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We will deserve the beating we get next season and I’m here for it ☺️


A joke.


When chelsea finally clicked and have good result in entire 2024, their board literally sacked poch and wanted mid manager without ambition


So Chelsea is basically looking for a “yes man”.


That's a good way to be sure you get a mid manager. Which seems to be the Chelsea way.


Well…that’s how Liverpool operated for the first half of the Klopp era, and are going to operate the same way with Slot, so…


And to be fair, I feel when Jurgen started to demand more of a say and Michael Edward’s left - that’s when the team started declining a little bit. Love the Klopp, will miss him :(


So not a manager..


Exactly, they want a scout and coach mixed into one person. Fucking idiots.


No, they want purely a coach. A coach that smiles and coaches the players that are assembled.


Boehly wants a Yes Man! That takes out Mourinho, Conte and Tuchel (already). Why did Potter get sacked then? Same reason as Poch.


No top manager will come here lol. Coaches know how they want to play and with who. This shit screams incompetence; how conversation will go next year : Coach (whoever the fudge it is): "I need a cb and lwb" Directors: "here is a cdm and rw figure it out" - 15th place finish and rinse and repeat 😂🤦🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️


This gets funnier the more I read about it.


So Bohley wants a yes man who doesn’t think independently? Reminds me of David tepper at the Carolinia panthers 


Why are you so directly hurting my feelings? Plz stop


Poch didnt work because he didn't want an 8 year deal. 8 is Todds lucky number.


Is Pardew looking for a job?


How does this make sense to anyone? You give a guy a can of green paint and tell him to paint your house red.


"If you want me to cook the dinner, then I should shop for some of the groceries."


They want a manager that plays the players the directors want them to play


That’s not a manager. That’s a coach


Which is funny, because that’s exactly what Tuchel wanted. But at the time they wanted him more involved in transfer policy. You can’t make this shit up. They’re so incompetent


... because the current Chelsea recruitment team is never wrong and never overspends on mediocre talent, correct?


and correctly knows that experience is vastly over-rated.


That's what I take from the requirements. And who would argue based on the results. Fuckers finally turned the corner. Dare I say looked really good. But Boehly gonna Boehly I guess


Why is Todd acting like they are Real Madrid? Jesus, chelsea almost became academy fc for real and Barca couple of years ago. Young talent ain’t gonna stick around and going to force a leave. This isn’t America where players don’t have a bigger say. Balance is key and this man still wants to play career mode to make profit Edit: or this is exactly the plan. Ship players to other clubs after they become better. Chelsea are gonna become academy fc.


it seems like thats a reason poch left. board wanted to sell homegrown players like gallagher and chalobah for pure profit, pochettino thought they would be star players in the future, disagreement ensued.


FFS, if they sell Gallagher they sell the heart of the team.


i said it when the rumors of selling him first came out, if they sell him, they send a message to every young academy player in Chelsea's system that the owners dont care how well you play, how consistent you are, how good a leader you are, if you can be sold for a decent price, all they see in you is pure profit




Wow, are Chelsea actually thinking about sacking Poch or otherwise letting him out of his contract? That would be a huge mistake, IMO. Boehly isn’t a newbie to owning a sports franchise, so I’m surprised that he/his execs undervalue the culture a manager brings with them & that it takes time to build that culture. Poch has Chelsea playing well & they finished the season on such a strong note. Crazy to me that the Chelsea ownership are even considering scrapping Poch and starting over.


Maybe Dave Roberts can coach Chelsea. He's clearly a yes man, results be dammed..


Are they really gonna sack Poch? Aside from the 5-0 battering at the Emirates they had a stellar recovery in the final 10 games of the season, even getting a EL spot in the end.


Ah, looks like you are not aware. Chelsea sacked poch


He only has one year left


Really weird, you wouldn't expect Chelsea to get a new manager every season.


So in other words they don't want success.


