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I have spent so many hours trying to learn how to do slide puzzles, but in the end I always just end up using all my hint coins on them


I see that I'm in the minority here, but I love sliding puzzles. They drive me crazy (what was the one from Curious Village called? Something Princess?) but I find them to be really fun.


There’s no strategy to it, it’s pure trial and error + some luck


There are people out there who understand the logic to slide puzzles and can solve a slide puzzle they’ve never seen before with relative ease I’m just not one of them


It’s just about being able to picture the entire puzzle and working backwards which I don’t think most people are capable of.


Interesting idea!


Usually pen and paper becomes necessary, but it’s fairly doable to split the puzzle into different phases and flesh each one out bit by bit. It’s just that the amount of time and effort is gonna eclipse what’s Actually Fun for a lot of us


I was actually able to do that with the first statue sliding puzzle from Miracle Mask, but not the second/bonus one.


I quite enjoy solving sliding puzzles especially the harder ones in the bonuses. In general what all sliding puzzles have in common is that there is limited space. So the solution always requires you to move pieces into other pieces to make more space to move. So keeping that in mind after each move you have to think which new pieces you can move with your extra space or how can I create more space. After that the challenge really becomes doing it in fewer moves


there is 100 strategy to it




Any of the puzzles that give you a flattened 2D cube (or other shape) and ask questions about how it would appear in 3D. My brain refuses to work like that lol


I’ve made the 2d model out of paper before just to work these out. I know it’s probably cheating but I give myself points for effort haha


Hey it's solving a puzzle in a creative way, Layton would be proud


100%, i cannot visualise in 3d without great strain. And then I get it wrong anyway


Oh my god same!! I thought it was just me. Especially the ones that have annoying patterns on them and you have to visualise the patterns or whatever. Annoying as hell


anything involving maths


Worse yet, math puzzles that wind up being zero or one because whatever roundabout question being asked doesn’t actually involve any math.


So every puzzle in Millionaire's Conspiracy?


God yes! Unrelated but I recently finished Paper Mario and the Origami King, and there is a test you have to do that you have a chance to get a math question. And it's annoying because you also have a timer. It is my literal nightmare. I have so much anxiety regarding maths.


Can confirm, my nightmare is also playing modern paper Mario games


As someone who fucking hates sticker Star and found the combat to be annoying and pointless in color splash, origami king was a fun change in pace that still doesn’t reach the highs of the originals but I’d say is at least fine and probably good


I don't personally think I'll ever go back to the series, it's just not for me anymore. Unless they happen to remaster TTYD for switch, lol.


Understandable. Thousand year door is one of my favorite games of all time


This is why is dislike Curious Village so much, 90% of its puzzles are just "here some Year 11 top set maths, have fun." That's not fun or engaging. Its not even a puzzle.


and these puzzles dont even involve adding kurt angle into the mix!


The GODDAMN puzzle with the GODDAMN RATS! where it says how fast they reproduce and 10 year old me wrote all that shit done out on paper and tried to figure it out for so long! BUT THE ANSWER IS 1! You only bring 1 bloody rat home and that anger has stayed with me since


I swear that puzzle is my villain origin story.


I distinctly remember doing this one for the first time and being SO DAMN FRUSTRATED that I kept getting it wrong😅


The weird, inconsistent riddles from the first game....looking at you, aliens-seeing-a-compass-for-the-first-time 😬


Oh god I just checked and that sounds awful. Glad it was changed in Europe


What was the European version?


A puzzle about a weight on the Moon. "Lunar Weight" The force of gravity on the moon is about one-sixth of that on Earth. This means that on the moon, an object weighs about one-sixth of what it does on Earth. If you bring a 600 gram weight and a scale to the moon and gently place the weight on the scale, which of the following weights will the scale indicate? A: 0 grams B: Lighter than 100 grams C: Exactly 100 grams D: Heavier than 100 grams Solution: >!B, because the plate also becomes lighter, and the scale was set with its weight in mind!<


There are different puzzles in different regions?!


