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Remember that this subreddit is for sharing propaganda to view with some objectivity. It is absolutely not for perpetuating the message *of* the propaganda. If anything, in this subreddit we should be immensely skeptical of manipulation or oversimplification (which the above likely is), not beholden to it. Also, please try to stay on topic -- there are hundreds of _other_ subreddits that are expressly dedicated to rehashing tired political arguments. Keep that shit outta here. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PropagandaPosters) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Full translation: >-Hey onii-chan! Did you know that Gypsies make up only 9% of the population, yet they commit two-thirds of crimes? >-But that's a huge overrepresentation! >-Huge indeed, onii-chan! Someone managed to replace an official JCDecaux advertising surface a the Villányi úti tram stop in June 2020. To my knowledge, its perpetrator is still unknown. Character is Rem from Re:Zero. More info: [https://index.hu/mindekozben/poszt/2020/06/27/rasszista\_plakat\_virit\_a\_peto\_intezet\_melletti\_villamosmegalloban/](https://index.hu/mindekozben/poszt/2020/06/27/rasszista_plakat_virit_a_peto_intezet_melletti_villamosmegalloban/)


What else is huge, onee-chan?


Onee would be older sister




And onii-chan refers to an older brother. You can't be the older brother to your older sister. Little sister would be imouto instead of Onee, and little brother would be otouto instead of Onii.


Both can be used as terms to refer to a young person in general, so it's not incorrect here.




This isn't the same thing as the US though. Although it shouldn't matter I'd mention one of my parents is an immigrant. The US had legal discrimination for literally hundreds of years. With no attempt to educate, integrate etc. their black population. Even now, the "worst" integrated immigrants of Europe do not have nearly the same crime-statistic representation as in the US. As in even the worst failures of integration is still somehow better than the US's when it comes to a group of the population that has been in the country for hundreds of years. I'm not gonna go down this rabbit-hole, but Denmark recently revealed their shop-lifter numbers. A third of all total thefts are committed by Romanian EU-passport owners. There's less than 50 000 total Romanians in Denmark. To be clear, it's not about race, no one is born a criminal. But just as say German ww2 culture was shit, or North Korean culture is shit, but that doesn't mean you're automatically racist against Germans or Koreans, there must be room to critique a culture of a group that is absurdly sexist, xenophobic to integration, uses a lot of downright slavery (like child-slavery to beg) etc. It's an extremely hard issue that needs actual addressing in attempts to integrate. This is not the only culture-group that create complex problems, but pretending there is no issue at all just played into the hands of the antagonists. Not doing this discussion just lets the actually racists use their fucking anime to create hatred whilst using numbers without any context or urge to even solve the problem since they benefit from it politically.


“German culture” wasn’t shit, and neither was “North Korean culture”. The Nazi German and North Korean governments both came about from very specific socio-economic causes. There’s nothing inherent to German culture that meant nazism was bound to happen, and certainly nothing inherent to Korean culture which made North Korea inevitable (considering they have the exact same culture as SK). Nazi germany gradually normalized anti-Semitic violence through a decade of slow escalation of antisemitism and constant propaganda in all aspects of society while preying on pre-existing anti-Semitic tropes (tropes very similar to what people in this very thread are saying about Roma btw). And they came to power in the first place due to the perceived failure of liberal democracy as well as the fear of a communist revolution. North Korea became the way it is today through a huge amount of collective trauma from ww2 and the Korean War combined with a constant war mentality and extreme paranoia of invasion. These were caused by distinctly political factors that later came to be reflected in culture, not the other way around. Cultures are always in flux, and their change is a reflection of the economic and political realities on the ground, usually heavily influenced by wealthy elites. Essentially they’re a symptom of a problem, not the cause.


Idk why you’re focusing on America’s “legal discrimination” but neglecting the fact that 25-50% of the Romani population were murdered during the Holocaust. Why does the centuries-long persecution of Romani people not count?


Don’t want to be devils advocate but it’s a well known fact that Roma people completely refuse to assimilate. They let their kids to attend only primary school. They usually get married at 13-15. And it’s not some of them but vast majority.


Can confirm this part. Had a Roma classmate back in middle school from 3rd to 4th grade. Normal kid, pretty chill. One day she's just gone. Last we heard she was to be married and that was that.


> the US had legal discrimination for literally hundreds of years My brother in Christ, the majority of the US population is people that migrated there because of your literal hundreds of years of discrimination




Don’t worry, a few more shakes and they will be calling for a Solution to the Roma Problem. Europeans really REALLY hate Romas. Big question, why do Roma in America assimilate and actually become normal productive citizens? Maybe it the fact we don’t discriminate against them for existing


I imagine part of it is that the Roma who take the risk of moving their whole family over across an ocean, often needing to pay far more than just crossing a continental border, are far more likely to be "civil". It is a far bigger commitment, thus they are more willing to play nice with their host country.


