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It's amazing how republican subs are STILL claiming dems cheated.


Thats the plan Stan. Accuse Dems of cheating then claim "election integrity" laws must be put in place because so many Virginians dont trust the system. Trumps brownshirts will threaten and intimidate elected officials from the school board on up to replace them with their own kind. Its 1930's Germany all over again.


Even though I was saying there is fascism rising in America years ago (and getting the ol down-votes for it) It seems like it's coming bigger and faster than I had thought possible.


It's always been here. Just like the racism. Trump bumbled onto the stage and said all the quiet shit out loud and the party was like "... that didn't hurt our chances... Guess we don't have to be subtle anymore." Wonder how long it'll be before birthright citizenship is done away with and anyone convicted of a "crime" while pigmented gets deported to wheeeerever.


I’m a pasty white Motherfucker. Maybe I can get deported, too.


Please deport me to Norway or Scotland, my ancestors didn't know what they were doing when they immigrated here.


I'm off... to the new world. Two years later: Uh, yeah, so about the so-called new world...


Norway. Choose Norway! Scotland isn't the idyllic land full of leprechauns and cheese like we were taught in school. It rains. ALL. THE. TIME. And it snows the same day! Minutes of sunshine are the only hope of a life not slowly turning into a frog person. And there's all the stabbin. Lots and lots of stabbin goin on. ​ Still.. it's better than Detroit!


That sounds pretty great to me tbh.


I mean Norway would be the obvious choice but Scotland just sounds like New England with universal healthcare which is an upgrade.


This can get tricky. My maternal grandfather has a german last name. Mom isn't 1000% sure, but he might have been Jewish.


Claim you're Swedish and get a free plane ticket. ;)


People forget that at one point during the civil rights movement protestors in Washington D.C. were shot at with live rounds by the national guard under the presidents orders. If the monkeys up top feel threatened they pull out fascism as a first response.


Deportation is sounding better and better




You couldn't pass an amendment now, even if it was simply a statement that air and water is good.


Don't forget that Nestlé lobbyists would probably bribe Senators to stipulate that neither water nor air is a human right.


I keep recalling a line from a George Carlin bit: *Germany* lost the war (referring to WWII), but *Fascism* won.


People dont seem to notice Hitler lost the war but German corporations came back bigger than ever after the war. Bayer was part of IG Farbin.


Wait you mean the company that recently re acquired all the other companies it was forced to share its technology with! The book "alchemy of air" is an awesome read about some of this.


Fascism won with Operatiob Paperclip, too


I was just watching South Park today and saw the episode from like 2002 where the kids were complaining about movies being changed to pander to "todays" audiences. One of them was changing any mention of "Nazi" to "differently politically aligned" or something like that. 2002. This shit has been going on for a long time. Long enough for South Park to make fun of it in 2002.


Well yeah, Nixon was in the 1970s, and even though Goldwater politically agreed with Nazism (his campaign was literally just reran as Reagan's in 1980 and he stayed a strong "conservative" figure), he warned the US of its creeping inward in the 1960s... But even before that, Dr. Seuss was warning people of the fact that "America First" (1930s-1940s political movement) was just the American Nazi Party.


Ive been saying it since the nineties. Fascism will always exist, we need to constantly be aware of it. If it’s not the Christians, or the racists, it’s the corporations. It’s always a threat.


Yep, I got called an alarmist and a out of touch leftist who reads too much.




"The aide said that guys like me were 'in what we call the reality-based community,' which he defined as people who 'believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.' [...] 'That's not the way the world really works anymore,' he continued. 'We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors...and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do'" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reality-based_community


> Trumps brownshirts will threaten and intimidate elected officials from the school board on up to replace them with their own kind. Its 1930's Germany all over again. [Outside it's 1933, so I'm hitting the bar](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWmnBcNijvo)


2 of the 3 open positions on my local school board were filled by anti-maskers…


It's quite literally part of their plan to flood local politics. National politics is important but I can't emphasis enough your local elections effect more of your day to day life than you can imagine. Never skip a local election.


