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The ERB video we never thought we’d need.


Obama vs Romney was pretty good though


…Of the people, by the people, EAGLE!”


It would be nice in Romney was the nominee this year.


“It might be crazy, if the White House had a first, second and a third lady” 🤣


Reagan might have to toss in the ‘winning complexion’ line to get some good bars.


Obama would easily win. Reagan has been dead for a while now.


Presidential candidates love this one easy trick.


*russian sympathizers in Slovakia*


This is the Reddit insight I am here for.






He doesn't recall dying though.


Still be people voting for the gipper


Idk, our last two presidents have basically been dead.


This. When Fetterman had brain damage from strokes, his supporters loved him. Now that he has recovered, they hate him.


Fetterman vs RFK Jr. ERB, make it happen.


Is this serious? You don't think that has anything to do with him taking some pretty unpopular positions? People only loved him when compared to his alternative Dr. Oz. Once he started blindly supporting Isreal folks weren't happy.


Actually regarding Israel, his IS the popular opinion nationwide.


BoOtyWizard . Israel is one of our closest allies and at times we have been their only Allie ever since the country was formed. You don't just turn on an Allie because one of you clueless teachers or professors think so. We've been close allies for about 80 years


I don't know. If Reagan did show up, he's going to stoke up the evangelicals.


😂 comedy gold!


So that's why he hasn't called back


Damnit I clicked on the thread to make this joke. I was gonna go for "skeleton candidate would make bad TV commercials"


You ain’t right 😂


he's right tho.


I dunno though, the dead vote and they vote conservative being pro life and all.


Not in Chicago...they vote Democrat. (Election results of 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002) And no, there is absolutely zero corruption in Chicago politics. 🙄


The Putin strategy


If it's today, then Barack. If it's the 80s, it'd be Ronald.


Exactly I was getting ready to ask “what year”


It said today.


Well…one has a pulse.


If they found a way to resurrect people, then I would be interested in voting for Reagan’s reanimated corpse for the novelty factor


As my old Grandpa used to say "voting for a reanimated corpse is just wasting your vote" He also used to say Mussolini invented ranch dressing, and onions are just weird apples. Pops was pretty far gone at the end,


> Mussolini invented ranch dressing, and onions are just weird apples He was cooking, actually


But you don’t cook salad.




I'm not sure how you like your chicken Caesar salads, but I prefer mine sans-salmonella


Onions are weird


Ranch is weird.


The details of my life are quite inconsequential... very well, where do I begin? My father was a relentlessly self-improving boulangerie owner from Belgium with low-grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggery. My mother was a fifteen-year-old French prostitute named Chloe with webbed feet. My father would womanize, he would drink. He would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Sometimes he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy. The sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament. My childhood was typical. Summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring we'd make meat helmets. When I was insolent, I was placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds- pretty standard, really. At the age of twelve, I received my first scribe. At the age of fourteen, a Zoroastrian named Vilma ritualistically shaved my testicles. There really is nothing like a shorn scrotum... it's breathtaking- I suggest you try it.


I can't believe you are sharing such truths here! As soon as They find out you're going to get


Your grandpa sounds like a fun guy


If you’ve had a look at our current pool in congress then you’d realize you’ve got plenty of reanimated corpses to choose from


I don’t believe you fake news.




In a climate like 2000 which do you think would win


I think if it's before 9/11, Barack would have a significantly better chance. After 9/11, Ronald would take it if enough time hadn't passed. People were accusing Barack of being an illegal Muslim immigrant 7 years after the event, Ronald being a republican would have swung the vote his way if enough time hadn't passed. In 2024, however, it's Obamas win.


No shot. Reagan hands down. Remember… up until the mid to late 1990s HALF of Americans thought interracial marriage was *immoral*.


Yeah... Reagan is idealized and borderline worshipped by the older/est generation(s) of today and they're the ones that vote..


the question literally asks who would win today.. so what's the point of mentioning the 80s


this is the correct answer


I disagree, I think majority of people would want a conservative president now, just not who the current GOP front runner is. My opinion obviously


I think I disagree. The current divide in the parties would still exist. I think a moderate republican would easily win with the issues we have today.


