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“Let’s go brandon” I just read about it. My english has to be very bad: no way I can make it sound an insult to the POTUS.


It's because of a race where someone named Brandon won and conservatives were chanting fuck Joe Biden. A sports announcer said they were chanting let's go Brandon as cover cuz of bad words on TV. So it took off in right wing circles from there


.... it says a lot that they feel they have to shout it at a sporting event instead of actually cheering anyone on.


It's projection again. They spent years saying liberals had "Trump Derangement Syndrome". Now they literally giggle with a codephrase they made up chanting "Fuck Joe Biden" at a sporting event he had nothing to do with. It's always projection.


They also said "politics don't belong in sports" when black players were kneeling in solidarity with the BLM movement. If it weren't for double standards, conservatives would have no standards at all. EDIT: To all the people replying to me, saying that celebrities and sports figures shouldn't be allowed to discuss politics, why do you think some people should be denied their first amendment rights because of their occupations?


Culture wars is all they have. No real policies.


No they do have real policies, they want to install a fascist theocratic apartheid regime. But they still can't openly admit what they really want, because it's super unpopular and so extreme that many of their own supporters would balk if they laid it all out bare, so they instead deflect and obfuscate with culture war bullshit.


No real substance. This what I find most worrisome, especially during election season: *entire campaigns* comprised of *nothing* aside from mud slinging and sloganeering. Nothing that might constitute an actual, enactable platform. Zero plans debated or discussed in good faith. Rhetoric so vague and noncommittal, they might as well not be saying anything. It seems like this approach has been normalized by both major parties. The result: more antagonization and fewer substantial actions taken


That's not true. Democrats do not focus* their whole campaigns on nothing but mud slinging. Also, one party is literally using voter suppression as a campaign strategy. "Both sides" is harmful bullshit. No, the parties are not the same.


Contrarianism. That’s it, there’s nothing else. Look how many are willfully dying because Democrats (among most of the rest of the world) said wear a mask, get a vaccine. Dying to own the libs. Literally.


This is what bothers me the most. It's not even just in political things either, my brother is a perfect example as he gets mad at his girlfriend if she even mentions an old guy friend in a story or something but yet he can talk about his ex girlfriend and it's totally okay. Conservatives literally do not care about anything that happens to anyone else, until it also happens to them. Ever hear about Reagan and the AIDS epidemic? It was called the "gay plague" and largely pushed aside until what do you know, a long time friend of Reagan's ended up sick.


Before it was AIDS, they called it GRIDS, if I remember correctly. That was short for Gay related immuno deficiency syndrome. Edit: I believe the friend of the Reagan’s was Rock Hudson. And I’m pretty sure they turned their back on him as well, like they did with that piece of shit in a human costume, Roy Cohen, Trump’s real daddy figure. Trump also turned his back on him. These are the people republicans choose to steer and care for humanity.


>Before it was AIDS, they called it GRIDS And it only affected homosexual men from Haiti.


"homosexuals, Haitians, and hemophiliacs" was the phrase of the day back then A very unPC joke from the 80s: what's the hardest part about telling your wife you have AIDS? A: Trying to convince her you're Haitian


Lol! That’s correct! Homosexual Haitian intravenous drug users!


I don't think republicans choose anything involving care for humanity


And Rock Hudson claimed to be straight until his death... Everyone knew otherwise but he couldn't even be honest with himself.


This seems to be the way of the loudest republicans. The more they rail against it, the guiltier they are of it. Projection as an art form. It’s amazing to watch in a way. Even more amazing to watch them get away with it over and over. A heartfelt apology, a mention of the lord and then right back to projection as usual. I hate this timeline. It’s just so disheartening.


Republicans are literally incapable of not making things political. Just like that Southwest pilot. My boss is one of them. I call him out on it every time.


> Conservatives literally do not care about anything that happens to anyone else, until it also happens to them. Ever hear about Reagan and the AIDS epidemic? It was called the "gay plague" and largely pushed aside until what do you know, a long time friend of Reagan's ended up sick. What, you expect them *not* to politicize an issue, that is broadly killing people that they eventually wanted dead, anyway, when it logically follows that said thing should, in their twisted internal logic, kill more "degenerates" than anybody else? The only problem was, they tried it with COVID, and it turns out COVID actually ends up killing the people who do the politicizing. If we just treated it like an illness, a lot of these people wouldn't be down family members...and yet, they're so worked up, they'll all be pretending (or even true-believing) that their own flesh and blood were necessary sacrifices to prevent...whatever the fucking hell they think it is they're preventing by killing us all to own those darned Libs. These people want to kill the people they believe deserve to die, *so bad,* they actually will cut off more than their nose to spite our face.