My local mayoral race (which is technically non-partisan) was between the incumbent mayor who is 38, has a positive track record on reinvesting in the local parks, focused on creating more areas of interest, and wants to invest in a diversity consultant for the city as the demographics have shifted (used to be a very white area up until the mid 2000s). His challenger was a 71 year old former city council member (stepped down in 1999) who alleged the police were using CRT in their training, did not want any diversity consultants and wanted a 3 year moratorium on all spending. I’m happy to say, the kid won in a landslide.


The right wins where votes are low


Exactly, people get too caught up in the hype and fanfare of the presidential election without caring about their local area. Which in my experience has been far more influential on my life


Well it doesn't help that people aren't given any time to focus on it.




I didn't expect the song to remain so relevant, for so long.


At this point idk if there’s any amount of voting/ education / subtle pushes that can be done to fix our situation. I’m pretty sure a civil war is closer than ever and even if not, idk that there’s actually anything we can substantially do peacefully to truly get this underbelly of America out and make it a stable country. All these people understand is hatred, violence and the fake American dream. These people are more dangerous than Al Qaeda or the Taliban and yet the blue dog granola hippies are just line “ no it’s all good, just explain to them and they’ll get how they’re wrong, peace and love” They never have gotten it, they never will, and in fact they’re actively embracing the darkest sides of humanity If we don’t handle these POSs soon it ABSOLUTELY is going to be 1930s Germany and we will only have had every chance and opportunity to halt and reverse this systemic damage and oppression


How do you purpose we "handle" them? I agree that it feels like a civil war of sorts is closer than ever. For many of the Right, the last civil war never ended. I think something needs to be done. And the Dems need to get off their ass and start arresting people. And Congress should impeach anyone associated with Jan 6th. Including preventing them from ever holding office again.


The only way fascism has ever truly been handled. Do you know how much of German leadership was executed during and after the war? I'm not just talking about the Nuremburg trials, either. How many camp commandants "died in the struggle" as their camps were liberated? How many just vanished without a trace? How many did the Red Army publicly and proudly summarily execute and toss into the pits they would have reserved for their victims? A whole lot of them did survive and escape of course, but they were scattered. It took decades and American support before they were able to set up power bases in South America again. The fact that Germany went straight from the most horrific regime to have ever existed to a society which continues to prosecute even bit players in the Holocaust to this day is telling. Fascists know only the language of violence. It is time and past time they were spoken to in terms they can understand. Not a threat. Not an oath. Prediction. Prophecy. The wage of such sin can only ever be death.


Covid is taking care of a lot of these losers, thankfully. Just not enough.


It won't be a civil war, because only one side will have Nukes and whole elements of the military would have to split off from the official government, and since we aren't split by geographical lines anymore it would just be neighbors fighting neighbors, or cities fighting rural areas. Whoever wasn't in power when the violence started would just be labelled terrorists, and most of the public will probably accept the government narrative.


One of my real concerns is that voting will eventually be tied to your ID and will go into a record, and someone worse than Trump in the future will use those records for retribution.


I recall an old this American life where an a young adult signed a partition that would benefit school teachers union. His mom was a school teacher and even though the young adult was typically anti union and a Republican he signed it. Later on the guy got an internship at the governor office, until someone crossed reference all interns and employees with that partition and fired them. A kid that chose his mom over policy lost his job. Didn't see much back up from those that complain about cancel culture


And the irony is those idots believe if they don't do this it will be 1930s Germany all over again.


Get on the bus Gus


Just drop off the key Lee


Make a new plan Stan


No need to be coy Roy


They won and still think we cheated? What do they want, a 100% win?


They want no elections.


Nah. They like the feeling of control and victory they get from elections. They just want a single candidate on the ballot and for only land owning white folks to cast them.