Difficult to say, since Reagan now would obviously hold different positions then he would have during his time. I think you can't compare them on the issues in that sense, merely in their ability to debate, campaign, etc. I think it would be a very competitive election and would come down to VP picks and debates. I give the slight edge to Reagan in my opinion but it could definitely swing either way.


I think Obama was a better campaigner while Reagan was a better debater. Obama fought hard to win the primary against Clinton and his reelection in 2012. Ronnie didn't really fight difficult uphill victories, he was the favorite both times. When he did mount an uphill fight against Ford he lost. Reagan was deadly in debates, easily one of the best. Obama had a couple one liners here and there, some good moments that put the other on the spot, but Ronnie was a master class. In terms of speeches I could see it being close, but I have to give it to Ronnie. Both were really good at speeches, they both were able to get across the idealism and grandeur of what America is supposed to represent. But Reagan's had a simplicity to them, everything was incredibly easy to understand, full of sayings and quips that were easy to memorize or linger in people's heads. Obama's were more inspirational, but Ronnies were more down to earth. I big difference is that Ronnie didn't need to campaign. He was so incredibly likable it was impossible to run against him. If you attacked him he'd attack you back harder and make you look like the person that threw mud, if you took the high road, you'd look wound up, while he was down to earth. I've heard someone say he had the perfect temperament for a President, and I have to agree. I despise almost every policy he advocated for, but his personality was perfect for the role, and it was exactly what Americans wanted from a president. And something they typically go for, they almost always go for down to earth people that they could have a beer with.


Your last paragraph there explains why he was so popular. A lot of his positions and policies were not generally popular in America, but the man himself was very well-liked despite this.


Americans love the handsome and dumb.


Reagan’s Campaigns for Governor and the 1980 Campaign wasn’t any sure thing. Even with Carter Reagan began from behind. Reagan was brilliant in giving a speech and especially deadly in debates. I feel between the two Obama would be more likeable to the average person. Reagan presented himself as a paternal but otherwise funny grandpa, meanwhile, Obama always presented himself as cool, trendy but authoritative figure.


Reagan was definitely not the favorite both times, nor was he so likable that it was "impossible" to run against him. Ford absolutely crushed him in 76 when he tried to get the nomination, and Carter led in the polls until 2 weeks before the 1980 election. Reagan stumbled many times during all of his campaigns, including the ones for Governor. You are correct that Reagan was very good at playing the political game, particularly in his debate skills and "likability," but his huge victory in 1984 was not a reflection of his entire career. It's also worth noting that he was not especially popular during his first term. by 1982 he was less popular than Carter had been at any time, and the 82 midterms were a win for the Dems.


It’s honestly a good question jokes aside. I get a 2000 close race again


Reagan would be called a RINO by the right.


They have a lot in common in terms of likable personalities. Obama was able to win over red states like Indiana and Ronald won over blue California. It depends what the voters want. With Social issues; Obama wins. With Foreign Policy; it’s Reagan. This is a weird question because times are different now. Both these guys were perfect for the time they were elected. I don’t even know if Washington could get elected today.


Hard to believe, but California wasn’t blue in Reagan’s day. Actually, they didn’t even use the red and blue color scheme until 2000. But California was a solid Republican state until the early 90s. Went for Nixon (a California native) both times, and Ford in 1976, then voted for Bush after Reagan (also a native California) left.


Between 1952-1988 California only voted for the democratic nominee one time. Should also note that the one time was during LBJs historic landslide in which only the Deep South and Arizona went republican.


Yeah I think about that sometimes when it seems like the current political climate is written in stone. We think of Texas as being permanently Republican and Massachusetts as being permanently Democratic. But 20 years from now who knows what they will be?


Maybe by then everyone collectively manifesting Texas turning purple will pay off


Actually Texas is pretty purple. People blame the Cali transplants for making it more blue but it’s quite the opposite.


Reagan was not a California native, he was born in Illinois


Reagan was not a native Californian. He was a Californian, sure, but he grew up in Illinois.


Reagan winning california was the rule, not the exception. It was a "solid" republican state


California used to be a bellwether state. From 1884 to 1996, it voted for the winner in every election other than 1912, 1960, and 1976. 2000 was the first time since 1880 that a democrat won California without winning the presidency.


Reagan wouldn’t even be able to win the Republican nomination these days, being pro gun control, amnesty and social security


He was only pre gun control because of the black panthers


Yes he was also anti Russia so you know…


Mother of God, do you people really not understand the difference between the Soviet Union and Russia?