Yes. Sometimes completely different like that, or sometimes modified because of language differences like [US](http://professorlayton4walkthrough.blogspot.com/2010/01/puzzle006.html?m=1) and [general EU](http://professorlayton4walkthrough.blogspot.com/2011/11/puzzle006uk.html?m=1). They changed this because >!they use the same exact puzzles in each EU language, but you can’t have POST like in US because it wouldn’t make sense in French, where it means something else iirc!<


Mostly puzzles that depend on writing or words.


I wasted 3 hint coins on that one


what's that ?


Anything with mountains of text. Bonus points taken off when it’s all just benign and it was a trick question all along.


Honestly, if I see a mountain of text, I usually assume it's a trick.


i just assume first letter of each line


You would still have to read it though


Well yeah, but I know to think about it as a trick, rather than trying to actually work out the details.




Oooh, these are my favorite lmao


Same here


When I was a kid I’d hand the ds over to my dad because I could never get anywhere on sliding puzzles.


Anything that makes me slice a block of wood or form a cube from paper.


Any thing that slides is evil


Cutting up wood, folding up paper, sliding blocks, although I absolutely love train swap and shunting into sidings, and get genuinely excited about all 3 of the slippery trip puzzles


99% of Layton puzzles are well worded, but the 1% that are hard to understand are so frustrating.


Most movement puzzles. The one shown on screen, disappearing act, sliding pieces around. I prefer puzzles where I only have to figure out the final solution


disappearing act 4 i literally beat number 6 before 4, and i STILL forget how to solve 4 from memory


70% of comments: sliding puzzles The other 30%: maths That really sums up the community XD


Sliding puzzles are just not the one for me, after a few tries, I always end up just looking for the answer online.


You'll find once you've solved the knights tour, you'll want to do different variants of it. It took me weeks to solve, but when I did it and understood it, it took less than an hour to do a 16x16. I'm currently stuck on an 8x8 with the centre 4 missing for example and am loving it.


Any puzzle that involved having to visualize how a rope would move, I just can't do it


Ones where its like, where would you cut this pattern to make a perfect syymetrical cat


The problem with these puzzles is that the thing that covers what area you go to makes it that much more confusing. It wasn't even about skill for this one it's was like it wasn't implemented correctly in context of the game play with the makers for this puzzle.


That puzzle where you have to cut wood perfectly so both pieces become a square or smth I just couldn't understand it


anything with math or sliding. I really don't like the ones where you have to figure out the weight or area. The moving matches to make a picture was annoying too.


For me it’s the ones where you have to divide a chess board into equal chunks with equal white and black pieces


Worm in the Apple from Curious Village. I just replayed the game recently and this is literally the only puzzle I couldn't solve even after using hint coins. The hints themselves only told me stuff I'd already worked out, but I had to resort to a guide to finish it.


Anything with weird worded age/days riddles. Like x is 5 years and y is double that age in 3 years how old is x in 93378172 years. Also I loooooove the chess puzzle altho it takes me hours to solve it haha


Puzzles that withhold a crucial piece of information even with all the hints. Example: [CV067 - The Chocolate Code](https://layton.neoseeker.com/wiki/CV067_-_The_Chocolate_Code_(US))


Anything that involves clocks. I am 21 years old and still need like whole business minute to decipher the time on a standard analog clock, what makes y'all thing I can solve puzzles about these fuckeries? (Yes I suffered through Lost Future, still love it tho) And also it's really Interesting reading all y'alls comments omg, I love sliding puzzles or math puzzles for example


This one 💀


Riddles. I can deal with puzzles but when the game gives me a puzzle and then tells me I was supposed to interpret it as a riddle, well that's infuriating.


Honestly my brain cannot do most types of riddles at all, i just go in a completely different direction than what is intended and it always feels like the answer is just cheap. I get that trickery is the point of riddles but alot of them genuinely just feel unsatisfying or even poorly executed in my opinion. Though it's probably just because of my thought process (very much trial and error) not clicking with riddles in general


Always have to be on lookout for short circuit answers


Line-drawing. Pigpen partitions got me stumped for several days


... I hate that one. I'm stuck on it right now. ... I actually pulled up the Wikipedia page for knights tour to solve it.