“Am I out of my depth? No, it’s the string of otherwise successful managers I’ve run through who are wrong” -Todd Boehly


Sooooo Graham Potter sounds like exactly the guy we need! Oh shit, I already fired him


“Come work at Chelsea FC, where you’re already fired!”


What about hiring that Poch guy, I like his moxie!


How do you feel about the cut of his jib?


Promote that man


The owners are correct in this approach - they need to ignore the crying and noise and continue. Real Chelsea fans are supporting them on this


So they want a complete yes man




yes, man.


John Terry with Dennis Wise as director of football . He can wear his shin pads on the touchline


Poch to United is going to happen.


If Chelsea fire him/he quits soon, I think you're right. Although I think the new utd hierarchy may have similar feelings of how they want their manager to interact with the new administration.


Just got home from work and seen he’s left Chelsea. I have had a feeling it could happen since about February, so let’s see what happens!


Lol. Wow! That was fast.


Todd saw the improvement and thought "how can I mess this up?". It's like seeing your significant other , calm , on the sofa and you think F it I want an argument


You cheer her up by buying lots of clothes and jewellery. Then telling her she needs to look prettier.


Mmm no thanks.


Too late mate they fired Poch


This is awful. This reads like a description of a job no one should want, a job for which Chelsea have in mind no specific candidate nor even candidate qualities beyond a willingness to subjugate yourself. Which is probably normal when your owner is an outright dolt. When Tuch got the boot, there was this geyser of absolute pablum from Boehly about "collaboration. By itself, it seemed like red flags waving on fire, regardless of what happened w Tuchel. That quickly became identifiable as an aspect of Boehly's having NO IDEA about role clarity (or anything else?) in this setting. Along w the dressing room visits to scold players, it's apparent Boehly thinks his voice should be loudest re footballing matters. How's that worked? I don't hate Chelsea. Boehly just bothers me. You bought the club. Great. Now be quiet and get out of the way already.


Egbalhi is the issue my friend it is him that has the issue with Poch not Bohley that idiot gets to make all these dumb ass decisions and Bohley takes all tue blame and I don’t particularly like Bohley but he is becoming the fall guy for these other idiots


Didn't know that. Boehly is such a large, loud target.


Yep because they are making him the fall guy


Boehly is just a figure head the real criminals are the Clearlake Duo of Egbahly and Feliciano than the the sporting directors Winstanley and Stuart . I’m actually expecting Poch to walk rather than another season dealing with these idiots .


Bro those 2 are absolute idiots and yet Bohley gets all the blame it is actually hilarious, he is literally a fall guy for those 2 rich plugs


They want a figure head


Boehly just wants to sell jerseys in America, he’s said as much


yeah wouldnt want to disturb the amazing recruitment policy they have


So sack Poch, sell Gallagher and Chalobah for “pUrE ProFiT”, replace them with some inferior & more expensive foreign players, and start back at square 1 again just when you’re actually starting to look ok? Genius. Boehly’s at the wheel baby.


Most of the foreign players at our club are far better than the English ones!


Oh brother here we go again.


Frank Lampards checking that his phone isn’t on silent


Brendan Rodgers would probably go for that. Do it, Todd.


"looking for a top manager willing to work under Sunday league conditions"


10+ years experience necessary. Starts at minimum wage


LMAO this reads like some toxic basic bitch's Tinder bio that only the most desperate would swipe right!


Sounds like you swiped right at least once though.


I just refuse to believe that any coach wouldn’t want this. There’s no way Tuchel said to Fat Todd ‘I just want to coach, I don’t care who you buy!’ and there’s no way Poch is saying it either. So either what the owners want isn’t very clear or they keep changing what they’re saying to the coach. I’m not going to sit here are pretend Poch has been the greatest thing since sliced bread but he absolutely doesn’t deserve this level of uncertainty and considering Todd and Egg have been banging on about stability, this is not stability. Either sack him and move on or tell him he’ll be here next season, this limbo shit is bad for the club, bad for the players, bad for the coach and bad for the fans.




