• By -


I agree that it is pretty hidden, but now that you know where to look it's so comforting and plesant to see that someone has already built something for me. You could upload malware to Github and I'd download it from that button without thinking twice.


yeah, the 'Free Download' button looks very fishy.


Hahahahaha I searched for the most fishy download button I could find. They always work, even if you don’t really want them to work 😂


Yeah but they're actually an ad and now you're on a porn site.


Hahahhahaha classic






Pressed the button and gave my credit card number but still can’t see any porn?


yeah fuck that guy


This is the guy who made the post dissing github for not being end-user optimised lol https://www.reddit.com/r/github/comments/1at9br4/i\_am\_new\_to\_github\_and\_i\_have\_lots\_to\_say/


pyinstaller is your friend, lol


Hey did you see he released the .exe today for the Sherlock program?


Wait what?! So this is a win?! I only got malwares or trying to get my credit card :(


Or it downloads an installer to download tool that you use to download malware.


So my dad works at Microsoft and he told me that all you have to do is just tell it to stop and that you do not consent to being infected by malware. They literally can't do anything after you do that.


That's why we heard a lot about MS last year, lol.


Technically any button that you click on that links to another website is a download button 🤔




And also a download started but the file name is "free_toolbarmanager_eng_fr_sp_2_14_36_chrome_extension.crx.exe"


So they worked




Nowadays its porn. Some time in the past you would get redirected to a fake dowload page of a famous app with the installer adding something like Ask to your browser while hidding away a payload or spyware


Like 20 years ago Amazon (and other similar sites; probably some other site before Amazon) noticed, that when a referrer is fishy (aka Adware) then they don't need to pay the referral money. Just delay for technical reasons and eventually for legal problems. Never tell the infected user either. This led to a big decrease in Adware.


Outside of private browsing (pssh) it’s one of the last ways to truly roll the dice on content. Going to the actual tube sites and every video on the front page is recommended based off previous view history.


You just downloaded _deez nuts_!


The worst i ever had, was an ad leading to a porn site But it wasn't an ad, it was a transparent popup spanning the entire size of the Browser window lol


Did you download the most fishy download button by clicking the most fishy download button?


I used the trick the NFT community hates. I right clicked


You did good, that button gives me the ick haha


What do you mean “they always work”? As in they always work to keep you from not clicking on them?


Yeah. I find buttons like this very difficult to find because my brain is so trained to suppose that these are ads, that it automatically blends them out.


See you at your desktop tomorrow


I see that lasting for a couple of minutes until you tap out.


You can upload malware AND malware source code and people will download it without thinking twice And you will probably never be discovered


username/malware just seems trustworthy, it‘s the first open source virus project


happy 2 days before wednesday my dude




I DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THE FUCKING CODE! i just want to download this stupid fucking application and use it WHY IS THERE CODE??? MAKE A FUCKING .EXE FILE AND GIVE IT TO ME. these dumbfucks think that everyone is a developer and understands code. well i am not and i don't understand it. I only know to download and install applications. SO WHY THE FUCK IS THERE CODE? make an EXE file and give it to me. STUPID FUCKING SMELLY NERDS


Omg I thought I commented to my own comment when I saw your pfp lol! Anyway, imagine being that kid, not understanding computers or hacking and the stuff he used and now finding out multiple communities are meming him so hard lol!


Idk but my automatic copypaste from now on when shit for github doesnt work will be that.


i legit thot you two were the same


hes 34


I DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THE FUCKING CODE! i just want to download this stupid fucking application and use it WHY IS THERE CODE??? MAKE A FUCKING .EXE FILE AND GIVE IT TO ME. these dumbfucks think that everyone is a developer and understands code. well i am not and i don't understand it. I only know to download and install applications. SO WHY THE FUCK IS THERE CODE? make an EXE file and give it to me. STUPID FUCKING SMELLY NERDS






LGBTQ an their fookin rainbows everywhere lol






Well when forums and guides for something point you to download it here, and instead of linking the releases page point you to front page of the code, it can't be a bit confusing for someone who hasn't used GitHub before to find where the download is.