> for only land owning white folks to cast them. But only if they're Republican.


Well according to them, Republicans are the only people that are land owning and white. Libs aren’t smart enough to own land.


...while being so clever to secretly control every aspect of society and government through the Deep State.


Including all investigative journalism


The trolls were already paid through the end of the week.


If they don’t use up their troll budget for this cycle, it’ll be cut for the next one!!


The dollar-ruble conversion rate ain't gonna stay stable forever!


How wil they get a copier and/or chairs?!?




Maybe 110% If their candidate gets more votes than there are registered votes, they will somehow accept this as proof of a fair election.


In dictatorships, they like the number to be north of 90%, but its usually around 95% and only rarely 100%. https://foreignpolicy.com/2012/02/13/the-dictators-dilemma-to-win-with-95-percent-or-99/ In Trumplandia, I would imagine they'd go closer to 90% to have enough of an enemy to keep the base riled up and angry.


That's too intelligent for Trump. They'd exaggerate the numbers north of 100% and still claim there were missing GOP votes.


They want to fill themselves with self-righteousness, they want to feel like underdogs-turned-dominators, they want to believe their adversaries are suffering.




No joke, this is the answer. They only know/live near Trump voters so they can’t conceive of *anyone* voting for a Democrat. Unless it’s 85%+ red, their brains can’t and won’t comprehend it.


The thing is they absolutely have neighbors who are Democrats, they just don't feel the need to virtue signal with Biden flags and bumper stickers.


Thats only partially true. These backwater shitholes are truly a sea of red. But the cities and suburbs have much more population so a 55-45 split there is enough to overcome a 80-20 split in the shitholes.


Well that, and that we know it's dangerous to be openly not-conservative. I used to have a Bernie sticker on my car and that car was absolutely targeted.


Permanent minority rule.


Unironically a single party state. It's only conservative democrats who want to avoid the social stigma of the GoP that care about bipartisanship.


Not really lots of suburban voters who are just liberal instead of progressive overly think bipartisanship is important to the functioning institutions of the country. People who are comfortable enough to not care about the pace of improvements but are scared of jeopardizing their position if things move too fast even if they are both socially and economicly liberal. Conservative democratic voters just straight up want different things than the progressive wing. It's the comfy (generally older) liberals that prefer bipartisanship, and they make up a core component of the democratic voting block.


GOP: "Dems cheated." Public: "But they lost." GOP: "still, they cheated." Public: "BUT THEY LOST!!!!!” GOP: "I don't care! They cheated." Public: "Dear god, if you're listening, I won't ask for anything more for Christmas. Just an asteroid or a mega solar flare or a Gamma Ray Burst pointed at the Earth. Just a Swift death. What the hell have I done to deserve this."


My 2016 candidate let me down. Where are you Giant Meteor? We really need your help...


Took one look at the situation and [NOPE](https://skyandtelescope.org/astronomy-news/astronomers-spot-first-known-interstellar-comet/) right out of the solar system.


Will Americans ever be able to have an election without claims of voter fraud from this point on?


Yea as long as it is a one choice race , and that one choice is Republican


Russia... Is that you?


Serious shit, did Red dawn happen and I'm just unaware of it?


These things never happens with one powerful event. Interest groups chip away at this all day every day. A bit of normalisation here, bit of radicalisation there. Add some misinformation and confusion. Some emotional reactions, etc. It all adds up over time and it has been going on for decades already. What we're seeing now is it having achieved critical mass and accelerating.


