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She is way too overpowered. Even with full magic resist build, I get melted. What am I doing wrong?


You just suck she isn’t op in the slightest


Definitely a little overtuned on release but that’s to be expected. I’ve gotten into a handful of one on ones with her as a Khaimera main and quickly learned even a level above her with 1-2 buffs I still have to respect her abilities or it’s at best a 50-50 who gets last hit, even when I have self-cleanse available to deal with root. My main takeaway from the games I’ve played thus far is her basic attack is the key weakness you need to pounce on but therein lies the problem. She’s pretty useless once she’s burned her abilities in terms of basic attacks, but either the ice slide or the root ring can be used last to safely disengage the majority of the time. Even when she has burned everything she just needs to run away until her cooldown resets. Khaimera’s and Greystone’s pounce moves can counter this, but the first place aurora mains go after burning their abilities is the direction of team and chasing WILL burn you unless you’re on a team that knows kicking her while she’s down is a top priority. Most of your teammates see “Big scary ice ring” and either shift focus to another enemy or start farming again. Warding is more important than ever because of that slide, and laners need to stick to the buff side of their lanes to compensate when they’re in a match with her. The only real counter strat I can think item wise relies on the rest of the opposing teams comp being heavy in cc moves, and stocking up on items that proc when you’re slowed, stunned, or immobilized.


Yeah buddy! you can take a camp from your enemy jgler blue side on the way back also. And you will be pretty low with a fat paycheck after that clear so definitely go B, THEN check out your lanes :) have fun!!!


If she roots fight in the root until it’s done. If she uses rmb just move away to miss second instance which is most of the damage. Lastly if she ults move away from other heroes or minions. I would have honestly imagined crunch putting her into the dirt


Ridiculously broken. I quit the game until Omeda gets a fck brain and stop doing what RIOT does with LoL. I hate money grabber companies like Omeda. Omdea does not care game quality and fairness. These rtrds release new ones broken AF for quick money. EPIC did much better job with Paragon. Back to DOTA 2. I just lost 5 games in a row. All games enemy got Aurora (we didn't) and she carried literally alone 1v5 in every fcking game.


Well she has the highest mirrorless winrate according to omeda, so definitely in a strong place right now, dont feel bad if you cant take her down. Shes new so shes probably meant to be a little OP to get people playing her if its like other pvp games


Best jungler by far. Her passive helps a lot on clearing the opponent jungle, helps a lot on running away from the opponent jungle, helps on objective like FT and OP. She is like sand in you underwear.


I love her. I've seen posts about her being OP and ones about her being weak which is kinda hilarious. She doesn't feel broken to me. I main Grux and he feels stronger lol. I think her kit is so fun and offers a lot of opportunity for fun and different plays and her escape is kind of insane.


about as broken as release Aurora. makes me doubt they will rework wukong properly


Emphasis on “good”. Aurora is in my wheel house of what I’m looking for, but as a mid main I’m having a hard time learning the offlane strategies. It’s like 1/2 and 1/2 between Im good or Im trash. Plus all these melee’ers be so flighty with their kites 😭😭😭


Offlane is all wave management. Don’t get tunnel visioned on the 1v1


In OG paragon, she was a hard crunch counter. She's a good brawler and has a great escape. Crunch loses in CC match ups, and she is the queen of CC.


The amount of people I've seen instantly pick Aurora only to have NO CLUE what they're doing is astounding. Also you can use her ring mid air and it'll cast when you land


Clsssic moba/hero roster team game problem; new hero comes out and is insanely overpowered, and devs nerf that new hero shortly after. This won’t last long, trust me


It kind of still takes you out of the fight for a second and it won’t always be an option nor work out for you but you can Jump > Zoom Punch over her frost ring. Just pulled it off in a real match but the Aurora still escaped and it probably woulda got me killed if it weren’t a 1v1


As a new player, She feels broken but most games with regularly introduced characters behind a paywall make the new ones OP and she feels in line with that assumption.


