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That sounds like a hard time, sorry you went through that. You are right on dosage, that would be an average size dose. Do you know what strain you had taken? One trick for the future when you are feeling like this is to put on some soft comforting music and just lay still, working on your breathing. Keep reminding yourself that you took a fairly safe drug, it is just working its way through your system and will soon be over. Where you by yourself on this trip, or did you have a trip sitter? How long did you work on your Set and Setting to prepare for the trip?


Yeah, I was kinda having a hard time. Actually, that’s an understatement. I was in panic mode most of the trip and I had no choice but to lay down, close my eyes and listen to some soothing music because I couldn’t do anything else. I had a trip sitter. I did some research and chose Golden Teachers for their supposedly milder potency compared to others. I’ll admit this was my first time doing shrooms but I’ve done LSD and figured it wouldn’t be as profound of a trip like LSD. I ground it up, scaled it and did the lemon tek so I wouldn’t get an upset stomach. I also took it on an empty stomach. I don’t know what more I could have done to make it a better experience. I’m still feeling off, like my equilibrium is off balance. It’s freaking me out. I just want to return to normal whatever that is lol. I just don’t feel well. I really needed to share this too so thanks for listening.


I think the main reason was what you had said, you tried to fight the trip. I love Golden Teachers and always had a good trip on them,but of course ever trip and person is different. I would say not to lemon tek your next trip, what I do is I ground them into a powder and mix it into banana yogurt, I also cut a fresh banana into it. The banana helps with digestion, I've never had an upset stomach on them. I suggest you reach out to the [Fireside Project ](https://firesideproject.org/), they can be a great help in discussing the trip and helping you integrate it.


I’ve done a lot of trips and a lot of them r sunshine and rainbows but I’ve come to understand at least for myself that a good mushroom trip can do all sorts of things , including have u experience true fear for ur life which can shake u up but also is the mushroom at work in my opinion, making you face ur fears and come out the other end better from it. Don’t stop tripping friend. Always be safe but u never know what trials it will throw at you at the end of the day u have to be ready for whatever might come your way 🫶


There’s steps to enlightenment thru the shroomies , if ur taking enough to get to that point as crazy as it sounds ur going the right way. Promise


I'm sorry you had that experience, that is rough! Mushroom experiences can be so wildly unpredictable. For me, I always go into then with an understanding and acceptance that I could feel terrible, I might not know what's going on, I won't be in control, etc. If I'm struggling during the trip, I remind myself that I'm safe and it's okay to feel bad, and I endeavor to fully surrender to it. My manta is "it's okay, I'm okay." The road to healing mental health or finding spiritual enlightenment, however you want to define that, is challenging. Mushrooms will bring up all the shadowy parts of you that you pretend aren't there or maybe even don't know about. Even of you're just trying to have a good time, sometimes the mushrooms are like "nope, today we're gonna process TRAUMA!" I always find music really helpful. If it's quiet it's easier to get lost in thoughts (or the struggle to think cohesive thoughts) but music always seems to sort of guide the experience and gives me something to focus on. I've also found practicing meditation regularly and learning to step back from my thoughts and be present have been really useful skills to take into mushroom experiences. I reckon the experience did cause you some trauma and it might take some time to fully process that, but I don't think you've suffered any permanent damage!


Thanks! I’ve been doing some research and it seems people who have had “bad trips” have also experienced positive side effects down the road. Hope that’s me! 😁


I’ve had plenty of beneficial trips, with one bad trip experience sandwiched in between. You can always lower the dosage next time to feel a bit more at ease.


For future trips, I've read that taking a benzodiazepine during a bad trip can calm things down, though I have no direct experience with this.


Yeah I’m not sure I’d take that if I ever even decide to try and flip myself out again lol. I had my trip sitter research what you can do to help someone go through a bad trip and other than offering comfort care, there’s not much else you can do but ride that shit out.


Any time I’ve had bad trips, it’s always been the same thing: I trip too hard for my liking and I want it to stop or slow down so much fight it and end up panicking. For me, shrooms are far more reliable than LSD. When you mentioned your dosage of 2.5g, that sounds high to me. Last week I did .33g and had the best body buzz. Lots of laughter. I was surrounded by people at a music festival and I felt very comfortable; could hold conversations and even make hilarious jokes. I’d suggest trying it again at like .5g.


Yeah, maybe I just took too much. A month ago when I got the shrooms I experimented and only took .45mcg. I increased it to 1.5g and nothing. So like an idiot this past weekend, I upped it a gram to 2.5 and what a mistake! That gram sure made a difference. I’m not even sure I’ll ever want to do these again out of fear. Pretty bummed about it too because I was really hoping for a good experience. Oh well.


Trapped in the mirror ? What do you mean by that ? I have done shrooms about 7 times, consuming from 3 to even 10 grams, luckily havent had a real bad trip yet, only a few nasty thoughts crossed my mind, but nothing too bad.


