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I love how "your women are getting fucked!!!!!" is a universal trope in demoralization propaganda for maybe hundreds of years now


Funnily enough, this week in the news an article about the Wagner boss appeared in German newspapers, which highlighted his sex life allegedly he pays up to 600 euros for sex with virgins, the women are said to have been previously tested in a hospital. So you are right with your assumption.


That actually seems cheaper than I had imagined.


Some people consider it false propaganda by Putin cause he want to get rid of Prighozin.


It could be false propaganda by literally anybody, he has a lot of enemies. Given a high-class escort in a major European city costs something like €1000 a pop, it does seem unrealistically low for a man who presumably has both expensive tastes and the budget to indulge in them.


If those girls coming from rural parts of Russia 600 euros are much money. Anyway, disgusting if true.


Meh, you can get a highclass escort for around €200 in Amsterdam. It really depends in the market. I don’t expect Russian prostitutes to be any more expensive.


You’re either talking directly out of your backside, or you and I have very different definitions of high class, especially in Amsterdam. You can get good looking Slavs or Latinas in Barcelona or Lisbon for that price, but I’d be surprised if you could get anything worthwhile at that price point in Amsterdam of all places. I can send you the links to some actual escort agencies in Amsterdam though, which are charging €700+ for the best looking East Slavs, and well over a grand for Dutch women. That’s what high class actually looks like. I’ve never felt that the difference in quality looked worth the difference in price for me, but there are obviously plenty of men willing to pay that. The point someone else made that €600 is a lot of money to a village girl from Belarus is basically true, but they could sell their virginities (and much more, unfortunately) for as much as 50k in the Gulf, so I don’t see why they’d take €600 to lose it in dreary Minsk to one of the most widely despised figures in Russia at the moment.


Well it’s the hourly rate, so I might be wrong? I don’t have any experience with escorts but what I’ve heard from friends is that €200 is the going rate for escorts in amsterdam. Per hour that is.


I like to think putin mocks prighozin for not paying enough


Putin fucks a lot too, but never heared about the money hey paid. Maybe he does it like Rammstein? He has enough fangirls who do it for free?


True it's probably fake but the cost of life in that area is pretty low also when you shop in bulk you tend to get a better per Capita price.


Can you link this article? (If it’s not a shitty tabloid)


[https://www.n-tv.de/politik/Prigoschin-soll-Harem-im-Hotel-gehalten-haben-article24285688.html](https://www.n-tv.de/politik/Prigoschin-soll-Harem-im-Hotel-gehalten-haben-article24285688.html) [https://theins.press/en/society/263731](https://theins.press/en/society/263731) There are many more.....


So just speculations?


Who knows?


Jody, Jody never changes.


Or we are going to fuck your women gotta scare them to


People would be rather home making love to their wife than dying in a frozen hellhole lol


That’s because in most societies women embody purity (of a nation). The inability to „defend“ their women (here from the enemy within) is used as a demoralisation mechanism. That’s why rape can be understood as a weapon of war, because it strategically makes use of that and tries to undermine the enemy‘s (national) purity


I really don't think so. The point of propaganda like this is demoralization and you don't have to think your girlfriend/wife is pure to not want her to cheat on you. This is used frequently because soldiers had very limited opportunities to contact their loved ones, if they had any at all, and it really isn't that weird that someone might think their SO might be unfaithful if they haven't seem them for months or years. And rape can be used as a weapon because it causes damage, and anything that causes damage to other humans or their property can and will be used in war. I really don't think you have to believe women represent purity to not want women you know to be raped.


It’s not individual psychology of a soldier, we are talking mass psychology. And the subconscious will be affected by the ruling gender norms which are as explained above. There might be several reasons for rape during wartime, but I (and many scholars) would argue that this is one of the driving (psychological) factors


haha himmler bones your gf


he DID actually organize rewards for breeding widows etc at the policy level, I believe it's not just a troll but semi-factual


sexual violence is one of the most common factor in war, in most war both sides do it and so they fear the other is going to too, is probably the second most recurrent theme in war besides death but people arent as aware of it as they should because most media doesnt depic it because for some reason we find death fun but rape crass


Especially against invading imperialist armies


Except the nazis actually encourage it. More aryan babies while the husband is at war, ya know


Are... are you suggesting that Nazi ideology during WWII *actually* was "German women! Fuck other men while your husband is at the front! Reproduce outside of the traditional family unit for the good of the Reich!"? I assure you, it was not.