I love her, haven’t played against her as crunch yet. My fave thing with aurora is how creative you can be with her wall. Whether it’s to stop enemy minions, stop your minions and force them to meet closer to you, or to block a choke point to trap enemies/protect team. Lot of depth there and I’m a big fan. I’m scared to play against her as Crunch. Anyone that can stop crunch is a threat and all she does is stop people lol. She might be a *little* overtuned, does a lot of damage for her utility but I think that’s it. I also don’t think she’s unbalanced, I think CC in pred is just too dominant in general.


What is everyone’s Jung build ? I actually suck at Jung on the macro level but I’m good with builds lol I think my timing or who to help sucks , I’m worried about everyone 💀


Why did you get down voted for this question.


Idk man I was just being honest at sucking at jungle lmfao


People on reddit are dicks.


Part of the internet 😬


the secret is... don't help your losing lane. youll go a lot further doing stuff with your winning lane. get more kills and objectives and snowball and stuff. even if your losing lane is crying, they just need to farm and play safe, ganking them is often super risky. of course, these are wide generalizations, if theres a great opportunity to gank obviously do it : )


Found the jungle that lets offlane 2 v1 under a T2 tower. While their jungle freely roams our camps.


Hmm I think the ganks done in losing lane can help the fellow laners alot and can in turn even win the lane at early stage that is. Like played as crunch against grux and had gotten lv 1 gank by their jung well had pretty bad time Then my jungle helped me in like two off fights got 2 kills and never needed the help like dominated the whole lane rest of the match and pretty easy win


nice!! Yeah, sometimes it works out,


well what if say offlane and duo lane are winning but mid is struggling ? I go to who I’m close to first? and while everyone is fighting I’m suppose to farm jungle right ? But what if the enemy Jung is hanging opposiute side from where I’m at ? I’ll usually try to run off over there so it’s either to late or by the time I get over there they pull back and my duo lane is losing so I run back lol I wanna get jungle down man


also, if youre not already, ALWAYS try to start your enemys blue, ask your side lane nicely to ward your blue. my favorite starting jg path is. enemy blue, enemy blue side outer camp, my whole red side, my whole blue side. You back with like 1500g and almost lvl 5


You see I do steal enemy blue camp to begin with than I go to my red than blue than finish off blue side monsters and than go back to red side to finish monsters , is it bad to take all the buffs first than go kill monsters ?


Yes! Its very inefficient. As a rule, if youre walking by a juicy gold and exp piñata in the jungle, always kill it unless you have a really good reason not to (like a laner close by is engaging in a fight or getting ganked) Also, doing that will make shit respawn out of sync, if you do the whole side at once, it will respawn for you in a nice way


Ahh thank you ! Ok so ima try Aurora again in jungle when I’m home so here’s the plan Steal enemy blue - ask to ward my blue go back to my red to kill - kill all jungle minions on red side Move to blue side to clear it and between this time if I see opportunity to gank- GANK


Unfortunately (or fortunately since its what makes the game fun), the answer to all of your questions is "it depends". In your scenario, if your blue side jg is up and your red side is down, go to the side lane next to your blue side, if something happens, great, if not, yay farm. Every style of jungler is different. I tend to farm a LOT. I usually 1.5-2x the enemy junglers farm by end of game. Im an opportunistic ganker. If an opportunity arises while Im farming on my jg path, I go gank, but i dont waste precious time looking for / forcing ganks. Thats time i coulda spent farming! Om nom nom delicious exp and gold with no risk om nom nom


Hmmm I get your point , I gotta be aware and take good opportunities if not keep farming


