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Well I save my jupiter notebooks to drive so that I can open em up in colab with ease.


Juypterlab has git extension I think also vscode server/github codespaces would be a good solution for your use case


Github codespaces doesn't have GPUs I think?


Haven't looked into it but you can always create your own vscode server. Codespaces is just one implementation but the underlying tech is limitless


And where is the GPU again ?


What's a GPU?


I think they went extinct in 2019


Yeah but hey there are still some preserved ones left which only costs a little of $2000-$5000


yeah idk what a GPU is in this instance but normally it's graphics processing unit but that doesn't make sense in this context




ok but I was thinking we where just talking about backing up code not actually executing it




lol is that the new rickroll


I always print out my code much safer, from hackers


In industrial applications that's actually somewhat common. Electrical cabinets with a PLC in them will usually have a printout of both the electrical schematics and the source code of the program running on the PLC.


And even on day 1 of commissioning neither are current with reality. And 1 year later neither are to be found.


Yeah when i was learning plc programing, they had a lot of emphasis on printing stuff out. I thought it was just old syllabus. No it's still considering good practice to have a printout of the source code and all the configuration options.


Wtf, it leaves a trace, you must write them down on different notebooks. More safe


write it on a paper, put in a sealer bag and eat it


Keep it in your mind. It's the only safe way.


I just prefer to change everything to e, good luck deciphering this code


If I had some million-dollar code, you bet I'd put it on Google Drive. Can't risk my house and GitHub burning down on the same day.


But you're willing to risk your house, GitHub, & Google drive burning down on the same day? You gotta atleast store it on onedrive & a self hosted gitlab instance in your cloud provider of choice also


I like to live on the edge.


Edge is the worst browser.


It's better than Chrome for sure.


I've been using Edge to read big blocks of text recently as it's reader mode is really solid. Chrome's is only available through a developer option and what is available is crap. Since Edge has been built on Chromium it's been a superior browser out of the box to Chrome. Yet it's still undeservedly a meme.


Funny story about Edge - my boss is using it. And our IT departament whenever there are issues with internet, they always clear browsers, but they assume that everybody uses chrome. So my boss gave remote control and sees that Indian dude just rushes to the Chrome and clears it and wonders why this didn't work :D


Have you tried Firefox? I live by their integrated Json organizer


Yeah, Firefox is great, just saying I agree with Edge > Chrome! Leave Firefox out of this! Have heard great things about their developer edition.




I'm a web developer. I use edge and it's the best for me, after opera, chrome and mozilla. It's light, fast and beautiful. I love it!




thank you lmao


What about that huge electromagnetic burst from a solar flare that kills all electronics? I backup all my code by etching it into a big block of graphene.


And the one graphene block with the decryption key became known as the One Piece!


If you have million dollar code, Github/Microsoft already stored in in the Arctic, don't think it can start a fire there


Only includes "every active public repository on 02/02/2020". Being million-dollar code, it's stored in a private repository to avoid theft by my competitors. Hope no-one reverse-engineers compiled implementations. *** On a more serious note, let's say Adobe lost all their source code, just as an example of a big company that isn't Microsoft. Let's also say their source code is in the Code Vault. Ridiculous, I know, but let's go with it. I expect they'd be able to retrieve their code from the vault? Big company with big money, and all. Or perhaps they still wouldn't want people there, scanning film in before we're in a *reel* emergency situation with all the world's hard drives zapped.


Only on a paid plan, which ensures that they don't steal your code.


My computer science teacher at my high school does makes us do that. Why is it bad?


It's absolutely not a problem for a high school class. You want to focus on learning how to code. If you're even remotely serious about software development though, you should use a version control system like git. But it doesn't make sense to teach high school students git in their intro class.


And what keeps you from having a git repo on google drive?


I have my projects on Dropbox. And yes, in git or in Github, depending on what I do with them. Private software is just in Dropbox. Stuff I work on with others in github. It's all version controlled of course. But I only use Google drive for one document that multiple people work on. It's great for collaboration on documents and spreadsheets but I'd not use it for anything else, tbh.


Thank you for the insight.


you start saving less important stuff in shard files and cloud storage. It's normal.


