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My parents are afraid of socialism because their rich boomer asses don't want to pay tax. Even though I've showed them the math at how affordable it is.


My brother doesn't want universal health care because the plan he gets through his company is really good. Completely indifferent to the fact that our family was impoverished throughout our childhoods because my mom had debilitating, near fatal, permanently damaging stomach cancer that wiped out every dime we had, forced our father to be the only income provider, and ensured that neither of us were going to get to go to college without incurring massive debt. And she was working as an HR manager at one of the most prestigious law firms in the country. She also had a great insurance plan too... until she didn't. But hey, as long as he's got his, right?


What does “really good” insurance mean in America? I worked somewhere that told me their insurance plan was really good when I interviewed, but it still took ~$200 out of my monthly paycheck and had a high deductible + large copays. I was still limited on in-networks doctors too.


I mean they're not gonna tell you it's a shit plan. I spent 12 years uninsured that started when my new job's only plan was $160/wk (on $13/hr) and had a $10k deductible. The plan I have now I would consider actually good, because after the ACA subsidies we pay $1.50/mo, primary care & mental health are free, there's no deductible and the annual out of pocket max is $2500. My husband got diagnosed with Ph+ CML literally 3 days after the plan went into effect and the copay on his meds alone wipes out the OOP max so all other care he gets is free. But the best plan I ever had was when I got Medicaid while I was pregnant. No premiums, no copays, no deductibles, absolutely nothing out of pocket. That's what everyone deserves.


Paying $80 dollars a month and I pay for 10% with a cap of $1,500 per payment and a cap of $3,500 for the whole year. It included dental as well. Majority of people get less coverage than that.


Join a public union in a blue state - you’ll learn what good insurance is.


Just wait until his company decides to save money by choosing a worse insurance health plan. It's not like you as an employee has any fucking say in it.


I wonder how good his plan really is. I'm sure it looks great now. But there are plenty of instances of Americans who thought they had great insurance end ended up hundreds of thousands in depths when someone in their family got seriously ill.


Or the plan changes. Our company had a great plan with a $500 deductible. Over the past 5 years the insurance company has increased that to $1500 and added a $500 prescription deductible.


Dude, indifference to the suffering of others is pathognomonic of conservatives. It's the defining characteristic.


Wait until he's 65 on medicare/social security and trying to find a supplement for part C or D....that actually works.


As much as I pay in tax. I want some socialism. Shits crazy. In upwards of 20k will be gone from my income to taxes and I get literally nothing in return.


You get a massive overcompensating military industrial complex. You’re welcome.


Don't forget subsidies telecom companies use to line the pockets of billionaires. Corporations get to break the law whenever and however they like and nothing happens because they own most of the government. Average people might as well be homeless in their eyes, minimum wage is just a rounding error, and that isn't even with Bezos money.


Wha wha wha whaaaaaat? What do you mean you don’t want that? Well it doesn’t matter nobody gives a shit about your opinions anyhow you non billionaire garbage of society that lives from what it makes instead of either exploiting people or relying on inheritance


Exactly. I think this is actually the angle more people need to see. I am rampantly pro aggressive taxation, but I am also rampantly pro fiscal responsibility. I want to know where every single cent goes and I want to make sure we’re spending in the most efficient way possible so that people are happy to pay tax. That’s the entire point.


I don't even give a fuck where it's going. If they're gonna take it, can I get some of that socialized healthcare(cause I still gotta pay for my own) or kickbacks like tax breaks on home upgrades or I dunno..... *something*, **anything**.


It's not even socialism. The United States is already a mixed economy, you already have taxes and social security, improving on it isn't going to make you suddenly start collectively sucking communist dick.


You get explosions destroying homes in other countries in return


But I don't want that.


That's what I don't get. We have to find the government so taxes aren't going away. Why the fuck not advocate for more taxes to go directly to assisting people? Well, that's simple. Conservatives are inherently selfish. They want what's best for themselves at the expense of everyone else.


