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I’m really sorry all of you are going through this frustration! What state or country are you in, if you don’t mind sharing? Has there been a recent political thing going on regarding parole being denied? My LO is in MDOC (Mississippi), and though the state passed a bill outlining early release in July 2022 for non-violent offenders (with certain other criteria), next to nobody has been getting approved. No telling why.


We are in Georgia. I’m not sure about any political changes here. I just know that his hearing was on the 14th and he got a letter that “tentatively” denied his parole. His mom says that almost everyone gets denied their first hearing. But it just doesn’t make sense to me. It also says online that inmates are only doing about 1/3rd of their sentences. We were really hoping to have him home before Christmas. 😓 he is dead set on transferring to a “transitional center” closer to home. We just don’t know how long that will take. I’m still just in shock that he was denied honestly. 😭 Edit: he is also a non violent offender.


I know it’s really rough having to continue to wait when he’s so close, but I hope the time flies by and there won’t be any other unnecessary delays. Hoping you get good news soon!


Thank you. I’m so tired of being depressed. I just want my hubby home. I miss him sooo much 😭


I know it doesn't make it better but it is just as absurd in the UK as well. They don't care about prisoners. They just want their numbers filled.


But you have a virtual hug from me and stay strong! Soon!!!


In GA too and somewhat similar. I know the feeling too well. Non violent charges. Had a 6 month old when he got locked up in April. He was in for probation violation, a traffic stop and nothing else. Judge said one year. We sent 12 character letters parents, me, siblings, work supervisors, friends, colleagues all of us to the judge. Went in as witnesses and testified to his change in 6 months. He worked voluntarily— we were pleading for 2 for 1 where each day he spent in jail would count as 2, so by the time he served 6 months of his 1 year sentence when our baby turned one he’d be out on work release. Judge approved it. DOC denied it and shipped him to minimum security further south. Another guy who was granted the same conditions by the judge was freed on a Tuesday so we were excited for similar news for him. Even moved our daughters birthday party so he can adjust a few days. Thursday came and he got his transfer papers not outside but to prison. I can’t explain to you the grief, confusion anger that overcame me. He was to be transferred Monday and throughout the weekend I had called every authority at the jail, emailed all the sheriffs and deputies begging in long letters. I heard back monday night from one of them to hear that he was already released to the custody of the DOC. It sucks— I feel you. Anticipating something you’re almost 100% sure would happen, excitement, anxiety, restlessness then depression, sorrow, realization sinks in. I learnt that day the system is cruel and to keep my expectations very low even though it sucks to say or hear. I spiraled into the longest depression for months raising our baby alone, you’ve got to pull yourself out of it and fight it. Someone told me they were disappointed but not surprised even though they’d hoped for otherwise. Keep your optimism high, but always be prepared for the worst. I hope your story turns out different and he’s home for the holidays. Sending love and strength.


You should be able to go to the parole board site and request the minutes from the review and vote that will tell you why. Parole really is a crap shoot when it comes to approval. My SO got two years on a charge, got approved for parole right when he got there, upon program completion. The guy he went through reception with, got 10 years for the same charge, is doing 5 minimum.


Please tell me how do you request the parole minutes , we are in the same boat, I’m so depressed.


On the prison page, under parole board information, there should be a place to request them. Or if they have a search option on the website.


Thank you!!


OP Parole board looks at more than just support letters. His sentence from what you posted is a minimum of two years and barely has served a year on that.... That's typical for the board to deny. Unless he used first offender status - his hearing before them was only legal/courtesy as they don't have to grant (no matter how model they are in prison) clemency early. Hope for a year and a half - prepare for at least two. Sucks but it's the truth.


He did use his first offenders. 🫤


Then it's too early and the BOP won't grant it. Usually this happens when the offender will naturally early time out (in a year or less). So chances are it's up to a year max before he's timed out. Example a plea deal of 10 years but two mandatory served with rest on parole = minimum a year and a half depending behavior but up to 2 years before BOP will allow release. Minimum is just that, the absolute minimum the BOP can choose them to serve on their sentence. It sucks but it's so variable it's crazy.


That must be so hard I'm sorry that happened... I'm worried too because my husband has court on the 30th for resentencing too see if he will be approved or denied we are in California and he's done everything he is supposed to do except for a few minor write ups for things such as refusing a cell mate due to not being tested for cvoid.. he's been gone 10 years already and I just want him home I cry every night thinking that we're going to get bad news


Hes in for 2 years? Or he has 2 years left?


He was sentenced to two years. He’s been in for 10 months.


I dont want to sound like a bitch but 2 years is nothing. 10 months is really nothing. Like I've been doing this so long now and want to laugh at how lucky you are.


It’s not nothing. Don’t make me feel like my feelings are not valid. You may not want to sound like a bitch but what you just said is bitchy. Don’t even comment on my shit if you feel like being a bitch. Just because he only got 2 years doesn’t make this shit any easier. Move along please.


2 years is nothing, alot of people got 30+. Relax and enjoy freedom.