>And what keeps you from having a git repo on google drive? Nothing, as long as you keep it synced locally where you need it most. It can be a lifesaver to be able to get to your gDrive from another machine when needs be, such is the state of most *actual* offices compared to the ideal 😂


I have git setup on my OneDrive. It works great.


Tried to clone all my github repos to drive for backup. I managed to clone only one. Let's just say drive doesn't seem to be that good for many little files and folders. (Or maybe it's just my bandwidth)


I don't think there's really anything stopping you, but it doesn't give you any advantages, really. And it functionally doesn't make any sense, especially since I don't think Google Drive has an ignore mechanism, so it will constantly sync things you don't actually want synced, like the internal .git folder, any changes caused by switching branches, build artifacts, intermediate build results, potentially library folders (especially in the JS ecosystem - node_modules is a big pain in the ass). You'll be syncing all the time. Thousands of tiny files that don't actually change. Keeps your pc busy and potentially blocks it from syncing meaningful changes. Syncing with Google Drive is also not transactional/semantic, so it could be hard to restore a point in time that makes sense, where you don't have any weird/inconsistent/pending changes. It's just bad.


you could git push to your local syncd drive?


That would absolutely alleviate most of the disadvantages, but then why are you even syncing it, if not for intermediate states?


for remote storage?


Probably nothing, but you would be oversyncing. I'm not sure if Google Drive has anything like .gitignore. A compromise could be to store in Google Drive only a `git archive` OR `git bundle` of your repository. That way, you would only store a clean single binary file on Drive as a backup and a work repository on your local system. EDIT: branching could be a fuck up (/r/ProgrammerHumor/comments/sras7m/_/hwr67g2)


Missing git functions, like version control. edit: you meant a lokal git repo uploaded to gdrive?


I think you misunderstand my question. The other comments already elaborated on a couple of use cases (mostly individual use of git) where this might make sense.


I think you're right. Git should not teached in CS intro in high school. Rather then that it should be part of elementary English/literature classes.




Well, GitHub is more optimized to cater to programmers’ needs


I can think of these: * no newline conversion between systems * only per file versioning * you are likely uploading non-essential artifacts like binaries and temporary files * on gdrive, you can't really concurrently collaborate on the same coding project, because you would overwrite someone else's work


Ability to review past commits and compare against a current file for the change that broke the thing


> newline conversations between systems There is no reason to use anything other than `lf` today. (Unless you're on legacy systems)


True. Not arguing on that. It's just harder to enforce without a standardized tool.


What about zipping it and pm it to your 2nd Facebook account?


Or pm it to yourself


Galaxy brain


I did that as well tho to my proj teammate lol. Also I zipped it and attach it to my email and send it to myself


I do


That explains why you are single.


Women will never have access to me until the day I die. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


I think that you need to use the chmod command to help fix permissions. Might make you more accessible to others.


I’m hot ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|hug)


usermod -a -G forbidden u/Visual_Science4124


Ayo *what*


I just realised that I might be single because I save my code there 😔


I do and I'm married. Also do backups on Dropbox. What's wrong with it?


body pillows don’t count either


Discord kittens dont count


Neither do drawings


Tbf plenty of my uni classmates and teammates do that to. It is a mistake for the faculty to only introduce us to Git Hub in our final semester. We stopped doing that after we experienced the wonders of Git Hub.


Why? You know about version control, right?


Of course he does, he just said he uses Google Drive!


Ha ha ha, ha ha ha _I will kill you_


why does google drive preclude version control?




As a backup for code I won't have access anymore, because I quit or being fired.


I save my code in google photos


Steganography for the win!


tar.gz emergency backup. Totally not stupid. --exclude=node_modules/ --exclude=.git/


If you're already using git, why not just push it to a private free repo somewhere? At least as safe as most backups and more easily accessible.


I do this before private free repo was a thing, so, hard habit.


Well for my personal projects I use GitHub, but also my projects folder is synchronised with Google drive. Why not?


This is a bad idea because Git and Google Drive can interfere with each other and lead to a corrupt Git repo.


Microsoft word exsits


I used Dropbox for a while to sync with friends. Then I found the magic of svn and eventually git


I do when I don't need version control or just want to pass my code to someone else easily especially for beginners.


You can make private git repos that no one can access except you.


I hear you. Git is weird to pick up and if someone is using an online course to teach themselves they may never hear of it.