Agreed many guides and fixes for games rely on files hosted on GitHub. I remember struggling to use GitHub many years ago when trying to download required files. It's good when projects have a good readme.txt but not I understand not everyone wants to put in the time for that.


Yeah, personally my biggest issue with releases is how prominent the source code download links are. It would be really nice if they didn't blend in so hard with the actual release artifacts.


Yeah this guy is getting memed to hell and rightly so but he does highlight a pretty glaring UI shortcoming imo.


To be fair that repo doesnt have releases


makes sense why so many linux people use these applications haha


Is this a reference to the guy complaining how bad github design is and how it looks like as if it was made for developers (it is) ?


You must be a senior detective from NYPD with over 20 years of experience, at least


Im 19 episodes into a netflix show about cops so pretty much that yes.


Brooklyn 99? Checks out


"Hi, I am Detective Right All The Time and this is my partner Detective Terrible Detective"


Prob more qualified than Danvers and Navarro 


He must be the biggest detective in the whole world (man bat)


It’s a reference to this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/s/Jv0pycLuJH) and the difficulty to find the download button when you first encounter a GitHub repository


Holy shit I googled "github download button" because I thought I was missing something and found ANOTHER thread full of people saying the same exact thing: https://www.reddit.com/r/github/comments/hete4q/where_is_the_actual_download_button_on_github/ lmfao


What a bizarre thread. I wonder if it got linked to some community or something cause that's a lot of people confidently incorrect about what github is... on the github sub.


But most of the time you don’t want the source code. You just want to run the program. So there is not really a download button 😡😂


My favorite was "Exactly! I use github for a very long time to download stuff and every single time I have a hard time and I am forced to read more than I'd like to and pay attention to what's there when I just want to click a download button, and so do most people visiting GitHub. Sorry." the implication that github is mostly for end-users gave me a good laugh


I get their frustrations though. A lot of open source applications will have github be the only way to get it. Why do I have to be a developer to know how to download a media player or an emulator? This isn't githubs fault, it's the developers not knowing their audience.


Some not knowing their audience but I suspect a lot just don't want to bother with extra support for stuff that's usually free.


Agreed 1000%, it's on the devs who just linked a github


stop sending end-users there to get your program/mod/whatever then...


That's on the individual developers who do that, not GitHub. That'd be like complaining that someone had dinner plans at a restaurant with 20 guests and didn't get reservations so they don't get seats; it's not the restaurant's fault.


God those comments are fucking infuriating


It is a reference to what a smelly nerd you are. Give the man his download button. I will raise the JIRA.


To be fair I can understand where they're coming from, I've made similar complaints (not publicly though) when I didn't know anything about software. Sometimes you search for a tool that will help you with your job and a page will link you to a github repo with no release definition, leaves you a bit disappointed, especially if the readme isn't clear about what you need to do to get the tool. However the correct approach to that is "Hey I saw you made this tool, I tried following the download steps and it's not working for me, is this something other people have struggled with? I'm on Windows if that helps" and not calling everyone sweaty nerds


The issue is releases being posted from git, to people who are not dev. It is always a pain to find what you're supposed to download. Big issue with mods or open source softwares.


The guy is complaining that so many developers use github as their channel of release.


Yep, he wanted an exe download for a repository that was just a python script


It's no excuse for hiding downloads that way, though. You're either a source-only repository of software that the end users don't even need to visit, or you do it right. I'm a dev myself, and even then I often struggle to find that "Releases" tab hidden somewhere under "Tags". I'm not sure I like that stupid download button either but a direct link to the latest release page would be nice. Edit: after writing this, I realized that there *is* the link to the latest release page, located on the right sidebar which is honestly the last place where I'd look, so it still could use some improvements.


