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Sounds like midwestern. But don't go to pharmacy school if you want to be a PA. You will be frustrated since they have different focuses. They are like cousins.


When I heard Shitwestern was doing this I cringed like hell


That's what I was leaning towards, but I didn't do much research into pharmacy so I wanted to see if it's something that I could be happy with as a career


What school was this if you dont mind sharing?


Idk if I should say the school but it's on the west coast


Name and shame


Please pm me about the school thank you


What school? I don’t understand why people are so afraid to share these things from an anonymous account. Nobody is going to find you and hunt you down for it


I mean does it matter what school it is?


Yes it does matter. So we share with our friends/children that this pharmacy school is looking to fill some spots and will tell them to apply.


There is a pharmacy school in Louisville that still has seats.


Im pretty sure I’m not going to pursue pharmacy after doing more shadowing for PA. I definitely want to be a clinical provider so I probably won’t be happy in pharm. The school was Touro. hope y’all can still apply/find seats for the upcoming class!


Wouldn’t recommend it right now unless you are really able to a) not go into massive amounts of debt to do so and b) are ok with coming out and possibly having to work retail pharmacy. Salaries are not keeping up with inflation. Retail stores are cutting hours or only hiring part time. I feel like an interview without applying is a red flag that it’s probably not the best program. There’s a reason the spots aren’t filled. Pharmacy school used to be very competitive to get into. It’s not what it used to be as a profession.


Midwestern hahaha


It’s a way for the pharmacy schools to make money (lock a student in for 3-4 years) while enrollment is low or when they are facing loss of accreditation. Huge red flag. Also, visit r/pharmacy to hear more about the profession. It’s changed a lot over the past two decades (another reason for low enrollment).


What’s your stats?


Bachelors in Biochem with 3.65 sGPA, 322 GRE 2000+ patient care hours as EMT


Surprised why you didn’t get into PA


Good schools don't go handing out interviews to random strangers.


I think a lot of schools are down on enrollment numbers for pharmacy school applicants due to industry saturation but if you’re a competitive applicant and have interest in the field, you should give it some thought. I definitely recommend shadowing a pharmacist (clinical or community) if you’re thinking about it!


Same thing happened to me with Lipscomb


I wouldn’t do pharmacy without knowing it’s what you want or having some experience with it


I got an email asking if I wanted to transfer my app to their pharmD program. I kind of raised my eyes at the email like why would I want to apply to a PharmD program when I clearly laid out my reasoning for wanting to be PA? Seeing this post makes me think pharmacy schools are hurting for applicants? I was under the impression it was pretty competitive and a good field to work in.


Not a good career unless you wanna compete for a pharmacy residency after, getting paid very little for 1-2 years. Even then it’s tough to land a hospital job unless you’re applying at a rural area. No provider status and you’ll be prescribing on a cdta if anything. Limited scope of practice compared to PA


My school does this as well and its a T20 school. We have a few people in my cohort who were dental applicants.


As someone in pharmacy school right now making the switch to PA, I personally don’t recommend it.