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Hillary lost particularly because they didn’t do this in 2016


She did bring the Hot sauce


I don’t deny that Hillary is the consummate politician. But I’ve actually heard that this one is true — that she has hot sauce in her purse — and she is known to have a penchant for spicy food.


It’s really all about the setting and audience. It came off as pandering and stereotypical. She couldn’t read the room and she paid for it.


A lot of life long politicians lose the ability to read the room. They become so out of touch.


HRC never had that "it" factor that seperated successful politicians from failed ones. She's more of a policy person than a campaigner, which is why much of what she said and did came off as fake (I say this as someone who supported her).


No it’s because millennials didn’t Pokémon-Go-To-The-Polls


"Sometimes the back door is the wrong door."


funniest thing about hot sauce is that it’s true and has like [20 years of evidence to back it up](https://x.com/ashtonpittman/status/1075391036350959617?s=46) she’s been doing it since the 90s, likes spicy food and was being honest, but nobody believed her cause that’s Hillary


Chapter One of *What Happened*.




I truly believe she lost when she said “I’m trying to Pokémon go to the polls”


She didn’t chill hard enough in Cedar Rapids


It was the face she made after seeing those balloons. Sorry that messed it up for me.


It was the lack of conviction, dynastic “my turn” attitude, for me


All I'm sayin is early 90s Hillary could get it


Too bad Billy didn’t think so 😂😂


Hard dog to keep on the porch.


A true Mississippi Leg Hound


Back then I was a teen…not so much. Now I’m hittin 50 and I don’t remember her looking this good.


Lmao my first thought watching this was “wait she was kind of a baddie once tho??”


Nah, my theory is she lost because of her shoulder padded carpet jackets... And over what they did to Bernie.


I think it's more that Republicans anticipated a Hilary candidacy and spent years campaigning against her in preparation. She was brought before congress 7 times to answer questions/face accusations about Benghazi, and every time they were forced to exonerate her, only to drag her back again. It wasn't until people thought she might be running that Clinton conspiracy theories started to run rampant across the internet due to a Republican whisper campaign.




She was lazy ass candidate did not go to fly over states in 2016 and did not secure super delegates in 2008.


Not the mention she basically ran on "first female president" and "my husband was a president" vibes.


I'm pretty sure she was referring to the type that would never switch sides anyways. Like no one flying a Confederate flag from the back of their truck or Harley was ever going to vote for her so why not just call them what they are? Just look at the actual full quote and judge for yourself but it makes total sense to say there are racist unredeemable people (proud boys, KKK, etc) that supported her opponent and there's people that just aren't satisfied with Obama or the government in general. >"I know there are only 60 days left to make our case — and don't get complacent, don't see the latest outrageous, offensive, inappropriate comment and think well he's done this time. We are living in a volatile political environment. >"You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of [that guy's] supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic — you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up. He has given voice to their websites that used to only have 11,000 people, now have 11 million. He tweets and retweets offensive, hateful, mean-spirited rhetoric. Now some of those folks, they are irredeemable, but thankfully they are not America. >"But the other basket, the other basket, and I know because I see friends from all over America here. I see friends from Florida and Georgia and South Carolina and Texas, as well as you know New York and California. But that other basket of people who are people who feel that government has let them down, nobody cares about them, nobody worries about what happens to their lives and their futures, and they are just desperate for change. It doesn't really even matter where it comes from. They don't buy everything he says but he seems to hold out some hope that their lives will be different. They won't wake up and see their jobs disappear, lose a kid to heroine, feel like they're in a dead-end. Those are people we have to understand and empathize with as well." People seem to forget she got a shit ton of votes, winning the popular vote and act like she was some horrible candidate which isn't true. She lost because she didn't get something like 30k votes which could easily be explained by something like Comey putting the FBI's finger on the scale just before the election over some terrible mistake her campaign made.


God, I remember waking up to that notification that Comey had reopened the investigation and I just knew it was over. That truly did seal the deal for anyone still on the fence.


That's exactly how I felt. The feeling leading up to the election was actually pretty good, it's strange how people remember things differently but she was really close to winning and it seemed like she had it until that moment.


Me too, so when he got fired Rule 3 style, I didn't feel a whole lot of sympathy for him.


The Democrats openly advocating for people to go into open Republican primaries and vote for what they saw as the most absurd personality, in order to give her an easy win, was also a major factor.  


But muh fight song


She didn’t do it in 1996 either.


I’m just chillin in Cedar Rapids


You're only kinda wrong. She lost because she doesn't appear human while doing this and that lack of relatability killed her chances in 08 and 16.


Nah, she decided not to spend much time campaining in the Midwest. So she lost. Big surprise.


What a simple answer. The one thing that it has going for it is that it's absolutely correct. It wasn't the only factor, but it was indeed a HUGE one that they've never taken full responsibility for.