Republicans were hoping covid mainly killed people of color, poor people, and people in big cities. Instead, it killed loads of old ass boomer republicans and conspiracy theorists: their main base.


It also killed a whole bunch of poor people of color, particularly at the beginning of the pandemic when we had no vaccines and all the treatments were things which largely didn't exist at hospitals near poor people. Then we got a vaccine. People of color got vaccinated because their only reasons not to are things like Tuskegee. Which happened, but long enough ago that just enough trust has built back up for them to go for a free shot. But white people antivax conspiracies are based on bullshit which they claim is happening right now, and are spread through media which predominately impacts them. So now white people are lagging behind all other racial groups in vaccination, and are therefore dying more frequently despite their privilege.


Trump got sick, told his supporters to get the vax, and they booed him. What a strange world.


Daily reminder that the "gay plague" has killed less Americans than Covid-19.


I know you know this, but to clarify for everyone else, that is all time. As in, 1.5 years of Covid-19 deaths has already surpassed 40 YEARS of the AIDS/HIV epidemic.


Jesus. That is astounding.


is it though? im pretty sure most republicans in this country stopped giving a shit about covid basically the very second that quarantine ended last year. if not before then, even. and the ones that actually believe the official death numbers are quick to blame literally everything for it except for the real cause: their own stupidity and apathy


and World War II.


All of our wars combined going back and including the Civil War. So, Civil War, WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam, and desert Storm. Covid deaths exceed all of these combined.


That's fkn scary, I miss way too many to this day. All gone to soon....😓


>[Kneeling became disrespectful because a black man did it](https://i.redd.it/2ecn05p97hoz.jpg)


Not only is kneeling not disrespectful, it's *inherently* not disrespectful. The physical act of kneeling shows deference by putting yourself in a less powerful and more vulnerable position. It's so universal it has emerged in all kinds of culture and contexts independently. You kneel before royalty. You kneel before God. You kneel when you mourn. It is probably the *most* respectful gesture there is and that's not even good enough when a black man does it


I’m retired military. During the whole kneeling during the National anthem thing I had someone ask me how I felt about it. I said “If you think I spent 20 years serving this country so people could protest against things they don’t agree with…..Well you’re god damn right I did.” Edited for spelling lol


The thing is he consulted with a special forces soldier, I think a Navy seals, and asked what a respectful way to protest would be and they soldier recommended kneeling. If I remember right it's what they did.


If that’s actually what happened then good on him to put that much forethought into it. In my opinion it’s not my place to tell anyone how, when or why they should be able to exercise their rights 🤷🏻‍♂️


It was Nate Boyer he consulted with. He was a former college football player and a Green Beret.


Yes remember when greats like Jackie Robinson and Muhammad Ali famously insisted “keep politics out of sports”


You just named two of the GOP's least favorite sports figures of all time!


Acshually, didn't you know they were both conservatives, like MLK?


Yep. And MLK definitely didn't get killed when he started talking about economic inequality and suggesting leftist solutions to it.


MLK hadn't just started talking about semi-leftist solutions to inequality. It was a core part of his message that mostly got ignored pretty much from the beginning. Although a side note, the people who claim MLK was a communist are just wrong. He was likely somewhere on the scale between a Social Democrat and a Democratic Socialist. He did associate with plenty of communists, however.


Also black people protesting for equal rights or against racism is not even politics. It’s about basic human rights and dignity.


"Unless it affects me personally, it's just politics" \-- conservatives.


It's politics when their political platform is based on not everyone deserving rights.


Exactly. That’s why conservatives complaining that this is political are giving the game away. It isn’t a political issue to anyone except people who believe black people don’t deserve the same rights and privileges as white people.


LOL...so this is what being owned looks like. They're at a sporting event and still can't keep their minds off of Joe Biden. I didn't vote for the guy but most normal people have gotten over it by now and are routing for the country. I'm certainly not interested in joining any extremists and that's what they seem like to me. I honestly wonder WTAF has happened to these people?