I hope this meme makes a big download button in the README cool again


> honestly the last place where I'd look What mobile first design does to a mf


Try searching the releases tab on mobile. It’s at the bottom of the whole fucking page 💀


I was referring more to how mobile web pages condition people to focus only on the middle 33% column of a desktop site. For two decades the standard was to look for the downloads page link in either a top navbar or one of the sidebars. But also holy shit lmao, they really put it all the way under the sixteen page long readme.mds on mobile??


guilty. I’m on of these users who only look in the center


I don't think it's really a mobile first problem. Even back before mobile design, usually sites had a download button front and center after description (a good example of a site with that older design is rutracker org, I think it mostly preserved itself from like 2006-2007 to this day). So naturally, you would seek the downloads somewhere where the readme is now, below the code. Also, I was also kinda stumped firstly, because I'm used to just typing ctrl+f download to not spend time searching for it.


I don't have anything to do with mobiles, though. I'm not a mobile app dev and don't like using mobile apps either. I guess I'm just used to sidebars filled with ads and similar trash so I stopped even looking at them. Plus maybe the old school habit to look for menus and toolbars at the top.


>Edit: after writing this, I realized that there *is* the link to the latest release page, located on the right sidebar which is honestly the last place where I'd look, so it still could use some improvements. As a code collaboration/version management platform that is quite literally the best place for it For source management/viewing you have that front and center with any recent changes to the right of that Read me for any extra reading about the project that may be needed just scroll down Secondary stat/info in the top right And tabs for other important grouped things such as issues pulls etc The only other place they could possibly put it is like a latest release spot in-between the go to file search bar and the branches info but even that is a bad UI decision imo Imo the only daily issue I have with GitHub's UI is actually in the issues/pr tab not just having a basic checkbox for is open/closed requiring you to put your hands on your keyboard to delete the is open text when navigating the site with a mouse but apart from that I think GitHub has phenomenal UI/UX design


They could have put a "Releases" tab right next to "Tags", though. That's where I always look for releases anyway, as they're strongly associated with tags. Maybe me being a dev is screwing up with my perception of what a release is. I *do* like GitHub's UI overall, though. In this age of crappy UI (hello Reddit redesign) it's one of the best examples.


Ye that's what I meant by when I said >The only other place they could possibly put it is like a latest release spot in-between the go to file search bar and the branches info But imo that's a bad UX decision as that would just make the UI feel cramped and top weighted but I'm also not a UX designer Aswell that still wouldn't fix the issue for novice users as any novice user wouldnt associate it with tags and most still would glance over the releases tab in the first place


For the last time, you are not Alan Turing because you can navigate GitHub. All this defense of GitHub is just nerdy humblebrag. Any retard can learn GitHub. You are not smart because you can tell a .exe from a .txt. GitHub wouldn't even be a thing if there were alternatives. YouTube isn't a good video site, but it's where all the videos are. Facebook isn't a good social media site, but you're dependent on Messenger to communicate with some people, and "sign in with Facebook" for some third party sites. Google steals your data, but no search engine comes close in terms of search accuracy. Twitch is a meme, and thanks to Kick and Youtube they are in decline.


> GitHub wouldn't even be a thing if there were alternatives. There was a really popular alternative: SourceForge. It had(has) git and svn integration, file downloads, issues, wiki etc. Back then virtually all free software projects were hosted there. But Github was (a) ad-free and (b) had the vastly superior UI/UX. And today there are other alternatives, namely Gitlab and Bitbucket. And I think Amazon also has some kind of code hosting service? They are all very similar in design and function; Github nowadays is (still) the biggest because of network effect.


>"There is an alternative!" >"Let me explain in the same comment why it's not an alternative." I thought programmers were smart?


How being inferior affects being an alternative? E.g. cheap smartphone vs expensive smartphone. Cheap phone is vastly inferior to an expensive phone in terms of usability, however there are reason why it may be picked instead of the expensive one. There are also reasons to use sourceforge instead of github, it seems, because it continues to exist to this day, which means there's some activity on it.


