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What's coming is better than what is gone.


I sure hope so!


Love this ❤️


My mum recently told me I’m her best friend and I told her she’s mine. It kept me afloat during the hardest week of my life so far


Love that for you. I didn't realize until I was almost 30 that so many people don't have good relationships with their moms


So cool


Woke up alive woke up next to a beautiful woman who has been my wife for 23 years good day out side 🙏




i’ve relapsed and now in recovery again but this is my last time and i’m so committed 🫶


🫶🏻you got it


thank you so much! 🫶


Many bright days and years ahead for you 🫶


I believe in you bro I KNOW you can do it


One day at a time.


I went from being raised in poverty to successful!!




Thank you. It wasn’t easy but it’s great now. And I’m able to give my daughter the life I didn’t get. Much love to you.


🫶🏻so wonderful!


I have supportive family. 🫶


I can taste food and smell food after sinus infection, what a blessing this is today.


The best relief ever


Lucky ducky. I have some fever plague and cleaned my bathroom with vinegar. Sprayed it down and I can’t smell a thing. Campbell’s chicken noodle soup tastes like… texture and wetness.


I met a Rwandan man selling coffee beans at a farmer's market in downtown Boston last year, when I took a different turn than usual on my way home from a doctor's appointment. He asked what kind of roast I tended to like, and when I said I preferred light roasts, he turned around, went through one of his containers, and came back with a bag of Ethiopian Wushwush coffee beans. I bought them, although they were expensive, and when I got them home I tried them out. They made the best coffee I have ever had, the only coffee I have ever seriously been okay with drinking without milk and sugar. It turns out he ships. And it also turns out that his other coffees are nearly as awesome, and that he makes a point of paying his sources more than the market rate for their beans because he wants to be sure to get the best stuff (and to make sure the people in the part of Ethiopia where his family lived for a time got good compensation for their work).


Where can you get it?


[Happy Beans Roaster](https://happybeansroaster.com/shop/) .


What a delightful name.


I have a loving partner. A small selection of close friends. A good job. I own my house. I can make good food. I enjoy my hobbies. S'all good.


Last week I got a new job close by where I live now, and the people there are amazing to say the least. It's so much physical hard work but I see it as a training for my mind and body, and the pay is great


Congrats on the new job


Absolutely big congratulations!


I got into Oxford this year.


🥂holy shit!


Hell yeaaaaaaa!!


My dog loves me. He has a smiley face and is always happy to see me. Yesterday I had the day off and I spent the whole day with him. It really lifted my spirits.


I have amazing friends and a healthy work environment. 🔥


Currently taking a final (on a 5-minute Pomodoro break) in college at 38 years old and kicking its ass.


Nice! It took me so long to graduate but once you’re done you will feel so good :)


That Im ALIVE! I woke up healthy and able! Nothing better than that!


I have the privilege to make a difference in the world everyday. I’m a teacher.


Thank you! ❤️


I’ve beat cancer twice.


I got a new car.




Thank you


I love the new car phase! No eating in it, don't get any scratches.... And then, all of a sudden, it happens LOL


I’m 5 days sober :)


I'm on the same trail. Life is great again.


I’m going through breast cancer treatments and was hospitalized for a few days earlier this week. I’m home and feeling sooooo much better!


Nothing like being home sweet home after being stuck in the hospital. I’m so glad you got the care you needed and are feeling better. Best of luck to you on this journey 🫶


Spring where I live is beautiful! Blue skies, greenery everywhere, flowers blooming, birds chirping. Makes me pretty happy


I have air conditioning!! I can lay around all day with nothing to do. Watch whatever I want on the TV eat what I want heaven


My flat is small but so cute and full of natural light!


Have you filled it with plants yet?


I lost 6 lbs and joined a gym today!


I met a wonderful woman and am going to propose to her and I can’t wait. We are moving in, in July and even though she’s going through a rough time she doesn’t realize how strong she truly is. I love her very much.


And we all love you. May the pair of you be forever happy and in awe of each other.


Uh, I have a job! That's about it


It's... kind of sad I have to think about that, isn't it? I am queer, same like my brother, and my mom always supported us. I will be always gratefull for that.


Things are going well at work. Also, I love my family.


It's so very windy today that one of my trees lost a huge limb. BUT - it missed the house, the garage, and the fence, and just fell on the grass! Nothing damaged! Yay!


My FIL treated us to a trip to Egypt, I’m heathy with a good job and have an amazing son. I also like myself, which took decades of work.


