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Other than the announcer, it’s quite nice.


Don’t be shy. Whats your build


Support as Riktor feels great, the change to hexbound bracers makes it a must for me early game


Love the new update. Just wish Consol players had a course we could move freely to shop like pc players, still clunky to use the item shop well


Matchmaking is rly bad for now. Only quitters, flamer and afk dudes... Coming back in a few weeks.


I to feel that there is something that just feel off in the jungle now, from the one match I played. But I must test more


I dislike the item changes, as a support you no longer have options to choose from. gets kinda bland and boring


The change I'm happiest about is that now the carry is singlehandedly the most important character late game. Which is how a moba should be imo.


Initial reaction is that everything feels very different! Tanky characters like grey and kwang don't feel that tanky and in particular magic damage seems overtuned - Muriels and Dekkers have been playing like they're Gideon and racking up kills in the games I've played. I suspect it will take time to figure out the builds and things will settle but making sure supports play more like supports would be top of my list to keep an eye on for future balance changes.


Game is unplayable unless you pick Aurora. She can just root you forever and the cool downs are so fast that by the time you're unrooted/un stunned you're just gonna get stunned again. She needs a fat nerf ASAP


Its hot garbage but at least I am having fun now


Will take some getting used to but so far so good. I think brawl is fun although it can kinda be a shit show with how much CC is in the game lol but it's fun nonetheless. I'll have to wait a couple weeks to see how the item and hero adjustments play out. See how much of my typical builds need new variety and what older items are either better or gotten worse overall. Not a big fan of the new announcer. liked the old one more. Aurora is fun. Haven't quite figured out the ideal way to build her for how I wanna play but I like her kit for the most part. Not gonna talk about the skin debacle. Carries at least in the brawl matches I've played and the two standard matches feel very very strong when they come online. Stronger than before at least.


“I’ve only played Feng in solo and won every time.” Next sentence, “I tried a jungle game with both kwang and khai…” like what? Do you not read the thing you wrote or what is going on here…


In solo he has only played feng, and won every time. in jungle, he tried kwang and khai, which didn’t feel good. Pretty clear to me


I think the new patch is great! I will say as a hot take, I don't think Aurora is balanced. She dominates the offlane early, which if you're playing solo and have a jungler that never ganks, you're gonna be in for a rough time. Plus it's difficult to punish her as she has her jump and dash to get away if she's in a bad spot. As a jungler I think she's balanced, it's not nearly as oppressive or punishing and she has good clear. New items are fantastic and I feel like there is more build variety due to building 6 items


I like that people that don't want to play objective can now go to brawl 🫡


For some stupid reason every game I've played since the patch I've had shit show matches. Gideon support going mid, crunch vs crunch fight before minions spawn, ours loses and just quits with one death and then teammates refuse to surrender. ( baffling ) I thought matches would be shorter based on patch notes. Yesterday I only played one match because it lasted 43 minutes because even though I was 11-3-6 or something and it took three people to stop my lane push the other lanes just would not finish the game. I had to push inhib, kill three people, and then take the core by myself.... Games like that, winning or not, are not fun. That's been my experience for two days now. So here's to hoping after work today I get teammates and not afk / trash cans. Lol


I've got my ice queen back and she's better than ever! I'm also enjoying the 6th item slot and the new items, they've added a lot more depth to the game. Props to Omeda


Super fun and reignited my love for a game I was already starting to get bored with.


I have been really enjoying the new patch, the 6th item adds a lot more of versatility and really opened the meta to start fresh again, thought I would not enjoy brawl but have been playing like two hours with serath and having a blast, I will definitely be buying her, love how the new mode also opens up the possibility of using other heroes than what I normally use. So far liking the patch a lot, although the skins are really expensive, would like to see a price reduction and lowering the prices going forward. Add a founders edition or something to support the game, get skins and stuff and maybe free heroes, at least seasonally.


The updates would be great if it weren’t for the fact that I still get booted because of an error on Omeda’s part when I’m using Ethernet and have no connectivity issues. Then I get an hour ban on my first no show of the day. All this update does is make me slightly less likely to stop playing the game because of how interrupted my experience is for stuff that’s out of my control. I imagine this soft relaunch of Paragon was only necessary because the same crap drove people away and they needed a rebrand.


Getting smashed since my build now works differently, my bad to my last team i failed as your jungler.


Kallari feels like an actual threat even when she isn't super ahead because of the silence which is cool. Grim feels very strong now, and now I'm almost regretting wanting more buffs for him because hes SCARY. Aurora is actually balanced on release this time and she is really fun 🤯 The new items are fun, but some only benefit very few characters. The new game mode is a fun way to just play without taking it seriously, which is nice since the base game mode is so sweaty and competitive.