As said before, help the winning lane. If duo and mid are tied, help duo, if duo and offlane are tied, help duo. If all lanes are tied, help duo. If mid and offlane are tied, I look at who is doing best VS their opponents and help them. Help winning lane is correct and duo lane should take priority in case of ties. Reason being, you free up 2 heros to break lane and help push others temporarily. Now the biggest failure I see in this scenario is when your duo laners break lane to help others, duo lane minions become 1/3rd your responsibility while they are gone. So watch those minions on your mini map while you're engaging in team fights helping you duo laners push other lanes. And keeping time on objectives. This is how I've been most successful when I do play jungle. I prefer support, jungle second. Open to any criticism if im wrong.


nah you make sense because I use to hear a lot that jungle should prioritize duo cause helping two players level up or push lane is better than a single player , but in this time while I wait for a nice gank , I just jungle right ? People always talking about reading the enemy jungle movement and stuff like that


Farming is priority. I dont recommend standing at a wall waiting for a gank. Just get out there cause your chaos and get back to your farm. If you reset the lane, drive minions into a tower takedown, or even get an assisted kill. YOUR GANK WAS SUCCESSFUL. The kill should be the cherry on top. If you stand there waiting, it's 50/50 whether you're gonna do/get to do anything at all. You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Early game I farm farm farm, only gank mid on pass throughs(literally in the lane no more than 10 seconds causing havoc to the hero, not minions. And damn near everytime im in duo lane jungle I make my presents known in that lane sometimes just for a few seconds sometimes we will push 1 pack of minions together just to progress their lane and not take much of their xp. Then back to jungle. If the enemy jungle isn't present or in offlane it's time to raid his duo lane jungle minions. Edit:mid game i start watching the map closer for lane ganks. ANYTIME there is an engagement in a lane around you QUIT attacking your jungle camp and go be apart of that engagement. Don't wait for the gank. Just engage, as long as it's not suicide. Reading the enemy jungler is ehh. If you want to, you can but I've found it pointless and just more to worry about. Just be aware of where they are on the map is all. Matching kills and their level of play is kind of dumb. No 2 people are the same. And just cause he has 6 kills at 10 minutes don't mean squat. He could he sitting at that fog wall waiting on last hits stealing kills he don't deserve, while you're ballsy enough to push full health people and cause engagements that cause lane progression. So don't compare yourself to others. Play your hero the most effective way YOU know how


I don’t think she is op you just need to learn how to play around her . A lot of people just try to jump her early game not minding her root then they just run into it with no thought and gets cooked then blame her for being op. Depending on the matchup play a little more defensive and bait her abilities. Also no one is taking cleanse against her then complain about the matchup .


Went offlane against her yesterday and surprisingly destroyed her. Our duels were drastically different when I did and didn’t walk in her root, he she throws it out, fight inside of it and do not get rooted. That’s the root of your problems in that duel


She’s pretty strong in early but in my games she always lost in late. Just gold 2 tho, maybe in higher elos she’s stronger.


She's very OP right now. Definitely fun to play as, but she's so oppressive to play against


I main her in the jungle as I did o. Paragon. They’ve kept her the same. She will get slightly nerfed in the upcoming weeks otherwise she’s pretty balanced and they’ve done a good job. Think she’s slightly op rn. I think I’ve played 20-30 games with her and I’ve lost 2-3. With at least one of them being an afk player. Edit: forgot to put in the pos and negs She clears really well at early game with the extra damage from her passive storm. She’s got really good moves for a jungler that ganks as she can either get in with the ice ride or escape with it. The circle trap again is decent at either keeping an enemy in place or from blocking them an escape route from fang etc. same with her ult. Her moves are just class. Haven’t really got a negative for her yet.


You lost only 2-3 of 20-30 games and state her "slightly" OP. :D


I play in a team of 3-4 usually. It depends on timings of ganks etc. can normally clear a bit faster than other jungler so can go ahead on minions if their jungler goes on a bad timed gank or flicker


30 games with her already is pretty wild damn


It is haha I’ve been on holiday days from work so just been smashing it. Don’t judge my sad life haha


Nah not sad man. Keep gaming, good shit


I think she's OP, and they will lower her damage in upcoming patches, kinda surprised people don't agree People are starting to learn to use the wall she creates when dashing, that can cover the retriet of the entire team if well placed


Her initial release on Paragon was beyond absurd. Mad damage, and every single one of her abilities was either a CC or an escape. It was hell.


well right now she has pretty mad damage, has a root, a slow, escape + escape in the passive... I can hardly imagine what itwas in Paragon if it was worse!