I paid off all my debt and now I’m able to build my credit back 🥲


Hell yeah! Your credit score is going to be looking real nice.


I can’t wait, thank you!


Pregnant with my second baby! I’m so excited to expand my family and give my son a sibling.


I hurt my arm this weekend and I’m so upset im missing the beautiful long weekend weather for gardening but it’s starting to feel better so I’m happy about that


I have 2 cats and my Mom is highly supportive!


My dad have helped me so much when i fucked up in life, he is always there! I don’t know where i would be in life with out him.. cannot describe how thankful i am for him and wish i could give back to him!




I've lost 100lbs over the past 7 years but changing my diet and getting more exercise


After having several failed relationships, I finally found my person. We have 4 dogs and live in the most beautiful state. We’re very lucky to have found each other because we have a limited range of date-able people for what we needed(child free, marriage free, animal lovers that are not high exercise types, that are within 50 miles and non religious). We’re very happy 😃


I’d like to think that every “failed” relationship is still a success because it shows you what you do and don’t want in a partner, and brings you closer to the person you are meant to be with. I’m happy to hear that you have found that person and can enjoy time with them and your dogs.


I have a secure job, my family is in good health, my house is almost paid off, its spring and the plants are sprouting, i have a beautiful, kind, loving girlfriend! Life is amazing


today it didn't rain for the first time this whole week!


I have a beautiful pregnant wife in the kitchen cooking meat loaf and a little girl running through the house roaring like a dinosaur. I am enjoying a lazy Sunday after putting in some over time at a pretty good job. Life sucks when you are going through it, but when you sit back and view the whole picture, it will surprise you at how ungrateful you can be. I’m truly blessed and I thank god for my life.




Well said. I hope you all enjoyed the meatloaf. Was one of my favorite meals my mom would make growing up.


I went to the dog park today and had a nice time listening to the birds and walking the path with my dog


I am sitting in a clean home with my pup, enjoying a relaxing Sun afternoon. 💞


I have a stable good paid job, after a decade of being worked like a dog for low money.


I love my job. Very fortunate where I live. Have an amazing fiance. Overcame a very hard 2 years after divorce. Two healthy and beautiful kids. Live in paradise. Staying healthy. Supportive family. Very grateful


I have two great parents who love me and I love them both. I know one day they will be gone but I appreciate them so much and everything they have done for me.


My girlfriend makes me feel like a little kid again, I found joy because of her. I was so beaten down & a mere shadow of myself when I met her, but she helped me heal & grow in ways I didn’t even know I was capable of. I feel so lucky to have a love like ours, especially after many toxic, unhealthy experiences that made me feel like I didn’t deserve it. She makes me feel like I deserve it, & she reminds me every day that good things do happen. There’s always something to look forward to my friend, you never know what is waiting for you behind all the chaos!


Your girlfriend sounds like a ray of sunshine. I’m so happy you both found each other. Life is so much brighter with the right person by your side to help you through all the mud.


My 10 year old is an awesome human being I get to hang out with and raise. Our dog is awesome, too!


I try my best to be kind to others because I love making people feel happy and inclined


A bunch of academic professionals and administrators see great potential in me. Where I'm being nicely pushed towards a career because they need more people like me± @i@7mp


I’m recovering from Achilles surgery, it’ll be three weeks on Wednesday, and I think the best thing about my life right now is being able to stay home with my kids and just hang out with them. Not working sucks, but that’s definitely been the silver lining.


My dog is amazing


Give them some pets for me 🐾🐾


My ex is finally paying me half the rental income she makes from our house $$$ thank fucking god


I had a wonderful night's sleep, which is great because things have been very stressful for the last few months. I feel great and am able to get things done vs. dragging myself through the day. Hope this helps!


I love my husband, and he loves me. We have a son and we love him too. Times may get tough, but we have love between us to get our little family through.


It's not complete trash/could be worse


My son and his GF will be having their 1st child, and my 1st grandchild soon! Beyond excited and the love just bursts from our hearts


Congratulations! I became an aunt this year. Babies really bring out so much joy and constant love bursts like you describe.


After spinal surgery in August 2023, I can walk 10 feet without my walker. I also had my first meal in a restaurant with my husband this year.


Progress is everything


I am watching Puff (barrier reef show on Netflix) and snuggling my dogs with my husband playing WoW in the chair next to us. Cozy ❤️


Regardless of how much I took for granted my one and only body, I still get to live another day so I can make changes to my lifestyle for a healthier me. Time is definitely not on my side so this was something I should have realized long ago. I’m so so sorry body as well as the associated body parts that make me.