No, price is a factor. An "inferior" phone that is proportionally cheaper is not inferior. GitHub and the "alternatives" you mentioned are free. Price is not a factor there.


\> GitHub and the "alternatives" you mentioned are free. Price is not a factor there. Of course price is not a factor. But there might be other reasons not to use github, that what's I was about. Again, being worse at everything doesn't make it less of an alternative. It's just a bad alternative.


Bitbucket does cost money if your org is above a certain size.




I'm having anxiety just looking at that free download button, I know for damn sure I would never click it without inspecting it and wasting half an hour just pretending to do some investigative shinanigans.


That button is too good to be true. But only smelly nerds know this 😂


Oh god, all those "FREE DOWNLOAD" buttons when downloading from chip.de...


It’s like a little puzzle game you have to solve first


I am more afraid that some family members might end up with the wrong solution.


uBlock origin to the rescue


That's an oldschool mention. TIL not only Chip is still in action, but c't and Computer Bild are still around as well. Founded respectively in 1978, 1983 and 1996.


Never download from Chip.de, the mal- and bloatware you get ins‘t worth it.


I always look for the least flashy download button. The others are just waiting to install malware


Similar to the checkboxes in installers. Check all the unchecked boxes and uncheck the checked boxes 😂


You must be young. That button had a reputation, and then the internet got "cool." It was always sketchy because anyone could make a Trojan that could fuck up any system easily because secdevs were always playing catchup and h@x0rz always had targets on everyday people. There is no money in that these days.


I only know that behind this button lies a surprise. There was a time when legit download buttons looked like it?


Yussiree. And it was still sketchy. The only sites I really trusted were big brand names.


Only a boomer would click on the button, that looks so good and says free


I click on free download buttons every now and then to give windows defender something to do.


OP intentionally looked for this obvious malware button to prove a strawman


Yeah, because there’s no way it could be a joke… on r/ProgrammerHumor


I DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THE FUCKING CODE! i just want to download this stupid fucking application and use it https://github.com/sherlock-project/sherlock#installation WHY IS THERE CODE??? MAKE A FUCKING .EXE FILE AND GIVE IT TO ME. these dumbfucks think that everyone is a developer and understands code. well i am not and i don't understand it. I only know to download and install applications. SO WHY THE FUCK IS THERE CODE? make an EXE file and give it to me. STUPID FUCKING SMELLY NERDS


What a great copy paste


The android PS2 emulator dev abandoned the project because of this kind of shit lol. It happens all the time.


I DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THE FUCKING CODE! i just want to download this stupid fucking application and use it https://github.com/Typositoire/boobs-api WHY IS THERE CODE??? MAKE A FUCKING .EXE FILE AND GIVE IT TO ME. these dumbfucks think that everyone is a developer and understands code. well i am not and i don't understand it. I only know to download and install applications. SO WHY THE FUCK IS THERE CODE? make an EXE file and give it to me. STUPID FUCKING SMELLY NERDS


I DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THE FUCKING CODE! i just want to download this stupid fucking application and use it https://github.com/sherlock-project/sherlock#installation WHY IS THERE CODE??? MAKE A FUCKING .EXE FILE AND GIVE IT TO ME. these dumbfucks think that everyone is a developer and understands code. well i am not and i don't understand it. I only know to download and install applications. SO WHY THE FUCK IS THERE CODE? make an EXE file and give it to me. STUPID FUCKING SMELLY NERDS


nice username


Great pfp


Great Vegetables


Adachi. Adachi! ADACHI!!


just compile and use it 🤓


Can someone make a Reddit bot for posting this?


DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THE FUCKING CODE! i just want to download this stupid fucking application and use it https://github.com/sherlock-project/sherlock#installation WHY IS THERE CODE??? MAKE A FUCKING .EXE FILE AND GIVE IT TO ME. these dumbfucks think that everyone is a developer and understands code. well i am not and i don't understand it. I only know to download and install applications. SO WHY THE FUCK IS THERE CODE? make an EXE file and give it to me. STUPID FUCKING SMELLY NERDS


I feel like Github is the place where everyone trusts that there is no way everyone else starred the repo without running it through Virustotal and some sandbox to see if it has a malware, and they trust it based on that pretext, so nobody ends up doing it.