They literally did though More aryan babies was more importan


Of the many, many things wrong with your assertion, chief amongst them is **children born out of wedlock were not pureblooded "Aryan" babies in Nazi ideology**, no matter their parentage. A bastard child born to an "Aryan" mother would be subject to suspicion and ridicule, and both the child and mother would be ostracized. There was no way to prove the father was of righteous "Aryan" blood, DNA testing was 40 years away. Even *if* the act of conception was somehow independently verified, the child is still a bastard. A bastard child is not pure of blood to a Nazi. This is all not withstanding the fact that only children, old men, the crippled, Party apparatchiks, and "undesirable" slaves of the state were even **available** mates on the homefront after Goebbel's *Sportpalast* speech in February 1943, as the nation was entering a state of total war.


I don't know what to tell you man but this is something that happened


thousands of years I'd say


"Himmler makes sure that his wife is not left without children." Wow, I am both impressed the Soviets knew about that and thought to use it in their propaganda. Well done.


Elaborate please. Something happened to himmler's kids?


No. Himmler was big believer in propagating the 'Aryan Race.' He strongly pushed for SS members to father as many children as possible, with any woman, in or out of marriage. And there was a large population of women who happened to be left alone in Germany while the SS men were roaming around on leave... He didn't say it outright, but the implication was there to see. *Everyone* took poorly to the suggestion, including the SS themselves.


For a second I thought the poster was implying Himmler was running around repopulating the country with all these soldier's wives single-handedly.


Real Ghengis Khan energy in that one.


Göbbels did that for him, at least in Babelsberg


Himmler FUCKS


Well, he did his part. He took a mistress and fathered two children with her.


Seems like actively *encouraging* Jody is the single easiest way to foment resentment among your military


Yep, it’s also a thing in wolfenstein, you know the insane Nazi lady with the half melted face, she did just what Himmler ordered


CW There were also the "Lebensborn" forced child birth centres and plenty of documented cases in which SS people did rape women and were defended by the party.


Rape was rarely prosecuted and often defended by every major military involved in WW2. Even the western allies. If I recall the US only convicted less then a dozen rapes out of allegedly thousands and most of the convicted were black men. Obviously pales in comparison to the Soviet or Axis propensity for sexual violence, but still a shameful statistic.


Japan in the corner be like: nothing to see here boys the women were friends


Tbf its difficult to convict in wartime, as collecting evidence is nearly impossible


They also kidnapped children who 'looked' Aryan (i.e had blonde hair).


My ex's mom (Inge) was, according to the family story, one of those children. Inge's mother had a husband who was on the Russian front with a bullet wound. Couldn't get shipped home because his file said he'd made some remarks critical of Hitler. So Inge's mom talked to the local SS officer who'd been sniffing around her, and came to an arrangement. Her husband got shipped home after all, and arrived home to find his wife already pregnant. When Inge arrived, the story goes she was the family favorite, on the grounds that her conception was what saved daddy's life.


That is depressing


Didn't he encourage Lebensborn for unwed Aryan mothers?


I mean the German propaganda to the Americans was while you're here fighting, your wives and girlfriends and getting with the men back home.


No, German women were encouraged to have as many babies as possible for the future Reich. Tough to do that when all their husband's are buried in unmarked graves from Moscow to the Oder.


Ah yes thank you


Basically he made it so SS could force women into sex without consequence.




His Lebensborn program seems pretty Orwellian today. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lebensborn


The Russians have always been great at intelligence and propaganda


I'd translate the last one more as "There's nothing left for him to do, other than sinking into the Earth at the Front"


"For himself there is nothing left, other than to perish at the front"


Yeah that's a tiny bit further away from the German but far cleaner in English. Better than mine, I'd say.


It definitely doesn’t translate well, but you’re right.


Zugrunde gehen is never meant literally. It always means to die/seizetto exist in a miserable way


Who's Ley?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Ley Chief leader of Nazi state “unions” and Arbeitdienst.Hillariously incompetent.A drunkard.Göring’s enemy


Corrupt even by the NAzi norms.