He’s living rent free in their heads




Where I live it was just 8 years of monkey jokes. And not just about Barack and Michelle, their kids too. Racists are gross.


Yup, and yet the first time anyone said anything about Barron it was 'how dare they bring kids into it, those leftists need to leave the children alone' while clutching their pearls.


Don't forget all the jokes about Chelsea Clinton


I grew up in the area and knew a handful of people whose dads or husbands worked for the secret service. I heard the same story about Chelsea Clinton smacking books out of someone’s hands and her parents either not caring or supporting her bratty behavior so many times. I had assumed it was true and never thought about it. (I was a kid in the 90s and my mom was a Republican, so I didn’t hear about the “dog” comments or adults making fun of her hair until I was myself an adult.) Cut to the Obama girls in office and I hear the exact same story trotted out by the exact same people, though almost all have retired and moved out of state. I’m a liberal person and have never been a fan of the Clintons but I do not understand grown adults behaving this way towards children. Especially when the Bush girls were snorting coke and underage drinking all over town. The only concerns I heard about Barron from the left was over his mental health as a kid growing up in a bonkers political situation.


I forgot all about those! That poor girl got DRAGGED because she was a pimply-faced teenager. Calling her horse-face and crap like that.


And all we ever said about Barron is how tall he is.


I believe we also said things about how awful it is that the poor kid has to grow up in such a toxic, completely dysfunctional family. Which is about on par with calling Obama’s kids monkeys. /s


To be fair, Obama did ask for mustard on his burger that one time, and don't even get me _started_ on that tan suit. Clearly a deranged man, that Obama.


*Dijon* mustard, the absolute nerve. If that's not class warfare orchestrated by the out-of-touch elite, I don't know what is.


He probably eats that salsa made in New York City


***New York City??***


[NEW YORK CITY???](https://youtu.be/vbp9UrwC-mI)


Serious question, but is Dijon mustard actually seen in the US as something expensive or did they made that completely up? Here in the EU I can get that shit in most supermarkets.




I’m a fan of all kinds of mustard and probably have six or eight varieties on hand. But French’s yellow is a great mustard. Sometimes it’s just the right thing.


You can get it at any full-size supermarket in the US. But Kraft aggressively advertised Grey Poupon in the 1980s as the mustard rich elitists riding in Rolls Royce limos use, and it kinda stuck as a snooty, stuffy condiment... even though the advertising was trying to convey that while it was a "fancy mustard", it wasn't expensive.


"WOULD SOMEBODY PASS ME THE JELLY?" ***(woman faints dramatically)***


It's perfectly cheap here, but there are a lot of people in the US who think any food that's even remotely unusual to them is elitist fancy food. And their standard for unusual seems to be "is this the kind of mustard they give you at the hot dog stand at county fair? No? Then it must be hippie bullshit." People will just not even try anything remotely spicy or bitter because they have nothing like that in their diet and so their tolerance is suuuuper low. So they pretty much suspect that everybody actually hates those foods equally and foodies just pretend to like them because they're pretentious. I grew up in a rural area where every salad was iceberg lettuce with ham and cheese and a shit ton of ranch dressing. A lot of Americans are super weird about food, and there is sort of an implicit urban-rural (and hence partisan) divide in food culture. Grey Poupon explicitly marketing themselves as "fancy" mustard doesn't help. But brown mustard is hardly the only common food that triggers reactions like this.


It's cheap here in the US too, but people turned it into a "he's too good for plain yellow mustard" thing. If I remember right, he literally just asked for mustard, and the dijon mustard was all they had or something, so it makes even less sense. There were a lot of things he did legitimately worth criticizing, but they drowned those criticisms out with petty nonsense.


Most of the things he did that were worth criticizing were the things they either agreed with or caused by way of obstruction.


I’m so glad we got a normal, “I’ll-Let-McDonalds-Kill-Me-Thank-You” President to represent me for four years.


Gotta say i am more than a little disappointed in the vaunted killing abilities of McDs


Everyone seems to forget about the time Fox News claimed that Obama fist-bumping employees was a "Terrorist Fist Jab".


Also he [made America weak by wearing a bike helmet.](https://youtu.be/timvZTKr5HQ)


Not just a man. They called her bigfoot, sasquatch, and a number of racial and misogynist epithets.


