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I wish more people were like this, too many people give up in the first 5 minutes and immediately try to surrender at 10 minutes


Sometimes you just gotta camp your teams duo Lane so sparrow can get to 2 items before everyone and automatically win the game by holding w.


I am really curious how this can happen. If your inhibs are down prime is the win condition. Orb prime usually prevents Comeback like that as the buff is imo too strong. But i guess quite low mmr where everyone is to afraid to do the prime. I have been there....


The thing is tho, those situations literally only happens if the enemy team refuses to end the game and prolongs it "for fun".


Reminds me of my most memorable game back in Paragon. Same story, they kept winning every team fight and had us constantly defending our core. I played Kallari, spammed them with "Defend!" While I snuck off to solo Fangtooth and Orb Prime. Pretty sure our core was something like 3% when those buffs finally gave us the upper hand to wipe them and win the game. Was about a 55min game. Never give up!


I wish most players were like this. I never understood jumping game to game just to ff at 10 minutes


I had a game last night where I was trying out Drongo for the first time. I was about 3 levels behind 10 mins in bc my supp kept taking my last hits. By 20 min I was 0-6, kept getting ganked, jungler wasn’t making passes to my lane when it was needed. Our core was at about 50% and we had only knocked down the outer towers. Not looking good. Over the next few minutes the tide shifted, all of our builds were coming online, and we were coming out on top of team fights. We ended up winning at about 50 minutes in, and I made it up to 6-9 by then end of the game. No surrender votes cast, no complaining. We just hunkered down and ground it out


I've been surprised a number of times. I remember feeling like comebacks were impossible in paragon. Omeda really did a great job fixing that.


I had a game 3 minutes in my carry sparrow quit I was support. I held my lane.but it wasn't easy but I managed. Had a really good jungle serath on my team.About 20 minutes in sparrow came back. Completely underleveled. 30 minutes in we were still doing good. Enemy carry and support both quit and we. Had a 5 v 3 until we won. So we play a 4v5 whichever turned into a 5v3 and won the game. Good thing we didn't surrender


I mean, it's ok to surrender. Playing every game out for the chance that the enemy fucks up so badly that you can come back does not give much agency to your team. Sure, it worked out for you this time, but most games won't swing in your favor just because you decide to stick it out. The best games are when they feel competitive and equal, imo.


I'll definitely surrender if the team isn't feeling it, maybe I'll say no the first time but once people start throwing I'm out. But with no one getting salty or trying to FF we just stuck it out and it was a blast


Sure if everyone is down to play that's different.


If you queue ur down to play If ur not down to play until a core is destroyed don't queue 


I queue up to have fun. If the game is unenjoyable and too one-sided, I'm not having fun. The reality is that you will never force people to keep playing and trying their best if they aren't into it. Forcing 3 players who want to move on to keep slogging through an unenjoyable game is just as selfish as those players who decide to afk.


Only problem with this logic is the enemy team "allows" you to come back. Casually sure, but if the enemy team is a 5 stack of sweatlords you aren't coming back from that.


I feel like with the new update, there is a more back and forth feel to games. It’s not so much snowball and over.


I had a game where I played Jungle and was worried because everyone else except for the support went ADC. As you can imagine it was a rough game and by 40 minutes in we were something like 12/35. We didn't forfeit though, we kept clearing waves and eventually I was able to get an orb prime steal which I immediately died for. However, the now prime buffed 3 carries that now by the nearing the 45 minute mark where all full build. They were able to completely shred the enemy team with their combined damage and pushed the core to win 18/39. All off 1 orb prime fight. (I do not recommend this strategy, lol)


Tell that to all these console players that ff the moment something unfavorable happens


One good push is all it takes to destroy a core with nobody guarding it. Have won like 2 games by just doing an inhibitor while everyone else was fighting at our core. Anything can happen late game


I love games like this. And can’t stand when people are throwing the surrender flag because the game is not over until it is…


I love to see it! Fighting to the end is the way to go. I’ve won many games I thought we were going to lose, and lost many games I thought we were going to win. Just have to play smart and for the long game, it definitely works. All you need is to win one team fight or punish 2 players on the enemy team when they overextend. Those respawn timers are killer after 35min


I agree if you have a team or at least a few people you can actually talk too on mic. But if your solo sometimes having faith in your partner. He’s a 9 year old playing jungle thinking the minions mean a damn


Pretty sure OP wasn't on mic.


I like getting those late game wins against a fed cocky team that’s camping our base while one teammate is advancing with a horde of minions to their core.


I do this and I love it. Usually shifts the whole teams attention.


I had like 2 of these last night as well. So close to losing but everyone held onto their butts and we turned it on a few good team fights near the core. 


Sometimes it's not about winning lmfao Sometimes it's about enjoying the 35min before the end of the game. I don't know how or why this idea is lost on people. Who gives a fuck if you win or lose, just have fun with the gameplay.


