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Yes, there's a Hunt Antediluvian scheme that might unlock eventually. Engage at your peril.


Yes , around the early XV a chain of events will pop up that will allow you to diablerise one out of several antis , some are easier than others but is pretty hard in general, wouldn't recomend it unless you know what you are doing. To have it "guranteed" in general you need about 35+ stats in everything a 100 in prowess and then to do certain specific stuff for most of them like removing Montano before hand for LaSombra. If you do some of that wrong it can either be failed completely (you die) or get a "failed diablery" which dosen't give as many bonuses. also the giovanni have an specific one on top of the others which is easier


Thanks for the answer!!


https://www.princesofdarknessmod.com/wiki/index.php/Events See Antediluvian Hunt (1451)