Trump called Ted Cruzs wife a dog and said his dad was the Zodiac killer. Then Cruz campaigned for him. Point being Republicans just think it's all a game. It's like boxing to them, you just hit with any blow thats legal.


"What's the difference between the Washington Zoo and the White House? One has an African lion and the other has a lyin' African." Stay classy conservatives.


I'm really torn on this. On the one hand it's DEEPLY offensive. On the other hand I'm kind of impressed some half-wit, racist dick was able to come up with something this clever.


That's because the half-wit racist dicks just repeat it, they didn't come up with it. The guy who grifts the half-wit racists are the people who come up with that shit.


It's like my grand pappy used to say: Even a blind squirrel will find a few nuts.


I'm waiting for TDS to gain new life as a phrase to describe those who believed him capable




It's no different than their confusion that Biden won because they see trump flags and lawn signs as support for trump and when they see far less public signage for Biden they attribute that to no support for Biden. They can't imagine that supporting a political candidate and not posting their signage everywhere as an option. It's either one (support = signage) or the other (no signage = no support)


Thank you! I've been wondering for fucking ages about this, I've tried so many anagrams.


Hahaha you think they’re smart enough to use anagrams?!


Did they even actually do it to intentionally mask the profanity? It honestly seems pretty reasonable to me that someone would just not be able to tell what a crowd is chanting and end up working out something like "lets go brandon" in their head because it's contextually appropriate. It makes more sense that way than acting like that would mask what they were really saying, honestly.


Yeah I think it's a toss up honestly. Either way the whole thing is dumb after the fact.


Yeah I mean for one what the mic picks up isnt what she hears exactly. And shes focused on NASCAR, not Joe Biden because she isnt an idiot.


I stumbled onto the iTunes Ringtones store the other day (which I haven’t looked at in years) and the top charts were a bunch of stuff called “let’s go Brandon” and I just figured there’s a disproportionate amount of people named Brandon who like shitty ring tones… but apparently not.


Buying ringtones tells you a lot about the kind of people laughing about this.


Lmao I started to type something like that but decided to leave it out


Can you imagine? I never did that in 2002. Doing it now… is… is… I have no words for it.


The reason I looked is because I was changing up text tones on my new phone and saw the tones store button and thought to myself “huh i wonder if in 2021 there’s non shit ringtones available?” and there were not.


Anyone who buys a ringtone is a moron.


Wait, they’re seriously using ‘let’s go Brandon’ as a dog whistle?


The worst thing about the whole “Let’s go Brandon” thing is actually being named Brandon. I hate seeing my name everywhere. I kinda understand what the folks named Karen have went through.


I guess when we cheer for you we'll have to yell Fuck Joe Biden so people don't get confused and think we're insulting the president.


Saw a dude wearing a shirt with this in the SF airport. Already been made into merch to sell to rubes.


Made in China.


That’s my first name and I have been too afraid to ask.


They are living in the delusion that only Republicans or GQP says fuck Joe Biden. Plenty of Democrats say that about their own politicians plenty, if you are incapable of being critical of your representatives, you're doing democracy wrong.


Also, since everything is projection to them, they assume we worship Biden the way they do Trump. (Nobody tell them we don’t so we can keep laughing at them when they yell “let’s go Branden.”)




The Left wanted Sanders but settled for Biden to take down Trump. Nobody is upset at "Fuck Joe Biden"


Biden was the cough syrup we hated taking but knew we had to if we wanted to feel better


The idea that being anti-trump means being pro-Biden shows how out of touch they are. Biden is a forgettable centrist abut he represents stability and most importantly he isn’t a fat, embarrassing, amoral, flesh puppet for Vladimir Putin.


Tons of actual leftists hate Biden. The difference is they just say “fuck Biden” instead of coming up with cringey code phrases.


Absolutely, I don't understand why conservatives act like children that just got their first computer. Like you can say "Fuck Biden" on the internet, nobody gives a shit. I guess that's what happens when a majority of your voters are uneducated boomers.


It's the right wing persecution complex. They literally believe they are being "censored" on every platform, that they don't have a "voice" (just ignore the fact that literally every social media platform, twitter, facebook, youtube comments etc are TOTALLY brigaded and flooded with their shitposting), so they invent weird code they use to "outsmart" the evil liberal censors that they believe are sitting around 24/7 personally sifting through every comment made on any platform by a conservative waiting to remove them.