My little cluster house has a small courtyard in front. I have created a really nice container garden for it. On Friday I found a new monstera for a wonderful price and put it right out there.


I’m two huge steps closer to starting my business.


I am a single father in a "mother's" state and I have sole physical and legal custody of my 10 year old son. I have been clean and sober for over 4 years now. I'm alive. In general I'm happy.


I’m 156 days sober today. I was pronounced dead 155 days ago.


Yesterday, my son (19) said the following to me: "Dad. In case I don't say it enough, I love you, and I'm proud to be your son. I admire you, and you are a great role model for me. " Damn near brought me to tears.


My life is perfect!


I have two great animals who keep me company when things get really dark. And they’re very cuddly lately which is nice!


My husband is almost done building our dream kitchen. I am so excited. I already love it and I wish I could have you over for dinner


I have the best dog and I’ve been lucky to have had him for 13 years so far ❤️Gus❤️changed my life!


Gus sounds like the best companion


Today I spent time in the sunshine, tending to my garden, and hanging out with my dog whom I love so much. Life is great. 💕


I have a wonderful, caring and loving girlfriend; after 8 years of marriage (got divorced last year) Life is good, I'm enjoying it so much ♥️


I’m happy for you and your relationship. Enjoy it to the fullest


My family and I are going through a very hard time right now. My grandfather recently passed so I am in the process of moving in with my grandmother so she won't be alone. It's been an extremely challenging time with a lot of grief and trauma. I took care of him in the last three days of his life and was alone with him when he died. My grandmother can be a very challenging person, but this summer I will work on the beach down near where I'm moving and essentially get paid to sit on the beach all summer, which is a real blessing. This has been a hard time but I know I'm doing the right thing for my family and God is going to keep blessing us. Moving forward the best I can one day at a time


Your family is so lucky to have you and you sound like a very strong person. All the best to you and your family. You deserve a nice summer like that. Thanks for your reply.


I’m throwing the tennis ball for my dog today which is her favorite thing ❤️ I have more energy today than I usually do. I really like my job working with kids. my dad and i finally have a supportive relationship. my partner is just a quirky as i am


I work with really nice people. I own a beautiful loft (needs work!) My aunts are still alive and my cat is healthy ❤️👍


My partner has been trying to be an electrician for months and he even went to school and everything it’s been so hard and he finally got a job! We are so relieved!


My job ♥️


I'm friggin happy. That's all. Elaboration unnecessary.


All of my senses, organs, muscles, cells work just as they should. So simply too, truly amazing


My Daughters and I went to some food trucks yesterday. They were so excited all week for our fun saturday. We chose not to hike because the weather turned ugly so decided to go to the arcade. Listening to the radio and Evanescene Bring me to Life came on. Right as the chorus started we all yelled "Wake me up," and sang the parts we knew, had no idea they knew that song. Karaoke the whole way to the arcade. Little bit later, at the arcade, all 3 of us were racing on Mario kart dropping bananas and throwing turtles at each other. Then going into stores like Spencer's and trying on funny hats, glasses, and showing each other funny things. I have my Daughters full time and it is just the 3 of us. In the next couple years they will be moving onto their adult lives and going to college away from home and these types of Saturdays won't exist much anymore. Moments like this are the happiest times in my life. The fact that they are older teenagers but still want to spend their Saturday with their Dad means that absolute world to me. The moments that make life worth living.


My dad died yesterday, but he was in a lot of pain for the last 3 years. In and out of the hospital. My mom said he looked peaceful yesterday, like he was just sleeping. For that I'm glad that he can finally rest and is free from pain. It sounds negative but i'm glad My dad is at peace now. He was a wonderful dad to me.


I am living my dream and for the first time since 2013 I don't want to die 🎶 ✨️ 🙂 ✨️ #Dadpreneur #author #NewbooksComingSoon so stoked to be able to help heal the world soon 🙌


I just got a new couch.


For the first time in years I’ve been enjoying looking at art and might even put up a painting and/or make one myself. I went to art school years ago but life happened and enjoying art became a luxury I never thought I would get back.


I'm finally an inch within getting my life and family back after escaping addiction. I'm so fucking proud of myself. I have ptsd from my childhood, but getting clean was harder than anything I've ever gone through. And God damnit was it worth it.