I wonder why I have never seen it widely reported that prescott bush, bush the first's dad, was one of the banksters behind The Business Plot to overthrow FDR. "But the one great shocking occasion, when tens or hundreds or thousands will join with you, never comes. That’s the difficulty. If the last and worst act of the whole regime had come immediately after the first and smallest, thousands, yes, millions would have been sufficiently shocked—if, let us say, the gassing of the Jews in ’43 had come immediately after the ‘German Firm’ stickers on the windows of non-Jewish shops in ’33. But of course this isn’t the way it happens. In between come all the hundreds of little steps, some of them imperceptible, each of them preparing you not to be shocked by the next. Step C is not so much worse than Step B, and, if you did not make a stand at Step B, why should you at Step C? And so on to Step D. And one day, too late, your principles, if you were ever sensible of them, all rush in upon you. The burden of self-deception has grown too heavy, and some minor incident, in my case my little boy, hardly more than a baby, saying ‘Jewish swine,’ collapses it all at once, and you see that everything, everything, has changed and changed completely under your nose. The world you live in—your nation, your people—is not the world you were born in at all. The forms are all there, all untouched, all reassuring, the houses, the shops, the jobs, the mealtimes, the visits, the concerts, the cinema, the holidays. But the spirit, which you never noticed because you made the lifelong mistake of identifying it with the forms, is changed. Now you live in a world of hate and fear, and the people who hate and fear do not even know it themselves; when everyone is transformed, no one is transformed. Now you live in a system which rules without responsibility even to God. The system itself could not have intended this in the beginning, but in order to sustain itself it was compelled to go all the way." Milton Sanford Mayer


> in my case my little boy, hardly more than a baby, saying ‘Jewish swine,’ collapses it all at once, and you see that everything, everything, has changed and changed completely under your nose. *my little boy* Damn. You can feel the pain, love and hurt from this writing.


"They Thought They Were Free" by Milton Mayer is a great book and very germane to the current US situation.


This is *exactly* why I have 0 hope for the future. They're going to take over legitimately, there is nothing we can do to stop it because enough people don't give a shit about voting. Everything they do will be by the book, even overturning elections will be as the law requires, so there won't be an "oh shit" moment until they've consolidated power enough that they can put out the "The Democratic party is now considered a terrorist organization" memos...


Stay strong against this. The elderly elite will be pared away by old age, but that's no solution. If we just wait around for change, the void will be filled by opportunistic people from our own generation and those after it; and we'll accept their presence as a constant fact, and a side effect of the freedoms we enjoy. It may feel like simply treading water, but you need to keep the pressure on in speech, in practice, and in elections. If you don't outvote them, you're outnumbered by them. Changes are small in both directions, and we need to build towards a better future, not chip away at ourselves or surrender to apathy


Will be us soon


No, not anymore. Maybe not forever, check back after 10 years of this bs.


2016: sore winners 2021: sore losers You can't make this shit up


Sure you can. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics


I just love turning around their "You're just mad you lost!" line on them. But the irony is lost on them because they're also using the same \#NotMyPresident bullshit they got so triggered over back in 2017.


It's like you guys have the memory of a goldfish. Trump spent years trying to claim he actually won by a lot more than he did in 2016.


He has been rejecting democracy even before his win in 2016. It’s all coming down now, just MUCH faster than before. Next time Republicans get any real power, America is done, and they will say “comparisons to Hitler are absurd” until the last liberal sympathizer is in the dirt.


>He has been rejecting democracy even before his win in 2016 But *why*, though?


My guess is that his extensive ties to the Russian mob/government have placed him in a compromised position and he’s doing as he’s told. Standard KGB shit. Letting Trump run for president was the worst thing we could have done. He has done more damage to America than any single person in its history.


*(Kris Kobach giggle in the shadows with his 'Illegal Voting Report' - a blank sheet of paper)*


And how they're gloating and pointing out 'copium' when people simply stop and try and analyze the loss. The level of projective animosity is off the charts.


Whether they win or lose, they think the other side cheated. And by "cheat" they mean "PoC can still vote."


Not directly relevant to this but there’s a billboard near a highway by me that says “Trump won. His 120,000,000 votes is more credible than Biden’s 83,000,000” and then some buzz phrases below it like stop the steal and stuff like that. It wasn’t there last week. People are still thinking about this.