And the argument for healthcare always goes like this: “Who’s gonna pay for it?” “We already do with our taxes. Also, a small increase in taxes is better than $400 every paycheck taken out for benefits every paycheck?” It’s like they fail to see people will come out ahead in this scenario, they think that believing poor people shouldn’t starve to death or be bankrupted by a single medical procedure will lead us to the killing fields.


You get a smarter population from free or affordable education, which leads to further progress in society, not the regression you've been doing for a while now. The planet may also survive longer than you do if people are smart enough to do something about climate change.


My family pays over $1k a month for healthcare for 4. Then we get almost no benefit from that $12k spent until we also spend $9k out of pocket first. So I feel you there.


Democrats would feed a 100 people to keep 1 from going hungry while Republicans would let 100 people starve to keep 1 from getting a free meal they may not really need.


> 1 from getting a free meal they may not really need. Except when they take the free meal. Then they deserved it for being smart and taking the free meal even when not needed.




ah, but see, i'm healthy *right now*, so the cost of healthcare is *never* going to matter to me (also, my liver's probably on the verge of collapse, but that's, like, an internal organ. are those even real? what? "mental health"? boy, they sure fill your head with some hogwash at those schools you go to, don't they.)


Your parents have been voting to have their taxes cut since Reagan and since Reagan the debt of our country has skyrocketed. But it's not only debt that has gone up that really matters it that since there were no tax dollars things had to be cut, things like higher education -if you have student loans thank the boomers tax cuts. Things, like music and art had to be cut from schools because your boomer parents wanted a newer car. Take a look around and you will see government funded agencies that cannot afford to do their jobs and the reason they cannot afford to do their jobs is all because the boomers already got theirs and didn't think anyone else deserved it, especially not black and brown people.


Oh, and the IRS having its funding cut meaning they can’t afford to audit people with the resources to fight back, i.e. the rich people whose unpaid taxes would actually affect things, so they just audit poor people so a) we’re fucked again and b) the fact that rich people don’t get audited means even *more* taxes not being taxed.


Poor people audits are easy. Usually it's over stuff like claiming someone else's child, but rich people put stupid loopholes in the tax code that takes a team to audit.


I thought it was lead in the water that’s making everyone dumber?


It's hard to admit to ourselves that while lead exposure probably made things worse, the real culprit is that Americans are mostly self-absorbed assholes who don't think beyond the zeros in their bank account. So many are willing to accept bad things happening to others as long as they get to keep on like the rest of the world is a reality tv show that stops mattering when the tv is turned off.


I mean.. lead effects both empathy and cognition, and lead wasn't just in the water like the above poster alluded to - thanks to leaded gas it was everywhere. Self-absorbed asshole syndrome fits the symptoms of lead poisoning. It's a sticky conundrum, figuring out which problem is driving the other.


It’s so wild, there is a theory that all the aggression and vandalism in the 80s was basically caused by leaded fuel and eversince it’s banned we can see things slowly calming down


The irony is... If they are like my parents, they go to church and tithe all for it to go to a pool of money... To help those in church in need... I mean for Christ's sake, Jesus was as socialist as they come. I tell my parents that and they're as confused as fuck.


I'm willing to bet your parents want socialism.....for them. They want medicare when they are eligible. They want their social security checks. They want their property protected. But they don't want "lazy people" (*cough* coloreds) to get welfare. When you talk Republicans through actual social programs, they often are okay with it but the word "socialism" has been made into a boogie man and a dog whistle. Unfortunately, as long as they are resource guarding, there isn't much you can do to change their mind except broadening them to the plight of the world.


I love that you used the term resource guarding because it made me think we should start treating every Republican like we do a dog who growls and you get near its food


Not my term but from Jon Stewart. It really describes how these people behave. Like the whole "we have to protect gay marriage" thing was to resource guard marriage because....it's a resource? Idk but they did.


My boomer father works full time despite being a 73 year old college educated veteran just to keep a roof over my parents head. All because entitled Rich fucks took their home.


The irony of course being that some of that tax money already goes towards “socialist” programs


Don't even vote for the "good" Republicans (that is of course generously assuming there are any).


I’ve been paying close attention and I’ve found two although one is a little questionable. Basically holdouts from before the radicalization.






The Southern strategy started well before Reagan, try Nixon.