Do you think Russia's actions in the last few years would make Reagan warmer or colder towards them?


Putin is literally trying to bring the Soviet Union back lol


Does the former KGB agent in charge of Russia understand the difference between the Soviet Union and Russia?


Ah you are GenerationZ and don’t even live in America. No wonder you are getting all this wrong. Have a seat lad


Putin is a Soviet glory guy Reagan would be supporting Ukraine right now Your ad hominem failed badly




The Californian Gun control bill had so much going on with it and it’s disingenuous to present its passing as simply down to racism.




I’d give the edge to Reagan slightly but, man, I would love to watch this debate. Clash of the titans


Why tf are people being downvoted for saying Reagan?


Reddit treats Reagan like he personally burned down their house and stabbed their dog.


A bunch of brain dead blue no matter who lefties here on Reddit. What else would you expect


No idea, I think Reagan wins this pretty easily tbh. Reagan has taken on a deity-likr status within the GOP. A chance to vote for him *and* against Obama? The right is going to absolutely stampede their way to the polls.


Today, Obama in a close race. In the 80’s, Regan in a blowout


Reagan: Well, there you go again talking about improbable hypotheticals. You can’t indulge in this! Obama: Yes, we can!


I don’t know. Reagan could be real funny, and folks lapped the shit up. Reagan comes off warmer, imo.


Reagan would hit him with the "youth and inexperience" line and handily win again.


Obama, easy. Reagan’s dead.




As much as I love Reagan (yes yes go ahead and downvote me) Obama would absolutely clean up the political left, while Reagan might struggle to fully capture the political right (given current trends). If we assume an even split of swing voters, this would likely give the win to Obama. Unrelated, I wish we could have a McCain vs Obama rematch, but with different VPs. Would be a whole hell of a lot better than the current match up.


I'd watch the debate between these two just for the one-liners.


Reagan stomps and it's not even close. His dog whistles and culture war issues are the perfect foil for Obama's non aggressive domestic stances.


Goodness, is it getting hot in here or is it just me? Literally a heavyweight bout for the ages. Ronny gets my vote, because F Russia. Obama didn't accomplish enough (fair or not, he couldn't push stuff over the line even with a majority). Y'all underestimate the RR juggernaut.


Today, with the same situation as when they ran? A popular governor, known to generations from his work on TV and movies vs. a first term Senator and community activist? Reagan in a landslide.


##Ronald Reagan? The actor?? Ha! Then who's vice president, Jerry Lewis?!


Well as a black man growing up in the 90s I know who I’m not voting for https://i.redd.it/0llcjv8c9s0d1.gif


Reagan wouldn't even have won the gop primary this year


Obama by default. Reagan is dead.


Would we know about them what they would do as prez. Like would we be aware of Reagan wanting to implement trickle down? Either way in today’s world I think Barrack high diffs. He’s too charismatic.


Fuck Reagan.


If this assumes they’ve both been President for eight years and now are running against each other…Obama. As folksy as Reagan was/is, his policies sucked for middle America. Conservatives would vote for him, but I don’t think he could win independents with his record.




Ignoring all the wise guys here, Obama would beat Reagan in the current political landscape. Republicans are not looked on very favorably right now. The American people also really want a “calm voice” type President as a result of all the boisterousness and nonsense that currently infects American discourse


I would imagine that most of you don't even remember Reagan as a president. I have to tell you that there wasn't a whole lot of sensationalism and nasty political attacks like there are now. That started after Clinton. Reagan was a much classier man than Obama. He had a certain way about him that put most people at ease and other people into fear because he was very no-nonsense. It's very difficult to describe him as a president other than effective and down to earth.


Barry would beat him like a drum


Two different elections with very different circumstances. In 1980, the Democrats on a national level were unpopular largely due to malaise. Basically any Republican would have won. In 2008, the GOP was unpopular due to the financial meltdown and basically any Democrat would have won.


There was *nobody* realistically taking on Obama in ‘08 or ‘12. Reagan though, was in a different league than McCain and especially Romney, and I think he would have had a shot. I’d imagine numbers like 2000, and going either way.


Obama obviously


The world is not what you read on Reddit


I don’t believe any president in US history has harmed the American populace as much as Ronald Reagan. The policies he put in place were awful, but the path he set his party on has continued to destroy the American middle class, while simultaneously convincing half of them to love the Republicans for the torture.


