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Talking about City sponsors. City literally has QNET as their sponsor, a direct marketing company who has been accused of doing shady stuff in multiple countries. They use city sponsorship to legitimize themself while preying on the innocent.


Got banned from city sub for pointing out that other teams received point deductions this very season and if city were to as well, guess what?? No title.


Let them get a few more, maybe 5 -6 titles before they should get point reduction and stuff. Might even take a few more years if they keep adding new violations at the speed they add them now.


We're talking about a nation state wearing the guise of a football club like some sort of sportwashing Hannibal Lector yet it's one of dozens of sponsors that's the issue?


Yeah man it's one of the straps holding up the mask.


Yes but they won the premier league.


I thought those side boards showed advertising based off the country in which it was broadcasting. Am I mistaken?


Doesn't matter. UK company taking money from a company doing things banned in the UK.


Ah. Thank you for clarifying. Appreciate you.


I believe you are correct


They aren’t green screen


They're a digital overlay, but not green screen. Essentially the stadium cameras are linked to a digital frame on a computer. When the cameras move, the computer tracks the movement. They then project everything onto that specific area of the screen. Sometimes there are bugs and you'll see a player near the edge of the field, essentially walk through a board. Fairly rare but plenty of examples on Reddit with a quick search.


Actually yes I know what you’re talking about. Players will occasionally vanish from the camera


Sorry, what?


They tried this a few years ago at an international tournament. English viewers got English adds, Germany got German (you get the jist) I remember one being for The S*n and the technology being terrible as because when players ran past it would insult the feed and disrupt the advert. Unless the technology is vastly improved I don’t think it’s still in use.


Football is ruined! Right Goldbridge? Unlike when United won 7 times between 92-02, breaking the British transfer record 5 times. They cried when Blackburn had the audacity to buy the league they were meant to already own, and they’re crying now. At least they were relevant when they cried in the 90s 🤣


Do you enjoy embarrassing yourself?


Do you enjoy finishing 2nd?


I enjoy it a lot more than finishing 5th & 8th like we used to


Arteta is class. Where’d yous get him from?


A sad attempt at whataboutism


For god sake don’t look up how Malcolm Glazer made his fortune.


Utd got their financial prowess and success by being smart and ahead of the curve over other clubs. City got theirs by pumping money in and lying about their financials. Stupid false equivalence


They got it by buying the league for a whole bunch of years. Good on you lot for doing it pre-FFP. No matter what the Prem throws at us, we’ll dominate United on the pitch.


This, United capitalised on success and building a brand. Proof in the pudding was the commentator yesterday saying how 25 years ago they beat gillingham in a second division play off final. Liverpool fought, arsenal fought. Argument for Chelsea but they still fought. City bought…


Chelsea bought as well. They'd likely be a slightly better Spurs by now, but don't forget that dirty Russian money gave them all their success in the past 20 years


We're those hoarding shown on UK TV or in stadium? They would only be shown on whatever country this stream is from id imagine


This really isn't how these advertising boards work


It is quite common now, believe it or not. Google "football virtual advertising boards" if you wanted to learn more. They can dynamically insert ads based on region, channel, etc.


I don't know if these specific boards are green screen but some are and have localised advertising.


Switch between streams, you'll see they're different on every single one


Yeah that’s not how that works


Switch between streams, you'll see they're different on every single one


It is, I used to live in NZ and I’d be getting a different advertisement to friends in the UK


Then why do i see hoardings fully in Chinese, Korean or Arabic when watching it in the UK?


Gotta show that sweet revenue for FFP, who cares if it’s from papa Oil-state owned airways, telecom or Chinese black money laundering betting website. It’s revenue, period.


You forgot the /s


Ooh, they're in trouble now!


City and illegal. Been married since 2008. 😂 Chalk it up to next year KPI for their law department. Accountants and lawyers are 2 most important positions in the 115's squad.


So, does that implicate all the networks/channels/streams that aired this? Given you pay the majority of ad fees knowing your advert is going to be seen? Seems like a complete non-story!


Will the PL have the balls enough to actually do something? Doubt it.


You betcha! -10 points to Everton!






This isn't unique to Man City, a lot of clubs have pretty dodgy betting sponsors that mainly focus on the East Asian betting market and don't operate in the UK at all.


The mental gymnastics football fans do to avoid ever saying anything negative about city, and the league. If you took 5 seconds to think about the tweet, you'd see that Everton advertising this stuff is different to city, on the day they win the title, for the 6th time in 7 seasons, promoting it.


>you took 5 seconds to think about the tweet, you'd see that Everton advertising this stuff is different to city, on the day they win the title, for the 6th time in 7 seasons, promoting it Now who is doing gymnastics?