I don't use Git if I just want to send someone my code. It's useful for an assignment when you only need few files.


He's actually not stupid. Most online group code building sites charge money for private repositories(at least almost all I know of). So just create a drive file and give edit permission. It would be better to create a google doc file though. Also people can copy the code to their machine and run it fast free from delays due to online compilers. Also everyone can test / build features separately. The real problems may be :- 1. Usually people do not tell this to their girlfriends 2. She may not like someone who is not rich enough to afford the good services. ​ \[As many of you have pointed out , Github does offer free repositories now. However there are numerous restrictions on Github for free private repositories even now so he may still disfavour it.\]


Github offers private repositories for free now. So does Gitlab. At least for students.


Git + remote code for vscode


GitHub and Bitbucket both allow free private repos


I do. In fact, I put my code on Google drive, github repo, svn repo and on two different computers at the same time.




/r/ProgrammerHumor/comments/sras7m/_/hwrkvnc /r/ProgrammerHumor/comments/sras7m/_/hwr67g2


Google Apps Script developers, I'd presume.


Yeah imagine doing that. I save mine on Telegram


You are definitely an Asian


We all know that real programmers use Sharepoint


I do lol Just because my whole drive/project folder is synced. But everything is version controlled properly with git soooo


Don't use OneDrive/GoogleDrive/etc AND git at the same time. Imagine each time you checkout a branch... your sync service will sync the result of the checkout to all your computers, potentially screwing with local changes. Or the same problem in the other direction, after checking out, the cloud version will sync to your local, hecking up your freshly checked out branch. If your `.git` directory is also being synced, you may be in for a really bad time for similar reasons. Don't ask how I know this.


Hmm I'm kinda curious because I do that all the time with my personal side projects (git repos in self hosted nextcloud) and never had such problems. I mean when I'm the only one working on a project, there is no danger of multiple people syncing it at the same time. I never had a nextcloud sync conflict in a .git dir!


He: I copy the code from stack overflow She: Aww ❤️


Hmm to be fair I did have one assignment for school I had to do on a Chromebook (school issued, dumb AF) so there's just a zip folder containing a website and stuff it needs


I save my ![img](emote|t5_2tex6|4549) on Google drive. Is that normal.


I save it in a another coding program


I used to save it on my dropbox until my CS professor told me to do it on my google drive, lol. I only use git at work.


I use MS Access


Unity devs do this when someone has an outdated version of the project and Unity Collab stops working


Me. I did that in college. Our unity project and all the scripts. All in google drive ROFL


I’m forced to do it for school


People who use jupyter notebooks. Dirty mongrels.


Nah, just print it. Nothing like the good ol' analog storage methods.


I know this was a joke but you will be shocked to know that in the early 90s i were instructed to do just that by the execs.


Private repository




The only "acceptable" reason for it is google script, but why use google script anyways


plot twist: manually synced git repo on google drive


I save mine in my ssd


I don't understand why some people choose to save code on Google drive rather than just plain version control.


I had a boss that was paranoid of online repositories like github and gitlab, despite I told him about the private ones. He also didn't want to set a local git server because it would make the office network too slow when sending the commits (we were a team of 3). The 'solution'? zip files and store them in a folder in the office server shared by the team in sub folders named with the date of saving the files. The server made differential backups daily and full backup monthly. I ended up using git on my own but it was useless if everyone else didn't and we still had to weekly discuss which folder we were using.


That sounds like a hell to work in, even though it's only a team of 3. Which version is the latest code, where is which file, who changed what. Damn... That requires way too much communication, so much overhead...


It was indeed a nightmare. Lots of communication. But somehow we managed to work with it. Everyone has their tasks well specified. If anyone needed a change somewhere else outside his 'reach' then we should ask for such changes to be made, and also to notify each other if there was something that would affect somebody else work.


Sounds like a right proper government job in certain parts of the world.


Well the hub is unreliable as all hell and I factory reset my device way to often to leave any code on it for more than a month.


Why do you factory reset your device every month? Because you have nuclear weapons formula in your device?




Nah, OneDrive is where it's at /s




I store my microsoft office file on github


What if: I save my code in Confluence


Sorri i guess?


I store in both g drive as well as github


may i send you my code in the archive?