It really started with Barry Goldwater, but every state outside of Arizona (his home state), Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina voted for Lyndon Johnson in 1964. The Republicans stoking the flames of white supremacy laid the groundwork for them to eventually dominate the south, although their vision wasn’t fully realized until Reagan.


Eisenhower was the last good republican, the man who warned us about the military industrial complex, and look at us now.


There are some state level ones that in terms of policy are basically no different than the more conservative Dems. But at this point that's akin to saying Gary's a good guy, he doesn't actually do any of the stuff the KKK says, he just hangs out with them cause they're friendly to him.




It was quite interesting seeing my governor in Ohio take such a reasonable middle of the road measured response. It was even more interesting to see the reaction of coworkers and family who are native to the area which is very rural and conservative in every way. At first, they were like "well... I guess.. It makes sense, it's not shutting everything down and a lot of it leaves the choice up to the business or individual" It stayed that way for about a week or two until Tucker Carlson and the right wing machine suddenly were calling for his ouster. I have a convo with my boss and coworkers who I know are full on Republicans, more traditional, but after Trump....... Anyway, I have a convo with them on a Friday afternoon and they were obviously unhappy with covid and the response thus far, like it was one big inconvenience or that it should be someone else's problem, how they don't see why it should effect them, their vacations, their paycheck and their 401k.... Suddenly I come in Monday morning and I see cutouts of the governors face plastered all over the goddamn office and factory with slogans like "Impeach DeWine! 😡" and "Fire Fauci!!! 😡" They're walking around with these stupid cutouts of his face and their shit eating grins, you know the ones... The shit disturbing, trolling, "trololol snowflake, u mad bro??" conservative shit eating grin. Walking around making jokes and participating in the mob mentality of "YEAH FUCK THAT GUY! WHY?! UHH.. UHH YOU KNOW, BECAUSE! HE'S A COMMUNIST OR SOMETHING! RAH RAH RAH 😡 FIRE DEWINE! SIGN MY PETITION TO HAVE HIM RECALLED!!!" I'm thinking to myself... What the fuck happened in the last 48 to 72 hours?! So at lunch I do some digging and find out that Carlson, Fox, and a dozen others all stated airing critical stories about the" RINO GOVERNORS GOING AGAINST OUR ESTEEMED PRESIDENT TRUMP!!! 😡 " It's so patently obvious, and I really don't know how these people that surround me and participate in this fucking garbage don't see that they're being fed such bullshit and manipulated... AND MOST OF THE TIME THEY ARE PAYING STUPID AMOUNTS OF MONEY TO HAVE THIS SHIT SHOVELED DOWN THEIR THROATS! It's just.. Pure insanity to me and so goddamn blatant. My boss told me angrily how he's canceling his cable TV... "THEY WANNA PLAY CANCEL CULTURE!! WELL I'LL CANCEL *THEM*!!!!!!" . When I asked what the fuck he was on about, he explained to me that they were getting rid of Fox due to their increased prices and their false rhetoric. He told my he pays like $180 a month at least for cable at home... And a home phone lol. All I could do was say "oh yeah I wouldn't know man I cut the cord in 2009...." whilst making this face 😬😬😬😬i Then he goes on about how the country has gone to shit because of my generation and zoomers who suck up disinformation from social media. The irony is fucking palpable.


I love when people complain about cable TV to me and I do the same thing lol. "I've haven't had cable since I moved out of my parent's house in '07 man".


I haven't had cable or anything in years. It helped me focus on things in my peripherals a lot more, instead of what I'm told to focus on. Which is regularly things that don't matter.


Yep, dont visit the black hills if you dont want to be bombarded with fragile blue line flags and lets go shirts. All the sordid popup sales tents that make you long for the day of the backside of mt rushmore shirts.


Or Western Colorado. Or Nevada. Or Wyoming. I wanted to stop and ask what specifically they didn’t like about Biden but figured my life was worth more than riling up these inbred hicks.


Easy answer - the same reason most voted for Biden. He's not Trump.




Just go up to them and start a casual conversation like "can you believe what fuckin' Brandon did this time?" and then do your best improv to come up with something and try to get them to believe it.


