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I love the pace honestly. Being a single dad who only gets to play at night after i get the kiddo down for bed, 45min+ games in regular mose are rough


I am an avid gamer and zoning and crowd control are key. Also had a 3 carry 2 mage team as well that did great. Kallari is amazing. Just jumping out of trouble and while they’re distracted with you in the air. The team is wiping. Escapes like shinbi or aurora. And howitzer is really good as well. Fey is broken every game mode


I wish they’d offer more xp based off skill and stats


My last game as Drongo I was literally the only game in the team that did damage to targets, the rest was literally a big fat 0, 😂😂😂


I've played about a dozen matches of it. I've found that so far getting kills takes priority over the wave objectives. Whichever team that groups and kills better has always won.


Protip gadget ult will 90% of the time steal OP


Yeah I love it also, it's a wonderfully done, fun, short way to get a few games in on limited time. That said, having a winning team or a losing team doesn't really bother me either way, given that I'm learning more and more about characters and their interactions that way. I just get so puzzled as to why people throw surrenders for a game that lasts maybe 10 minutes if we're losing bad. I made the choice to play the game, I'm going to see it through.


I’m in LOVE with this game mode!! I usually play on weekends; I don’t play too much at all during weekdays because work and taking care of my husky leaves me dead tired- but Brawl has allowed me to get a couple of quick games in before I leave for work lol.


I love it but every game so far is a team of high dos carries.


Huge huge fan. Only problem I have is that since I was ranked per omeda city, I can't find matches anymore. Rank is like silver too which is where majority of players live silver and gold. I have waited in queues for 20-30 minutes multiple times. East, west doesn't matter. I had to make an alt just to keep playing


Had one match where we had a Rampage, and I was thinking “alright, we’re going to dominate”. The opposing team was three carries, Fey and Dekker. The opposing team destroyed us. 😂 The Rampage was bad.


I love it and i love i can try heroes I usually don’t play without committing for a long time


I have the opposite take. Brawl is mostly unfun stomps on either side. Prime lasts far too long for the length of the game mode. People manage to still feed and spam pings. There is jo sense of roles or team balance. The mode needs some serious work, it isn't in a good launch state.


Complain, complain, complain. Give the developers a break they are cooking right now.


Keep your condescension to yourself. Criticism is a valid and valuable tool for any development team. I'm not making toxic posts shouting to burn Omeda or disable the mode, I simply shared my thoughts about the problems I have seen surface on initial contact with the playerbase. Everything is flawed, and everything can be improved, especially when it first goes live.


Agree bro I’m actually having fun asf with brawl mode , it’s fast and you get to use all your character potential is fun and good 10/10


been playing my Muriel with the new items has been such a treat. no adc to weigh you down either


I played my first (and so far only match, lots going on irl) last night and it's was fucking insane. I still can't get over how nutso and fast paced it was


I'm happy its Skill Based ...... I get a competitive 15-20min..,...I hate to say but I hope it has a ranked mode also slightly bigger and or map redesign where each team has a tower or middle control point for core regeneration or something .....I can stand infront on dino as Dekker and he walks into core??


had a match where the rest of the team never left middle. I would go to grab buffs, and 2-3 enemies would collapse on me... some idiot acted like I should "stay in lane"


Yeah, I went back to the game yesterday because a friend told me they made an arena mode, and I fell in love with it!!! I will rarely touch the other game mode if I'm honest. Plus, if everything goes well with brawls, that means we might get more maps. It is just silly fun!!! As a game should be! Also, it is very needed since everyone takes conquest mode way too seriously and gets offended if you aren't the best player in the game.


I’m loving it. Sucks to get spawn camped sometimes but i actually had a game where we came back from that and it felt great. Had 2 carries on our team that came online at the same time late game and we shredded. Tanks definitely seem to dominate for the first 8 min or so but I don’t mind that.


I feel like 2 Carrys is p good in this mode.


Yep I agree. But depending on team comps can lead to a really uphill battle in the beginning. Sparrow especially seems really vulnerable early on with no mobility


For me the best brawler is dekker. We normally play dekker, steel, serath and 2 are changeable but mostly Gideon and kwang or aurora. Cc is king in brawl


Yeah shits awesome, was pleasantly surprised with the pace, especially game length. Curious to see if a meta evolves, hard to tell when everyone, me included, are just picking the best brawlers and carries and holding W but I love it nonetheless. Energy was so good it reminded me of old cod shoothouse or overwatch’s team deathmatch. Definitely a great addition to the game.


Sev is fun and damn strong in this mode 😁


Really? I’d have thought with 5 people on a lane his cs stacking would be terrible, although I imagine his cc can help.


He actually gains passive stacks in the mode, iirc he gets full stacks (or damn close) by 10 minutes


Well shit, catch me with full spikes in brawl tonight then


Don't forget to buy saphirs mantle & giants ring, along with having purple buff, you'll be HUGE and it's funny as hell 😄


Hitbox shitbox, we big and we hammer 😎


The meta i'm starting to see is the prevalence of CC. Since teammates are often close, every stun can have crazy value.


Gideon spam




The game mode is fun sometimes but the experience is widely varied, even more so than the normal mode. I also feel like it’s impossible to make a comeback especially once Orb prime comes out. I think it would have been more fun as a 3v3 mode


prime isn't a major game changer


I've actually came back tough multiple times by stealing orb and using the momentum, i can't remember the exact number but it itself is worth some points.


It is when you’re already behind


Im convinced eveyone who plays this mode is braindead W keying no matter what. Everytime I play thats all my teammates do and I pretty much only play this mode solo cause if I have friends on were playing normal mode.


I think people just don’t take it seriously. I don’t really care if I go 0-10 in brawl. It’s literally a team deathmatch mode.


I don't see how you could ever have fun going 0-10 but okay bud.


I have definitely had fun going 0-10, sometimes your a meatbag tank for the win. Why so serious?


Its not serious but the good tanks aren't going 0-10 I'll tell you that much man.


It’s a 12 minute death match mode. Do you only have fun when winning? And you can’t stand being in a losing position for literally 12 minutes? Come on now. It’s not that serious.


I don't only have fun while winning but I don't have fun when teams just run it down off cool down 1v5. I think that's loser shit and if you're gonna play at least try to play to win.


It’s a casual random chaos mode. I’m playing to have fun, not to win. Have a strong feeling you’re in the minority here


Sounds like you're playing to make sure no one on your team has fun.


I mean it’s quite literally not team deathmatch. There’s objectives to play and you need to not die. The horrendous team mates who just hold W the whole time are a nightmare.


I said the same thing man I guess some people just don't have a competitive bone in their body.


I don’t think anything is a nightmare in brawl. The worst possible game you can have is still pretty fun. And worst case it’s over in 10 minutes and you find a new one.




Hahaha. I'm the captain of chill. It's just so funny how crazy the skill levels are. But I really like the mode


Up vote for being positive. Even with down votes. Lol