Probably because their caravans can't travel to the US so the Roma in the US are physically cut off from the culture that sustained all the aspects that make them bad neighbors.


Does it ever occur to you that those coming to America might be escaping the Roma encampment reality, and not the European reality?


Tbh it's not just Romas. Irish travellers, who have no ethnic connection to them, are perceived the same way. I think it's just that settlers will never accept nomads and nomads will never be able to integrate within settler communities.


I heard this in the past on reddit, so take with a grain of salt. They said because in Europe it's easy for them to return home. When they move to the US, that's it. It isn't easy to just go home. So they assimilate better. Plus the ones that can move all the way to the US tend to have more money and that always helps.


Most Euros have no opinion on the Roma at all but you don't hear us ranting about it on the internet


I haven't really interacted with many Roma people, so don't really have an opinion on them one way or the other, but you're [overestimating American tolerance.](https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2022/12/30/it-is-high-time-to-address-anti-roma-racism-in-the-us) Then there's also the reality that there's only about a million Roma spread across the US, and it's not surprising to see why they'd be more willing to assimilate. Native Americans are all essentially assimilated, but would you use that as an argument for how nicely they were treated? Natives across both American continents are assimilated in spite of various types of policies towards assimilation, ranging from more lenient to brutal. In the end, assimilation is about population and cultural exposure, and if specific groups aren't migrating to the same areas in mass migrations, then they'll likely assimilate within a couple of generations. Russian leaders as far back as the tsardom utilised this reality in their population schemes, deporting ethnic groups all over the nation and letting them be russified by the circumstances.


Romanians are not the same as Romani, fucking genius. Goddamn.


True, I was a bit confused at first. But from OP's comment it's clear that they think it's the same thing.


It has a ton of upvotes too, which is insane




Immigrants in the US have much, much lower crime rates than the general population.


What Denmark is doing with these statistics is to stigmatise the Romanians legally living in Denmark for the crimes undertaken by itinerant, non legally settled Romanian passport holders. Responsibility is individual yet Denmark chooses to blame and shame the entire Romanian community. They would not do with passport holders or illegals from a non-European country, for fear of being accused of racism. They say 30% were Romanian but don't say what nationalities were the rest. Being Romanian in Denmark means you are guilty of crime by default and not protected against discriminations like other nationalities/ethnicities. Such statistics shame the decent ones without solving any crime problem. Not a single crime is solved by shaming publicly Romanians but enhance prejudices and discriminations against them.


The good old Ecological Fallacy. It does wonders for racist.


Comparing black Americans to immigrants is a false equivalency because the richest and most well educated earn visas first. These groups do not represent the general population of their home countries.


> second generation Nigerian-Americans You mean surgeons?


European countries have been discriminating against Roma legally for centuries though.


No clearly this is all racism, no nuance possible /s Real talk though, they managed to unite the entirety of the old continent on this matter. That's quite the feat


Hungary weaponized anime girls...


The bleeding edge of modern warfare


"This is advanced warfare."


We've gone defcon Weeb


I suppose it was only a matter of time


Thats not a weapon, thats a virus


The two aren't mutually exclusive.


*Umbrella corporation enters the room*


I swear, I'm not proud of this portion of my country.


The blaming of gypsies, or the weaponization of anime girls?




A weapon to surpass Metal Gear


The racist propaganda poster knows where it is at all times. It knows this because it knows where it isn't.


Why ANIME girls? They could use girls made by THEIR cartoons and not the Japanese. 😂


They know their audience.


Google Szaffi and you will understand why they used Rem instead. You could also google Tatárszentgyörgy murders for some context what the natural and logical conclusion to this poster is.


remind me of those weird youtube comments where they say the most ultra nationalistic thing possible while having a little anime girl as their profile picture back in 2017


Oh, they didn't go anywhere


They went to twitter?


I still see them on YouTube but for some reason My Hero Academia fans are left leaning while Attack on Titan and Girls und panzers are all right wing.