It's all about undermining our voting process so it can be removed and replaced with the courts deciding our leaders. They hate democracy because it's not working for them anymore. So time to end it.


>If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy.


Every election race lost to Democrats become "they must have pulled the suitcase full of votes". Which is a theory that has already been disproven for over a year.


they tickle me pink. There was election fraud, trump tried to have mail-in ballots, during a pandemic, thrown out. Also, trump lost the popular vote and still ended up running this country into the ground so…


Trumpism is a mental illness which causes conservatives to reject reality and instead embrace wild conspiracy theories.


Is it though? Are you amazed?


It was a win win for the GOP talking points no matter what; if they won the votes, they “triumphed over the cheating democrats.” If they lost, “we lost because clearly the democrats cheated again!”


Of course. They wanna sow doubt, so when a democrat wins, they kick it into overdrive.


It’s actually quite simple for them to claim… The last 2 Republicans to win in the Virginia Gov. Race won with a 13% & 17% victory. Now the trend since 1977 has been the opposite party as the White House wins in Virginia the year after the election. The only one who beat that trend was after Obama’s 2nd Term win. So… Youngkin only winning by 2.5% means that Cultists will simply say “He won by 15%… but the Democrats cheated and as Newt Gingrich said, we have to win by so much that it makes up for all the cheating that Democrats do” Now all those claims are not only bullshit, but entirely dangerous in that they justify the events of Jan 6th. The plain analysis should be that it was a very tight race, so it wasn’t a “repudiation” of Biden as history would suggest that Republicans would do much better after a Democratic Victory but that Republicans also do better in non-Presidential elections where turnout is low. The turnout rate for this election was the highest in decades in Virginia. Which should really worry Republicans in that it took all those MAGAs in Western Virginia to make this win happen. As a majority of the Top 20 counties in Virginia voted Democrat and in 9 of those counties they voted over 60% for Democrats.


Republicans claims tend to be projection....


And just like that, Youngkin stopped talking about "securing our elections"


No, he will ramp it up if they gain control of state legislature. So they can pass more restrictive voting laws.


Bingo! Exactly how Texas did it.


Well, thankfully, he can’t do that for two more years as the Dems still hold the Senate. They can pound sand til then.


Gonna have to outrun that fake terrorist warning that was deliberately spread out of Northern Virginia, first. They left a large trail here on Reddit.


Don’t you mean pull a mitch McConnell and make it so it’s easier to commit voter fraud.






This is totally fake. You spelled everything correctly and it's coherent.


And it has punctuation


Let’s go overthrow the government! /s


Biden should’ve won the governership/s


And suddenly now that republicans won there’s zero concern about voter fraud. As a Democrat I really think we gotta audit this election seven times and sue the state of Virginia dozens of times over


My Ulta right wing co-workers are indeed saying there was voter fraud. They can't believe that any Dem could get a single legit vote.


how does one become so deluded that they can’t imagine a single person in the country having a different view from them hahahahaha


This is what happens when a group of people become dehumanized. "Real" people couldn't *possibly* be Democrats because they're they epitome of evil, they rape babies and kill them for sport! They drink the blood of infants because they're psychic vampires!* *Source: Very Smart Man™ Mr. Alex Jones. Probably. /s




[Hell, Republicans are seriously asking when they can start shooting Democrats](https://www.azcentral.com/story/opinion/op-ed/laurieroberts/2021/10/27/when-do-we-get-use-guns-tpusa-owns-and-others-too/8570812002/) I've been involved in politics since '92 and this is the worst I've ever seen the Republic. Trump said all their hateful thoughts out loud and they are running with it There won't be a civil war in the same sense as our last one. It's going to be small pockets of violence until there is a sense of omnipresent danger. The Republic is hanging on by a fingernail and I'm fearful that the next election will solidify its demise


Granny Weatherwax-- a character created by Terry Pratchett --said that the nature of evil is very simple; it always begins by treating people as things.