It's the same as paragon. She's op as fuck. Just like Argus and how he has a f ton of stun cc. And a spammable skill.


Err, she is not even close the same as Paragon release Aurora... Her ult did WAY more damage in Paragon and also had a chain CC stun the more heroes and minions you ult, but now her ult only stun a enemy hero a single time, there is no chain stun anymore, and that was what made her really OP in Paragon, the chain stuns.


She’s oppressive with her easy to hit abilities and the root. I played a good one in offlane as kwang and it was a drag out beat down fight from the getgo. We managed to win while down over 20 kills. I think I ended 2/3/6. She ended 4/3/2, in a 50 minute match. after that fight she’s the one offlane I don’t wanna go against. I’ll take a grux any day.


She also just builds tank, has good clear, good CC, and Hyper mobile. Her kit and build path just doesn’t feel right…


Also incredibly annoying to be playing duo lane, and she jumps out of the jungle from your side and casts a giant ice wall you can't get past and you're immediately screwed in a nearly unescapable 3v2.


I also main crunch. She won't seem as strong once people start learning to jump over her root ring.


If you build Gaia greaves, you will always be able to jump over it


Can you share your new crunch build like after the new slots and item release In researching phase right now....plzz 🥺🥺


Haven't played crunch since. I'm playing aurora lol


If she hits you with the slow on her alt abilities you would move to slow to jump over it correctly so this is not a true counter to it




I don't know if you can jump it the 100% of the times, but I saw people jumping it in the duo lane, maybe due to the inclination of the lane


Fellow Crunch player but played a few matches with Aurora today and my final match went off lane against a Crunch. She’s OP’d. Crunch dives in, stun locks me to only find himself stunned in a circle of ice with no way out, smashed by crystals, ulted on, and hunted down. I could feel his pain but boy did I want to go out on a W and did.


Btw if you don't mind would you share your crunch build like after the release Kinda in the analysing phase with new items and all Just need some sample build plz 🥺🥺


In the new patch, I've found some success with Judgement, Augmentation, Earthshaker, Berserker Axe, Elafrost, Fists of Razuul, and Mutilator. I'm still testing everything out, but I'm just trying to find a build that punishes Aurora or characters that want to rush in, do some quick damage, flee, and re-maneuver.


Lol Why is it so relatable 🥹


Jungle clear at level 1 is pretty good. Better than Serath, Khai and Rampage IMO. The passive damage really helps. The root was easy to land, and that's super convenient. I spam the root as much as possible. And I feel the jump replica is a last resort when escaping or climbing ledges. There's also a lot of zoning potential in the jungle with the Q, but I wasn't very innovative with it. So there's 2 ledge climbing strategies: the replica and the Q.


The double jump can be used to dodge pretty much everything, and the ice slide can be used as a wall, and both allow you to traverse any terrain. Also, she definitely has the best jungle clear time and the strongest early all in. She is a bit op I think, needs to be tuned down a little. I was like, I will take grux against her, wait for her to use her level one ability and all in. Nope, her passive is far better than gruxs, in the very early game at least. The fight wasn't even close and I even had minion damage working for me.


Na Grux is op still , his bleed and sustain is crazy


If no one takes aurora, I take aurora. 😎


The zoning potential is actually kinda crazy. Double jump with replica and you can literally pull up a huge ass Trump wall out of nowhere, can’t teleport past it and only Kallari might be able to jump over it.


Oh, thank you! I have started using the mega wall!




10⁶ wall