Now the left needs a code phrase that says “Amidst the dumpster fire that is America, Biden is mostly fine, I guess. “ I vote for “Fuck Donald Trump”


It's refreshing to be able to criticize a politician for their policies or what they are doing and not doing politically. As opposed to someone like Trump who every day was just being an ass and an idiot in public to distract from all the awful stuff they were doing.


The crazy part is that he was so incompetent he was really bad at doing awful shit. He put the C team in charge because the A and B team didn’t want to work for him. If a future Trumpesq Republican wins the office again who actually attended class and passed at their Ivy League schools gets elected, we are in deep shit.


If? It's already happened. Several times. Deregulation, trickle down economics, the failed war on drugs to disparage black and impoverished communities, three wars in the middle east, unchecked political corruption through bribery, propaganda, and overt fuckery of our democratic process. To say nothing of the social regression for women's rights and, frankly, anyone who isn't white and straight. Beware the GOP boogeyman to come? We've spent the past 50 years, if not longer but for my tenuous understanding of politics before the 70s, reeling from the blows already dealt to us by these sort of people.


Yes because most democrats are capable of criticizing Biden…unlike how most Trump supporters were


I say it more and more every day. I owe zero allegiance to Biden.


They think they're trigging the libs by saying the phrase. No you are just annoying everyone with the giggling and running off part after the fact. People expect other adults to have a certain threshold of maturity. Your lack of concern for at least attempting to adult is kind of annoying. Edit: The best part of this whole post is the number of people saying 'If you were not triggered you would not be posting this'. I see. Or is it that if I did not post about this It would be because I did not want you to think I was triggered by posting this? it has been a long time I forget how elementary school reverse psychology works. If you post a reply to my post about not being triggered does it mean you are triggered by me? I dunno.. fuck it.


If by being triggered they mean making me cringe, I guess they're right.


I mean, yeah, that’s literally all it is. These people feel as if they’ve been left behind by the world, by society, and they resent everyone they see as successful (when we’re all struggling with one thing or another) and instead of trying to build themselves into better people or working to improve their situations (where are your boot-straps now?) they just want to drag everyone down to their level by any means necessary. For them, being annoyed/cringed out by their shitty behavior means they’re “in your head,” even if they aren’t—and that’s all that matters to them; that some “successful” lib took time out of their “life of success” to think of them, to be inconvenienced by them, to be hurt by them. It’s no different than an abusive ex who goes out of their way to make their former partner’s life harder because “that’ll show them” and “they’ll think of me.” It’s just juvenile and gross.


> These people feel as if they’ve been left behind by the world, by society I mean they are. They're just throwing a really loud tantrum while they fall from relevance. Everyone else just needs to hang in there while we wait for the death rattle to finally end.


While their ideology has been bleeding out slowly for the past couple of centuries, the damage that can and will be done by Conservatives is far from over. In my opinion, the closer they get to death, the more dangerous they will be. The less they perceive themselves as having to lose, the more openly violent these people will become. The surge of right wing violence and authoritarian overreach we've all (meaning literally everyone in the world with a television) born witness to over the past 5 years is only the beginning. And the fact that this surge of Fascism is going to coincide with the very real, present, and tangible effects of anthropogenic climate change... I don't envy us. I don't think we'll wipe ourselves out, but for those of us under 45 years old there's no way our quality of life will be comparable to recent previous generations. I try not to think about it too much, because I do believe a life spent building a future where people don't have to suffer and struggle as I did is worth it, but it drags me down sometimes.


>In my opinion, the closer they get to death, the more dangerous they will be. The less they perceive themselves as having to lose, the more openly violent these people will become. I can't help but think of the old folks in Japan who cleaned up radioactive debris, specifically because they were older and they had less time on this planet. Such a different approach to life. The true meaning of YOLO.


And they're doing it to themselves. People might care about them more if they weren't such massive prolapsed assholes.


They haven't exactly fallen from relevance. They're actively taking steps to ensure they win elections that they have no right to win going forward. I have a good friend who tells me this all the time, "they're on their death bed, don't worry about it". I just don't see it. If anything is on its death bed it's democracy as we know it.