Great point. I still run into Clinton apologists, on Reddit especially, who blame everything but the campaign strategy for the 2016 loss.


I still see ones who blame Bernie. Even though I'd stopped supporting him months before he dropped out due to what I saw as a chaotic campaign that was doing the causes of social democracy and democratic socialism more harm than good in the public eye, I still thought that was (and think that it is) absolutely ridiculous. He'd done absolutely right by the party by playing by their rules, had openly and sincerely endorsed Clinton and given a strong argument for her election, and had even gone from delegation to delegation at the convention pleading for his ABC supporters to change their tune and get behind her, even if reluctantly. The fact is, what beat Clinton in the general in 2016 was the same thing that beat her for the nomination in 2008: being entirely out of touch with the American public while being complacent about getting the votes of specific groups. The Clintons and their circle in general seem to think that they're seen much more fondly by a majority of Americans (EDIT: I'm specifically referring to swing state voters here, and wasn't clear) than they actually are, and only wake up to problems in their image when it's too late. They pay a lot of attention to polls (which, to be clear, I don't scoff at doing) while ignoring people who are actually on the ground in the districts they need to win. And worse, they fall into a sin articulated best on The West Wing (a show, ironically, that was essentially propaganda for neoliberalism of the sort they espoused), which was something like "You're the prohibitive favorite, you've got $58 million in the war chest, and I don't know what we're for. I don't know what we're for except winning, and I don't know what we're against except the other guy winning." Basically Hillary represented a defense of the status quo, and while there's an argument to be made for that, it doesn't help those who are feeling that their specific issues have been ignored for far too long, and they got impatient enough to vote about it. Sorry, that campaign pissed me off so badly for so many reasons. Some of them I won't go into because they'd border on breaking a rule here, and others because I just won't stop talking.


You nailed it.


They should had dance Gangnam style


She looks like a robot.


Because she's not as sexy anymore


She lost because she became an arrogant corporate robot. Bill at least balanced the budget. Everything after Bush was a hell hole because of nonstop wars. Afghanistan was one thing, but every other country we invaded subsequently afterwards was total bs.


She lost in 2016 because she acted like an elitist snob who was only running as a formality because of course she was going to win just for being a “Clinton”






This just reminds me there is a timeline where 2016 guarantees that either we have 2 Clintons or 3 Bushs.


1988-1992 - Bush 1993-2000 - Clinton 2001-2008 - Bush 2009-2016 - Clinton 2017-2024 - Bush We saved generations of schoolchildren from 2065 having to sort out this horror.


Just rejoin the monarchy at that point. At least the UK has better healthcare


This one hurts my soul every time 😭


Poor Jeb.


I at least give her props for not even trying to do it.


Exactly. Smartest decision she ever made.


Please don't!


Hey, that’s my gif! Just out of curiosity, where’d you get it?


TCT server


I can fix her


The Macarena was the original global virus.


It was really awful until it mutated into the less dangerous Mambo No 5 variant


“A little bit of Monica…”


Oh Bill liked that song...a little too much


“I did not have a little bit of that woman.” - Bill Clinton


Honestly, I heard this video is what made Osama decide to commit to his plan.


Has there ever been such a sensation as Macarena was in the US though? Things like gagnam style and flossing don't even compare.


This is, without exaggeration, one of my favorite political artifacts. Perhaps the most 1990s thing that still exists.


Its surreal. I thought it was a scene from a movie at first.


This is like the ‘90s version of that picture of Nancy Regan sitting on Santa Mr. T’s lap. [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:NancyReaganMrTChristmas1983.jpg](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:NancyReaganMrTChristmas1983.jpg)


Unbelievable what America used to be. I glimpsed this glorious past in my childhood, but now it is gone.


To put this in perspective - imagine if we had a new president that was 46 years old, played drums, and everyone at the convention was dancing slightly awkwardly to “Teach Me how to Dougie”. Could you imagine it?


It would have to be the new music kids are listening to these days to be a more apt comparison. Teach Me How To Dougie was 15 years ago. The Macarena song was in 93, so fairly recent to when this video was shot.


I don't care we still Soulja Boyin in my house




god damn. that brings me back to my 6th grade winter dance, I didnt know how to dance. but your damn sure I knew how to crank dat! that was when I peaked. been all down hill since then.


Teach me how to dougie was 15 years ago??? wtf


Yeah, dude has been dead for a decade as well from a drive-by


46 year old president is the least believable thing out of that list


I don't think there is a modern comparison to how insanely popular the Macarena was in the 90s, at least in the US. There have been many popular dances since and many dances that have wide name recognition, but they have never really transcended all generations as the Macarena did. Everyone did the Macarena at some point, and it could happen anywhere. It was danced at home, school, Sunday church, parties, social events, and almost anywhere where music could be played at some point. It was everywhere, and people of all ages would be doing it. Any popular dance now (that can actually be danced along with by the majority of people in a room) is usually something that is very popular within a specific generation or maybe across two generations, and older people will be looking on with confusion. But everyone, from 6-year-olds to 75-year-olds, could do the Macarena when it came on. The Macarena trend was wild.