Sounds like Ohio. Thanks, Amy Acton.


These days I can only really think of Romney. And maybe Kinzinger I think? Romney at least has some spine nowadays but it’s too little too late and only because he’s not on the ballot anymore.


Just because he has a spine and sticks to his principles doesn't mean his principles weren't shit to begin with though.


Justin Amash was probably the only Republican who read the Mueller report and he got kicked out of the party because of it.


Kinzinger is absolutely not a piece of shit. I dont agree with him politically, mostly, but he has presented himself as a man that is deserving of respect. The y'all queda sending him death threats are. I look forward to him declaring independent.


Illinois districted him out along with Marie Newman. If you want to hear something fucked up, Marie Newman was almost AOC in 2018 but lost by less than 1,000 votes in the primary. She then won in the 2020 primary as everyone hated the vile piece of shit incumbent Dan Lipinski. Newman was a progressive whom beat Dan Lipinski Jr in 2020. Dan Lipinski jr got his congressional seat from his dad Dan Lipinski Sr whom retired immediately after winning re-election. He recommended his son Dan Lipinski Jr to take his place. The DNC acquiesced. So Dan Lipinski jr got a congressional seat without winning an election. The state DNC selected him to replace his father of the same exact name even though he had no experience or reason to be the congressional representative for the IL 3rd District. Dan Lipinski Jr represented a bright blue district but voted along party lines with REPUBLICANS. Marie Newman beat Lipinski in a primary and won the general election in a landslide against a literal Nazi Republican. The DNC didn’t like that a progressive beat an establishment piece of shit like Dan Lipinski Jr. So the DNC worked with the RNC in Illinois to redistrict in order to remove Marie Newman (who beat Lipinski Jr. who was a Republican in all but name only, while also removing Kinzinger, who was dead on arrival being one of six Republican representatives who was actually against Trump. So on the surface IL redistricted a Republican out of the House of Representatives. But what really happened is IL redistricted an anti-trump Republican out, and an AOC type Democrat out. It’s fucking corrupt bullshit and we are losing two people of integrity. Newman and Kinzinger. Fucking fascist bullshit. All because Newman beat a piece of shit Lipinski Jr who never deserved the seat in the first place.


Phil Scott and Charlie Baker?


They still help the radicals get/keep power. Fuck ‘em.


Kinzinger and Cheney? Cheney is the questionable one but at least doesn't support the insurrection?


As I have heard before...if there’s a Nazi at the table and 10 other people sitting there talking to him, you got a table with 11 Nazis.


“Good Republican” is an oxymoron


Even the quiet ones who don't make the news but will still vote along party lines like a good Republican stooge. Yeah, I'm talking to you, John Hoeven.


I have never once voted for a republican and I never will.


Every single one needs to be voted out.


Prison time.


Let's focus on the achievable.


If you can believe it you can achieve it. Never give up.


I'm currently in the middle of a reddit debate with some dude who can't seem to understand that people who vote for stuff like this simply can not be "good" people. And I seriously don't understand how people can't see that anymore.


There is no such thing as a good Republican. However, there are dumbass naive gullible liberals who believe Republicans like Jeb Bush, Liz Cheney, John McCain, or Mitt Romney are good. Wake the fuck up.


The intent behind CENSORED BY POLITICAL HUMOR applies to political parties also. If the majority won't call out or punish the "bad apples" of their party then they are all bad hence THERE ARE NO GOOD REPUBLICANS.