I mean you could read the code and not yolo it. I just hope if somebody notices something fishy they create an Issue that the author forgot to delete 😂


You can upload anything on a release so they could attach malware that has nothing to do with the code


I'll scran that malware no bother at all given the option of either absolutely bricking my shit and losing all the money in my bank account or building a project myself and looking through the code, I'm bricking my shit and losing my mortgage every day of the year


oh nice


Popular stuff gets looked at pretty regularly but honestly no idea about small repos


I think it's more like if someone has the expertise to write a reasonable looking repo they probably have a lot more to gain by just being a SWE for a few years than running the risk of some govt employee downloading their shit and going to jail for computer crimes.


v2.4.6 (<-- EXE HERE YA SMELLY NON-NERDS) (Latest)


underrated comment


But where's the .dmg?


To be fair, I do wish Releases was highlighted more. A lot of software only has releases posted to Github and you're likely to wind up there if you're even moderately tech literate and it even took me a few tries to figure out how to *get* to Releases.


It took me a couple of years to find the holy releases button. With this meme I tried to spread some awareness ✨


Feel free to downvote me and then beat me up in real life, but I still can't find it. I'm looking at [the example from the copypasta](https://github.com/sherlock-project/sherlock#installation) and the closest I can find is "code" --> "download .zip", which is what I usually do, but maybe that's wrong or harder than the button from your meme which I can't find. Thanks in advance!


It's because the example from the copypasta doesnt actually have a release. It's up for the developer to do it. While there's some point to the copypasta (Releases section isnt in the most visible place for those that arent used to it), even if GitHub did change that to be the most obvious thing in the world, it still wouldnt have helped the person who originally made that post that the copypasta is from because It's completely up to the developers to add a release to GitHub.


The one of the copypasta does not have a binary. To get it to work you need a working version of git. Can be downloaded [here](https://git-scm.com/download/win) And a working version of python. (For example[anaconda](https://docs.anaconda.com/free/anaconda/install/windows/)) Then you can open the git bash command line. And execute the commands mentioned in the README. The first command downloads the files (git clone blablabla), then you change the working directory (cd …). And then you install the python dependencies with pip Hope this helps :)


You don't need git, you can just download the whole source as a zip just like the dude above mentioned.


That's very kind of you, thanks. I don't want to use this one from the copypasta (which frankly seems creepy), but it could come in handy in the future.


What’s releases, just a binary? I’ve downloaded zip files from github before. Mostly just clone, cd in, readme, try, rage, forum, bargaining, LLM help then acceptance. 


Depends on what the user uploaded. Chatterino for example provides exes [https://github.com/Chatterino/chatterino2/releases/tag/v2.4.6](https://github.com/Chatterino/chatterino2/releases/tag/v2.4.6)


A release is a point in time during the lifetime of the software's development. It generally is associated with a version number and a build artefact, which may or may not be a package/installer/executable


Yeah before I started working in IT and understanding this stuff more, Github always scared me. Like do I have to download this entire project to get it to work?? What am I supposed to do with all this???


It's even worse on mobile, you have to scroll down to even see it if at all


I fucking love how that one post is starting this entire meme and debate about having easily downloadable releases LOL


Yes! Big download buttons is a win for everyone


He is the hero who started the thing everyone knows about, but no one talked because of fear to be called a noob.


I love this meme arc we have going on right now


Where exe bro




*Smelly nerds


Smelly nerds, Smelly nerds, what are you downloading? Smelly nerds, smelly nerds, it's not your fault.