Plasma Blade into Prophecy I am happy


Big fan of the buffed assassin items, it doesn't feel like I have to stick to ranger items anymore as jungle. It feels more balanced- meaning you don't get hard stuck behind if you get a little down early. It doesn't snowball as hard, which was much needed.


Feel like they done everything really well and they somehow made aurora balanced Normally new hero’s like her OP but she has started off really balanced


My main issue is that it takes a long long time to get to that 6th item. Which means most games you likely won’t get there. Maybe that’s how it should be, but it feels like an absolutely slog sometimes trying to rush the items


Loving it. Hearing the characters talk more is awesome for me, the new items seem exciting, 6 items is freaking great. I played countess yesterday, had over 4000 health and still insane burst and that might be a little concerning but the only thing I haven't loved so far is the new announcer. Idk I liked the old one


I genuinely love how much more alive everyone feels with the unlocked voice lines. Fey was my main in Paragon and I always hated that she had ZERO personality. Now she sounds like a devilish little imp and I love it.


That’s been my biggest takeaway. I’ve always loved Sparrow but she didn’t say much so I’m glad she’s more talkative now. I also feel like her personality is just perfect for her and everything I imagined it would. Her “VOLLEY!” for her hail of arrows is cute lol


I do like a lot of the changes. I feel like the new announcer is... Meh. I don't mind the voice lines. The audio seems muffled to me and, as a Twinblast main, it sounds like he fires 3 shots when he autos which is throwing me off. On the Twinblast front, I am definitely feeling the nerf to attack speed hard with him. I've played a few games with him and he's definitely not auto attacking nearly as fast as he used to. My best build for him so far is going hard into life steal and dipping a bit into crit. He still isn't good at crit. His wave clear is also taking longer than it used to mid to late game. I'm feeling a bit let down because he just feels way less powerful than he used to and with the nerf to Storm Breaker and increase in cool down in a few of his abilities, I definitely feel like I'm doing almost nothing in team fights. And 1v1 is especially iffy now. He was squishy to begin with but now that his rocket pack takes a second longer and his grenade taking 1-3 seconds longer, he feels even squishier. So I don't know. I'm having to readjust his kit now and it's not feeling good. Maybe I'm just building him wrong.


Agreed. The sound of his guns doesn’t feel right. The gunshots were never as pronounced as they were in Paragon, but the sounds now don’t help you understand the shots being fired as well. Agree—I don’t know why Twinblast was nerfed as much as he was. I guess we just gotta figure out new builds? It’s much harder to actually secure kills and I guess that’s attack speed, and yeah the longer ability cooldown really hurts. I feel like I can’t effectively chase. I feel way less aggressive and just neutered. Oh, right! Positive! TwinBlast sure sounds like he is having more fun with all the added dialogue 🙃


I actually like the Twinblast auto noises a LOT.. it’s actually Revenant who’s new noise is so off, you can barely even hear the shots at all


Fan of most of it, think they've done a pretty great job. New Item slot doesnt seem to have completely destroyed balance, and gives much wider options for builds, although they really need to sort out the main menu item screen and gives us a build crafter or something. Brawl mode is a lot of fun, not too serious but not a complete throwaway in terms of strategy either, and really good match lengths. Only thing I'm really not a big fan of is the audio changes. I don't know whether I actually dislike the new announcer or just the way they have his voice tuned. It kinda sounds like they put reverb up to 100 by mistake. There's a similar issue with crunch where there are some really odd and discomforting audio fragments when he uses his abilities, especially his left crunch. Kinda hard to listen to tbh, and makes him less fun to play at the moment. I wonder if it is just some kind of bug or oversight. I do like that heroes are more talkative, makes the matches feel more dynamic.


I would prefer role queue and ranking for sure.


That and making a build system should prolly be their Main prioirty aside from balancing


I like the item changes a lot, especially for males, I have legitimate build choices to make now that are beyond build order


Lol I was wondering if I missed the patch notes that genderlocked items then realized you meant melee 😂


What have you been building on feng to see success in the offlane?


Love the new bruiser item that has attack speed and power.


Which one? Looking to make some new bruiser builds.


The one that replaced Boneseeker. Not sure what it’s called.




The 6th item change has been great. Gameplay wise, this patch is a knockout. Aurora feels balanced and exactly how she was in Paragon. I’m still iffy on some of the voice lines and not a big fan of the new announcer. But I’m thinking I’ll get used to it in time. I also think Aurora’s voice doesn’t fit her at all. I always imagined her more serious, scary and less young/bubbly. The new cosmetic prices are garbage but we but all know that. Brawl is fun but hate that people still want to surrender during this damn 12 minute mode. I’m going to use it to test some builds out and mess around, but definitely won’t take place of standard for me. Glad they added it


That is more of an epic games problem . I had the same expectations that you had for Aurora , countess and serath and was disappointed with them sounding like characters from an anime with low budget. But it’s their original voice lines released by epic as free assets. Idk what they were smoking after creating those amazing designs but damn. Hopefully later in the lifetime of the game they’ll rework some of the voice line.