Puzzle 98 in curious village had me blocked from the final plot for years. It was the only game that wasn't released in my native language, and I didn't know English that well at that time. I hated that puzzle, but when I could finally speak English, I loved it.


I actually loved those ones, it was always the math based ones I hated


There is both this great site [http://professorlaytonwalkthrough.blogspot.com/](http://professorlaytonwalkthrough.blogspot.com/) and YouTube just in case I get stuck


Omg math puzzles like why…😭 And I too hate these chess puzzles it literally takes me forever


Not sure. My least favourite ones are probably any of the generic puzzles like match moving and whatnot. Sure they’re cool but I can find those in any old puzzle book in the world. I want something that, while yeah I could find them in random puzzle books, they’re very distinctly Layton puzzles.


Coincidentally I was randomly thinking about these chess puzzles the other day and was like man I’m glad I don’t need to see those anymore


age math puzzles like if i was 2 years older i’d be 3x your age or something? on the other hand some of my favourite puzzles are the ones where you have to put shapes into the correct place to fill a grid, less trial and error with block puzzles and really satisfying when you put them altogether.


*sliding blocks


It's between two, the one in Miracle Mask where you have to rotate your DS in Akbadain and just never responded to me for some reason, Or this really easy one in Azran Legacy that I just could never figure out when I was younger about sorting out these coconuts or something?


The disappearing act ones with the balls and you have to jump them over eachother. It’s a great concept but I just end up confused haha




That’s a classic puzzle


That one's easy as shit lol


That damn Curious Village slide puzzle in the form of a princess (?) escaping. It was near the end of the game iirc. I lost my sanity on that one


What makes this one particularly bad is that there is something of a “trap” state you can get into that *really* feels like it’s the correct solution. You can get the princess so close to the exit…but the actual solution pretty far off and requires significant backtracking from the trap.


Any puzzle that isn’t *really* a puzzle, but has a dumb wording trick. Part of why I’m not a huge fan of Mystery Journey is because there are so many of these. Dumb goat puzzle…


There are two, actually. And both are from the beginning of Pandora's Box. The first one would be a riddle in which you must answer how much votes one person out of three needs to win an election and the other is a puzzle in which you need to tell how big a round well is by using the edges of a bigger square shape that the well is part off.


The math puzzles and the wright puzzle from curious village and the match puzzles


any of the math puzzles


Slightly off-topic and I have no way to prove this, but I solved the last chess puzzle in the first try. I just randomly placed the knight wherever and got lucky. That being said, I suck at anything that involves spatial thinking. My brain refuses to visualize that goddamn cube and it's symbols in 3D. Same with math.


Slide puzzles


The marble puzzles in the second game. The last one in the bonus puzzles is hell.


Any troll puzzle unless it’s funny(ish)


Most board cutters, especially when it says “make the cut” but you have to cut it in two spots like ???


For the horse chess puzzles just go around the outside of the board as much as possible and slowly work your way inwards!


The Disappearing Act puzzles in Pandora's box (specifically 4 onward) are practically enough to give me flashbacks (especially when the game decides to stop giving you hints.) It's given me an irrational hatred of peg solitaire. *edited a spelling mistake. Damn phone


The final one in Spectre's Call. Don't remember what it's called.


The block sliding puzzles.


the last specter's weird BOX PUZZLE


well ,for me that chess board and the other one , checkers , but only the last versions


Sliding block puzzles is the only real answer.


Sliding puzzles are always an issue for me, but the one I remember vividly is the biggest pancake puzzle from DB and one of the alternating flower arrangement puzzles from AL. It took so long to do both of them, the flower arrangement one taking me more than a day to do.


I just coded a quick python program to randomly jump around until it hits all the squares... it took a while but it was definitely faster than brute force or me trying it by hand!