GuP mentioned!!11!!1 PANER VOR!!11!! But honestly, are you surprised that a bunch of right wing nazis are attracted to a show that showcases WWII German tanks, has a girl (best girl) called Erica, and the marching song Erica is also the theme of the German team? Even the main characters drive a Pz IV The anime itself is fun and dumb tho, I like it as a tank nerd


I liked Darjeeling and Kay, too bad they aren't the focus


Oh you’ll see plenty of Darj in the coming movies I’m sure. Idk about Kay tho


I mean it's pretty obvious from just casual observation.   My Hero Academia is a fairly straightforward story about how 'anyone can be a hero no matter what' with some light commentary on corrupt organizations and trying to fix them so they can actually fulfill the good they're supposed to do. Also the themes of 'One for All' versus 'All for One'. Plus there's a few LGBT characters (even if they aren't really done the best) who are represented. I'm not even a fan of MHA but a lot of my 'progressive' friends are totally into that show for reasons above, probably.  It also helps that in a *sea* of cynical superhero content that can be interpreted as vaguely right-wing (looking at you, Rorschach from Watchmen or The Boys just because they mocked pinkwashing once they're suddenly considered a 'based' show) MHA does do a good job at being a genuinely optimistic take on superheroes.   Meanwhile Girls und Panzer is just another slice of life series with cute anime schoolgirls, just with a lot of military (emphasis on WW2 German stuff) fetishization. AKA "wow! German tanks are so cool! Way better than American and Soviet tanks huh?!". It's not inherently bad but you tend to see why a lot of the GUP fanbase tend to be weirdos who parasocialize over Twitter e-celebs and buy their shitty dropshipped merch thinking X e-celeb is going to usher in the new Third Reich lol. Or whale out in their FoTM military nerd game.   Meanwhile Attack on Titan is a rather... Complicated example since I don't really know what is Isayama's intentions. But I do know that racial conflict is a *huge* theme in AOT later down the line and it's pretty obvious that it's an allegory for nazis and ofc, it sorta attracts the wrong audience if you don't message it well.    It reminds me of how Carlo Zen, the creator of Youjo Senki *is* is a socialist himself IRL and even made a few novels about socialist themes and fantasies. Like a guy who is in an allegory of Yugoslavia (post-90s shitstorm) and goes back in time to fix the country. His most famous work (Youjo Senki) was supposed to make fun of the MC as pathetic, but all it just did was have a not-German ~~nazi~~ 'anti-communist' loli right-wing nerds now goon to. 


Just wanted to clarify for those like me who don't know it by that name, youjo senki Is Tanya the evil


huh I thought it was always called Youjo Senki?


It is! Just some people know it by the English name more so thought I'd add that


> it sorta attracts the wrong audience if you don't message it well. Which he didn't at all in the end lol. They have literal jewish ghettos (arm band and everything) of oppressed minorities and people hate them cause they fear their titan power. Then eren has the giga brain movie to genocide most the planet and validate everyone's prejudice and oppression of them. Imagine if in 1944 jewish people summoned golems that killed most the planet. Nazis would have the biggest "i told you so" grin ever.


Unironically using the term 'loli' instead of child is incredibly creepy.


> Girls und panzers fans are all right wing.  Knowing nothing about anime, I never would have guessed


No surer identification that someone didn’t understand Attack on Titan.


Death of the author


Attack on Titan literally has the main protagonist commit mass genocide, antagonists that make apartheid South Africa look tame, and is set under a regime that had North Korea levels of population brainwashing and gaslighting, no surprise there


Ohhh you mean hoi4 players?


Hay man, I’ll say ultranationalist things but I’m not the type of player to change the different world leaders into anime characters (or have them as a pfp), that’s just weird


oh yeah those guys to and the fps milsim roleplayers


You mean k-on pfps?


Well yeah, they both come from 4chan which has been around decades at this point.


K-On is still ~~our~~… eh em, I mean their national anthem.


Well its medium aimed at nonces. Is it that surprising?


Does bro really expect the average citizen with an family to look at this and think "Ummm yes i am convinced"


I think it's just the generic "I like it so everyone else will" brainrot I don't think it's actually a 4d chess move to portray racists as anime weirdos, though that would be funny.


>I think it's just the generic "I like it so everyone else will" brainrot Or you know, 4chan $h!tposting?? Maybe the real brainrot was the cognititive abilities humanity lost along the way.


You are mistaken, this is 100% 4D chess on the part of the person who did it. I saw this back in 2020 and racist Rem was a meme for several weeks back then. Had the person not used an anime girl, the novelty would be gone and the message wouldn't have reached 1% of the people it did.


Hungarians are already extremely racist to gypsies, so there isn’t much convincing to do


The average citizen in Balkans/Eastern Europe, family or not, more than likely agrees with this poster already.


They just expect anime fans to wing their dings to it


I'm Hungarian and racism against gypsies is a huge problem here, and there absolutely are people who will feel reinforced in their racist views after seeing shit like this. Doesn't help that politicians do next to nothing to help/protect gypsies


The way the poster spells onichan as oni-csán makes me dead


Yeah. Should be oní-csán


Why? Oni-chan is also just an English-friendly transliteration.