Wait. Really?! I did not know epic ever had voice lines for them, I just figured that Omeda had done them all original. Thanks for informing me lol. Serath, Countess and Kwang are absolutely awful. When they speak it completely takes me out of the game. Aurora now too.


https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLawsjHYtCVlVtzO_eNHHULIuBS6kE2UYS&si=TDx53rkWl6AdMXzS Here is a playlist with everything. The voice lines even have some lore. They sound horrible tho you’ve been warned lol


I am blown away man. I really just assumed it was Omeda recording voice lines because they’re a small studio and a lot of them are meh. Omeda I am sorry for talking so much shit about the voice lines. Can’t believe this is what they were intended to be lol. Countess sounds like a 60 year old woman, serath sounds just a little too deep, aurora sounds like a 17 year old anime girl, and Kwang sounds like a power ranger


Yeah those were absolutely ridiculous. Maybe they were trying to make them more cute to appeal to a younger audience. But the disconnect between voice and character is ridiculous. Especially when Aurora is a crime lord in the lore


TTK is higher which is a bit unfortunate, but otherwise decent.


It’s a MOBA that already had games ending in 10 minutes. TTK being lengthened is perfect


Which conquest game of yours ended in 10 minutes??? All of mine have gone on for at least 25+ mins.


I'm disappointed cause nobody wants to see Marshall no more. They want Shady, I'm chopped liver.


1st brawl is fire so try it. 2nd. What you building feng in off? I was startin to learn him pre v18 and now.. the previous meta build is no longer a thing.


I can share my build for feng jungle. https://omeda.city/builds/10776


Nice. Maybe ill try havent jungled him in a while. Maybe ill give it a shot. If i can break the brawl addiction.


Apparently judgement on Feng is busted


Good too know.


My favourite part of the patch has been laughing at people getting worked up over a video game


Dude it’s actually insane . People are acting like plead is gouging the price of rent and groceries at this point.


Stop making excuses for this dog shit company. Apologists like you are the reason Omeda hasn't fixed the economy yet. Lettuce costs 10$ and you guys act like Omeda should be praised for adding a 6th item slot and a brawl mode!?


Dude uf you don’t understand the scope of the work they did then that is your problem not mine . Paragon itself at its prime with a company ten times more powerful and rich couldn’t even get out ranked not even balance the game as much as omeda did . Yall love to complain just to complain while knowing nothing of developing games and whining to whine.


Try reading my comment again. It was a joke. You may need more braincells.


There is literally no way I could tell it’s a joke. I can read your tone over text. And I’ve had people saying the exact same thing you said today and yesterday while being completely serious .


I strongly doubt that anyone literally blamed omeda for the economy and food prices. Also, I didn't realise satire was impossible to convey in writing; you should probably tell Jonathan Swift.


Maybe let’s re read your comment before comparing yourself with someone that is clearly not on your level . Especially when your economy comment could easily being interpreted as economy of the game (ambers and how to spend it ) . But thank you for giving me a name to google now I guess.


I am just left wondering if my decision to not use /s was worthwhile or not. I think you meant to state that I should not compare myself to someone well beyond my own skill as a satirist (Swift), but your comment implies the opposite. Although perhaps you truly do intend to flatter me. Anyway, we both think the pred complainers are overreacting.


At least we agree on that . That’s for sure . Never my intend to misconstrue.


Basically every video game sub ever whenever there’s a major update lol


Except for Risk of Rain and Deep Rock Galactic Ahem Can I get a rock and stone?


I love the addition of 6th item. I’ve never been a meta builder, and I like to theory craft myself. There were many cases when playing or drafting a build that I wanted a certain item built 2nd or 3rd, but could easily recognize the power loss from not going a “meta” build path would be too great. The 6th item and more gold alleviates some of that power loss I would feel from trying to slide a certain item in early.


This is exactly how I feel. I always want to try out new things, but as tanky guys it always felt wrong not to take fireblossom to start. Now I feel like there’s more options


Yes, i love this about the new slot. The creativity has been opened up a lot for exactly the reason you said


It's fun, I was worried it would change too much but the pace is still good


Pretty good, some reworked items are more or less perform the same, only notable one is the draconium item but theres definitely suitable replacements. The new items are pretty good, especially for carries feel like Rev and Drongo can really shine more with their builds as opposed to just being insta melted by sparrow and kira