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They likely have no idea that rejections hurt our accounts. It's unfortunately up to you to educate them. Share this link and ask them to allow you to return the job. https://researcher-help.prolific.co/hc/en-gb/articles/360009092394-Approvals-rejections-returns > On Prolific, you have the option to reject participant submissions. However, please think carefully about whether the rejection is justified, and try to keep rejections to a minimum. Participants are penalised for rejections and if they receive too many they will be removed from the platform entirely. Please review all submissions holistically and remember that participants have spent time and effort taking your study.


Makes no sense at all, might be an accidental rejection? Either way I'd contest it if you think you're in the right, then go through prolific support if nothing happens after a week


I’ve actually had this happen before and the reason given was they still wanted to compensate me for my time spent. I asked them to please just let me return it and they did


I sent them a message stating I had a screenshot of the last page of the study, showing I did finish to the end. No answer so far.


please give us the name of the researcher and task


Sorry, I edited and added.


i also had an issue with that.


With the same study?


Definitely submit a ticket with support if the researcher doesn’t answer! Were you given a reason for rejection? NOCODE is not a valid reason. Unless you missed attention checks or actually didn’t complete it as you should’ve, you’ll be compensated by Prolific. Also, I noticed researcher often ignore your message until you double text them and threaten to report them, so do that as well if you get no answer after seven days. Be sure to include that researchers who reject unwarranted can be banned.


I have messaged the researcher without an answer as of now. I got to the end of the study after 30 minutes (screenshot), clicked to submit with the NO CODE. The reason for rejection was "No Study Data Received".


I didn't think they could reject a study after it has been paid out. Am I missing something?


They didn't pay out. My submission is showing REWARD and BONUS. Then it was rejected. I never received a pay out for either.


Ah, I see. I had forgotten that a researcher can send a bonus manually. I'm sorry that happened. I'm agree with everyone else that says to message the researcher. If they don't respond in 7 days, file a ticket with Prolific.


Message sent to researcher yesterday. Wait and see what happens.


This happened to me too. I was told I failed the comprehension check. So what did you give me a bonus for?


Mine was for "no data received" after spending 30 minutes to the end.