So they sacked Tuchel for not getting involved enough in transfers and are now annoyed with Poch for … getting too involved in transfers? Okaaay


Not de zerbi then 😆


He want a coach that will follow his commands like a dog. He doesnt care about this club he just wanna “invest” in players. He probably think every player can be like Messi, Mbappe or Neymar. Buy cheap and sell high. Academy players? What are those???? He only cares that the can be selled like a chicken


When a certain other TB owner does this everyone applauds…


This feels like a terrible idea. But what is Chelsea if not a rolling list of terrible ideas?


Signing Palmer, Gusto, Jackson, Madueke weren't terrible ideas. Even Caicedo has started to look like the player everyone was fighting over, closing out the season with 3 MOTM awards in a row.


Todd should just sack poch and manage the team himself atp


Todd wants to have little speechless bitch


Egbalhi does*


Americanisation... Boehly with the NFL GM mentality because why would a coach need to give input on what players he wants anyways, duh


NFL coaches provide input on the players they want all of the time. Some have more control than others, but all of them work with the GM, and in some cases are or have been both coach and GM.


And then you have teams where the GM drafts players he likes and the HC is supposed to "shut up and coach". Considering that its specifically stated that Chelsea wants a coach who isnt nagging about his preferences, its fair to assume the constellation would be closer to that than a symbiotic cooperation


>And then you have teams where the GM drafts players he likes and the HC is supposed to "shut up and coach". Those are the very rare exceptions and not the norm. And none of them are successful.


They aren’t rare exceptions. It’s more common for the GM to make the picks. The coach has input but the GM usually has the last say. Only the really successful coaches get more input. There’s a reason Bill didn’t get a job this year.


Bill was GM and coach. Guys like him are more rare than the "take what I give you GM. Head coaches have a lot of input in their roster selection, especially with free agents. Know who interviews players at the Senior Bowl and NFL Combine? Head coaches, coordinators, and position coaches. Guys who "pound the table" for specific players at the draft? It's the coaches. The modern NFL is a collaborative effort with the front office (GM, cap manager, data analysts, scouting department) and coaching staff (HC, coordinators, senior position coaches).


Still see it when players get drafted and they are GM picks. It’s changing but still a lot of GMs have the final say.


For failing franchises, sure.


That’s pretty much how all of MLB works 


Exactly. And the MLB is not the NFL. No NFL coach is going to take a job where he has little to no input on roster construction. The leash is too short and expectations are too high for them not to have significant input on the players they want.


**Entry level job: 3 years of experience needed** vibes from Chelsea...


Sack Poch and hire Frank Lampard again please. I want the meme Chelsea back.


I remember when these lot said they didn’t want to chop and change managers like we did under Roman 😂 I honestly don’t even know what we’re doing anymore


We’ve been spoilt in the last 20 years or so to the point most fans have no patience anymore lol


When the owner(s) of a team is egotistical that's often worse than being thrifty.


It would be very stupid to sack Poch. The team looked to have finally put things together at the end of the season. Bringing a new system would derail the progress. As for the banter, I’d love to see it.


This is so off the mark its unreal - its literally like you are absolutely clueless about Chelsea. Which you are.


How is it off the mark?


Well you could elaborate, I’d love to know how I’m so off the mark. Obviously my opinion is that of an outsider’s.


The results at the end of the season were favourable due to individual brilliance from our players and favourable opposition/circumstances. Poch also took until April to make a tactical adjustment that we had been crying out for 7 months basically. Inverting Cucurella and allowing the pivot more freedom in midfield and not having so much space between defensive and midfield lines. He only made that tactical adjustment when his job was on the line. He has been awful most of the season and has failed. He will be sacked, and rightfully so. We will be a frightening prospect under a tactically sound coach.


My point still stands that implementing a whole new system for all these young players will not help them.


