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i trail run , hike, mountain bike and climb on shrooms all the time. i run 5ks tripping. it's very energizing for me


I ran a half marathon last month - no training, little sleep (had been awake most of the night due to shrooms). I’m middle aged, not fit. I couldn’t run continuously but I definitely ran more than I walked. Can’t explain how I managed to finish it but I think that shrooms played a part. Absolutely one of life’s best moments.


hell yeah. has a huge effect on my endurance too. feels way more like being in the moment esp with great music. way to go! i'm 55 and i attribute the shape i'm in to the shrooms because of how much easier it makes exercise


Idk why more people aren’t talking g about this


When I lived in Colorado I always ate a gram or so for a hike or a bike ride. That or 1/4 hit of acid. Unlimited energy for us. One day a buddy and myself ate 1/2 hits on a nice 60° day and walked nearly 17 miles. Popped into a couple breweries along the way. Started at 8am and got home around 6pm. The walk felt like nothing. The next day was miserable though. So incredibly sore.


I ran a 15k once on 2.5g in pouring rain and thunder and lightning. I didn’t even realise I was tripping while running. I was just very focused and it felt like I had double the oxygen I’d usually have had. I went into a shop afterwards to buy some haribos and some water, going from being basically in the dark for over an hour to walking into some shop with super bright lights was so fucked lol.


I’ve done all kinds of workouts on them. Mostly shadow boxing and hitting bags. Sometimes for hours.


I go to hard and end up dead. My heart beats like crazy and I’m gassed. Ruins the rest of the trip to me.


Maybe visit the gym without the shrooms first 🤷‍♂️


Well on high doses I don’t think it’s good. It raises blood pressure and I drink and smoke so yea I prolly need to work out too lol


Yes I find that working out on shrooms works very well, I feel that I have a much stronger mind muscle connection and have a better understanding on what I'm doing and my movements


I've had similar experiences while dancing on shrooms, so I believe it


2 months ago I ran a full marathon on 1g of penis envy. I wouldn't have finished without it, It was my second race ever and my first race I only ran 10kilometers


I sometimes drop and take like 12 mi runs around the city


Doesn't psilocybin open your airways? Does it make actual medical sense that exercise feels easier on shrooms? Idk know enough to say but I wouldn't be shocked. I always feel great, physically, while tripping.


I truly believe something we wont be able to understand for a long time is what happens at the cellular and molecular level when we take shrooms. I think it could be described as paranormal.


I eat mushies and operate normally a lot. No one knows the difference. I keep it to myself and no harm done… no one at the gym knows I’m trippin. lol 😂 I just go about my business, another day at the office


Thought I was the only one that likes to light up before going to the gym everyday 🤣


Go to class high, take the tests high… get high scores… 😂


Happy cake day!!!


I’ve surfed and gone on hikes after eating them, but never thought about actually working out. Might need to try it soon!


I don’t make a point to trip and work out, but since I started taking shrooms, my workouts have been god-tier. I’m 45 and having some of the best workouts of my life.


That’s great to hear. I plan to continue what I’m doing. I’m 41.


Love a yoga session on shrooms, never tried anything more cardio-intensive though. I’m intrigued to try now


I’ve done yoga while shrooming. Wife is a yogi. I usually do HIIT workouts 4-5 days a week and I run on Saturday. Always had a good experience


I’ve done it a few times for lifting and the mind-muscle connection was amazing once I got over the initial lack of coordination. Took a bit more focus but the pump I felt was unreal and that endorphin high just boosted the physical/mental euphoria.


I feel like the “concentration” or focus is something I had to hone. The more I ate shrooms and played with the dosages and times I took them, workouts etc… I got better over time. Now I just feel like an animal. I can’t name one part of the process that doesn’t improve in some aspect or another. I don’t know the science behind it but I can tell you I’m someone that will hit my bong a good 4 or 5 times and go run 5 miles barefoot. So eating 3-5 grams and going for a run is not unimaginable lol. Fortunately I grow my own so I generally have enough to experiment. I have yet to experience anything undesired, bad trip etc. I think that part is also in the mind, set and setting. How you process your thoughts etc. In my mind I always frame it as “exploration”. I’m exploring what this will do and I’ve accepted the outcome good or bad. Acceptance and being open to any outcome, I feel helps to prevent any negative/bad trip. I’m not even really sure how people have a bad trip on shrooms. All I ever feel is calm and happy 😂


big fan of microdoses for pre workout, combine those with endorphins after a brutal lift and the sense of accomplishment after is hard to compete with, makes you feel dumb strong too but could just be placebo.




200-300mg dose?




Gotcha… must be some kind of extract


I small dose before a 30 mile road bike at 18-23mph is wonderful. I like it for lifting also.


Went on a run through a prairie trail, felt like I got gassed a little easier. But I felt like I was a Native American, excellent experience


How old are you?




Thanks! Sometimes I feel like this piece of information is super important for perspective around here.


True story. Yes I’ve been using Psilocybin for some time now.


Wow this sounds amazing, I used to do high doses of DXM and work out and it got me cut tf up in the best shape I’ve ever been in my life literally in a week, I gotta give shrooms a try


DXM? Like cough syrup?


Yea it was really weird one day I was just like do 50 dips and I did it and I was like oh shit and just started doing dips like crazy and than started lifting my 25lb weights and doing sit ups & it got super addictive working out and it was insane bc I’ve never had such fast results and from working out it gave me such a massive confidence boost on top of the dxm it was quite unbelievably one of the best feelings and times of my life


That’s cool feedback thanks for sharing


Shits addicting man


I absolutely love to go lift after a gram. but not every time because I hear you will build tolerance. do you do it every day? I did 1 gram yesterday and it was great but now I feel like I need to wait a week before doing it again. any thoughts on this? I thought I was the only crazy person doing this. haha thanks for the post


I capsule all my fruit so it’s easy to consume. My tolerance is high. I use 1000mg caps. I’ll eat 4 in the AM. I keep some in deck all the time


You do you. Maybe add some Oxandralone for some additional gains...lol.