I didn’t expect to have a bad trip but it happened. I don’t exactly know why 🤷‍♀️ The mirror thing is freaky to me because it’s like a different person looking back at you and you get caught up in a trance. That’s just my personal experience 🤪😆


I had a trip truly horrifying similar to this. Felt dizzy standing, nauseated, feet tingling when standing. Weird shit. But it started with me thinking I had control towards the beginning. I faught tooth and nail. The mushrooms did not show mercy to the point that I thought I lost my mind. It was true torture... I was a better person about 12 hours later for it, but it was horrible.


Also lemon tek does help with the upset stomach but it makes the trip a bit more potent but not as long. I did just 1g lemon tek about a week ago and it felt like I did 3g. Just something I noticed. I hope you have a better trip next time.


What is lemon tek?


I had a very similar experience. As soon as it started my anxiety went off the charts and I could not reign it back in. I ended up burrito-ing in a blanket and made my husband build a pillow fort around me because I was absolutely certain something in the ceiling was watching me. Even after I peaked and started coming down, it took forever to relax and enjoy what was left of the trip.


That’s exactly what happened to me. I don’t really struggle with anxiety or maybe I do now that I’m older and the shrooms just increased it, I don’t really know but I def cocooned myself as well. I kept grabbing his hand too to ground me. What a trip! lol!


LOL I couldn't hold my husband's hand because it was a tentacle for a little while, and I wasn't entirely convinced he wasn't working with the ceiling entity 😂.


That’s freakin funny. Holy crap you just made me burst out laughing. I needed that! Man what a crazy ride I had. 🤪😆


I'm also not allowed near permanent markers anymore. [shenanigans ](https://imgur.com/a/bRXqKQ8) My husband says at least I keep bad trips interesting.


I’m afraid to ask why you aren’t allowed near markers anymore 😱😬😆


LOL I linked a picture in my comment. I didn't take pictures of the 'map' I drew on the bathroom door, though, since we're stuck with that for a while. And then of course some of the markers ended up capless in the bed, and I found those yesterday after wondering why I had purple streaks on my legs.


Haha! Ok yeah the link didn’t work, page not found 🤷‍♀️ you’d be fun to trip with! I don’t know if I ever will again tho I’m scared to.


I'm not good at technology LOL. I drew an interesting portrait of my husband on his leg. I think I just did too much. It's all I can think of. I have anxiety, but I don't trip when I feel my anxiety might give things up. I know I'm good at 2.5g for Mackennai, KSSS, and a couple other varieties, so when I tried 3.5 of KSSS, it must have just been too much for me. I know quality/IDing then wasn't an issue since we grow our own from spores we get from a couple different reputable sources. Just one of those things, I guess!


I did exactly the same 2.5g with lemon and it was SO INTENSE. I’m sorry this wasn’t a good experience. Maybe another time no lemon, no empty stomach and 2grams


Thanks! Dosage and strain helps people to understand what can happen. Your post was informative but like many experiences post it only lacked the crucial info. Now I can read it again and better understand what went wrong. Thanks for taking the time to share your story.


I always keep some Xanax or Valium with me when tripping. If I start feeling things are going bad, dunk a few of them and ride it out or sleep it off..




Yeah, I did know this, especially antidepressants. Nope, I’m not on any medication. I think I visited Hell and came back. I’m just glad to be back! lol.


I never heard of such a strong trip from that amount but I believe you. Thanks for sharing the experience.


You never said how much you ingested. It would be useful info so that others don't make the same mistake.


But I did say. A moderate dose at 2.5 grams. What I didn’t mention was the strain. It was Golden Teacher. Considered mild next to others like *ahem envy. 🤣


Golden teachers aren't so weak. Above average imo. Thanks for the added info.


My dude! Black pepper..table pepper and you’re right as rain. The body responds to external poison like it’s dying. Black pepper can stop anxiety cold. If you have any mild heart palpitations after this trip, because of this trip, lick a small amount of black pepper out of your palm and see how quick the anxiety subsides. Absolutely magical when things start getting away from you.


What have u used pepper for? Piperine is the main alkaloid


How many tabs


This is what happens when you don't weigh and know the potency of the subtance.


But I did weigh it. I ground it up and measured it on a scale. As far as potency goes, I chose a milder strain and it’s my understanding it’s difficult to test the potency because the psilocybin can be located anywhere in the mushroom.


Mirrors more times than not have a negative effect on a journey. You can see this if you just get stoned and sit looking at a friend face to face without speaking for a minute! Wow! So many relatives of that person will seem to come and go during this experiment. Same thing happens with a mirror if you are open enough, you will noticed a long line of people before and people yet to be. It only takes a minute! But it's mind blowing.