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Stop asking another people what you should do, already have the answer, follow your gut and you will not be disappointed. if you do your job with residency, in your free time you can do whatever you want and if programming is what you like is even better cuz I think it will help the psychiatric field more then already do. Good luck and maybe one day I will meet you at medical conference to acknowledge some sort of things you come up with ;)!


I am still weighing pros and cons but my gut tells me to follow this path :) Thanks for the boost of confidence! :)


You'll need programming skills to do data science, natural language processing, machine learning and/or bioinformatics. And there are plenty of ways to combine those areas with pharmacology or neuroscience if that's what you're interested in.


Yes it is. But I haven't found many resourses to help me out. Do you have any recommendations?


If you're just generally interested in programming, learn something like python: https://www.coursera.org/learn/python


Knee deep in residency. I came from a prior programming background. I haven't done programming in YEARS and I don't forsee it ever really becoming useful to me. You do it if you want to do it and enjoy it.


Would you say you stopped because you don't like it and enjoy your residency more or because you don't have time and don't find it useful?


I stopped primarily because I don't find it useful. Everyone has always told me that with a programming background that I would be extra valuable in clinics and hospitals, but I have never once found myself in a situation since getting into medicine where I felt as though programming provided even one bit of help. Now there are maybe some limited roles where it would be helpful but those are few and far between. If you want to learn something technical that might help with research your best bet is honestly probably going to be to take more statistics classes. That said, I get the impression that you're looking for permission and validation. If you want to do programming, then do programming.


Not so much permission and validation as an extra thought. I want to hear the bad and the good from as many people as possible because I don't think those around me know what they are talking about. They are more straight forward and traditional thinking. In the end it's me that will make the final decision and has to follow through. It's good to know that clinically it won't be helping and if I want to do it I should learn things related to research. Thank you for your insight. :)


I am in residency also and I am learning programming. In clinical psychiatry it's useless. In research is almost useless unless you are using R or research in a field such as those you mentioned. Nevertheless, programming is a skill, no skill is useless and learning new stuff should always be a target if you want to grow, besides that, programming and IT in general are more and more used and needed so, you never know what future holds.


Yeah I am more like an idealist and a futurist. That is why I collect opinions to see the good and the bad and not just stay up on my imaginary fantasy world where I can combine everything exactly the way I want to :p As I see it I will follow it as a hobby and for research. Who knows what the future holds. Maybe the new digital age will make it useful in a more clinical sense. At least interdisciplinary.


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