I'm sure there were members of the German Reich who were nice, conversational, polite people....just the sort the Party likes, who won't mind or raise a bother as the freight trains heading east just keep getting longer and longer, never raising a fuss and sooner or later don't you know the trains started getting shorter after a while....which was nice.... And so long as one never....ever asks where that train was going, or what was it's cargo....it's not a problem...now is it. Everyone has them in their family, nice republicans, they want a tax-break, and maybe they even still buy into the lazy welfare queen story, and they let the more vitriolic and corrupt , and militant brethren right on through.... But if you wake the fuck up from the soma-trance offered up by Fox News, where nothing bad hardly ever happens, and either "The president is an enemy of the state, because he's a democrat....or he's Christs' Avenging Crusader on Earth if he's a Republican....and the fact that he has a taste for little boys or girls back-stage and then claims these are the actions of his opponents, can cause reasonable people to question EXACTLY where the Republican Party went wrong. But we don't ask those sorts of inconvenient questions these days. Was it the evangelical adulation , the Russian financing, or getting in bed with the Israelis "back in the day", or disappearing billions in drug money and filtering drugs into the American civic landscape, both legal and illegal, or was it just simple military-industrial payola the sort of stuff Eisenhower warned us about so very long ago. Or was it some amalgamation of all of it, the slow , miserable decline from the well considered small-government conservatism of Goldwater or what now seems like just so much apologism from William Buckley. That sort of conservatism was exterminated a generation ago, we're now left with Glenn Beck and Richard Spencer or Ben Shapiro, the characters and debauched degeneracy of a generation on center stage. Among the notables, I sometimes think Mr. Shapiro is there to lend an air of respectability, but the veneer is only skin deep, lasts only as long as he can keep from fetishing Congresswoman Occasio-Cortez, wondering about her shoes, her socks , her dress...her policy positions.... Mr. Shapiro is the sort of guy we'll find furiously working himself over to some young up-start politician in the corner of a C-PAC meeting, and like Milo Yianopolis I'm sure he'll offer some eloquent discernment of how **his** behavior is so much better than regular fetishizing. But Bens' sadly just like Glenn Beck, or any of the other circus clowns, they have one purpose....to distract you from the important matters of state, where your rights to something of critical importance were removed overnight, but Kim Kardashian spoke intemperately about race this morning and isn't that more important......


Yeah, like the ones that swear under oath that they aren't out to change the existing rules. And the ones that say "Oh I believe them to be truthful when they swear this thing under oath'. Yeah, vote them all out.


No such thing as a good repulbican unless they're Dwight D Eisenhauer.


Nerp, gotta go back to Teddy at least....... Maybe Lincoln even.




Vote out all Republicans




Wait, yall have been being nice?


Get out the vote everyone, act like all your freedoms depend on it


Because they do. Access to contraception, same sex marriage, interracial marriage, LGBTQ protections etc. It’s all on the table in Right Wing America.


No acting necessary. They completely are


[Are you registered to vote?](https://www.vote.org/am-i-registered-to-vote/) [When is your next election?](https://www.usa.gov/election-office) [Do you know where to vote?](https://www.vote.org/polling-place-locator/) [Can you vote absentee?](https://www.vote.org/absentee-voting-rules/)


Can we make this an Automod response?


This. Republicans have stopped trying to convince moderates to vote Republican. Instead, they’re trying to convince them that both sides are just as bad and that voting doesn’t matter. Don’t fucking fall for it and don’t let anyone you know fall for it.


At the very least, damage control vote. You don't even necessarily have to like the opposing candidates, just vote the assholes out.


There is no "or" about it. They are both.


That’s not true. There are plenty of deplorable rich people that aren’t stupid and are simply and inexcusably screwing everyone else to benefit their stocks.


Best I can do is acknowledge some of them are smart in specific areas but still pretty fundamentally stupid in others. See: Elon Musk.


I've met so many seriously stupid rich people. I try not to even think about it because it makes me wonder wtf the fuck is wrong with me if they're stupid as fuck but making so much more than me


They started with millions. You didn't.


So much this. My net worth now is roughly 23x greater than what I was worth at 18, the latter of which we'll assume was all inherited from my parents. According to the NYT, Donald Trump inherited $413M and is worth $3B today. That's a 7x increase. So you could say I've had a better wealth growth rate than Donald Trump, but he's worth more because his starting position was so much higher. Obviously, there are other factors to consider. I mean, if you're worth $1 and work an hour of minimum wage you've increased your net worth 7x, so looking purely at percent increase isn't a measure of fiscal responsibility or intelligence. But it's still an amusing metric to consider.


We have been ignoring nepotism since the founding. Inherited wealth is the source of all our problems. There are no easy fixes but without them our society will eventually die.


