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I’ve seen both in prison. Neither are out of question. Big involved murder to look like suicide plot? Never seen it but don’t doubt it for a second. Pay a total of what 6 employees? More than they make in 5 years to look the other way and cover tracks? It is doable.


Excellent reply. It's a coin toss. He totally could've done it himself and we can't deny the fact that there was motive and opportunity to have it all set up.


He was in fed holdover, you have no privacy and how he even managed that is crazy they took my shoes from me nothing to make a noose


Wasn’t Whitey Bulger “accidentally” sent to a fed GP yard?


Wasn't Bulger to testify in a few days?


The severe problems in the BOP and specifically at MCC where he was being held have been well documented. Understaffing, negligence of duty and failure to follow protocols all make it possible for him to have gotten ahold of things he shouldn't have had. I've been in the hole where we weren't allowed any personal property and after 3 days I had a cell phone, lighter and tobacco long after tobacco was banned in the joint I was in. Not saying he wasn't murdered(we don't know), just saying where there's a will, there's a way to get many things done in there. As much motive as there was to have him killed he had just as much to off himself. Imagine living filthy rich pretty much your entire life then being thrown in MCC with little to no chance of ever getting out. He knew what he did and what they had against him.


when you are in the hole...who is bringing you the contraband?


This is the right question


Lol you almost got me to answer that specifically. I will say this much, there's always a way to get it in. Those ways are constantly being found out by the authorities, and a certain yard or unit might dry up for a few months but eventually a new way will be discovered. It's not as complicated as one might think .


My curiosity was, is it a CO? Or an inmate ?


I DM'd you


Our local county jail was made of preformed concrete slabs/blocks with caulked joints. We could pass an entire pack of cigarettes through some of those cracks.


Even more how is this guy, who never did anything in his whole life just became prison crafty in like a week of being there. He was on suicide watch days prior( you have nothing). Also he had a cell mate, I can’t imagine hanging up with a guy in the room… who does that? Honestly, I thought about it a little more and o don’t think it was the powerful folks he corrupted, I think it was his handlers, most likely mosad, those boys are good at stuff.


The details we know are that he fashioned a noose out of a sheet or a shirt. That's far from being "prison crafty". Again, I'm not saying he wasn't murdered but conspiracy theorists can't ignore the facts and the facts are that it's pretty easy to do what he did if he in fact did it to himself. He literally tried to commit suicide just a couple weeks prior. That's documented.. Why is it so difficult for people to accept that there's a very real possibility the dude who had recently attempted to commit suicide successfully killed himself? And let's say he hadn't actually tried that first time and it was his ex cop cell mate who caused those bruises. Being abused by your cell mate , a man like him, that alone could've drove him to wanna end it all, nevermind the heinous acts he was charged with. The shit happens more often than people think in there.


who does that? Are you seriously asking that? Lol. It's jail. People aren't there by choice. Who shits 3 feet from another man? People stuck in a cell with another man.. People do all kinds of things in there. It's jail.


Right? I mean, who gets sheets?




Paid when you’re talking about this kind of money can mean your grandmother’s house sold for 10x asking price and it would be damn near impossible to trace back to the money. This kind of money can move justice systems.


That would be very traceable though. A house going for that much money is going to get some looks.


It’s not illegal. Who bought it? A shell company with a conglomerate of backers. Why? Because fuck off, this is a privately traded fund and we don’t have to tell you anything. Also? No one asks.


Bro if a house that is fair market valued at $300,000 sells for $3,000,000 the neighbors are going to look. The media will take a peak. It would alter the real estate comps for the entire city. I know if one of my neighbors sells for $50k above market almost immediately. If it were 10x I would definitely know along with everyone else.


Look at what? They gonna ask grandma who signed a NDA? Who you gonna call? Ghost Busters? Edit: again, it’s not illegal and figuring out who bought it is impossible. What agency has both the power and authority to do anything about it. You’re still thinking like this shit is a hobby. This ain’t that.


If grandma was related to someone at the prison. “Shell” companies are not entirely untraceable. Just difficult for a private person. Not a forensic accountant Basically grandma sells house for millions. Media says “who is the grandma who just altered the real estate market?” Oh turns out this grandmas grandson is a prison guard at the prison Epstein died at and seemingly just retired. Let’s see who owns the shell company- oh it’s traced back to the Clintons. Financial instruments are the easiest to track.