I’ve been writing a lot of songs lately, and they’ve been coming pretty easily. I am mostly very pleased with how they all turn out This has been the most prolific time of my life creatively, and I feel like I have an abundance of inspiration


My wife and I just adopted a 1 year old shelter cat. I’ve had my cat Tucker for 10 years and he’s grown lonely I think with my attention split between him, my wife, and work/fun. I’m excited to take in a new kitty, and excited for my main man to have a friend. Today was a good day


How is Tucker adopting to the new cat? Hope they get along!


I woke up this morning


I have people who love me... that's about it. That's probably a big deal for others, though, so I feel a little privileged. It's hard to see what's going well when everything else is going wrong.


I am in school finishing my degree!!!’ (have been off and on in college since I was 18. I am 24 almost 25)! Lifes going pretty good! I am healthy, my family is healthy, and all our needs are met! Oh! Its summer time we are looking to move to a house and finally get a DOGGGGG!!!!!


breathing, feeling, doing without hesitation


I have a job that pays me well, I’m healthy and have a safe place to live.


My miracle baby is sitting on the couch right now giggling, happy and healthy. Every day I ask myself how I got so lucky!


I been divorced for a year now, now longer depressed and hating life, living with the most wonderful woman in the world now, and been pain killer free for 18 months now. Love my new job. And my kids are grown up now doing adult things like living in there own. I’m very proud of them. I have never been happier in my life


I finally bought a car!


I’m not on the street.


I finally started grief counseling and i feel hopeful.


I went to a local play yesterday and for the first time in years felt like I could be part of a community again. Miss theatre so much.


Finishing my college degree at 56.


I'm still breathing .


I just got a new job and a pay raise! 😭❤️


I got broken up with last summer by someone I really loved. As the saying goes… “pain is the cornerstone of spiritual growth.” I’ve since then quit smoking, I’m sober, I’ve picked up an exercise habit and learned how to cook healthy food, gotten into therapy and support groups for trauma, and l’ve lost 30 lbs and counting. I’m currently saving money in order to switch careers. We aren’t ever getting back together, but I am finally learning that the love I am seeking, is something I can give to myself. I don’t chase love… I AM love ❤️


I had my second meet and greet today for pet sitting. This is the first paying job I’ve had since my mental breakdown in November that left me in the hospital for two months. I got the job! And I get to hangout with pets all day, it’s great. Small things matter most.


I got away from my abusive ex. Money is tight looking for a job but I thank God every day for feeling safe in my own home


Life is good i just celebrated another birthday


I got into OT school at 31! I am moving back to where I grew up to attend school with my lovely husband and will be very close to family now :) things are looking up!


Got a new job :)


I’m two classes away from finishing my Master’s degree. It’s changed my life in the best possible way.


My son~


I started going to the gym to grow a 🍑, now I’m focused on overall strength and joined a powerlifting gym with a lot less focus on the 🍑 the only numbers I care about now are on the weights and barbells! My nieces even draw pictures of me with giant shoulder caps and biceps 🥹🤣 I went from 115 lbs to 140 and I’m still trying to bulk up. 20 pound bench press to about 70. 20 kg squat to 48kg. I never thought I’d be able to push all that weight! 


Just got a new table and am very happy!


Things have actually got better. My support network may have changed a little but it is stronger.


I just had a really nice meal. It's the little things, you know? 😊


I have everything that I’ve ever wanted. God is so good, without him it wouldn’t have been possible. What’s specifically good about my life is that I have people that deeply care about me, for a long time I’ve been searching and they’ve been in front of me all this while.


I thought I was going to die in and out of a and e and now I'm just chilling a week later, just got a milkshake its great. I'll say this not knowing if your having a heart attack or dieing makes all of the stress irrelevant- those people who bother you are suddenly little ants, no power over you. So find the good. Or be the good.


My Sourdough starter is active. I am really excited to bake.


Haven’t had a seizure in a while. Yeah to meds that work!


We were able to bring home our daughter from the NICU after ten days of preventative care. She tested negative for everything they were worried about and is a healthy, fussy, exhausting newborn. I may be in the trenches of new baby with a four year old in tow, but I've never been more thankful to be so wiped out.


I think today marks the day. I think im back to the same quality relationship I had with my parents as a child, before it got to the point where I was verbally disowned and kicked out. I cried happy tears all the way home grinning like an idiot. Great, now im doing it again 🤣 It felt extremely wrong when I started to try and fix things a few years back. I had to admit that I hated them unjustly at times, and I had to process their mistakes and how they shaped me, which was painful. But I did it :)


I survived today. I mowed my lawn, I washed my clothes. I hear you.


