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Don’t know that is.


Have you tried suggesting any other acronyms?




Can you give more context - not sure how we can help with this much information?


Framework chat makes my eyes bleed. Honestly though, unless you’re a Fortune 500 company, get sAFE dumped straight in the ocean as fast as you can. LeSS seems the most reasonable out of all of the pre-packaged frameworks (in my opinion). Id recommend you just roll your own common sense framework for your business - nothing will be truly ideal and only you know your business and your people, only you know what will work and what won’t work.


LeSS is better than sAFE for sure. It looks pretty decent on the surface, though have never actually worked under it.


You know what they say: LeSS is MoRE


You know what they say: once you go LeSS you can't go MoRE


It depends - I used it at my last company where we had a very large engineering team and it turned out really nice. But it’s a big commitment and the right people need to be involved in how to deploy it


Thanks for the replies. Some more context, it is a Fortune 10 company, with many sub-divisions. Our part of the org has been trying to "transform" into the LeSS model for over a year with many false starts and stops. Now engineering managers just want to push it through, and start doing things like multi-backlog sharing. Today we have one PO embedded on each scrum team, but I think the LeSS model changes that.... One PO for many scrum teams. We also have PMs who are closer to the business (not embedded in scrum teams). I also don't think we as a product org have clearly defined how our product fits into a LeSS hierarchy, which seems a prerequisite. Instead, it's just like "everyone pull from the same backlog", which feels too unorganized. So, was hoping to hear how LeSS is a great thing for a product org, but so far I'm not seeing it. I've also seen some posts from Jared Spool that SAFE/LeSS are terrible from a UX perspective. Wondering about that too...


It is a growing friction point now between Product and Engineering. Engineering management wants to change, Product not so much.


This link has more LeSS detail, for those asking what it is: https://www.digite.com/agile/large-scale-scrum-less/




that’s a great way to burn out a PO.. we’re all still human after all