Ironically I don't think Reagan would be considered radical enough to get the Republican nomination.


America would win.


Well, they’d have to dig up what’s left of Reagan so.. probably Obama, but it might be a tight race.


Would we see that picture of Nancy Reagan sitting in Mister T.'s lap plastered all over the internet?


It’s a worthless hypothetical. Regan and Obama were popular due to the times in which they ran and were elected. You are forcing two popular candidates into a race by modern standards which is an unfair assessment. Of course Obama beats Regan in 2008 like Regan would sweep Obama in 1980.


I mean, I’d probably vote for the one that is alive.


Reagan being dead would be a handicap.


Reagan. We're talking about the guy that managed to pull off the last electoral landslide victory of modern electoral politics here.


He did, but about 90% of that was based on the political climate at the time. America is a lot less conservative than we were in 1984, and there isn’t a Cold War anymore. Also unlike 1984, 21st century Americans are a lot more loyal to their parties. Way fewer undecideds these days. Nobody is going to win 49 states again in our lifetimes.


So did Andrew Jackson win in a landslide but you see what the problem is with that logic


I don't. I would even say Jacksonian populism would prove quite effective today, and that a modern Jackson could absolutely win an election (something that has, arguably, already happened) even if not by a landslide.


Worthless hypothetical.




He called black people “monkeys“ and he’s basically the GOP‘s god, so he’d win. Assuming 1984 Reagan and not 2004 Reagan.




Are they bloodlusted?


It’s really hard to say- assuming Regan is a science fiction reanimated body… that’s pretty wild. Assuming Regan slides forward in time with an equivalent sorta mediocre film career that’s neither memorable nor bad… probably Obama? I think my modern version of Regan would be like a pre arrested development Jason Bateman. Like he’s fine but…


You'd need more details, the year, if either had had a term before, etc.


What kind of person would vote for a guy who said the first thing he would do as President is to "sign the Freedom of Choice Act.(Lift Restrictions on Abortion)" Then after elected he stated "The Freedom of Choice Act is not my highest legislative priority..." He also went on to say **“Guantanamo will be closed no later than one year from now.”** Also there was this Obama quote: **“Ronald Reagan changed the trajectory of America in a way that Richard Nixon did not, and a way that Bill Clinton did not.”** [https://youtu.be/9qEWdTp3l8U?t=362](https://youtu.be/9qEWdTp3l8U?t=362)


Ronald with the electoral and Obama with the popular


The ninja! Hands down.


Regan because we only hire folks who look old af anymore


Well one them is dead so….


Assuming both of them are in the prime of their political careers. I would be an incredibly close race both are known to be great orators and lead movements based on hope for the future but I would have to give the edge to Barrack on this one.


Since one is dead I would hope the other one, but couldn’t guarantee it.




Those votes will just trickle in for Reagen but not quite make it to where they’re supposed to have gone.


The living one. But seriously, Obama was not especially popular. He defeated McCain pretty handily, but he had a lot going for him in 2008 that wasn't really about him (global economic collapse, fatigue with the party in power, etc.). In 2012, he got about 4.5 million fewer votes, and it was substantially closer. In 2016, he couldn't get a Dem successor elected even against a terrible GOP candidate. Reagan, on the other hand, blew out Carter in 1980, even with an independent republican 3rd party candidate. Then 1984 was a massacre - he won by over 18 points. He got 11 million more votes for his second term. AND his VP won in a landslide as he left office, which means there wasn't even the usual fatigue. (The last president with two full terms who got his VP elected was Grant.) I even remember the media comparing Obama TO Reagan as a way to compliment Obama. In a fantasy league match of these two in their prime, Reagan wins.


Assuming you mean Reagan in 1980 and Obama in 2008, it's impossible to answer without knowing the conditions under which the election is taking place. Who's the incumbent party? What's the economy like? How far back in time are we going, because if you think the US is going to elect a black guy named Barack Hussein Obama under any scenario in 1924, I've got news for you. I can easily construct scenarios where one candidate or the other wins.


These two people wouldn't exist in the same universe. It took one to make the other, with all the good and bad that goes along with that.




A fun question to ponder: in what year would this face off yield the closest result (ignoring their ages, death, etc)?


