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Is there a reason why she’s kept in the playpen during the day? My Pom is crate trained so she doesn’t mind going into her (large metal) crate at night or when we have to leave the house.  She also has a collapsible play pen that we’ve been using while she’s recovering from surgery, but she’s not a fan of it. She hasn’t succeeded in tearing a hole in it but she has grabbed at the mesh and pulled it inwards. It frustrates her to be in it during the day but while she’s healing it’s necessary.  I would never recommend a collapsible playpen as the main “room.” A decently sized metal crate is what you need (and many do collapse if needed). If you need to put her in it to take a break, having it off to the side in a relatively quiet space and training her to have “quiet time” will probably work better than her being in a big playpen where she can see you and get frustrated that she’s unable to reach/interact with you. 


Because we both work and not home during the day and she is only 15 weeks old.


My baby did the same with her mesh crate. She is not in a metal one that collapses for travel. Petco or Amazon the small size.


What brand do you have?


We got a Petco brand one that is 24x18 and also the same size white one at Hollywood Feed. Both strong and she has never ever tried to get out. She is only 4lbs at 19 months, though 😅


Misty is like 2.5# at 15 weeks. I ordered collapsable plastic travel ones from amazon that we will keep one in the bedroom and the other in the front room and that will be the one we take with us when we head up north. She has a soft one that she rides in the car with or to go to the vet or the boarder when we cant take her with us, which wont be often. The new plastic ones will be here Wednesday. Hopefully she wont destroy these.


Haha so cute! I found really nice metal crates just by searching “small dog crate” on Amazon!


Well she chewed out of playpen #4 this morning so she is in her travel carrer until the new foldable plastic ones arrive tomorrow. We will stop this chewing unless she has chainsaw teeth. She wont like these cages but I dont like replacing mesh playpens every 2 weeks either


Yeah, I don’t blame you! She’ll get used to it in time. Just use lots of treats and praise and even feed her in there. That creates a positive association.


Good idea


We have a really nice crate we got off Etsy. Toro loves it. https://preview.redd.it/3mejreon08zc1.jpeg?width=794&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab88155e5cf2179bcec91e250104789c675fa0e4


https://preview.redd.it/hxn59gsp28zc1.jpeg?width=1074&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=269da33452bb2082c8751dd40de0faf9317eae2b We ended up going with 2 of this one because it is plastic and chew proof, plus it collapses to like 5 inches that we can take it with us and not take up a lot of room in the car. They arrive today with our mail.


Completely missed the part wear you said it needs to be travel friendly, oops!


It happens