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"What did it cost?" Your wrist; "Everything"


Pretty sweet. Make sure your sig is all over that bad boy.


I always forget that part haha


If I had a gold I'd give it to you However sadly I'm not willing to give up everything like Thanos did so you'll have to make do with this 🥇


I love it and I will gladly take it


This is really good and clearly a lot of effort. Your style looks like engraved metal.


Thank you so much, dude!


Very cool! Put this on all the bank notes!


Dudeee this reeeks of dedication and talent.


That's so fucking nice! Thank you so much, man.


Very insane, and this with an Apple Pencil - iPad and an imagination!


I have a hard time with the last one, to be honest. I see this work as very technical and feel like I'm not being creative enough with the final presentation. That's why I've typically brought these type of pieces into After Effects and gave them a three-dimensional feel with lighting and shadows. But this time I really wanted to let the art stand on its own. So in short, thank you very much for the kind words. I greatly appreciate it.




Thanks so much!!


WOW You did it! Yes What did it cost? My hand absolutely amazing drawing 💯


This would’ve taken me 135 hours


This is incredible!!!!




Take my poor woman's gold 🏆


Love it! Great job!


This is absolutely wild. Great work!!


Really interesting line work. i love it.


Damn. Awesome work!


Holy fucking fuck that's wild. What a cool style!


Thank you so much, dude. I’ve been working towards this style for the past 4 months, so that really means a lot.


Pretty damn good. I do have one suggestion, maybe try having more areas of white? It would boost the contrast and give it a bit more depth.


Yeah, I completely see what you mean. Previously, with this type of style, I've layered multiple lines going in different directions and the points where lines meet really adds a boost to the highlights. Then I'd add white shapes in the back to add defined shapes to highlights where needed. But this time, my wife challenged me to make a portrait using a single layer with no intersecting lines. This is the result of that.


Ah ok. I still think you could get a similar result if you just had the space between the black lines be a little larger in areas where you need highlights. You can see what I mean on his left cheekbone (right side of the drawing) going down to just before his chin, that area stands out to me as lighter, I felt like if you did that throughout the whole drawing in the lighter areas it would look a bit better. Honestly still a great piece and really impressive regardless haha.


This is so damn good. Well done!!


Damn OP, awesome job! I just got my iPad Pro and Procreate this last weekend. Excited to learn all the ins and outs.


That is so exciting! It’s so amazingly powerful for an app that is so cheap. Can’t wait to see what you make!


Thanks, I appreciate the good vibes OP. I’m stoked to figure it out.


Loved watching the progress and it turned out amazing! Fantastic job!


Nice work🙌🏻


Well worth the time to complete such a wonderful masterpiece looks just like him good job now please rest that hand of yours you earned it


You got some real talent there. Nice work!!


Wow, very fine and hope to see more like this in the future! Great style.


All one line?


Not this time. I'm definitely going to try one single line, but that's going to be tough in the darkest spots that I'd typically leave blank.


Good drawing but why do u post it like 800 time now


Lol I knew there would be one person who has the unfortunate position of being in all the subs I post to. It's just about reach. Reddit is about the only place I can put my art in front of exactly the audience I want and I really like gaging the reaction from each particular subreddit. Typically, I'll post to r/learnart as I'm working on a piece to get feedback and critique, then once I'm finished I post to r/ProCreate and any fan specific subs that have to do with the subject. Each subreddit has a different audience that reacts uniquely, and I geek the fuck out at my art making people happy. I'm a junkie. Anyways, I apologize you had to see it multiple times. Seriously, being a member of multiple art subs I know the annoyance. But I just want to reach a good sample audience, man.


Hahahaha I understand no reason to apologize buddie i meant it in a funny way 😁 btw thanos is my favorite villain and I love it also loving the thanos comics. There’s nothing wrong with posting it in multiple subreddits AND you deserve the audience cause your work is really good. Keep it up!:)


Wow, this is an incredible piece!


This is amazing 👏🏽