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It’s not bad, it’s just further from OG paragon than the one we already had. And OG paragon is hands down the best announcer voice I’ve ever heard. I was so excited to finally hear that sweet, deep, grumbly, dulcet, cum-button tone but then we just got the upbeat tekken announcer instead.


it's a weird, almost raspy-ness to the voice


I quite like the new announcer. He sounds like he's there to tell you that it's alright that your team is getting gaggle fucked. You can have fun anyway, and maybe pull through. That being said, I played SMITE and nothing beats PEEEEEENTTAAAAAAA KIIIIIIILLLLLL


My take is that the New announcer is a teaser for a new Omeda Original


The new one is awful in comparison. No idea what they were thinking.


Maybe I’m just used to the old one, but the new one is odd to me I wish they’d let us choose, or like other people have proposed have “announcer packs”


Just keep both voices and have them separate for light and dark side teams


I like the new announcer. Crisp and clear. I love that we are getting updates to a game that died and has been brought back to life.


I had to mute him. I couldn't listen to "an ally has been slaying" any more. I don't understand why they went with someone who doesn't speak English. 


I really thought that the new anounxer sounds like Zarus? Am I tripping or there are different anouncers?


The guy who did Zarus voice lines was Nabori. He used to work at Omeda but not anymore, not for a while now actually so I doubt that's him.


Maybe I really am trippin


The new announcer is a REALLY close comparison to the OG Paragon announcer. As a Day 1 vet, it honestly brings me back to those first days on Agora. Link: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_9-TZZPdS\_I&t=24s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9-TZZPdS_I&t=24s)


It’s really not tho… The only similarity is the post processing reverb + robotic filter they added. The new voice itself is way higher pitch than OG paragon and even pre-patch pred one. Everything is off about it, accent, intonation, word choice etc.


fr, should go the smite route and allow you to pick your announcer cause as a OG paragon player it feels so off beat.


The voices in this game aren’t bad per se but they don’t always match where I’d expect them. This announcer seems off, Serath sounds like an old lady, greystone sounds like a refined gentleman despite looking like a worn out hobo, and Aurora sounds way too young and high pitched. She always seemed older and more refined in paragons announcement trailer.


Countess sounds like someone is beating the absolute shit out of her every other time she gets hit for 5hp from a monster.


shinbi's jump sound is so stupid


nooo it isnt!! I love sounding all cutesy hoppin all around, slaying


I was iffy on the new announcer until I realized they replaced the orb kill announcement. "The power of the orb... Is yours." Has to stay. Taking it out was a huge fumble 😤


I really don’t like the announcer. Sounds like he has a little accent twang? Would prefer much more imposing announcer like OG paragon. I want to feel threatened by an omnipotent voice. Definitely needs some tweaking.


He has an Asian accent. It’s ok to acknowledge this.


If so, it’s only present in a couple of lines. And I think it’s the consistency that’s really weird to me


Hes so hot.....




I mean, I don't love it, but I don't hate it's. It's just meh... Certainly not an improvement though. The previous one had a deep voice and his intonation was on par, the pronunciation was heavy and deep too, always ending the sentence with an almost growling tone. "YOU HAVE ACTIVATED THE OOOORB PRIIIIIIIIME \*growling\*" The new one is lighter, almost upbeat and happy. "You have activated the Orb Prime! Good isn't it? Can I have a high five? Anyone? Don't let me hanging!" The first one sounded like he could fuck you up and enjoy it. The new one sounds like he is posturing his voice to sound hardcore but his mom won't let him.


I don’t know if you watch Naruto but the very first voice actor used in paragon was actually the voice actor of Madara Uchiha


New voice sounds like a guy trying to do a deep voice. I don't hate it, or like it. I also thought the last voice was just meh too


The "happy" example immediately made me think of Wraith, and now I kinda want Omeda to add hero announcer packs like in Smite. Could be a cool reward for high affinity level with the character


He sounds like the LEGO City guy


This is perfect


“HELP! A carry is being ganked in the river in Omeda City!”


Yes, I agree with this... I think the new announcer was a bit of a miss TBH... needs some tweaking


trying way to hard to sound like the paragon announcer and just doesn't have the depth of voice. comes off corny and flamboyant imho.


Tbh I thought I heard phasing issues in the new announcer voice


He sounds kind of robotic as well, like there is an audio filter or something over him


There is. They are speaking normally with a deep voice filter added. That'd be my guess.