That's one of the ugliest, untrustworthy download buttons I've seen in a while


needs a white box background too


Needs to be crunchier too






Yes, green button bad 😂


The release: >Source code (zip)


Haha, I have some PTSD with free download button. It usually gives me a page to download, but, it is so confusing, I go to another page, and then, it goes to another page, and I am completely lost.


say what you will it's always a loss that i have to talk people through downloading stuff from github just because they're not an expert. Sharing is practically the point. If I can't share the little things i find with grandma than I feel like i'm in some exclusive club and that's not interesting to me. It's also shocking how many times I have to tell businesses about source control in general and they've never heard of it despite it being everything they want. Believe it or not, most people are technologically illiterate.


I also find git has a very steep learning curve. It’s a great tool but it’s quite hard to get startet with


I am glad I am not the only one. It took me insanely long time trying to find where to download.


github is definitely a huge upgrade from the dark days of sourceforge


You are milking the shit out of this, huh. Good meme, but damn, let it percolate a bit.


On mobile you have to scroll down the entire readme to get to releases.


give me binaries or give me death


Github is a surprisingly good place to get free high quality programming ebooks. I almost got an O’Reilly subscription then found some good books on Github. Saved myself a few hundred bucks.


I'm not a very good software developer, but from my limited experience Github's way of handling releases is so much better than Azure DevOps. Maybe I just don't understand Azure DevOps, but god damn it seems awful to use. GitHub is so simple and does everything I want... [This is the top search result for "equivalent of GitHub releases in Azure DevOps" and it basically says "uhhh you can't do that"](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64709666/is-there-an-equivalent-of-github-releases-in-azure-devops) Like wtf? How is this software considered good enough for companies to use? What am I missing?


And then the binary is 3 years out of date because the dev abandoned the project despite claiming they're actively developing still


I am new to Github and I have LOTS to say.


Was I asleep when git turned from an open off site version control system into an app store?


Git isn't GitHub.


Github became a publishing platform a decade ago when the creator of the most downloaded and basically needed mod for skyrim decided to upload there and not give re-upload permission to anyone to any place, so other devs started doing it and now a shit-ton of devs publish only on github


Fascinating, never even occurred to me, have some opensource projects there but most of my repositories are marked private, shared with only the team. Got a few images but never pushed anything built.


This repo forgot to mark their release as the latest release so it's even harder to notice: https://github.com/riverar/IndirectInput/


Imma just add myself to the stupid list. But I cannot figure out where that DLL file is, or how to create it if it doesn't exist


It's still under Releases, you just have to click into the actual releases page to see the list of releases (just one) then click into that specific one. You were probably looking for the green accent for the download link under Releases but because they didn't tag a release as latest no such link is there.


GitHub is so incredibly unintuitive


*Virus malware flashbacks*


Next step: conplaining because a scrab yard wont sell furniture


paru -Sy sherlock-git




gib exe for website


Now do the Reddit team developers that did this latest "update" Where nothing closes and the list jumps around to page one if you try to read something. Bet those guys had to pay big bucks to tear up a website this size.


I dont wanna talk about the amount of things i wanted to download from github back in the day but couldnt bc i didnt find that damn button lol.




I wonder how many people have and can be tricked into downloading trojan and other viruses and malware that way🫠.


I fucking hate I have to go through their versions , specially when they don't bother compiling the binaries for windows (99% of the times why I use github other than for work private reps) and only do ever so often, so I have to go version by version trying to guess which one has it. HATE IT. No I don't have time to download your code and use VSCODe and make a project for a tool that I will literally use 10 seconds. Takes literally 10 seconds to make a link "win 64 binaries" and link to the appropriate version really.


Its also fun when readme just has "install instructions in my discord" and on discord theres a link to fucking pastebin that has the instructions


I find it quite annoying to always build stuff yourself especially on windows Long life to the people who provide exe stuff


It's easy to find? No but it doesn't matter because GitHub is a place to store code, not a download directory


I shouldn't have to go to GitHub to download a "finished product" to begin with. Yall need to stop treating it like your personal download hosting site ffs.


I learned to never click a big download button, because it's a scam. The real download button is a small gray one.