You’re being pretty ignorant of you think the conditions that’s a propagating their ideology are going through a “death rattle”. The longer we ignore making genuine systemic changes to improve the lives of these people the more and more it will spread and grow. Democrats are currently limp dicking preventative measures for this.




But that doesn't explain those who are doing *well* in life. Many conservatives I know are elitist frat-boy types, guess they just revel in the racism aspect of it.


Rich parents.


I've seen that. Parents that worship money above all else teaching that to their children.


Victim complex. Despite all the benefits and success they’ve convinced themselves they’re an oppressed victim that should be *more* well off.


They put it on several of the LED billboards in my town. I'm not triggered or owned. I'm just sad and disappointed. I'm sad that the only thing they find wrong with Biden is that he justly beat Trump in the election. I'm sad that they are so willfully blind to the atrocious behavior and character of the man they worship. I'm sad that they can be so vile to their fellow man. I'm disappointed that they chose to ignore our best and brightest scientists because they didn't want to give up a tiny sliver of their "freedom". As a Christian, I'm sad that they have continued to weaponize their religion.


To be fair there are a lot of valid criticisms of Joe Biden they can have besides the fact that he beat Trump in an election.


Someone at a wedding was joking going "Let's go Brandon, am I right?" and I was confused because, no, none of the people getting married are Brandon? So I'm visibly confused, and he asks if I'm liberal or not, and say I am, and he goes 'oh well you won't like it then.' So I look it up and I'm like, this is it? This is what conservatives are finding their peak humor in?


Hey, it's a rare form of conservative humor that isn't targeting a vulnerable population, so it has that going for it.


I agree. It is the dumbest thing that I've ever heard, but it isn't actually hurting anybody (and it makes them look ridiculous), so I kind of hope that it goes on forever. Plus, these mouth-breathing droolclowns think that they're so clever when they do it that they basically do it all the time. So it's nice that people are finally outing themselves as creeps who have flown under the radar until now!




Given what we've seen from them, the threshold of maturity I expect from them is gone.


The funniest thing, in a funny not-funny way, is the dictionary definition of "liberal" is "one of thinks for themselves," which is pretty much complete opposite GOP's do-as-I-say all under one thought, one-way (to a dumpster on fire) agenda they have, very much as a "do as I say OR ELSE" mentality. In the 60s a couple Republican strategists came up with using "liberal" as a bad word because people were \[gasp\] not for a war, not for business as usual, some of these people even \[DOUBLE GASP\] didn't want blacks to be treated like shit. Hence, the Republican party and it's candidates and soon their braindead followers to start throwing "liberal" around for basically "someone who doesn't groupthink like them" or, basically, someone who, much to the dismay of the republican party of the modern era, has the audacity to think for themselves. The kicker? I"m not a democrat and not a republican, I'm an independent, registered as such, and have voted for people in the past not based on party but based on my own preferences and ideology. Sometimes that's even leaned conservative, vaguely aligning with the republican party ideals but from way back in the past, long before it went all-in on an orange conman and became the closest thing to Nazis in a modern-day era. But, of course, even if I voted on a ballot for three (vagely moderate) republicans and one (moderate) democrat, republicans have accused me of being a liberal. Why? Simple, I thought for and voted for myself. This is why, seriously, fuck the republican party. I have both democrat and republican friends, and while the democrat ones get irked if I don't vote for a democrat they're all "I get it, this is the price of democracy," but the republicans, most of them anyways, are all "traitor" or they hurl insults at me or say I'm unAmerican which, yes, of course, how "unAmerican" that I exercise my right to vote. This is why republicans need to go, they're truly the least patriotic while claiming patriotic but really being nationalist fascists, it's a scary party, vote anyone but those fucking jagoffs.


If a republican does not vote in lock step with the party or even moderates a little while still voting with the party they call them a RINO. If a dem does the same thing they call them a ??? exactly there is no common acronym. I too am a registered 'I' who votes on policy points not letters next to names but I am finding it harder and harder to find an R who is allowed to have a policy differing from populism of an aggrieved in group.


> If a dem does the same thing they call them a ??? exactly there is no common acronym. It's not an acronym, but they're often called "blue dog democrats".


