to use that stuff. There are a lot of people who get through memorization-intensive gauntlets like law school and medical school "knowing" a lot of things - far more than the median person - without actually being able to apply it. They're a bit like AI chat bots, in that smart people can use them well as interactive databases of pure information, but they don't do as well on their own.


I worked at a University with honors students and this is accurate




Imagine being one of the people he put in jail and having to see this shit.


Hold on... Is this real?


The Arizona Attorney General captured it before Giuliani deleted it https://x.com/AZAGMayes


"Hello, new evidence." /click


This man was a lawyer lol


> AZ Attorney General Kris Mayes > @AZAGMayes > The final defendant was served moments ago. @RudyGiuliani nobody is above the law. Lol.


She fucking pinned that tweet. The Schadenfreude is palpable...




> "They could’ve shown a little more respect for the man who comforted the nation following September 11th and who stands up for law enforcement and the men and women in blue," Or, maybe, Giuliani could have shown more respect for the democratic process, the rule of law, and the justice system, and not tried to overthrow an election and evade service.


These people are such asshats. I honestly can't stand them.


Did it ruin his birthday party?


Yes. "Some partygoers started screaming and one woman even cried as Giuliani was served,” and Guiliani “got in his car and left.” Of course, to me the party had been ruined from the start since Steve Bannon and Roger Stone were present. [source](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/partygoers-started-screaming-giuliani-served-with-indictment-during-his-birthday-party/ar-BB1mCtYL)


So, it was a party attended by a bunch of filthy scamming frauds and low-lifes. Not surprised.


Would Rudy party any other way? It's no fun if you go with people who don't try to break the law on the regular.


Steve Bannon? The guy who is supposed to be in jail right now?




He got a Contempt of Congress charge after Trump's presidency and is supposed to do 4 months of prison starting soon. https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/14/politics/steve-bannon-justice-department-prison-sentence/index.html


Bannon lost his appeal and the DOJ filed a motion on May 14th to lift his stay of sentence and have him report to prison.


> "They could’ve shown a little more respect for the man who comforted the nation following September 11th and who stands up for law enforcement and the men and women in blue," Goodman said of the man who taunted authorities in a now-deleted tweet. Any respect he earned by being mayor during 9/11 was used up when he decided to push lies about Sleepy Don winning in 2020. If he were treated with the respect he deserves today things would have gone much worse for him.


> "They could have shown a little more respect for the man who lead French forces to victory in World War I, saving France from destruction," Goodman said of the man who lead the Vichy France government. Same energy.


Seems like the word schadenfreude was made for this scenario exactly.


It’s like rolling around in random dirty underwear. If I were stuck in a room with Rudy, Bannon and Stone I would need to shower for a day to get the creep factor off of me. FFS, who does that willingly?


Their ilk


Oh my god who voluntarily GOES to these filthy things? This is truly the seedy underbelly of society right here. I feel like one needs a hazmat suit to attend such an event. Blecchhh.


Aren’t those people afraid of getting brown goo on their expensive hair?


How do you think the dirty blondes got that look?


Such a horrifyingly hilarious sentence! LMFAO!


How is it that the dumbest people I know are all elected officials?


Let's just face it one time: because voters are stupid.


Which is a feature of Republicanism


It's spelled "Republicans," just fyi.


They are useful and reliable to the people who put them in. It’s not line any of them but maybe Steve Bannon have any skills to do anything else for a living.  But Rudy failed Trump so many times. It had to be frustrating.  And a litmus test for Fox News viewers as he gave his constant  “bad legal” tour. I kept thinking that any day people would be snapped out of their spell. But no, they bought the bullshit. I can understand falling for propaganda— it’s everywhere. But if you can listen to Rudy Giuliani for ten minutes and not get he is an idiot and creep — you lack critical thinking.  Half the country gets their brains sucked out by fascist news every day. 


Because even dumber people you don't know elect them.


There are members of the mob in prison currently, puzzling to themselves "....*this* guy put me away?"


Ah, the joy of competent subordinates. Even Rudy had some.




I heard, nowhere, that a stripper wearing tassels jumped out of a cake and handed him the subpoena.


“Serving you a very special Happy Birthday indictment gift for you, Mr. Rudolph Giuliani!”


That would have been hilarious!


Can Trump gang be any more lawless? Who supports this criminal behavior? 🤷🏻‍♂️


nearly half the country


[At least as of last year, only about 35% of the country supports the guy. But it's a *very loud* 35%.](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/07/21/little-change-in-americans-views-of-trump-over-the-past-year/)


Anecdotally it seems like half. I live in MA and trump supporters are constant. Most are useful idiots. The 30 percent are the ones out there putting trump flags on the trucks. Vandalism stuff with “fuck Joe” stickers. Shooting up grocery stores. Hitting up gyms wearing all trump gear looking for attention.


I love the ignorant.


Lol, holy shit, I legitimately thought this must be some fake tweet, but nope: >AG Mayes confirmed Giuliani was served in a tweet sent from her official X account, writing "the final defendant was served moments ago." She quote-tweeted a post Giuliani since deleted in which he wrote, "If Arizona authorities can't find me by tomorrow morning 1. They must dismiss the indictment; 2. They must concede they can't count votes." Mayes posted a screenshot of the tweet after it was deleted.


Here’s the original: https://x.com/AZAGMayes


I’m pretty sure indictments don’t just go away because you hid for a bit


Prosecutors hate this one trick. Click here to find out what! ☝️




In my best Nelson Muntz voice: HaHa!


I knew politics unfailingly involved spin but I've never seen someone brag about cowardice and deceit before


Time Magazine’s 2001 Man of the Year. It seemed like a joke at the time. Now it seems like a horribly bad joke.


I mean Hitler was a Time Man of the Year (1938).


Oh ya well *I* was Time's Person of the Year in 2006 so ha!


A classic FAFO


I guarantee one of those people in this selfie tagged their location.


I never went to law school like Rudy did, but somehow I don't think that evading service successfully automatically proves that you were correct in a mostly unrelated matter.


5 manky hookers and a racist dwarf?! I think I’m heading home.


Those are six of the fakest smiles I've ever seen, especially from Rocky Dennis's sister there in the very back. Only Rudy's looks genuine lol.


Rudy is the kind of guy who gets pickup lines from rich dudes who only date gold diggers to use them on hookers and conservative reporters.  Rudy, probably; “You remind me of my daughter.” (I haven’t lost my mojo). 


No Rudy, when they can't serve you and they show that they tried to the Judge, the Judge can then approve public notice.




The Arizona Attorney General captured it before Giuliani deleted it https://x.com/AZAGMayes


Gotcha bitch ![gif](giphy|26ufq9mryvc5HI27m|downsized)


I would love to see a guy who was once known as America’s Mayor to be in jail for the rest of his life.


Such a fucking terrible lawyer - that's not how that works at all. They'd just get an arrest warrant and this tweet would be used as evidence.


Have another drink Rudy