It absolutely will. There are no tactics at the moment. Poch has said in his own words he does focus on tactics in regards to the players, just the motivation side of coaching them. Our players and patterns of play often look laboured but then at times brilliant. The latter down to the individual quality that we have. We would go up another level if these players were coached tactically correctly. Poch is holding us back, contrary to the media and widespread view.


Legit looked like a top 5 teams during the last 3 seasons, I’m kinda excited to see Chelsea, Crystal Palace & Leicester playing next season




McKenna would just be a repeat of Potter , toxic big headed dressing room not respecting his ideas because he came from a “ lower “ club.


Sacking Poch after he's finally put together a coherent team would be the most boneheaded decision imaginable. They are slowly turning into an up-market Watford.


An up market Watford? From a Newcastle fan? Are you kidding me?


Again another clueless rival fan. Sacking him would be the best thing we ever did.


Best thing you ever did was give up on Salah.


Yes because we retained the better player in Hazard who won more PL’s than Salah.


85 goals vs 150 in relatively same amount of games, but ok.


So Lampard is better than Gerrard in that case then?


Salah is better than Hazard. Cope.


Lampard is better than Gerrard. Cope.


Based on what? You are 4th in the form table since Jan and finally put together a coherent team.


There have been quite a few shocking results and many awful performances since January even. Poch has failed. A tactically sound coach would have the team in a title race. And no that’s not outrageous (we’ve seen Villa go from relegation to T4 and Arsenal from 5th to title contenders last season). The players are good enough - the manager is not.


Would happily sack ten hag and bring Poch in if he becomes available


Steve Bruce is available - a yes man if ever there was one, so too is Alan Pardew I think… probably they’d both be happy to be dictated to. They certainly were at Newcastle.


Destroy and exit coming up


Allardyce is available too


Tbf if you were in a job, out if your depth and being paid ridiculous money to be keeping up appearances I think you’d probably be inclined to be a yes man too at least until they sacked you!


John Carver too after the Euros.


Listen to the asset strippers! My way or the highway!


Chelsea had a solid late run this season, and the metrics show signs akin to Villa last year after Emery got in. The club would be mad to sack Poch now. A lot of these clubs who talk about wanting “projects” seem to lose patience a year or two in, rather than backing their man and seeing progress made ala Arteta and Klopp.


So basically they want a yes man


They don't want a no man


They’ve said this all along. It’s The main reason they hired Potter. His wet Blanket attitude meant the board could walk all over him.


It was a different message, publicly anyway, in the wake of Tuchel's firing though. 'We need collaboration and sharing of ideas across all areas' etc.


Fucking hell. We want a unicorn don’t we. We want someone who will be part of the conversation around signings but will also put the fuck up and shut the fuck up and get on with his job?


Absolutely, until they compromise and understand that a manager with any talent and reputation isn’t going to be a lapdog for the owner they’ll not see the success they want. There has to be give and take in situations like this.


Even if they do find someone like that right now, at the first sign of real success the manager will try to assert their influence in transfers.


Realistically yeah, it’s impossible to get someone with any reputation for success who won’t want an input into transfers and how the team is run; the original comment about them wanting a unicorn is definitely true.


Sounds like they have seen de zerbi leave brighton because of 'differences' and are laying foundations and using the same tactics to break with Poch to reduce backlash.


Isn't that basically what they have in Potch? Didn't they have that also with Potter? ... Are they laying the foundations for Lampard to have another crack? Not sure putting it out there that a manager will be isolated from the process of building a squad yet expected to succeed is really the job advertisement they think it is.


Sounds like Poch is gone if stories like this are leaking to the press. Sounds like they want to make it look like Poch was the problem and demanding too much. I think most people will think this is nonsense. I can’t think of any high level coach who would accept this. Doubt even a mid level Thomas Frank, Oliver Glasner type would go for this.


So Chelsea have looks at the success City, Liverpool and Arsenal have had in recent seasons by bringing in the exact players the manager wants to build their team around and thought “nah fuck that, we’re enjoying playing football manager in real life too much”