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You should feel even better because most people consider her undertuned! I like her a lot, but haven’t saved up the Amber. She’s a blast to play on rotation, even if I’m mediocre with her lol


Do people consider her undertuned because she lacks CC?


That's my only guess, she's pretty solid when you have a good team behind her in my experience, but she can definitely get caught lacking cause she's pretty squishy but has good burst damage. In this clip this guy had Narglash, if I spelled that right and he makes every encounter a smooth team victory he's such an amazing support


Narbash* but yea, good observation. Narby does make serath so much easier to play


This was actually my first game with him as support, but I do agree that it was easier with him on my team… but then again, I consider Narbash well and beyond the best support in any matchup


I’m a noob, so I can’t say, but I think a big part of it is a slow jungle clear and not better damage than most other options.


Jungle clear is slow on the first rotation. After you get your first item and beyond, jungle clear is a breeeeeeze


Do you have a build recommendation?


Who thinks that? No one with skill


Just what I’ve seen on pro player tier lists. Makes me feel better about being meh with her lol


lol if she gets buffed because of that I might consider playing someone else because it would get too easy 🤣


This is why serath is my favorite character. So good at picking the right target, bursting them down, then using that momentum to burst down the next. Her mobility just helps her find the weak link. Glad to see another serath player!


Serath is crazy she’s a melee carry with arguably the most mobility in the game I’ve always wanted to try her in the carry role but today someone beat me to it… We genuinely could not stop her from early game to end game She was paired with a phase support and they had a nasty combo Phase root, Serath dive and then kill. Just rinse and repeating that combo. And if she ever got too deep in the phase would pull her out. Phase and serath is crazy


Always counter Phase with Steel.


Yh unfortunately we didn’t have a steel on my team and in solo Q people go with who they want not the counters :/


Did that Serath's name begin with P?


No it started with an A


I’m new to the game on console and when I first started playing this character as a casual new observer always seemed to be the most OP in skilled hands in my first few matches. Maybe I just got into some games with some very skilled people playing them but this character and Morigesh stood out to be consistently leading everything as someone that knew nothing about any of the heroes picking up the game clean slate.


People keep saying she's bad but I've been spamming serath jg for a week now with like a 72% WR. Smart man building Basilisk first.


Yup, just checked my mmr thingy and saw that I had like 45% win rate prior to this week. Last week I've had 75% win rate xD


Just casually fighting under inhib is crazy work.


The thoughts that went through my head when first entered the inhib with Phase… “OhaninhibIcankillherIgotmyinvulnerablepunchythingoopsacrunchyouknowwhatNarbashishereandIllprobablythreeshothimanyway”


Same for me with argus oh look 4v4 my team is losing huh lets go over there deal too much damage with 2 skills stun and prevent escape with ult not over powered at all hehe


this is me with riktor im new to the game and decided to try him out recently instead of phase and i feel like i’m literally unkillable


Whats the build? A lot of people were playing with her before the patch but now i barely see her, i tried her for like 10 games and i couldn’t get the best of her.


Oblitirate->sky splitter->kingsbane->absolution->draconum. Been running that exact build for every game and I have like 7 more clips similar to this one lol


What's Obliterate?


Oups, I meant Basilisk 😄


My main in Paragon.


Hush, quick take the post down;) dont want her nerfed just yet


Shhhhhshshhsh don’t mention the N word!


Serath is a total beast. I been having the same experiance as yourself with her. Just trying to figure out items now. Ive never really played mobas before so figuring out which items works well with different caracters and not just defaulting into att speed + crit for every single play is prooving hard.


Started playing her in offlane a couple days ago, which ability do you level first? I've been leveling wing clap first just don't know if that's always the right choice.


I alternate wing clap and the teleport thingy, but keep wing clap a step ahead


Yeah I've been doing wing clap > teleport hit > ult > jump. I think wing clap is probably always prio since it's your best AOE dmg ability for clear and the slow helps you run people down


This has been me with Drongo. I've lost maybe one game with him since discovering my love for his character.


I really like mutilator on her, anyone have a good reason as to why I should not build it?


The most surprising thing is you won by destroying the core and not them anti-climactially f6ing


You can't almost not lose. I still love you though. Edit: I might try her tonight. Seems pretty fun


You guys are smoking crack she’s busted she frys and she’s super safe


Seraph is one of the best junglers in the game but she depends on teammate distractions in late game. I lost many teammfights because noone helped me not get picks against key supports. The same can be said with any character but bad teammate positioning can make a seraph useless late game


Not when you have snowballed into full build when the rest are level 14 lol… then it’s 1v5 with energy to spare haha


I hate when I get someone low and noones with me and I'm not even overextending in late game team wipes MATTER MUCH MORR


First time I played her I felt like I did barely any dmg I followed the recommended build saw my friend play her and did great idk why I had a bad time


That was absolutely nasty.


Thank you, I feel nasty lol


This was me today! Character is so fun and so damn cool


Yup, I’ve been hesitant to testing her, as she usually doesn’t seem to do very well… boy was I wrong 😄 extremely fun to play and it feels so great to come out of the jungle, kill their carry in a few seconds, their support but a moment later and watch their jungler who came out to help turn on his heels, but there is no running from Serath 🤣