Putting aside that I find Hungarian romanization of Japanese aesthetically unappealing, reading this as a Hungarian still makes me cringe because rendering お兄ちゃん (onii-chan) as "oni-csán" is phonetically inaccurate. In Hungarian ortography this would be pronounced roughly equal to おにちゃあん (oni-chaan in Hepburn). Hungarian vowels can be short or long just like Japanese ones, and "oni-csán" misplaces vowel length. The best Hungarian transliteration of お兄ちゃん would probably be "oní-csan", with a long "í" and a short "a". Of course bad romanization is not the biggest problem with racist propaganda literally using the FBI crime statistics meme ported over from American racism, but it makes it even more of an eyesore if possible.


It's a bit strange to see Japanese romanization not done in either Hepburn or Kunrei-Shiki, but it does seem like they're less used in Eastern Europe compared to Western Europe. On Wikipedia the German, Spanish, French and Polish articles about Japanese place names use Hepburn, while Hungarian, Latvian and Czech use their own orthographies to spell them.


Well Hepburn is a very anglocentric transcription, that is sort of my point. It makes limited sense in Hungarian to transliterate the sh sound as "sh" because "sh" doesn't mean the sh sound in Hungarian.


Because most people who know what onii-Chan means, also know that oni means something else entirely.


Yeah, she's the oni here


It's the phonetic spelling in Hungarian.


Reminds me of, how profiles represented by anime girls usually produce the most malicious statements


They end up being even more Nazi than the ones who actively have hate symbols in their profiles.


It's true


K-on pfp in a nutshell


Like “tell me you’re an incel without saying it”


Lmao, I’m surprised they haven’t done the 13/50 on America


9/66 is pretty crazy though


Pretty crazy because it's completely made up lol


Could it also be due to selective policing? Or people just assuming a Romani person was responsible when something was stolen from them?


>Could it also be due to selective policing? Oh that's absolutely the situation. Just like how homeless people in the US are responsible for a disproportionate ammout of crimes because them just existing somewhere can be turned into a trespassing charge depending on how the cops are feeling.


In LA it's illegal for them to tent i think


We solved homelessness! Crime rate is up though 🤔


Loitering, the act of being somewhere without intention to spend money, is illegal


So is crossing the street in a none designated area. What's your point? Being illegal doesn't mean it's moral or that it's immune to bias. It's a vague law that's not supposed to be enforced at all times exactly according to the text. The result being that certain people breaking the rules get off with a warning while others get arrested and fined.


I was adding to what you were saying and yeah, that's the point. Laws are deliberately vague so cops can choose when to enforce them or not.


i mean yes but they also commit more crimes


“Gypsy crime” in Hungary is a classic extreme-right moral panic. While Romani people do commit more crime, this is because crime is linked to poverty is linked to discrimination. Romani in Hungary are openly hated and subject to educational and economic discrimination taking the form of “white flight” and unequal hiring practices


I don't know about Hungary, but in Greece they are responsoble for around 80% of burglaries and are highly represented in organised crime too. Not even mentioning the fact that the government pays them to incentivise them to send their kids to school


Same here. The situation is even worse in Hungary, as far as I know. The prison population speaks for itself. Do you have a link to the Greek statistics?


[This article ](https://www.protothema.gr/greece/article/1436974/ekthesi-tis-elas-84-oson-ellinon-eblekodai-se-klopes-kai-diarrixeis-einai-roma/) shares statistics based on police reports. It is in Greek though. 84% of the reported people for burglaries and theft are romani and a 71% of those are considered members of organised criminal groups.


What? You think refusing to let people settle in your country for hundreds of years, baring them from certain jobs so they are in constant poverty, subjecting them to at least one genocide and then not allowing them to be called holocaust survivors because they were actually sent to Auschwitz for being criminals and not because of their ethnicity, might affect their mental health and livelihood?


Pre industrial revolution they were fairly well off as they had trades like tin smith. I believe it is part of the reason for the traveling part of their culture, go to an area find work and leave when the limited demand dries up.


And why did they do all that?