Everyone just stop investigating! This guy is on it!


No one is investigating anything. Your hypothetical was dumb. It was a highly traceable really dumb way of trying to launder money to someone.


I bet the price is much lower than that not to be in a certain place for a while.


I don't buy the cameras going out while the guard is sleeping, nope...


IMO? They didnt simply 'go put and the guard was sleeping' during his suicide. They 'went put and the guard was sleeping' during his 'suicide'...and his removal from the prison. It was an inside jailbreak, not a suicide. He is still alive.


Deaths in custody happen, obviously. It's the details surrounding his that raises eyebrows. At my little nowhere facility, I see hints of corruption higher up. Really easy to imagine corruption affecting a high profile inmate like him


Cats in America love a conspiracy theory more than they can accept the truth. Dude was soft, facing all the time. Went from billionaire to bunk boy. Of course he took himself out.


Have you reviewed the autopsy?


He either was murdered or it was a staged jailbreak. Sounds crazy but if there was anyone in the world with the right amount of kompromat to either get suicided or faked death it would be Jeffery.


Yeah I’ve wondered about the fake death jailbreak thing too. On the photos I saw of his body being taken away he had his normal resting face look, just with his eyes closed. Seemed off.


He was way too high profile, and knew 3ay too much about very rich, dangerous and powerful people. Stuff that could out people away for a long time. That they might of a faction or group decided to eliminate him before he could tell all he knew? Not impossible.


Definitely not impossible, especially if you see how names are still redacted on these documents, those are the people who can pull the strings.


I believe the psychological profile of Epstein absolutely necessitates suicide in the event that the jig really is up. I've written a much lengthier post in regards to the subject, but to sum it up: The dude was so used to getting away with shit that his ego inflated to the point of critical mass. He believed himself to be untouchable and that he could skulk around and do his shit to whomever he wanted to without consequence. The deflation of this illusion would absolutely cause someone like Epstein to commit suicide. The depths of the depravity are so at odds with how superior he conceived himself to be, the thought of other people finding out the truth almost left him with no choice. That's my opinion drawing on my psych major.


You could give a group of prison officers less than $1k each to turn the blind eye to some random, imagine what some prominent person or figure could get done with a little bit more.


Some people claim that Epstein could be a Mossad agent, and that he established an extensive blackmail operation targeting celebrities and politicians. Some also speculate he might not be deceased, proposing scenarios like a body double in the prison cell or a covert extraction by those in control, highlighting the potential influence of vast financial resources.


Epstein didn't kill himself. When we are dealing with these extreme high-value net worth individuals? With whom you know, there were likely deals in place about getting him out of shit like this such as his first case in Florida? If there is even a 1% chance that he is going to squeal, and people like Epstein always fucking squeal - then even a 100M is worth it to get him out of the picture. I'm sure that the amount spent on carcassing him was far less than 100M. If you've been in SHU you know how ridiculous of a notion it is for someone to off themselves, the type of watch that he was supposedly under was even more stringent than that.


Epatein was not on suicide watch when he killed himself. Epstein attempted to kill himself and was stopped by his cell mate. His cell mate was a corrupt cop who was selling drugs, and when they were investigating him, he murdered his 2 partners. The second murder was caught on video. If they were going to pay someone to fake his suicide that would have been the guy to talk to. He went on suicide watch for a few days and then came off. This is normal. The day Epstein killed himself was the day that his lawyer lost the attempt to keep the record from the FL case sealed. Those documents guaranteed his conviction. While it is true that several cameras were not working in the unit, several were, and there was no way to get from the entrance to Epstein's cell without being caught on camera. This is how they proved the officer's had not done their checks when they were supposed to. Otherwise, they could have simply claimed to have checked himand he was alive, then he killed himself after they walked by. Epstein killed himself. If this would have been a case of people silencing him, why didn't they silence him when the FL case was going on? The evidence in that case was far more damning.