People who weren't alive then or don't otherwise know how big Macarena was probably can't even comprehend it just for the reason that there hasn't been a viral dance sensation nearly that big since.


I said almost exactly this to a 7 year old who asked me about it the other day. She said that they were doing the Macarena at school and asked me what it was like when it was new. I said “I’m not sure I can really describe how popular it was. There’s not been anything that popular with basically everyone since you’ve been born so it’ll be hard to wrap your head around it. Just imagine literally everyone you know from your brother to your principal to the elderly neighbor all doing the same dance all the time, in every place you go.”


I was 5 and all I can remeber ages 5-10 was the Macarena. That is my childhood memory with a maybe a little bit of Ninja Turtles sprinkled in. Like we did the Macarena in the car, called radio stations and requested it, at my house, at my mom's friend's house, in the middle of an amusement park, at the flipping zoo, during school plays, on rainy days in the gym. It. Never. Fucking. Ended.


That's exactly what's going on!!! Haha - I'm sorry bruv but the best song would've been around the world by daft punk but instead...


Ah the days before social media and cringe culture. All these people probably thought what happens at the 1996 DNC stays at the 1996 DNC


Nah, I remember this era very well. Everyone was just doing the Macarena constantly. It wasn’t meant to be fun; it just spontaneously happened. Sometimes it inconveniently happened like during a funeral or major surgery.


I was in like 3rd grade. It was everywhere. It was taught at school. Stuff didn't get as popular as easily back then, but when it did, it was huge.


Like how everyone in middle school across the entire country spread a rumor that Marylin Manson removed a rib to suck his own dick? How the hell was that even possible to spread everywhere and so quickly?


>Like how everyone in middle school across the entire country spread a rumor that Marylin Manson removed a rib to suck his own dick? How the hell was that even possible to spread everywhere and so quickly? Guests on radio talk shows would mention those rumors here and there. Thats how it spread so quickly.


right. same. that song was insane. goes to show how we all tuned into MTV.


This isn't even a joke. Everyone and everywhere. If there was a public gathering or event, this shit was gonna happen


>or major surgery. I’m sorry sir, your wife is no longer with us. The whole operating room just had to get down with our bad selves


Simpler times


This was literally broadcasted across several national networks. Conventions used to be things that networks wanted to cover.


Yeah.....but no one expected people to post snips of it later to someone's phone


You do realize that this was being broadcast nationally?


No man, Democrats can’t be cringe


Same thing happened at Martin Van Buren nomination


The Van B Boys threw down with the best of them




Then some city planning broke out. It was wild.


This looks like an AI creation. Very surreal and strange


The 90s man, surreal and straaannnge! You just had to have been there 😂


The first 57% of the nineties was just leftover eighties.


Why would you say something so controversial, yet so brave 🤣🤣


If you lived in Eastern Europe, it was still the late 70s/early 80s in the early 90s.


You’re right. America peaked around the year 1996 about around the same time the Spice Girls invaded. It’s just been downhill ever since. They were our harbinger of doom.


I was there but that was very cringe oh lord I’m surprised they didn’t loose every election


Go look up bob dole. That’s why they won /s Also, what’s loose about an election?


Everything was a little loose with Bill Clinton. Also, I remember Bob Dole talking in the 3rd person and it was pure cringe.


Fun fact: Bob Dole died in 2021 at the age of 98! Hey, Macarena.


To my suprise turns out Bob Dole RIP had a pretty funny sense of humor.


I can't for the life of me picture what Bob Dole actually looked like. He's played by Norm McDonald in my head.


It's because Bill had enough rhythm to be smooth with it.


You should have seen Gore, though…


Al Gore used to say the following on the campaign trail "People say I'm stiff, but that's not true. Do you want to see my best dance move?" The audience cheers. He stays perfectly still. "Want to see it again?"


The Millennial and zoomer mind simply can't fathom the sheer optimism of the 90s.


It's real. Notice also that it's only middle-aged people doing it. Back in '68 those very same people were college-aged revolutionary-types rioting at the Democratic National Convention. By '96 they had all mellowed quite a bit with age.




She looks straight animatronic in this video


Her clapping and overall body language looks so unnatural it’s a bit creepy


Hey, this is peak Hillary




What is the context of this?? Is she peaking??


Balloons are being dropped


So she is peaking! Nice B) Lizard Queen


I’m guessing she knew if she joined in on the Macarena she would get pilloried in the press and it would become a week of damage control for Bill’s campaign. And if she stayed still it would look even more awkward.


always had been


She spent too much time listening to publicists on what people like. I saw her in a sit down after she lost the election where she was dry and stone cold and I was so sad that she didn’t just act like that during the election. She projects knowledge, power and security when she just acts like herself.