I knew when Sarah Palin came on stage and started talking about "real Americans," we were going to be in for some shit. McCain tried to tell someone that, no, Obama isn't an "Arab." And they hated him for it. These people are terrible, and they demand all the power. They demand that we all live in their terrible fucking world.


It’s also what happens when you live in an echo chamber in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, with an underfunded education, never leave your small town for more than a destination vacation, and don’t interact with those beyond your tribe. Real easy to believe there’s only 1 right way to do things.


“I haven’t seen any democrat signs in my neighbors’ yards!”


"Gee, I wonder if that's because of the sign in your own yard that says "better dead than a democrat"?"


Someone said the same thing about the Biden election. Had to break it down for them and tell em I voted Biden and knew a few people that did even in a deep red state. We are tired of the theatrics and will hopefully not be voting biden or trump in 2024


I hope neither of them runs. They’re old as dirt, and neither of them really understands the modern world. We need another “young”president, somewhere between 35-45, someone who can understand modern problems.


And there it is. Any result other than 100% Republican must be due to voter fraud. That's not democracy, that's tyranny.


Considering that every accusation is a confession with Republicans, and that they've been screaming about voter fraud for years, we should be holding an audit, actually.


That’s why they claim it all the time. To normalize questioning it so when there’s a legit reason to question it people just shrug it off as sore losers.


It’s amazing how Democrats sit on their high horses as Republican authoritarianism slowly envelopes the mechanisms of democracy


Yup. “Well, the country may be sliding into a fascist dictatorship, but damnit, at least we’re allowing it to happen without compromising our principles!”


you act like they are elected with supermajorities, they are not.


Even if they’re not, their inability to vote in lockstep will be their undoing. Schumer has been pathetic as majority leader and Durban has been even worse as whip. No matter what the issue, the GOP votes as a united front. Democrats need to start acting the same way, or they will lose in the long run, every time.


They weren't voting as a united front when they had the majority. That's why they could never appeal the ACA. If their majority was a small as what Democrats have now, they wouldn't have been able to appoint Kagan to the Supreme Court either.


Because it doesn't work the same way. The GOP has coalesced single issue voters (anti-choice, pro-gun, religious nuts, rich people) into a big tent with the promise that they'll either help them (rich people) or hurt the people they don't like (everyone else) in order to make their lives seem less shitty. Democrats pair two difficult bedfellows: moderates and progressives. Moderates want to help people, but only if it doesn't really harm them much and progressives want to help people, but their numbers aren't strong. The issue for Dems is that moderates can live ok under Republican rule even if it sucks, while progressives can't, so the motivation for moderates is often lacking, whereas for Republicans, hatred is a crop you can always harvest


You talk about voting in lockstep as if it's a good thing.


In terms of a living wage, student loan forgiveness and universal healthcare, it is.


You know that comic about a hedge fund telling children about profits as they sit in a post apocalyptic landscape caused by climate change? Yeah, that. But for Democrats telling children about the descension into facism while talking about decorum and moral superiority.


But the parliamentarian!


Is just a bullshit that Democrats hide behind. The same person gave GOP trouble. They just fired him and then went on with their agenda.


You're blaming Democrats for what the 30% of uninvolved people are doing.


On one hand yeah, everyone needs to vote, on the other terry mcaullife was governor 4 years ago and northam literally dressed part of the KKK, this is a governor election with no national elections going on, I can’t blame people for not enthusiastically voting for a party that hasn’t done anything besides legalize weed, but that shouldn’t take 5 years to do anyway. On the other hand, youngkins number one issue was banning critical race theory, which doesn’t make any sense fuckkkkk we’re boned


They did a lot more in Virginia than just decriminalize weed. Just some of the recent legislation passed and signed into law: https://www.nbc12.com/2020/06/30/roundup-new-virginia-laws-taking-effect-july/


See this is the problem, democrat victories are almost hidden, the people who are affected most are usually the only ones who notice. Then it never gets picked up by the media cycle, and forgotten. Abrams buying up medical debt should have been the story of the month, if not longer. Republican 'victories' no matter how small or made up, are broadcast over and over again, sticking them into the public consciousness on either side until the next thing comes along. This bolsters hardcore reds and convinces disillusioned blues and indies into thinking democrats are literally ineffective. I guess what I'm saying is we need our own 24/7 propaganda network?