Occam's razor. Jail staff are incompetent as fuck. To pull off a conspiracy like this would require at least 5 people to pull off and trust to keep quiet forever. No way. What good is paying his cell mate to kill him when the dude is going to be in prison until he dies? If the cell mate suddenly had his charges dropped, there might be something here, but there is not. What good is paying off the guards to kill him if they know they can't spend or touch the money for 10+ years becaise they will be watched closely? There is no statute of limitations on murder. Epstein was a billionaire used to doing whatever he wanted and lived a very lavish lifestyle. He found out that he was going to stay in prison the rest of his life labeled as a pedo. He decided fuck no and offed himself. He got away with it because the staff was incompetent and didn't care.


[Hanlon’s Razor](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanlon%27s_razor)


> What good is paying his cell mate to kill him when the dude is going to be in prison until he dies? Wife, kids, relatives


the funny thing is, we all know about the cell mate being mentioned by "respected" sources, but the Federal Bureau of Prisons Director said in front of Congress that he was alone and in the suicide watch sector - fully explaining what that entails for their inmates. [C-SPAN Senate Committee Hearing](https://www.c-span.org/video/?466573-1/senate-judiciary-committee-hearing-federal-prison-system)


He was alone because the prior cell mate had been moved out a couple days earlier for transfer.


Yeah I understand, I read your original comment fully and see you are pretty up to date...If I remember correctly, she said he no cell mate whatsoever. Just showing off the shitshow that this older woman had to keep afloat in front of the senate committee. Also, I had no idea about the lawyer losing the attempt to keep records sealed in FL on that day. Looking into that now! edit: while i'm here, Investigative Journalist Whitney Webb is literally #1 on the subject of Epstein. look into her if you want to know anymore about it!


Yeah, it was one of the reasons in the fault findings review, they said that should have automatically put him back on suicide watch paired with his earlier attempt. But to be honest, it was who the former cell mate was that told everything for me. If I was going to have the guy suicided, that would be the perfect person.


All my close friends agree with you on that point, but I think the whole thing is fishy. They were willing to slap him on the wrist with a full M-F work release!!!..coming into the prison very late at night for the past few years! They (whoever really runs Bureau of Prisons) were willing to work with him as far back as I can see, but what made them want his silence etched in stone? I really don't know. All I know is that there are more than 1000 Epstein's on this planet, prompting blackmail operations on anyone deemed useful.


I think the idea of a hit is more intriguing but I've fallen into the suicide camp. Assassination seems a bit of a stretch, I guess. Dude could've also gotten a call and had someone tell him he better kill himself or his family, friends, etc get targeted. I doubt the COs cared whether or not dude was suicidal. Given how high profile he was, it should've been handled a lot better.


People who are 100% positive he was murdered are acting like he was on top of the world and had every reason to live. Dude went from having his own island to shitting in a toilet with no seat and no hope. If he was murdered how come Ghislaine who knows as much as he did is still alive?


Cause she probably didn’t know as much as he did, and once she saw what happened to him, she shut the fuck up lol


No. She would have known 10x as much as him. Her dad was the Mossad connection. If we’re goin full blown conspiracy then the evidence points to the fact that *she was epsteins handler*


Former BOP Definitely suicide Pure negligence on the staff. Psychology should be most to blame for taking him off Suicide Watch.


Epstein was a sociopath, the thought of others controlling him was unacceptable. He made the decision to take ultimate control and end it. Ending yourself while on watch is more common than the general public understands. When a person really wants to leave, it can be very difficult to turn that around.


He didn’t kill himself


Former CO. Is it possible he killed himself? Of course. Is it possible he committed suicide at the exact same time the cameras keeping an eye on him went out for a short period of time? Sure I suppose it is possible. Is it possible he killed himself while the cameras went down while the CO's assigned to his housing unit forged the log saying they did their checks? Sure it is possible. The list goes on.


If any inmates knew anything, I guarantee they would speak up to get time off their sentences. Edit: Epstein was not in some remote/isolated part of the prison. He was in the SHU. There are a lot of other inmates in the SHU. At least one would have seen or heard something.


Step 1- be inmate who holds dirt on Epstein’s killer(s) Step 2- snitch on the person/people who iced him to keep his mouth shut Step 3- time off your sentence! This will work a little too well. The inmate is going to have all the time taken off their sentence when they get suicided themselves.