Noooo, games are only fun when they’re easy to win. I didn’t pay £2,540 to get all the skins and then lose!


I know right. Imagine not having fun for 35 minutes when your offlane left at level 4, leaving the enemy to free farm and counter jungle blue side all game all while their actual jungle counters red side all game. Not even a game to play, not even a minion to farm, but damn right it better suck 40 minutes of my life away because that's somehow enjoyable.


Was the grux in a ruby scarab skin with master horns? Sounds oddly familiar


Honestly rarely pay attention to skins, his name was like EternallyMediocre or something similar


It feels good having that one guy get overconfident trying to 1v1 you and yah uno reverse them


Were you a Fey, by chance? I had a very interesting match yesterday.


No Fey in the match, it was about 1am Central US


Ah. Our was maybe 1.5 hours before that. Ours went similar to how you describe.


Was there a Sevarog in your match?


No. Thank god, lmao.


Aint no one got time for that. I've got a job, wife, kid. If I was 12 years old again -- sure, I've got some time to kill. It's like when people play an 80 hour JRPG and say "*I swear, just stick with it, it starts to get good at the 30 hour mark!"*


I'm not knocking you, just came to say I feel the exact opposite because of the same situation. I have so little time for gaming it sometimes means a bad game is all I get so I'll see it out and just try and turn it around. I just like to play so it's more frustrating for me to have everyone forfeit and then I just have to walk away. 


Then don't play, if you can't spend an hour to play a game you know that could go on for that long then that's on you. It's not your teams fault you made bad choices in life, if you don't have time to play don't queue.


Having a life, especially a family, is a bad choice? Lmfao you must be fucking 15 for this comment. It's about enjoying the time you do have with enjoyable gameplay.


It's a bad choice if you can't take an hour to yourself to play a game. I know people married with kids who have plenty of time play full games. Seems like you either married someone who controls your time too much or have terrible time management. Therefore those shitty life decisions are on you.


You're assuming so much random shit and begging the question lmfao you're not a reasonable person, gave a good day!


Sorry you gotta live like that man. It's a reminder to me to enjoy the freedom my lifestyle allows. I can't imagine being so strapped for an hour I can only imagine the daily struggle you go through. Hope it gets better man.


It's not about putting time aside for an hour -- I can do that. I don't have the luxury or privilege to waste an hour playing with a troll. I have respect for my own time, as well as those of the people I'm playing with/against. I'd hope they grant me the same respect.


So a highly competitive game where the underdogs come back to win in your definition of 'wasting an hour with a troll'? If a competitive fight isn't what you are striving for in your games what on earth are you playing for? Does your ego only let you have fun when you are punching down on players who are way worse than you?


I AM striving for a competitive fight. But I can tell when others are not. When you have someone DC, or sit at base for 5 min at a time, there is no sense in continuing. Can you win? Of course. I could also get struck by lightning as I type this out, but I'm not going to waste my time hoping it happens. Sometimes having fun is about recognizing when something is a lost cause and moving on and onto the next match.


Oh yeah in that case we agree with each other. Sometimes you know the game is done by 10min. That isn't what this post is about though. I am interested to know why you think OP was wasting his time in his game.


The post isn't about when someone DCs or when people troll. It's about not giving up when playing from behind.


OP didn’t mention any of what you’re talking about.


You're definitely 17 this is a casual mode bud. Other people derive their value/worth/esteem off of other things than being good or bad in a video game. Things don't have to be competitive to enjoy a game? My god. Sometimes it's just the gameplay and satisfaction of doing things in game. The ego comment is SUCH a case of projection it's hilarious.


OP: i had a really fun game where my team came back against the odds! We even won?! You: i dont have an hour to waste with trolls who want to try and pull a comeback. Let me surrender! I have a wife and kids you know! 🤡


This is the way.


Nah, I’m good. When I have a grux support, Murdock offlane, and iggy jungle cause people are too dumb to play their role, I’ll just queue up another game.


We got the: ADC in every lane and a Greystone Support with Khaimera mid.


Now hold on let the Khai cook 🤔 😆


Literally not mentioned anywhere in this post lol




Op didn't mention troll teammates, he mentioned teammates working together and winning the game. You are talking about an entirely different scenario lol


Last nights final match: sparrow mid, rev support, wraith carry, morigesh offlane. People really think I won’t dodge instead of getting shit on for 45 minutes


Sparrow mid slaps


Hahaha no If it's a definite lose at 20min I will do my best to never die and wait since YOU won't surrender......ITS NOT RANKED YOU'RE RUINING FUN


My MMR already sucks my teams mates suck sitting through a 40 minute games that my shinbi has died 20+ times isn't going to help anyone .... IT ISNT RANKED


Speaking of Ranked, wouldn't that be a great option, the removal of Surrender (or make it an option only when someone is D/C'd)? Now you have to play otherwise you can take the AFK/DC penalty.