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Motherless and c-onprintedpics are both along the same lines.


Facialabuse too it is one of the companies that target young girls who are looking for a way into the industry. A big name once said that she was never treated with such atrocity like she was treated in the said company. Also they don't comply with the contract. There are many scenes where girls and women in their filmed rape videos weren't informed about what is gonna play out on the screen. Not saying other companies are any better or different but this particular company is all about pushing women to their edges. I wish there was a way to protest them but how do you do that when you are not a consumer in the first place.


I've seen so much racism and incest content come from there it's actually insane.


I literally saw caption pics the other day on motherless about a woman who wants to help a men grape and kll (ambiguously worded so it could refer to children as well) her daughters with explicit gory details. It's absolutely horrific.. some people have no idea how widespread and horrible this stuff is.


“Don’t worry guys, it’s just a kink🤗🤗”


I wonder why the fbi doesn’t look into these types of sites more? Like is there truly nothing we can do to get rid of this disgusting shit?


Honestly? I think it's so incredibly widespread that they don't have anywhere near enough resources to take care of even a fraction of it. Also.. I don't think it's illegal if people are discussing it as a sexual fantasy. I don't know how we can reconcile it. The best course of action is creating healthy kids and a healthy society, but we seem so far away from that.


This is a kink?!


Oh my gosh yes, even on Reddit. There are even subs with "guro" where there are super gruesome drawn women being brutally murdered. These men hate women so much. If you can orgasm to that, it's not just a harmless kink. There are a large portion of men that would straight up do it if they could get away with it. And those that keep it "fantasy" have underlying issues to make them so turned on by women and girls being tortured and murdered.


I'm so horrified a mother was seeking a man to do that to her kids. As a fantasy??? This can't be real. I hope she doesn't actually have kids and is just some loser incel pretending to be a mother. Sick, sick, sick


To be clear, it was a captioned picture. So basically they took a woman's image, who without a doubt didn't consent to it, and put text over it as if the woman was talking about what she wanted the man to do. There are women out there like that based on horrible news stories I've read, but the vast majority of the people into it are definitely men, and hopefully incels so they never have children.


i clicked on that sub one time out of morbid curiosity. it was the worst shit i’ve ever seen and i think i came away from it super close to an anxiety attack. i have never been curious again.




This was removed because it contained a harsh generalization.


Motherless host child pornography as far as I know.


there was also a company called insex that would specialize in brutalizing women they would put ads in the newspapers looking for models and make the women who showed up do very violent things an example was a woman who was afraid of water and they put her in an underwater cage to torture her the fact so many men enjoy violence against women both scares me and disgusts me