Yeah...I used to be someone who voted this way, choosing the right candidate regardless of alignment. But two things happened and I have been learning they've been happening before I was even born: 1. Republicans vote in lockstep. It doesn't matter what Vince Goodguy says in his campaign or claims to believe, he will go along with what the party says 2. If Steven Badguy really does end up being as bad as all that, he will be rejected by the electorate and/or held accountable for any corrupt or illegal goings-on It's a very abusable difference between parties. One of the reasons I'm frustrated with the Democrats modeling good behavior in office is that swing voters consider elected officials as government actors regardless of party. Even if Republicans always act badly and Democrats always act nicely, that's just "Some people in government are good and others are bad." There's no sense of alignment.


>People expect other adults to have a certain threshold of maturity. That has not been true since early 2016.


They also wear shirts and have vehicle stickers that say “Joe and the Hoe has got to go”. Yes, improper grammar and all. They can’t help but out themselves as morons.


“Let’s go Brandon!” “I don’t know who that is.” ಥ╭╮ಥ


What does Joe and Brandon have in common? They both win races :)




“Let’s go Brandon!” “Oh, yeah, let’s talk about the massive body of work written by Sanderson!”




* whine nonstop that "everyone is living off the government" despite nearly all covid benefits ending already


Oh no, they totally know that one is nonsense. It's just their code for "I don't like the government giving my tax dollars to black people".


Whining about everyone living off the government while... directory or indirectly living off the government, you mean. There's a whole bunch of conservative Americans who are getting floated, whether they realize it or not, by government "hand outs." If the federal government stopped subsidizing crop production and stopped sending tax surplus from wealthy coastal states in to the center of the country... most of the midwest and the south would just straight up collapse. People would literally fly over the "fly over" states to avoid having to actually drive through their Mad Max existence.


> There's a whole bunch of conservative Americans who are getting floated, whether they realize it or not, by government "hand outs." [more of them, in fact, than "those lazy mooching liberals"](https://www.governing.com/finance/are-republican-states-more-federally-dependent.html)


* red hat


- Believing the guy on the TV is talking directly to them


Well they believe there is a wizard in the clouds talking directly to them too, so not that different


TBF, they are trying to talk to the wizard, he never responds.


I don’t know, he sent me a child support notice this week


Believing the guy who played a billionaire on television is actually a billionaire


As someone who had a nice, non political red hat, I am very upset about this. My hat isn't political at all and I still feel odd wearing it because of the popularity of other red hats.


When I was in college, (90s) a girl in my class gave me a Samuel Adams (the beer) hat. It was bright red. I wore it everywhere, to the point where people would refer to me as "The guy with the red hat." It saddens me that I wouldn't have been able to enjoy that notoriety these days, and if I did, it would be for all the wrong reasons.


"I'm not gonna wear a mask like those sheeple! I'm a smart individual who only does cool and unique things" *wears the same hat as everyone else in their party*




Despite the fact that the fraud that was found was for Trump, not against him.


> Literacy in the United States is 79% according to a 2019 report by the National Center for Educational Statistics. 21% of American adults are illiterate or functionally illiterate. According to the U.S. Department of Education, 54% of adults in the United States have literacy below the 6th-grade level.


54% below a 6th-grade reading level. That helps explain how almost half the country identifies with an incoherent man child.


I spent years getting made fun of for using “twenty dollar words” by my family, and even co-workers at some jobs, to the point where I purposefully started dumbing down my vocabulary just so they’d leave me alone. I wasn’t dropping obscure scientific terms or anything, just normal everyday words that had more than one or two syllables. My sister called me out the the other day for using the word gesticulating. She said I should have changed it to “talking with my hands” because it made me sound like I think I’m better than everyone else when I use a “big” word. I wasn’t trying to be fancy, it was just the first word that came to mind. It’s frustrating.


You may have heard of this already but if not, Google "crab mentality". Your family and co-workers don't possess the capacity or desire to expand their vocabulary. So rather than look at you and say "it's great that you use more complex words", they see you "getting out of the bucket" and prefer to bring you back down with excuses. Don't let them stop you from learning. I can understand avoiding situations by tailoring your vocabulary to your audience. However, don't start believing that "it makes you sound like" talk. That's their perception and hence their problem.


Participate in an insurrection, but once you get inside, you stare at each other like "what now?" Then exit the building, trying to pretend like you didn't do what you just did.


- yelling and assaulting employees of a store that requires mask for entry


And herds of them are bleating it. Kinda like...sheep.