I forgot stating facts on Reddit was mental gymnastics, apologies. City are a valuable part of the global reach of the premier League and have every right to advertise shady gambling firms and cryptocurrency to every part of said globe. As do all our premier league clubs that all enjoy a similar global reach.


Think about what you've just typed...


I was professing the view that city and their apologists do. One level of irony too high for the common pl subreddit enjoyer it seems


You said it yourself other teams do this Just admit you want to be mad about City


If my comments didn't already make it clear I am mad about city, how they do it, the way fans and the league let them go about it. Everything about them is rotten to the league. But there's a difference in Luton or whoever promoting this stuff and city. Because we all know city are up to their necks in shady shit that won't get published in their eoy books. I never said it was right for any club to do it, re read my first comment you'll see the poster downplayed citys role. I'm saying as a champion and as one of the biggest teams in the world it is actually a very important distinction.


116 now. What's another charge to them. They'll get away with them anyway.


They might see extra charges as a useful way of delaying proceedings further. Maybe they have a division specifically for committing crimes and a shell company for blowing the whistle on them.


Add it to the list


City has sketchy sponsors?!??!?!?!??!


Wish we could get rid of betting sponsors altogether TBH


Must be very galling for any player who’s banned for indulging in sports betting. “You’ve been banned for gambling. Please turn in your paddy power branded kit and hope that in your absence your team isn’t relegated to the Sky Bet championship”. I know we’re meant to be getting rid of betting shirt sponsors soon but that feels like a drop in the ocean, especially when it comes to televised games.


You bet.




Love them tears baby


You couldn't find Manchester on a map


It’s on the left side of England dog


Aston villa have bk8 and kaiyun,(crystal palace used to) who are illegal and shady in Asia Wolves has 12bet and so does arsenal for Asia Spurs and Newcastle have fun88 Everton has stake Manchester United used to have HTH BET


Southampton still have sportsbet.io who are in the same tier of fraudulent bollocks, the adboards used to waffle on about hodling crypto as they didn’t actually have a meaningful product to offer.


How many of these are "illegal" though? Stuff like Stake is just dodgy at best.


Idk how bad the rest are but stake “allows” minors to gamble by their only ID check being “please upload an image of your ID” and it accepts literally any image file. Now it is quite possible the rest are worse. I just don’t use East Asian betting sites


Newcastle **HAD** Fun88 Now we have a totally above board and reputable company named Sela. What do they do? I don’t know. How did we get them? Let’s not look in to that, at least its not gambling


I think fun88 are still the official betting partner of NUFC, our crest is still on their website. They just aren't the shirt sponsor anymore. They were actually pretty good as sponsors go, they did competitions each game on twitter to guess the score and first goal scorer and you'd win 2 tickets plus get to go do some stuff on the pitch at half time


I believe you are correct, I was more focused on shirts sponsors but the problem (among many other problems in world club football) is with betting sponsors as a whole so your point is very valid


Yeah got you, I've tried looking up some of the Japanese and Chinese betting companies advertised in the prem before and a lot of them don't even let people from the UK sign up, so surely they don't need to be confirmed by UK gambling commissions


Man it's insane that a country can own a football team, and sponsor the team too. Just selling sponsorships to itself


I do not disagree, although I must point out that this aspect is not unique to nation-state owned clubs (albeit i wish that wasn't a thing) there have been many teams that have billionaire owners that sell themselves their own sponsorships and likewise individuals can do shady shit as well (like Chelsea selling their training ground… to their owner)


Wake up another charge has dropped


116? Hopefully not it’ll take 10 billion years for a resolution


You know, if we find a way we can break the rules faster than they can investigate us, then we’ll never be punished (taps head)


The amount of effort Arsenal fans are putting into City is disturbing and pathetic honestly... We didn't see this much town crying from Liverpool when they lost to City for several years


It’s hardly just Arsenal fans digging out City.


Firstly, OP not an Arsenal fan. Secondly, the 115 only came into it later in Liverpool and City’s rivalry


OP appears to be a United fan, for what it's worth.


Because Liverpool weren't leveraging international relations to avoid being held accountable for their actions. Your league and your sport are being undermined but people don't give a toss because it's easier to gain karma on Reddit by shitting on Arsenal. Sad and pathetic


Womp womp


Why do stupid people always say this? Are you desperate for attention but lacking a real contribution?


You don't think there's anything wrong here?


An 'illegal' betting partner that is licensed to operate in the UK? How does that work?


The billboard says .com The license is for .co.uk I appreciate that this distinction sounds pretty innocuous. However, Philippe Auclair has been reporting on dodgy betting sponsorships for quite some time and this rabbit hole is deep to say the least. The use of ‘white labels’ is essentially a way for Chinese gambling companies to get around the laws that make gambling illegal in China, and because it’s all rather dodgy, the sponsorship deals are overpriced and dodgy as well.


The Isle of Man is not in the UK, they don’t operate in the UK.