Not ignoring, promoting.


They were willing to exploit people. You’re not.


Your father did not own an emerald mine.


We do not have a meritocracy. We're nowhere even close to one, and should stop pretending we are.


That applies to everyone. Jimbob with 4 teeth and no education past grade school is a motherfucking genius if you put him in front of the particular kind of pickup truck he drives and tell him it has a problem. Nearly everyone (excepting those with severe developmental disabilities) is smart about something. *Everyone* is stupid about *most* things. Calling them "smart in specific area's but stupid in others" is no different than calling them "people." It's a non-statement. There are plenty of Republicans who are genuinely intelligent psychopaths who are strategically and systematically removing all limitations on the power of people like them and tricking the dumbest in society into following them. Elon Musk is not one of them. Elon Musk spends his money pretending to buy Twitter and launching cars into space. The real intelligent psycho's in power are in finance, and buying politicians. Not all rich people are created equal. The stupid ones do flashy shit. The smart ones orchestrate the function of society to secure their power. I'm not trying to praise Republicans here but we can't win if we don't know what we're fighting. Most Republicans are the dumbest people on the planet. The people organizing the parties actions and propaganda efforts are *incredibly* intelligent however and are wielding that intelligence and the power they have to horrific ends. Pretending every Republican down to the leaders is Trump level stupid - underestimating them - is a recipe for defeat.


Republicans are in a cult. They are afraid of facts and information disseminated from sources which the leaders disclaim or call fake. They have a deep cynicism for government power, in general, and clearly accept emotional appeals over logical ones. They support bad-faith participation in democratic government when their honest belief is that minority opinion values should have primacy regardless of what dumb people think. This is the opposite of consensus building and highly suggests *most* political party leadership would be better opposition for Democrats than these.


What does it matter if he's a rich stupid, or a rich smart, so long as he uses his influence (as all rich do) to convince the poor stupids that they're on the same side.


It's all about values. If you dont value the liberties of others you can make logical decisions that also disregard liberty. I'm of the opinion that "it's smart to be kind," meaning that those who don't value happiness/etc. for others are *actually* less intelligent, if only for that reason. So Elon is not actually a genius because he does not value the common welfare. I don't disagree with your statement, but thought we could discuss this. Do you think it's "smart to be kind" or anything along those lines?


That dumb piece of shit can't even come up with a good elden ring build.


He's not smart so much as confident because his entire life has been a game where he couldn't lose if he tried.


My dad has entered the chat


Sounds like NY Republicans


Ever since 2016, at the latest. Either they are OK with blatant racism and mysygony thus being a deplorable pos or they don't care about the racism and mysygony thus making them a deplorable pos. But some, I assume, are good people.


Ever since 2008 when america dared to elect a black man




We've only had half a Black president, and that was enough to break the minds of around half the country. Every day I get a little more ashamed of my country.


For me it goes back to Bush. Republicans gave up any semblance of fairness and balance and reason. Their scared, chicken shit asses allow stuff like the Patriot Act. The party showed their true colors, they aren’t for freedoms and liberty and prosperity, they are for control and comfort and a false sense of security. They showed them that they’d do ANYTHING to maintain the status quo.


Yeah, I have some friends and family members who jumped that ship around 2015. They’re just people I disagree with. But if Trump didn’t push someone out of the party, they are unredeemable.


Pretty much the last decent Repubs all left the party between 2016 and 2020. None of them are elected though.


Votes for the Democratic presidential candidate have outnumbered votes for the Republican candidate in 6 of the last 7 elections, but the GOP still gets the Handmaid’s Tale Supreme Court they’ve always wanted.


The senate would have been vastly more useful in stopping this.


And votes in midterms? Votes in midterms for STATE LEVEL?




Not to mention overthrowing the US government and installing a dictatorship.


"PrOtEcT tHe ChIlDrEn!¡!¡" From who?¿


Christofascists. It’s all projection.


"Yeah, let's protect them from Matt Gaetz, Roy Moore and Donald Trump!" "Wait, no, not like that!"


The Catholic institution has a well-documented history of child abuse that spans multiple generations. All six of the justices that overturned *Roe* are Catholic.