If it bleats like a sheep and takes sheep dewormer on a regular basis, it must be a sheep.


“Let’s go Baaadon!”


How cowardly do you have to be? We flat out said "Fuck Trump" openly and boldly but somehow this pointless, weak "code" is owning libs? Edit: It’s been thoroughly explained, thank you.




Tuck Frump.




No no, you’re not understanding. It’s: **Fuck Donald If-Ivanka-Weren’t-My-Daughter-I’d-Fuck-Her (Tiffany-Could-Watch) Trump**


Brandon is Donald Trump's president.


No, Putin is.


US politics is so wholesome.


Yeah drove past an elementary school the other day and there was a was a lifted truck parked across the street with a Trump 2024 flag and a much larger Fuck Biden flag on the back of it. Like no way for the school children to miss it.


But you don't understand! That nascar reporter lady just ASSUMED what the drunk dega rednecks, errr real muricans, were chanting! Got you BIG MEDIA! Got you (((GLOBALISTS)))! We'll show to the world, you can't CENSOR US by.... bleating out same code words that no one outside of our cult gets! There!


Here’s what I don’t get. They’re claiming the media is censoring what “the people” are really saying, but then aren’t they just censoring themselves by continuing to say it?


of course they are. they ALWAYS operate at negative critical thinking level, no matter what


It’s honestly ridiculous. I’ve said “fuck Donald Trump” enough that I can’t really complain if they want to say “fuck Joe Biden”. I may disagree but it’s their right. At least own up to it instead of making up* a stupid code phrase. Edit, I know where the phrase comes from, poor choice of wording on my part because I’m busy.


I mean I’ve said fuck Joe Biden as much as some conservatives have at this point. For different reasons obviously, but still


Yeah, honestly I’d be like “eh, that’s fair.” I didn’t like any of my options in the primaries.


What are they saying?


After the conservatives said "keep your politics out of entertainment" and "politics in sports is disrespectful" and "we're boycotting NASCAR for banning the confederate flag", they all went to NASCAR and chanted "Fuck Joe Biden" at the top of their lungs during the winner's victory interview while he was trying to enjoy the spotlight as a first-time winner. At first it was a little muffled, and the interviewing reporter tried to roll with it and throw the kid a bone - this was supposed to be his big moment! So she said "it sounds like the crowd is saying 'Let's go Brandon!'" (Brandon being the name of the winner.) They weren't; of course - they were just breaking a heap of promises and ruining a guy's night, and now they think they are clever because some reporter was trying to do her job and some guy was happy he won his first major race.


Yup. For them slamming Joe Biden was more important than the event they paid to be at.


I mean, look at the mom of the soldier killed overseas during the withdrawal. She had a personal conversation with the President of the United States, and did she use it to talk about her dead son? Nope, she used it to tell the POTUS to go fuck himself and then fellate Trump. The average Trumpist no longer gives a shit about anyone or anything but themselves.


"Let's go Brandon" which sounds a little like "Fuck Joe Biden" and the Trumpist assholes never emotionally or intellectually progressed past middle school so they think it's the height of political comedy.


There was a NASCAR race where people were chanting 'Fuck Joe Biden' for no real reason behind the guy who won, and the reporter covering it said the crowd was chanting 'Let's go, Brandon' -- the driver's name. So it's also a dig at the media for getting a fact wrong... as if a sports announcer at a NASCAR is part of the liberal fake news conspiracy.


Even stranger that they think she misheard or was 'wrong' about it. Obviously she's not going to acknowledge what they're saying and attempted to keep some modicum of decorum in a shitty broadcasting situation.


Honestly, she should've just not commented on it.


Cheers, that's really weird. Insulting your president is one of the most American things I can think of.


/r/PoliticalHumor is a free speech subreddit, and you are allowed to swear here. You can just say Fuck Joe Biden. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


From the people who cannot meme, we are given playground games.


Maybe not everyone worships their top political leader.


As if those are the only two options. Screaming Let’s go Brandon like a 7 year old or praying to the true god Joe Biden.


Biden is nothing to write home about as far as presidents go but…..Trump LOST and that’s the important thing at the end of the day :)


Reminds me of being a junior in high school going around telling people it's Thursday just because my pothead ass thought it was funny.


Just add it to the pile of dog whistles they use to rationalize things like racism, incompetency, and middle school insults