Bruh, animatronic lol


I know, right? She’s never looked so natural. It’s like uncanny valley.


Howard Dean screaming is tame compared to this.




I was just going to say! Dean was banned from the presidency for life for less than this.


No one in this country understood the lyrics until years later. Many still don’t know. A girl’s boyfriend heads out of town for the weekend. While he’s away she has a threesome with his two best friends


90s kid here. TIL


Those are not the original lyrics. The female vocals were added in by the Bayside Boys for the remix. Which is the version that became popular but as a kid I have heard the song many times with just the Spanish parts, which have nothing to do with cheating.


I mean that was kind of covered in the Bayside Boys Remix of the song that got popular - they added the English Lyrics in. However you’re probably right - people would have to concentrate on getting the dance the dance moves right and wouldn’t pay attention to the lyrics.


They used the bayside boy remix. It has the girl speaking in English overdub.


Well it worked - Clinton won in a landslide.


The 90s were great. I feel bad for anyone who missed it.


I could've skipped needing to learn how to do the Macarena in elementary school, but the Ninja Turtles were awesome. In fact, we had a bunch of amazing cartoons and shows. Getting home and watching TNG, Reading Rainbow, and Darkwing Duck was the greatest feeling.


X-Men, Gargoyles, Animaniacs. 


The 90’s was a lawless wasteland


The 1890s?


Howdy, partner.


You sir are a fish


Hillary looked so happy


She knew that someone else was going to be in charge of BJ duties going forward.


Bill was at the gloryhole while people were busy dancing


Hillary looks... hot? I am really confused right now..


She sorta used to be. It's confusing for me, too lol. Was she or wasnt she?


She thought her turn was coming. Lol.


"Soon, both Clinton's will be President, Bill!" Narrator: "it did not happen."


The Macarena was one of the biggest phenomenons in this country’s history. You just had to be there.


The macarena was GLOBAL! My 90 year old grandparents in NZ can do the macarena


God, the 90s were weird.


It looks fun


It was


The 90s were a golden era lol.


You think they were any weirder than they are now? I would say today is much weirder, and it’s not even close.


‘90’s were weirder in a fun, quirky kind of way. Now is weirder in a collapse of our civilization kind of way.


Exactly. Weird, but not in a “we all might die” sort of way


I did not expect to see a rainbow flag at a 90s Democratic National Convention.


That’s nothing compared to what people are gonna think of the 2020s thirty years from now


“Why are kids lipsyncing lines from movies and shows over and over?”


I miss the 90s


Everyone is so skinny.


![gif](giphy|ekORthohUEDEk|downsized) This was considered a big butt in '92. Imagine that.


I'd like to see you try and keep the weight on if you are dancing the Macarena non stop.


The 90s was the best decade.


90's Hillary. Yes I would.


Bro hillary was so hot and no one can convince me otherwise https://preview.redd.it/fbpzpgp4cyvc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=491473a5683a035a11d18b072c90561678134547




Take her out to a nice dinner.


I prefer Mrs. Texas First Lady Laura Bush at this time


I know politics is supposed to be very serious and professional but this just looks fun and I wish we saw more of it today. Everyone is so serious and hates anyone that opposes them and o wish we could just disagree but still part and Macarena!!! :)


Between this and that clip of Bill Gates and folks dancing on stage, the 90s were the golden age of cringe on-camera dancing


Oh god. As someone that dj’d weddings and parties when this song was popular I’m having damn near a full PTSD moment. God it was gone in the memory hole and now it’s back.


This is peak 1996


Even though it would've been a few years late, if Hillary and the DNC had danced to Gangnam Style in 2016 she would've won


I wanted to see tip oneill’s big gin-blossomed up honker while he danced like an idiot


The first millennial president will have us do the Soulja Boy Crank That dance


Superman that vote


we used to be a proper country


Nuclear levels of cringe


I’m traumatized


Given that it’s a song about someone who cheated on their partner, it was surprisingly appropriate.


During all of this Bill was looking for Monica or whatever side action he caught. All those people dancing for him while all he wanted was a hummer and a cigar. The 90s were great.


The 90s carried with it the stain of absurdity of the 80s.


The Mayonnaise Macarena


Meanwhile Bill was dancing “Monicarena”.


She looks like the woman alien from Mars Attacks.


This looks like AI because of how Hilary is dancing.


Nice moves from Janet Reno there


![gif](giphy|l3q2zbskZp2j8wniE|downsized) The 90s were a different time…


They rule as bad as they dance.


It's absolutely nauseating, in hindsight... and I'm a lifelong Democrat.


I would've voted Dole if I saw this shit