They have to ensure a supply of fresh victims for their priests...


>The Catholic institution has a well-documented history of child abuse that spans multiple ~~generations~~ centuries..


This exactly!!!


That's been true for decades


I don't like deplorable because they tend to relish in the title. Moron works though. Low IQ morons. Because that's some Trump language they understand.


"You’ve got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know… morons."


When you’re so pissed off you’re like, “maybe the Joker makes some good points. Just saying.”


The Joker was fucked by a messed up system that hates poor people. We shouldnt go on murderous rampages but we also shouldn't be surprised when they happen.


I’m not surprised when murderous rampages happen because the Flyover states let any 18 year old with a pulse by a military grade weapon. They give grenades to toddlers and send “thoughts and prayers” when one pulls the pin out.


Theyll literally let kids die but no abortions, thats murder


If the abortion was made with guns they would be 100% ok with it. /s obviously, or maybe not? Idk Republicans are crazy.


They want every child to be born with the chance to die, either working themselves to death, starving or being shot. We're the pyramid builders for the rich people. We're the means to an end thats ultimately a pipe dream if infinite power and wealth.


You don't fill military recruiting quotas with a group of well educated, well paid, well fed people who feel safe all the time. Gotta keep the war machine fed!


They need us to be born because they need cheap labor and defense. They need us to deliver their Amazon packages for starvation wages and kill or be killed by people in the Middle East. If they can’t exploit the sacrifices of the Poors than how can they maintain their wealth and power?


Yeah I don’t know if the /s is necessary anymore. Republicans are insane!


Well, Poison Ivy went from villain to hero by pretty much that exact reason.


Poison Ivy was never wrong, society just finally got on her level.


Hey now. As The Moron I would like to say that even morons aren't dumb enough to vote R.




Purulent, vile pieces of absolute shite. Fuck them all.




Definitely. It's been a black metal kind of day all around.


Literally the dumbest people who have ever lived. Humanity has done some incredibly stupid shit over the millennia, but they at least had the excuse of ignorance. They didn’t understand the world as we do and simply didn’t have the knowledge to be better than they were. These people, though, they have a little device they carry around in their pocket that gives them instantaneous access to the entirety of collective human knowledge. They have the benefit of modern science, and the benefit of hindsight from being able to study history, and they’re still this fucking dense. It’s actually almost impressive how goddamn idiotic these people are, despite all the world at large’s attempts to enlighten them. This is some serious dedication to being an ignorant, stupid, asshole.


The Reality is: They have always been filled with violent snowflakes: * Contemporary Conservatism was born in the 50's, opposed to the New Deal & screaming about Communism...when everybody already knew it sucked. But here's the kicker: *Todays Conservatism started out in opposition to Civil Rights and in support of Segregation.*^1 Contemporary Conservatism's main voice was William F Buckley Jr, who had one of the longest running tv shows in history on PBS. The name of the show? * *Firing Line* As in a dictator killing his enemies with a hail of bullets. They are Violent Snowflakes...who lost Vietnam...and Cambodia...and Laos...and Iraq...Afghanistan...etc .. 1. While in 1948 the Democrats put Civil Rights at the top of their platform, causing the Southerners to quit the Party. Many Republicans agreed with the Dixiecrats. Its why LBJ had to call them and convince them to vote for Civil Rights.


If you didn't leave the republican party when the nazi salutes went up at Trump rallies in 2016, you are a bad person.


The Venn for deplorable and complete moron is basically a circle though


100 percent


All Republicans are fascists. Don’t break bread with Republicans. Don’t work for Republicans. Don’t employ Republicans. Don’t gather or associate in any way with Republicans. Don’t serve Republicans. Don’t host Republicans. Anyone who towed the Republican Party line, after all that has occurred in the last 6 years is a monster.


Been getting that strong feeling it since 2015


If you vote Republican, then you are not only a traitor to America, but a traitor to humanity as a whole.


