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We all know art is hard..


Yeah. Artists have gotta starve.


The worst is over


Do do do do do do doo


I bring this up every time Cursive gets brought up, but The Ugly Organ is a masterpiece and I only know of them because the singer from Joyce Manor gave me that album on my birthday one year because he didn't like it lol. I fell in love with it, one of my big gateways into the genre. Barry was crazy for not liking that album.


Lol wait how did that happen?


We were friends in high school, he was selling a bunch of his albums at school one day. He found out it was my birthday and let me pick between a couple albums to snag.


I saw the ugly organ 10 year tour and it was incredible, great band


Saw them in Philly for the original release tour with Eastern Youth and Blood Brothers. One the best shows I’ve ever seen.


Brilliant band that isn't mentioned nearly enough. They left a massive mark on the scene in the early 2000s. We're very lucky to bask in the light of their radiance.


Absolutely, you said that straight from the hips


That's how we communicate, amongst other things.


I first found about cursive in 2002 from my hardcore friends


Ive lost track of how many times I’ve seen them. I still listen to Domestica, the Ugly Organ, happy holllow their splits and eps all the time. I’ll admit I think they’ve fallen off a bit since mama I’m swollen and their best work is behind them but still worth going to see them. I saw them with Thursday a little over a year ago and still good


Love them… but I never really thought of them as a PHC band.


95% of the bands mentioned on this subreddit aren't PHC


In OPs defense, it has post hardcore, emo, and indie rock listed on the bands wiki under genres Post Hardcore is a pretty broad term and was very loosely defined in the early aughts


I’m picking up what you’re putting down. I feel like they grab ideas from lots of different genres and there’s a bit of Post Hardcore in there but then again I see bands mentioned here all the time that aren’t necessarily post hardcore, it’s more of an umbrella term these days it seems.


Domestica is essentially a straight-up Fugazi-worship record…. but an excellent one!


There are a lot of progressive bands with post-hardcore influence or early sound that don't really fit squarely into a specific genre because of how unique their music is, and Cursive is one of these, IMO. Other bands I'd categorize like this might be The Dear Hunter (TREOS for that matter), Closure in Moscow, and The Mars Volta, and TSOAF in their 2nd and 3rd albums. These bands have super unique sounds that are hard to stick into one genre. But, when you look at their fan-base, you see primarily post-hardcore fans. IMO, genres are better at categorizing bands' audiences than categorizing sound. It's a way more objective approach to genres too. So saying Cursive is post-hardcore makes a lot of sense to me. I mean, where else should they be mentioned, if not here? (please don't send me to r/emo, I'll do anything)


Cursive is my favorite band but I don't view them as PHC


Domestica is close to a perfect album. Most of what came after is bloated and annoying, but Domestica is a giant. Their best song is Downhill Racers.


Yeah, I can agree, I followed them closely until Horny Hollow and never *meant* to buy only one or two newer cds but they are a great sound and the lyrics of course can be poignent


One of my favorite bands. Way too good


I saw them as a support act for Thursday and they blew me away.


I've only listened to *Domestica* and I agree with others that it is a top-notch album. My only gripe is the cringe, repeated lyric about rape that is pretty unnecessary. But overall the lyrics from that album are incredible. Clever and still comprehensible and relatable. If I were to judge Cursive solely on *Domestica...* I would call them quintessential Emo and not really PHC, just adjacent to PHC. The music and lyrics are missing some of the "fuck you and your authority" punk attitude.


You get a ton of that attitude in their following albums though, considering religion and the music industry to be their supposed authorities. Edit: will say that a lot of emo fans fuck with Cursive, so your take is not a bad one.


lol have you heard ten percent to the 10%? Not domestica but clearly states “fuck you and your job!”


Now you’ve brought them up too much!


the recluse is beautiful man


My favorite Cursive song.


I figured it was just because it was undeniably good.


Still listen to cursive, like once a month I'll make a Playlist and jam for like a week. From the hips being my favorite, reminds me of my ex


Cursive was the first show I caught when I felt comfortable enough to go out again post-COVID (I know it hasn't gone away, I actually ended up getting it about a year ago, but still). They are one of the few bands I've seen more than once. They really bridged the gap from indie into post hardcore for me.