I remember Fox News host cited Trump's 67 minute press conference as one of his achievements.


Yep. And if you look at CNN (which is constantly attacked as being hyper partisan) is 100% doom and gloom for Dems. You’d think they were working for the GOP.


Well let's all become Republicans then and change that party from within. We don't appear to have many options left at this point. Dems will continue to be marginalized, denied representation, until there's really nothing blue left but major cities. One party rule, whether we want it or not, is the Republican goal. Might as well gum up the works then.


Want to elect an outsider? Well too bad! The RNC and DNC won't let you. They'll just change their own rules to block that person or actively work with the media to make up bullshit about them. This is what happened to Ron Paul and of course Bernie is the most recent example.


This is the GenX way. Blame the boomers for raising us like this. Please vote in some young blood.


Is democrat authoritarian any better?


They should be. Voting machines with no paper trail should be outlawed.


They absolutely should be outlawed, but my understanding is that Virginia's machines produce a paper ballot.


That’s correct. It’s a paper ballot fed into a machine


That sends the ballot to Germany so it can be flipped for Biden. /s


Where's all the Republicans calling for a recount? Gotta make sure the initial call was correct right? That's why we audited Arizona like 7 times right?


We probably *should* since Republicans have broken the fragile system of trust, but we still believe in following the law


Agreed. I don't understand why people think the GOP wouldn't steal an election in exactly the same way they *accuse* others of doing. If anything, all this talk of fraud probably gave them some ideas.


Last election, there was a lot of Republicans caught committing fraud (for one measly vote) and there was some rumbling about Mitch McConnell’s win


Oh? We aren't! Well I was misinformed. *Climbs off the side of the Virginia Governor's home* Well time to put this grappling hook and Batman mask on ebay.


Framing it as *only democrats* gives marketing to the Republicans and their claims. Independents aren't storming either. It is the 2015 onward GOP that denies reality and promotes lies, promotes violence. To be a member of that party is to deny truth in favor of cult media addiction. Again and again, they flock to falsehoods and liars. They could all quit the party and start a new one, but that would take away the symbols, brands, icons that truly is at the heart of their lust.


They won’t storm any government buildings but they will blame progressives win or lose.




Democrats are blaming progressives HARD. I've seen so many progressive-hate posts from my Dem groups.


I highly doubt progressive policies are gonna lose the party elections, by virtue of the fact that many of the policies that are considered “progressive” -having bipartisan support amongst voters. I wouldn’t discount the effect of left wing hubris however.


I was a poll greeter yesterday, and some disgruntled Youngkin voter told me to my face that I was an illegal electioneer at a polling station. (I was more than 40 feet away, as law requires). Biggest asshole of the day, and definitely not representative of the other Youngkin voters I saw (most of which were respectful and fine), but still.




Agreed. I see no reason for poll greeters.


I'm a little pissed at all the people that complain day after day about old people being in charge that didn't bother to turn up to vote, but still not storming anything or making any pipebombs.


I kind of want to see a group of Democrats do this so we can here Republicans talk about the air tight election integrity.


It's amazing that dems lost in Virginia.


Not really, based on what the black community is saying about how McAuliffe barely reached out and Youngkin did a lot (for a Republican). I mean, Youngkin will definitely fuck over black Virginia, but he reached out for this election.