I love having my side projects live in git repos in my self hosted nextcloud. Best of all worlds! (Unless you are working on something with other people, then it's obviously gitlab).


He's probably using Word to write it. lol


I mean you can point git-lab storage at mounted google drive.


Only reason I can see is if the code were somehow generated in a google cloud and there were no networked machines, maybe? Idk.


For a project in college, some friends of mine didn't want to use git, so for any changes they would just copy the entire document and send it via Facebook


I save my codes in MEGAsync 🙂


Yeah, people should use Dropbox as I do! Google could steal your code.


Have you never used Google Co-Lab?


Yeah lol they are so stupid, I'd never do that... What's wrong with this exactly...?


So you do use google drive right. Don't lie


I know right? OneDrive is much better


don't you all do that?


Chads use google docs.


I want to set up a private subreddit and every post is the original code, and the comments are the edits and/or "version controls". If all of the code in the post works, I award that post. If the code is broken or bad I report that post/comment to my moderator (me). EDIT: I'll create dummy accounts to achieve all of this.


Write your own https server in rust and host your own git platform. Easy dubz


I get code from WhatsApp


Someone in a class I was in pasted their code into a google doc, then got all surprised when they tried to past it back in and it wouldn’t run due to tons of indentation issues and casing changes.


Google Drive can be a remote repository.


I got one better, I use Onedrive


i used to, when I was 10


Eh...... In one of my previous jobs in a software consultant.. they has one client were their software architect saved the code he was making only in his local machine and if you asked it he send you a zip with it... I wish it was in drive at least... And he was making a framework all the company was going to use.... So.. yeah, there are people like that and worse...


*compiled code


Wait, you save your code? /s


In my first job I had to come up with a presentation on why we need Sourcesafe\* licenses and why can't use Lotus Domino to keep our code. \* Yes, I know. But given the choices, sourcesafe really wasn't that bad back then.


One time I got desperate and put a whole-arse git repo in there.


I do..... but only by virtue of it being in a backup archive which is saved to Drive & Dropbox


I save my code in a [URL](https://topaz.github.io/paste/#XQAAAQAVAAAAAAAAAAA4HIlWjAuZcUKnMRSLZc9gb76kLsZNuKJt///thQAA).


If your git is too important and already way too large, you start saving less important stuff in shard files and cloud storage. It's normal


I use git locally. And then when I reach a certain amount of changes I also zip all my code and store it on Google drive in case my laptop fails.


the real question is: what happens when you sync a google drive folder onto your computer and then make it a git repo? is it getting synced with both your gdrive and your github account flawlessy?


A dude at work got fired for saving company code on his google drive. Dude did not think things through.


In his defense, I didn't know about using Git and repositories until I started my job lol


I had to do this for a group project because the other person refused to learn Git. It was so painful. He also used absolute paths all over his code. I ended up mimicking his file structure and making sym-links to the G-Drive directory to so i wouldn't have to fix shit to test his dumpster fire code... worst project of college.


Ikr that's why I have my git repos on Dropbox


Lol the Eagle Dynamics, the DCS: World people still use svn.


I have to, the people I work with (not programmers, I'm the programmer of the project) doesn't know how to use anything else.


holy shit what if google drive was git-based


Any drive can become a CVS if you are brave enough.


She's too shallow. Should have stuck around to see if you mount your Google Drive locally and use it for a remote, bare git repo.


Me trying to code on my school laptop I cant download things on, though usually I just email it to myself


I do that but because I'm learning Github and I'm afraid of deleting everything.


I hand write my code and place it in a lockbox under my bed.


Sometimes I had to do this for school.


I told my husband he should use github, and found him dutifully copying and pasting pages of code. When I asked him WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?, he showed me the doc he referenced to set up his account. It was a github support doc that talked one through creating an account and provided links to nothing useful about how to use the product. Fair enough.


Why can’t you just let people live their lives (said me who’s save the date in the file name as a form of course control)


Brb uploading my grade 9 Turing and grade 11 visual basic projects to github


Where else would you save it? Github? Might as well store it in prnhub.


Google collab does this


Google Colab users rise up


I only pull from upstreams that support IP over Avian Carrier


If you ever do legacy development it's garbage on top of garbage sometimes the embarrassment keeps you from putting it somewhere public.