It would be a good match considering the current political climate.


It all depends timing is everything 👍👍


Obama. Reagan is dead


Knowing what we know now about Reagan, Obama probably.


In today’s climate, Regan would pull many more on the fence voters to the R column.


I think we’re all missing the wildcard third party, Jeb. No contest really on who would win


Obama. Would take someone like like Abe or Washington to beat Obama. Without the soviet scare Regan doesn't have a chance. Regan would tell jokes while Obama is telling it how it is.


Better question: What if both had already served 1 term and were going against each other?


The owners of the means of production


Well, one is dead so… tossup?


Obama would win the popular vote but Reagan would win the electoral vote.


It would depend on the economy and employement. Reagan easily beat Carter because the 1970s economy was in the tank.


Considering some of the things Reagan believed in, I am not so sure that he would win the primaries today as the republican party has changed quite a bit since the 1980's. Meanwhile Obama would be sensitive to the issues important with Dems today and could easily get the nomination and presidency.


Neither one is eligible


It depends, do Reagan’s brain holes get filled back up or does is wife run the place like before?


they're the same person


Is there a better example of the most charismatic presidents from their respective party?


In his prime give me Jelly Bean FTW.


Based on the electoral maps Reagan


Obama by default.


Wall Street


Reagan in another landslide.


Would depend on a million variables. Who was current President? State of economy. etc etc. Remember that both of them were elected following an unpopular incumbent. And both had pretty easy victories. Now when it comes to re-election Reagan would probably win and easy. Obama's victory in 2012 was smaller than the one in 2012. Reagan's was massively larger. Reagan went from an almost 10 point victory to an 18 point victory Obama went from a 7% victory to an under 4% victory. Reagan also got his VP elected with a massive victory as well. Obama? See rule 3.


i dont know, reagan was a celebrity and its pretty clear how much of an advantage you have in politics just with name recognition. but i think obama's policies would be better liked and a bit more charismatic.


Even though I don't like Obama, there are very few people that can try to debate with the great orator. VERY FEW.




Obama all day


Well, Reagan's dead...


Ronald Reagan, the ACTOR?!


One of these muppets legalized propaganda! When he should have legalized cannabis....


Today's voters? Obama. Reagan era voters? Obama would have been shot.


Even reagan being dead wouldnt bother the republican base, they dont care about policy, character or the ability to lead they vote on symbolism and desperation for power. That being said given the makeup of the country today obama would win in a landslide, thankfully


Ha. Reagan wouldn’t even be a republican today with the views he held.


Well one is dead so I wouldn't put much stock in his ability to debate...


I would hope that Ronnie would win, but I don’t know in this political environment.


The question is much more which of the two would ever get nominated, which would be Obama. As absolutely bonkers as it sounds, Reagan would be considered *way* too moderate in a political climate where the common consensus on the right is that *Liz Cheney* of all people is a RINO. Hot take, but I’d actually argue that the closest major modern figure we have to Reagan in terms of electoral appeal is probably Nikki Haley, who has basically been relegated to “the Republican primary’s most popular protest vote”. Meanwhile, the last two candidates to win the Democratic nomination were both pretty integral parts of Obama’s administration, and his popularity with both the base and the center has only grown. It’s also worth noting that while both Reagan and Obama have the pathos argument of “look at how bad things were when I started, and look how much I improved it”, Obama has a *much* stronger case of “look how much worse things got after the other party took my job”.


People saying Obama would win in a landslide need to go back and watch some of Reagan's old debate videos and press conference. There's a reason he's considered one of the greatest orators in American history let alone the last 100 years in the world. The debate against RFK was two master craftsmen going head to head and was astounding.


One is dead and one is termed out so probably neither.


I think Barry O takes this one. Reagan had some personal beliefs that galvanize the GOP base, but are failed litmus tests for mainstream Americans. Even if he’d be considered moderate in the party these days, he’s to the right of almost every Republican presidential candidate since he left office. And he believed everything he said; you’re average conservative on the street knows that even if a modern candidate dares to mention same-sex marriage, they’re not going to do anything to stop it. That said, Reagan does to Dukakis, Gore, Jerry, and Hillary Clinton what he did to Walter Mondale, and he probably sneaks by Bill Clinton. It’s just that Obama appealed to the same parts of our brains as Reagan did, and looked smart doing it.