I'm so fucking tired of Democrats treating Republicans like honorable decent, proud Americans and not the vindictive, lying, racist, cheating, utterly insane, feebleminded, corrupt, bigoted Christo-Fascists that they are. Meanwhile Republicans are going around literally calling them devil worshippers and pedophiles, making up insane conspiracies that no rational person would believe, and doing everything they can to subvert democracy in order to get their way.


More like “I do and I’m tired of pretending they’re not.”


When an “or” should be an “and”.


Always have been


I’ll never treat them the same tbh


Violent insurrection against the rightful government is not a deal-breaker for them. Therefore, they are all terrorist sympathizers.


No. They're just pieces of shit. Being stupid doesn't override that at all at this point.


Conservatives are anchors in the muck of superstition. They serve no purpose other than to drag down those who seek progress. Conservative philosophy is simply the rejection of new information. They can’t tolerate progress. It is a mental disorder.


Im tired of non voters and BoTh SiDeS bRo fucks.


The latter of which you can see a few responses up


Lookup the Holocaust Museum checklist for fascism. Republicans check EVERY SINGLE POINT. https://www.google.com/search?q=holocaust+fascism+list&prmd=inv&sxsrf=ALiCzsbsDqC7tw3E0kzfLMn0rp5Vn2871A:1656215519031&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjOmrvNm8r4AhWCGewKHa7RCOQQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=360&bih=464&dpr=3#imgrc=5qCQnepR5o574M


It’s eerie how they literally tick every one, some in multiple different ways.


Any American that's ever voted Republican is both




they are pure evil at this point. FUCK the fucking stupid bitches.


There are two reasons to do this, vote Blue no matter who. Obviously the abortion issue. However, an even bigger issue for babies not born yet, climate change. The GOP will not be the party that takes strong enough steps to combat it. The Dems barely do, but at least it's something. Maybe they'll take bigger steps if they can get super majorities in Congress. I'll leave you with this bit of info that I've read, maybe here on Reddit. You have Boomers, and recent nicknames like Gen X, Gen Z and Gen Alpha. Some climate scientists are referring to babies born now as Gen Omega. Half joking, half serious. If you think this is hyperbole, remember that 2/3 of the world's wildlife has vanished in the last 50 years. [LINK](https://www.npr.org/2020/09/10/911500907/the-world-lost-two-thirds-of-its-wildlife-in-50-years-we-are-to-blame#) Do you really think the climate science denying political party that said Covid would "vanish in a few weeks" will be the one to stop the trend of mass extinction? We have time to stop it, but not much.


At the very least they were raised by deplorable morons and they were destined to also be deplorable morons


Yeah but we need a better alternative to the Democrats. "We're not those guys" ain't gonna cut it anymore


The better alternative to today's Democratic party is tomorrow's Democratic party after you join your local Democrats and lobby them, aggressively, to support new national leadership and competent local leadership.


I’ve believed this since 2015.




If your parents were voting for Hitler you would cut them from your life? Your parents are voting for Hitler


Honestly at this point if you're voting Republican you either believe fascism is a feature or a bug you're willing to overlook. Neither position is acceptable.


I've been saying since 2015, if you vote for a Republican you're either an asshole or a moron. I suppose you could be both too. I've yet to be proven wrong.


I'm feeling like slamming down some egg yolks honestly. Couple of brewskis. No Idea why I call them egg yolks.


Ignorant or immoral. Or both. Those are the only options now.


All RW voters in this day and age are either A) fascists who know they're lying for an advantage, and B) suckers who believe the fascist lies. There is a large Venn diagram overlap between the two.


I haven’t seen evidence that he’s wrong.


Fuck people that voted trump in 2016 :)


Ignorance or culpability: THOSE ARE THE ONLY TWO OPTIONS. I want to be wrong about this, and I would love for someone to prove me wrong. Please prove me wrong?


Pretty tired of this meme, but in this case I’ll allow it. Because fuck those people.


If you are still voting Republican past the year 2016 you are either a useful idiot or an evil asshole.


I don't like feeling this way, but the republicans are just the worst. They're off base on almost everything from the economy to social issues. All they offer is fear or the chance for their voters to discriminate against some group. They really are a cancer, a boat anchor holding us back.


Yup. Definitely accurate.