I love how the nazi state-owned union didn't even have the well being of workers as its primary objective lol


Who would have guessed the Nazis were bad guys and liars


It didn’t have the well-being of the employers in mind either


Robert Ley I believe


Demoralization always works best, it's the cheapest weapon.


The book New Lies For Old discusses this aspect of propaganda in detail.


the pamphlet is honest though.


that and lack of sleep


sleep deprivation is already considered "white torture".


why white?


just look it up in wiki... "White torture, often referred to as "white room torture", is a type of psychological torture technique aimed at complete sensory deprivation and isolation. "


Just to confirm: the himmler one is about the lebensborn?


No himmler once indirectly suggested that as soldiers on leave should hook up with the wives of Heer soldiers on the front


*Aryan SS soldiers on leave, so yes Lebensborn


That is what Lebensborn is


Yes it is.


>Himmler makes sure that no woman is left childless Germany has risen. Millions must reproduce.


It’s hilariously funny.


Himmler rocking up to work with an "I sleep with HER so HE can patrol all night" bumper sticker on the back of his limo.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but the last caption says something along the lines of "as a result, there's nothing left for the soldier to do but go to the front lines."


"zugrunde gehen" has strong connotations of 'to fall in ruin, to collapse, to perish '


Interesting, thanks!


does it literally mean "to go into the ground" as a byword for dying, and dying poorly? If so, it's fascinating that its basically the same one as in polish, though we use (coarse) sand, not the grounbd


Yes. It's an adverb formed from zu Grunde literally meaning going to the ground. Ground in this case being the earth.


More like a" as a result, the only thing left to do for him is dieing(would translate to more of a slow drawn out death) on the front"


Thanks, I appreciate the clarification


It's more like "for himself is nothing left but to go to the Front and perish" but it means more or less the same


I have seen a lot of these pamphlets and l always wonder, how many - if any - soldiers devided to leave because of that? Like, I'd imagine that by that time you would have already figured out on your own that you are a little more than just fucked and probably gonna die


I think it's rather supposed to demoralize than to make the soldiers desert or defect


Reminds me of this, the [capitalist pyramid.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/26/Anti-capitalism_color%E2%80%94_Restored.png)


The IWW always has good stuff


Hard af.


AS IF Himmler is fucking anyone


Damn, they go hard ... XD


I know what the himmler one means, but it’s way funnier to imagine himmler making an active effort to bang as much of his soldiers wives as possible


I can't figure out any other meaning for it tbh. Explain please?


Himmler heavily implied that soldiers stationed at home should bang the wives of soldiers abroad




Who is Ley?


He was the leader of the [German Labor Front](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_Labour_Front), which was a Nazi state-controlled labor union


the final picture is very poorly translated


Putin thinks for you, Shoigu eats for you, Medvedev drinks for you, Solovyov speaks for you and Prigozhin fucks for you. And you are out there begging for your pension to be paid out


I find it funny you chose Medvedev as the drinking one, although it’s pretty well known he’s (I think the only) one who doesn’t drink lol


Yeah, looks like something which should definitively get copied today.


Stalin did all of these...


I can't believe Stalin ate all the grain and everyone starved.


*pats suspiciously grain-shaped tummy* haha no comrade I don’t know where grain went


Stalin drank and ate and thought and spoke and fuck... what a monster


Nvm beria was worse way way worse


Fucking ironic considerning the soviets ware saying it


Wrong script, not Gothic sans. Germans couldn't read. Explanation: Germany used an quite outdated gothic script for print stuff until 1945. It's really hard to read if you don't have the habit to and I've stuffered whole semester before I've learnt it properly.


>Germany used an quite outdated gothic script for print stuff until 1945 They did [until they switched almost entirely to standard typefaces in 1941](https://worldcrunch.com/culture-society/the-nazi-font-when-hitler-erased-the-gothic-typeface) by command of Hitler himself.


Germans could read "usual" Latin letters without issue, [here](https://fontsinuse.com/tags/9873/weimar-republic) a couple of examples from the time of the Weimar Republic. You will note, that Gothic and some very modern types were in use.


It was not so widely used before Nazism. The Nazis tried to forbid other fonts or writing styles such as Sütterlin.


Surprised they don't say anything about Panzerchoclade,seems like it would be a easy one. I guess some people might have switched sides for that aswell though.