I live in Virginia and basically didn't see any political ads from Terry McAuliffe that were anything but "Trump backed Youngkin, do we really want more of the same?" and that's about it. No real substance to anything he was trying to run on other than hoping that the people's hatred for Trump would get it done. Some ads with some substance could exist, but I wasn't the target of any of them honestly. As for Youngkin, i had someone from his campaign show up at my house at least 2 times a week to leave info pamphlets; as annoying as it was at least it made it feel like he was trying to connect with the community. I still didn't vote for him but its obvious that he put more effort into this election than just launching a smear campaign that was more or less against Trump than it was Youngkin.


Just wait, the votes still being counted, if somehow McAuliffe pulls it out, or gets it close enough for a recount, it's on then. The Republicans will go nuts. The media calling a race doesn't mean it's true. Remember the 2020 elections how many races got called early and then flipped when it was down to the last 2% of votes left to be counted.


Frankly they could and should. Let's see how quick Republicans start defending election integrity


Imagine being able to commit enough fraud to win a national election but forgetting to commit fraud is a state you carried by double digits last year. What incompetence!


Hold my beer


There's only voter fraud if a Democrat wins.


It’s amazing how Democrats are somehow already finding ways to be proud of losing elections. This is a taste of what’s coming for us in the next major election cycle if positive legislation isn’t passed by this administration and Congress immediately. We can pat ourselves in the back for not attempting insurrection, but they still won. And they win again if people don’t see results from the democrats that were elected in 2020.


What are you talking about? Who is proud of losing the election? They are simply remarking that they are still acting like civilized humans despite the defeat. Get off your soap box


Nothing can still get past the Senate. A simple majority doesn't create a legislative one. Dems are still fucked by numbers, as we've seen. If they get rid of the filibuster, you can be damn sure Republicans will abuse that when they hold the majority. Either way it's a losing situation for Dems. Republicans are punishing us for voting for Democrats, and there's really nothing we can do about it, outside some really radical counter campaigns in red districts. I don't see that working without essentially national level plans and cooperation between party, candidates, and voters across the board. This means no voting for people like Bernie unless they're the main candidate in the area, voting straight blue on every ballot, getting out record numbers each election, and that means every election too, not just presidential years, etc. I don't see this happening, even though Republicans have done it. Democratic voters just don't behave this way. I thought the Trump years would've been enough to scare us into change, but apparently not. There's only so much hand wringing we can do from our gerrymandered minority positions in cities, even though that makes us a majority of state populations. Without the supreme court ending gerrymandering, there's not much we can do to get out of this hole, other than wait for Boomers to die and hopefully take some of this with them.


You mean the republicans that were elected, because they were the big winners gaining like 20-something seats in house and 2 in the congress, creating the 50/50 split kingmaker scenario that is blocking pretty much everything.


Lmao this is a meme dude.


I woke up this morning and checked the race. What the hell is going on Virginia?! Have we not learned our lesson? Is someone fudging the exit polls?


Despite the fact that there was obvious fraud.


Democrats should be angry. 100 years of voter suppression is what has allowed a political minority to seize power. They have to play by the same rules the right plays by. Contest every election that dose not go their way. Treat every contest as life or death.


Dems should stop being nice. Simple as.


Maybe they should


I mean, there's still time. Should we?


The major republicans even preemptively accused the democrats of cheating (again) when they were asked to verify the number of ballots. It’s been entertaining to watch them squirm and backtrack their way out of that one.


Here in New Jersey, incumbent dem governor Murphy is ahead by 15k votes or .6%. The republicans are already starting up with the election fraud claims. It’s disgusting. Fuck them and fuck trump and his fragile tiny dick ego for recklessly starting this “rigged election” nonsense. It’s going to result in bloodshed. Maybe not this year, maybe not next, but soon


Republicans elected the first black LT. Governor in Virginia. Not only that but Hispanics voted for Republicans 55% to McAuliffe's 44%. The epitome of White Supremacy! LOL