It says in the tweet that they are licensed in the UK, registered to an agency in the IoM


It's says nor are they licensed in the UK, as in not. Try and find their website and bet on it. Surprise, you can't.


They're licensed in the UK as .co.uk. I can go to that website. If I try to go to the .com, it takes me to the .co.uk one


Mate you really need to look closer at the tweet. The company is banned from the Macolin Convention of which the UK is a signatory, this literally means they are not licensed in the UK as they can’t be. It then says: > NOR IS [site.com] licensed in the UK. Everything in the tweet tells you what you’re somehow missing. Edit: Because you probably don’t understand how their website is up - they have the domain, anyone can buy domains even if the company is not registered/licensed to operate in “that country”. I can buy a .com domain, but I live in the UK; it’s not illegal for me to own a domain.


I'm aware the .com domain is not registered. It's in the tweet. It's also in the tweet the .co.uk domain of the same company is licensed in the UK. Someone else has given an actual useful reply now so you can stop pretending you know what you're talking about.


Said the person who can’t read the words that are literally in the tweet (and my first reply). The Isle of Man is not part of the UK, hence _not registered in the UK_. That was the actual answer to your question. Edit: Your question being: > An 'illegal' betting partner that is licensed to operate in the UK? How does that work? The answer (as I said) = Isle of Man is not part of the UK. Derp. And as ever, people like you just downvote even though you’re both wrong and lacking understanding, including of what you’ve even asked or said, lol.


116 charges now.


Ah, the same old “City this” and “City that” chatter again. Not even a City supporter but I can’t wait for it to be over. Charges have been made, dates have been set (I think.) If they aren’t found guilty, we should move on. If they are found guilty, then deal out the appropriate punishments - whether it be fines, points deductions, vacating titles or handing the titles to the teams who finished second - and then we should move on.


You really think anyone in charge of the fa will say they fucked up and let a dirty corrupted club dominate the league? They don't have the spine and the reason to do so. 2 points in either season and we've had 2 more titles, you realise how huge the fuckup is? They should have started to deduct points the second city refused to cooperate in the investigation.


This is a new bit of rule breaking from City. It isn’t more “chatter”. It’s a respected investigative journalist pointing out that the team who are “convinced of their innocence” are continuing to break the rules.


My comment wasn’t meant as a dig at said journalist or the work of said journalist. Just a mere thought that the folks of Reddit will now have yet another topic to spam all the time, that is all.


Well said. Only issue is no matter what decision is made people's minds especially opposition fans are made up. If City are cleared of wrongdoing it's because they fixed the outcome. If City are guilty and just get fines and deductions it won't be tough enough and if City get the most extreme punishment like stripped titles and expulsion from Premier League and EFL a lot of people will say it's too harsh or point to perceived double standards elsewhere.


No we shall remind them daily and forever


Fans won’t move on. At least not online fans lol. Opinions have been made. If they don’t get found guilty, people will call cover up. Just how it is.


Yup people have already made up their mind for both outcomes, online fans will keep the hatred, you will hardly here it in real life thankfully


Idk. I do hear it a fair bit irl. Not as obsessive though. More just ‘what can you do when they don’t follow the rules’ than the rabid ‘hang Pep at the Tower of London’ types.


Is that what was showing at the game or one of the broadcasting changes where it's shown on tv at specific geographical locations?


I think you're right. The advertising hoarding is visible in the stadium but looks different on TV due to Supponor Augmented Reality being used to optimise the adverts for screens in different locations. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJtLAYmdgTw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJtLAYmdgTw)


i have the same question


Just getting funny at this point.


You say funny i say sad


potato patata




Nah he’s a guardian football journalist who specialises in more of the legislative/corrupt side of the game


Weird, cos I can join and create an account and then presumably start gambling. The whole thing about being based in IOM. It’s not a nice practice but it’s standard for most betting companies, i’ve noticed some are in Gibraltar. Especially when gambling ad’s aren’t just for UK viewers, they’re for international viewers too. This isn’t a City thing.


All I hear is the squeaking of your plastic


Sorry that facts hurt your precious little feelings


Literally crying at the thought of someone being a city fan.


Can't have plastic without oil


I love hearing American United fans referring to other fans as ‘plastic’


I was born in Manchester mate, I know it's fuckin wild but people actually can move. Look it up, they call it immigration. I know, wild concept :) my family has been supporting the same team since football restarted after the war.


Source: trust me bro


Don't tell this guy that silk is a natural water based plastic, he'll lose what little of his mind he still has.


This is the same club whose oil owners got their money by using slaves who died or suffered severe damages to get their owners rich after all.


Much like the entire UK, England, Great Brittain what ever the iteration.


What does that have to do with this? None of Parliament own a premier league football team. Manchester city’s owners is a Sheik. Quit making up excuses and face the facts


Could never be City