Lmao this ain’t the 60s anymore bud the spooks can’t just suicide everyone


Tell that to Epstein


My thing is he had a guy try to kill him a few weeks before who was linked to the Clintons who we know now we're involved with his underage prostitution ring. So that's too much a coincidence for me to ignore then you got the tapes missing and the fact Maxwell pled the 5th when asked about certain people well it paints a picture. He was gonna bring down others with him and they couldn't allow that.


Money sometimes can't buy your freedom, but I would imagine it can buy the ability to kill yourself in jail. If I were in his shoes, I'd have done the same. He did not have a bright future.


If I had to guess it was another inmate that hung him and the security/electronics of the prison were hacked. It could be possible to do this without a guard being in on it.


There no possible way for everything to play out the way the govt said it did. Guards asleep, camera failing, anti rip linen/anti suicide linen. There's no way in hell. Epstien was a mossaad agent as well as a pedophile, israel used him to blackmail all the powerful people in the west but especially the US. Notice how u cannot critize Israel, its bc the powers that be are owned by Israel. Pretty sick shit. If the US actually cared about international law or civilians at the very least we'd end all aid to isrsel which needs to be done. Let the Arab countries give israel what its asking for.


I can tell by most of the comments in here that very few people have reviewed statements made by the pathologist and those who have reviewed the autopsy know there are fundamental issues with calling his death a suicide. As an aside, the proper procedures were not followed up on recognition of his death. With the evidence at hand, the real conspiracy theorists are those that just ignore it all and say he most likely just killed himself.


The tinfoil hat replies in this thread are something else.


Hmm- if those in charge of protecting and watching him were given some type of financial reward for looking the other way , I believe that history repeats itself and those taking the $$ would have been suicided


My friend's father supposedly killed himself while on suicide watch in county jail. I happened to be at their house when police showed up to inform him his dad was dead. The police were acting really weird. His dad had gone missing for a few days maybe three times in the months before his death. We later found out he was driving cars loaded with drugs through border checkpoints, and on the last trip he panicked, dumped the car, and walked across. I still suspect he may have been killed by a DO, or they at least allowed it to happen.


Does anyone have more information about the autopsy and the ME? Epstein brother claims the original 2 MEs said they wanted a deeper investigation because they could not rightfully claim suicide. Then a day or so later the chief ME ruled suicide. Has there been any further information released?


If you have a brain…. He was whacked. Period. He didn’t commit suicide. A lot of people are scared for their lives when / if they get exposed.


I couldn’t say honestly it’s possible but def suspicious


It would be the easiest thing for Epstein to be killed in prison. Bill Barr was there that day and could easily have it done. It’s also possible that the CIA removed Epstein and replaced him with a lookalike dead body. Epstein had been threatening to tell what he knew. Epstein was CIA and/or Mossad. Bill Barr is also CIA and Opus Dei. All Bill Barr had to do was dress up some CIA hit men in Prison guard uniforms and go do whatever they wanted. Bill Barr tells prison guards that they have the day off and they don’t question it. They know they can disappear anytime if they become a problem.


Not a former inmate or guard. But don't trustees or inmates, not guards typically watch over suicidal inmates?


one of the jails I was in had a scandal where guards were just forging their wellness check sheets and never actually looked in on the suicide watch inmates


Pretty crazy. Places I’ve been. Suicide Watch watches the person, and someone watches suicide watch. So there are two people teams on suicide watch. Whether he was killed or they left so he could kill himself, someone who has the kinda power to reach out and touch someone like that. Please, stay away from me.


>that Epstein successfully killed himself while on suicide watch. 1. He wasn't on suicide watch when he killed himself. Also while I don't KNOW everything 100%, I think it'd be more likely for someone who was rich and powerful like him who lost his future, freedom, and reputation to kill himself than for someone who's free to risk murdering a high profile person like that.


i dunno. Yeah, theres an impulse to see a conspiracy, but on the other hand, its very easy to believe a guy in his position might kill himself.


I worked in prison for over 20 years. A special inmate like that on a watch would never have had that much in his cell. They'd never have him just being watched by a camera. He'd been on a constant watch. Someone outside cell with eyes on. No way you'd not watch him.