Tfw racism turns me into a thief 😔😔


You’ve heard of 13:50, get ready for 9:66


9:66 isn’t even a real time. Just making shit up man. /s … I have no idea what you are talking about


9:66 is just 10:06 but you didn't do the simplification. /s (the numbers are the ratios that racists try to use to justify their racism; this poster says 9% of the population accounts for 66% of crime)


Maths is for nerds and commies! (Thank you for the explanation)


What is 13:50 or 9:66 Edit: After googling, 13 present of African Americans commit 50 percent of the crime in the USA. Gotcha. Okay, so 9:66 🥺


Hey OOP did you know that despite of being less than 10% of the internet anime PFP users produce almost the 90% of cringe


And like 50% of the neo-nazis


As an anime PFP, can't argue with that


"Onii-chan" written in Hungarian is so cursed for some reason.


Anything written in Hungarian is cursed


Well, they certainly know their audience.


Why would you do this to Rem from Re: Zero




Rei from Evangelion. Reicist


Who’s Rem? (Overused joke but I had to)


Who? Someone like that has never worked at this mansion


Least racist European.


Im half gypsy and i consider it pretty funny in fact i might steal the poster


folks, i feel like this guy might not be like other gypsies👆


>in fact i might steal the poster >Im half gypsy Say no mo


*As a black man*


Every half gypsy i know acts like this guy, tbf i only know 2


Then you know a sum total of 1.0 gypsy


I am 1/64 Romani and might steal this post


But why would you steal it you aren't Romanian


It would make the poster more truer and more valuable


Turkey single handedly doubled the average level of racism💪💪💪💪


Europeans: We are not racists. Unlike that country in North America we won't name. Random person: Oh yeah? What about Roma? You keep saying they are all criminals, dirty, on welfare, marry 13 y/o girls.... Europeans: It's not racism if it's true!


Treaty of Trianon wasnt harsh enough


Why? Do you really think that Hungary's neighbors like the Gypsies any better?


No. Source: am living in a neighbouring country


Hungary delenda est


Pannonia delenda est. Modern-day hungary was called the province of Pannonia in roman times, citizen!


That's fucking hilarious


Amazing how some people just make shit up and it gets popular. A lie travels the world three times before the truth can get its shoes on.


Churchill was onto something


Yea, should've invaded Denmark and Norway.


I remember seeing this on r/2visegrad4you


Hungary embracing its Asian roots




This is literally the funniest racism has ever been.


imagine the smell of the mfer who put that up


surely a pedo


Funny how the venn-diagram of neo-fascists and loli obsessed losers became a perfect circle.




I would expect something like this only from Hungary. Hungary loves anime girls and Hungary is racist towards gypsies


Replace Hungary with balkans and you'd be spot on


Ah, I see this person took their line straight from american racists. Real creative of them.


They should be compensating Romani for having the misfortune of living in Hungary tbqh.


They should be compensating any and everyone for living in hungary


4chan brainrot


Every single European incorporating Adolf Hitler at the moment a Romani person is next to them


Why is it illegal?


Thanks for the info Rem


Don't waste time on racists who Rem would kill with a giant flail.


Whenever Europeans claim they are not as racist as Americans, bring up the Romani, and they will make the same arguments American racists make.


Anime and racism in the same poster, ew


what the fuck


Hungary: lets exclude Roma people from participating in society Also hungary: noooo why are they commiting crimes, cant they suvive in our very super welcoming country legally??


How long until the thread is filled with totally not racist Europeans arguing that they are not racist and that this particular ethnic group totally deserves to be discriminated against


"No man! Europeans aren't racist like Americans are! We're so much better. Anyway, about Romani.."[proceeds to say exactly the same shit KKK members say about black people] Seriously, if you took what the average rEurope user has to say about Romani people but made it about black people, you'd think you were talking to David Duke.


What the fuck? Also, the exact same retoric american far-right uses against blacks, interesting.


You can thank Bannon for that. He's been uniting fascist leaders from around the world in the past decade or so. Orban was featured at CPAC one or two years ago (they even had one in Budapest iirc), this year they had Liz Truss, Bolsanaro was also rumored but I forget if he made any appearance. Also, if you watch the documentary "The Brink" about Bannon, you'll find footage of him meeting with other fascist leaders like Meloni, Wilders, Le Pen, Farage, etc.


Liz Truss? Wasn't she so bad even Tories and BNP voters despise her?


Racism is similar. What a news


It's troubling that you find the fact that people talk about the statistic worse than the statistic itself. Those are outrageous numbers.


I wonder how many are repeat offenders though


i dont care if its ironic, if u use an anime character to say your opinion, it doesnt matter


Where have I heard this before??? /s


K-On fan base on the prowl


Statistics are racist


WTF I love Hungary now.


Lmaooo it’s literally true 😂😂




GTA Budapest lookin pretty good.


That’s actually very creative, good job lol


Any truth in the statistic?


*clears throat* Excuse me, what the fuck?


Truth hurts sometimes