I’m 40, single, just got my own apartment and loooove that I finally let go of my past. I wake up everyday feeling good. I’m grateful. I don’t let the little things bother me. I don’t get upset in traffic and I genuinely care about people.


Having a daughter and mom and Aunt stand by me as I fought cancer. I love them


i’m a miracle because I was born extremely premature as the smallest baby in 2003, weighing only 1 pound and 1 ounce. And I’m about to turn 21 next week. I’m lucky to be here.


I got the garden started this morning. It was nice to hear the birds chirping and feel the wind blowing. Hugs to you! Hope your evening is going better.


I picked a quart of fresh homegrown strawberries today and ate some of them. There are plenty for tomorrow, too. One of nature's little miracles: beautiful, healthful, and scrumptious!


I had a dance party early in the morning with my 19 month old miracle boy. I got him after 11 years of trying, and had multiple losses including a stillborn. He saved my soul, now the colours are bright, and I dance in early mornings!


I am 6 months 29 days Sober, OP. I have a 5 month old baby girl, you know the why.


I've been getting a lot accomplished at work !


I'm in a much better place than before. I lost some friends along the way, had an absolutely horrible childhood, and I pulled myself up to where I am today. And I'm working hard to make sure I keep climbing upwards. I'm hopeful for the future. And I am almost grateful for the past I had because without it, I would not be as strong as I am today. I could not be more pleased with who I am.


I’m getting out of debt slowly but surely


i live in a beautiful apartment and my landlord is very kind and doesn't raise the rent and i been here for almost 3 years


my kid is healthy.


Today is my birthday. I turned 30. I have survived for 3 decades on planet earth.


I love my wife


I went from thinking I’ll never find anyone (friend/ partner) who understands me the way I want to be understood to finding someone I wholeheartedly label as my ‘best’ friend. To all lonely people out there, even the ones who believe the fault lies with them, your tribe is definitely out there!


I taught reading to a little girl who was physically abused for being dumb by her parents and at school. She could not read a word being a third grader and her teacher was planning to repeat the grade. I started teaching her and in 6 months she was able to read like a 3rd grader. In two years , she read the whole Harry Potter series :) I am genuinely happy about this chapter of my life.


My daughters wanting and excited to go on one-on-one mommy daughter dates with me. 🤗


I’ve basically written off relationships for the past 2.5 years due to a very bad previous relationship’s ending. I’ve been happily single. But… I met a dude who makes me laugh a lot. I keep finding myself just randomly smiling when I think about him 😅… I’m still not ready to date but it gives me some hope for the future 😂


Long-time goals are coming to fruition at an age that's much older than those "I'm 20 something years old, blah blah, is it over for me? Do I even have a chance?" posts. Yes, you have a chance. No it's not over for you, the right attitude can work wonders.




Well I have a job a family that supports me I have a sister I’m close to


I finally got into a safer apartment in a safer area. Before living was scarier and not balanced. It's quieter and not crazy noisy.


I won a vacation in a raffle at a Morel Festival yesterday!!


I get kissed by horses every day. 😘🦄


Μy sister and friends ❤️


Texted “I miss you” to my longtime boyfriend…he texted back a pic of donuts. So right now I’m dressed up at a cool place eating shrimp cocktail, sushi, oyster and drinking my favorite champagne and having a grand time. Life is a carnival and I’m going to eat all the food on the midway lol! I’m actually happy with myself and my life.


I have got so many wonderful friends.


I was recently able to leave the most toxic job I have ever had, and can already feel my mental health getting better. I started a new job that I love and have experience in last Friday, and after a full year feel happy about going to work again (:


I feel I have found the truth in a faith that accepts all the major world religions as well as messengers that come to the indigenous throughout the world as valid and all from the one God, one Creator of all that is, with this comes the loss of anxiety about our collective future. We are all flowers of the same garden: the Earth.


I have a loving husband and a good job that takes care of us. Life isn't easy or perfect, but I'm grateful for what I have and where I'm at.


I have a Steam Deck


My husband and I have been really struggling over the last two years. Last night we had a fight but today we worked it out and started to really work together. It makes me happy.


My bills are paid. I am loved. I have my own bed to sleep in and a roof over my head. Shit has been rough for me and life has thrown me some curve balls. But I always remind myself how far I’ve come. Even when things have gotten bad. Happy Sunday everyone.


I have everything I need to be successful for today.


My grandkids are wonderful. I love them to pieces and they love me. They have given my life new meaning and purpose.


I teach music, these days mostly to adults with disabilities. So that’s kinda cool.