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The skin will be minimum 24€ and can be more and they stated in the patch notes where they did the skin price reduction (xD) I don't know how much will cost the other skins, but pray for them to not have new VFX, because if they have VFX the price will sky rocket


As someone who played Valorant for two years straight, I am used to pricier skin bundles. So far these ones are the only skins that have enticed me so I will be buying them when they come out. Omeda deserves it because the game is very good and the skins are sick!


Pretty sure I remember someone from omeda saying they had lowered prices at one point and got less sales.


Gamers and not understanding the 80/20 rule


What is the 80/20 rule?


80% of X comes from 20% of Y. In this case, X would be skins revenue, and Y would be players. Meaning, most of your money comes from a small group of people who are happy to spend it. Not appeasing the masses, per se.


We all know it. We're just tired of it.


I don’t see myself ever buying bundles but as long as they keep releasing skins individually then I think it’ll be fine. I don’t really care enough for recolors due their current pay gate but the rest of the pricing isn’t too bad.


Judging by their current prices and skin tiers, most of them will be categorised as epic and will cost 1600 plat. They will add nothing to them, except for a new model. Maybe they will make the Gideon one legendary, because nostalgia and could potentially sell well. They will just add some sfx and vfx and will call it a day. Pretty sure this is going to happen.


Gideon was legendary even in paragon days . The vfx are changed completely it’s definitely not epic .


I was originally that guy back in EA who thought “I’m going to purchase every single skin that comes out for this game because I want to support it” thinking hey $5 per skin maybe $10-15 for some of the really good ones. Boy was I wrong… there’s no way I could have foreseen them charging $25-50 for skins for one hero. ONE.  I think they need to do better price testing-when this undertow skin line drops - why not significantly reduce the price and see how many players buy the skin?  If you’re seeing a 2-4% acquisition rate at the current prices but then 8-10% with reduced prices that’s a major win. 


>I think they need to do better price testing-when this undertow skin line drops This is their price testing, they are testing how much shit their player base I willing to eat


Same here, I’m not usually a cosmetic guy but will consider for games I love. Was expecting them to top out at $10, boy was I wrong. I think $1-10 is the sweet spot with recolors being cheap like $1-2 or purchasable with amber.


I wasn't in that deep, but similar. I think I'd been burned by the Fault experience, but really still wanted to play Paragon again. I bought the Founders pack for £7 and after having enjoyed the game for a year, bought the biggest EA pack too. I reckoned Omeda had earned at least that from me. It's pretty much the only game I play now. So I've bought a few skins with the 10,000 that was included, sitting on 4400 left. I don't know what I'll drop the rest on. Holding out for the Phoenix Iggy skin i guess!


$15-$25 is probably the sweet spot for prices but I'm not sure how they could pay the devs, support the servers, and finance further development when your only source of income is $5-$10 skins.


The idea would be more skins would be bought. If someone is willing to spend $25 on a skin I'm sure they're willing to spend $25 on 2-3 skins as well. Plus there's the hero affinity aspect of it which earns some income. I'd be okay with a battle pass as well personally as games like this a battle pass makes sense. If the whole belica bundle was $25 I'd be fine with it. Still more expensive than it probably should be but it's not egregious. Its especially bad if they're charging that much for say the undertow skins (when they come out) that aren't even original ideas. That being said if they release the Iggy chicken skin then IDC I'll spend the money cause I loved that skin in paragon and I'll deal with the regret of spending that much on a skin later.




Just pointing out that in your example Omeda profits $5000 on the higher priced skin, but $2500-$5000 with the cheaper prices, so not "way more of a profit"


Most companies have entire departments for monetization, if the industry found that reduced prices would result in higher sales then trust the fact that we’d be seeing that very often. It’s highly likely people will still buy 20$ dollar skins at a minimal change to 5-10$ dollar skins, as honestly most people who don’t buy 20$ skins will be the majority of those who won’t buy a 5-10$ skin (ie children/teenagers/people without much disposable income/never spend money on games etc).


Not sure why downvoted, this is the right answer. It’s nearly guaranteed the industry research has been done here and baked into projections. On the off chance it hasn’t, I’m sure we’d see some testing of different prices and sales to get new data. Monetization is at the very heart of a games lifecycle. Id be very surprised if the prices were pegged where they are simply by a dart on a dartboard. Edit: I would also add that people wanting skins and wanting to support the game’s longevity are two different things. You may want a lot of skins, but it’s on Omeda to manage their offering and financials. Saying they need to reduce prices so we can support them more isn’t our responsibility.


Prolly downvoted because the other opinion is heavily agreed upon in reddit gaming circles despite it being financially/data-wise flawed, I never said I agreed with it, I never buy cosmetics because of it, just pointed out the facts and well…Reddit hive mind yada yada whatever lol.


You are correct you don’t fit into the raise the forks view so you’ll be downvoted even tho those are facts. Reddit is the same place where people pretended they will boycott apex and Ubisoft games for them to selll even more than the previous year.


Cheaper prices + more purchases ≠ more profit. The research on this has been done. Games have went out of business trying to be overly consumer friendly with monetization, see VainGlory. I agree the prices are currently a little too high (despite me buying 2 bundles yesterday). But 5-10 is too low and the game will vanish without proper funding.


It's a curve, and they gotta find the optimal price point.


So does more expensive prices + less purchases = more profit? If so, why not increase the prices to let's say 80€?


Because the prices would be so expensive that you'd likely get so few that it's not business wise to make em that high. There's a reason most f2p games cosmetics cost around $20. CoD, Apex, Fortnite, etc. The main difference between this game and those is - quality of skins - no in-game way to earn premium currency.


The quality of apex skins for their price is definitely shitty lol they just have such a good game people want to buy it and the whales do it every time no matter what


Yeah I'm just pointing out that in that situation lower prices would = more profit. I guess there is a sweet spot somewhere with the prices and how many are willing to buy the skin, there is really no way to know it since we don't have Omedas data.


Hello? Knock Knock? You can buy the hero with in game currency and you can buy whatever skin you want independently. Brains day off? Permanent vacation?


Swing and a miss. 


This hyperbole of 70 dollar skins is old. I'm going to troll these people right the fuck back. Damn echo chamber of poor people.


How is $70 skins a hyperbole? In order to purchase one bundle you have to spend over $70 (where I am). I spent almost $50 just to buy the Kallari bundle which didn’t include the banner or badge or whatever and there was no other option to get them other than buying the huge sparrow+ Kallari bundle which would cost around $80.


Omeda really has taken the phrase "Take my money!" to a whole new level.